A Claw-some Affair (MEOW FOR MURDER Book 3)

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A Claw-some Affair (MEOW FOR MURDER Book 3) Page 14

by Addison Moore

  “Bowie.” She takes a breath. “I wondered how long it would be before you came around once again.” She frowns my way as she takes a step forward. “Why is it that you’re so inquisitive, anyway?” Her expression hardens and there’s a dead look in her eyes that I don’t recognize from before.

  “I guess you know what I’m after.”

  Her brows hike a moment. “Money, I suppose? Why should you be different from anyone else? How much is it going to take? Five? Ten thousand?”

  “As tempting as that sounds, I’m not interested in money. I’m interested in the truth. Why did you lie?”

  Her head tips to the side just enough.

  “That’s right,” I say. “You lied so much you don’t know which half-truth I’m referring to.”

  Her ruby red lips part with amusement. “Why don’t you fill me in?”

  “You set that key out for Kiera to see.” I shake my head. “Of course. You were intent on setting her up. This was just a smaller part of the big picture. You didn’t have an open relationship with Parker. Everything you told me was a hand-fed lie.” I take a step toward her, and she grips the gold purse sitting at her waist as if I were about to mug her.

  “Yes, well”—her lips curl at the thought—“you were so easy to feed.”

  And there it is, an admission of guilt. At least as far as the lies are concerned. Now let’s see what else I can manage to wrangle out of her.

  “You killed Madeline, didn’t you?” I pant out the words and watch as the look of smug superiority vanishes from her face. “You did it and your motive was greed followed by revenge. Sharing Parker wasn’t something you wanted to do. Just like making your own way in this world isn’t something you wanted to do. Your father cut you off and left you desperate for money. I bet you found out that Madeline was siphoning funds for herself and you didn’t get a cut. Is that right?”

  Her chest pulsates in and out as if she just ran a lap around all of Vermont.

  “So you decided to remove her,” I continue. “But why set it up to look as if Madeline gave Keira a half a million dollars? You can’t deny it. The time stamp was fudged. The software had a system to let everyone know that the transaction was backdated. You moved that money once you took over Madeline’s position. It was Kiera you wanted to pin all this on.” I don’t pose it as a question. I already know the answer.

  “Yes.” Her eyes close a moment. “I wanted Kiera to sink as much as I did Madeline. And I’ll make sure Kiera and her little cheesy empire crumble under the weight of my father’s attorneys. Stealing that much money is a felony offense.” An amused smile dances on her lips. “But don’t worry, Bowie. I’ll make sure I’m there for poor, darling Kiera. I plan on visiting her in prison and documenting it for all of her ardent followers.”

  “You really know how to frame someone.” A dull laugh pumps through me. “You had it all planned from every angle. There was not one friend you left out of the realm of suspicion. In fact, you pointed the finger at Madeline herself for stealing the serum. You said there was a breach of security at the Biogen lab, but Parker said that wasn’t true. He said it was an inside job. He mentioned he was the only one with the keys to the safe that housed the formula. He had no idea how Madeline could have gotten them. But you had access to anything of Parker’s. Including the keys to the youthful kingdom. Isn’t that right?”

  Sophia washes her gaze over me, and you can practically see the questions spinning in her mind.

  I take a breath. “You set it up to look as if Parker was so angry that he slipped the poison into Madeline’s drink that night. But Madeline didn’t steal the serum. Kiera found the key and took it. She and Lucas broke in and stole it. Kiera wanted the money, but Lucas wanted revenge on Parker for stealing Madeline.”

  “It still worked beautifully for me.” She pulls something from her purse, and not until it’s pointing in my direction do I see it for what it is, the barrel of a gun. “What better way to drag Lucas into this?” She motions to my hands and I slowly raise them. “If he hadn’t tripped on his own stupidity, there wouldn’t be such a cloud of suspicion over him. I have a heart for Lucas. I’m hoping to resume things with him once the air clears.”

  “You don’t have a heart for anyone,” I sputter out the words with a laugh. “You stole cyanide from Parker’s lab, didn’t you? And you sprinkled it into Madeline Swanson’s drink the night of the masquerade. You planted a peacock feather in her dress, and you watched as she writhed to her death.”

  A smile hitches on her crimson lips. “I watched as she danced to her death. Madeline always wanted to be a ballerina when she was a little girl. I made sure she got her wish.” The gun lifts just enough until it’s pointed directly over my chest. “Would you like to dance before you meet your demise, Bowie? I can aim low before I aim high.” She fires off a shot near my feet, and I do my best to tap dance my way right out of my skin.

  Sophia is nearly thrown to the ground with the recoil, and judging by that stunned look on her face she didn’t expect that sonic boom she just emitted.

  “The gun,” I pant, trying to process what just happened. “You’ve got a silencer on it?” A dull laugh evicts from me as a series of screams comes from afar. “They still heard it. You’ll be discovered in no time. Don’t take it too hard. It’s a rookie mistake. People think a silencer means you’ll be able to fire it off without a single sound. But it’s only true in the movies.”

  “Bowie?” My name echoes from somewhere in the distance, and I can tell it’s Shep shouting for me.

  “Put the gun down, Sophia,” I say, just about out of breath with fear. “Your father is very wealthy. He’ll hire the best legal team for you.” I take a careful step forward. “If you’re lucky, you won’t have to do any time at all.”

  Her gaze drifts a moment and the gun lowers a notch, so I take my chances and lunge at her.

  Both Sophia and I sail to the ground, but the gun remains staunchly in her possession.

  “You won’t get away with it,” I stammer as I struggle to reach for the weapon.

  “You won’t live to see it either way.”

  Sophia kicks her knee into my chest and I fall back onto the ground, my head thumping over the paver stones like a melon.

  She staggers to her feet and points the gun directly over me, a perfect kill shot if ever there was one.

  “Freeze,” Shep howls, but Sophia is relentless as her finger bends to squeeze the trigger.

  A loud clap of thunder goes off and my entire body coils in on itself. My mind races to identify the epicenter, but I don’t feel an ounce of pain.

  “Oh my God, I’m dead,” I bleat as I open my eyes to see Shep’s hand as he helps me to my feet.

  “Bowie.” He pulls me in and holds me tight.

  “Did she shoot me?” I pull back in time to see Nora handcuffing Sophia. “She confessed,” I call out. “She killed Madeline Swanson. She stole the money and the key to the formula,” I say as I look back at Shep. “She worked hard to pin it on everyone. She was determined to get away with it.”

  “But you weren’t about to let her do that.” A dull laugh rattles in his chest. “She had no idea who she was dealing with when she met you.” His lips twitch. “And neither did I.”

  Shep’s arms remain locked around my body a moment too long before he steps back and gives me an amicable nod. “Congratulations, Detective Binx, on another case solved.” His expression hardens to stone. “Don’t let it happen again.”

  “I’ll try not to.” I swallow hard as I take in this handsome man under a pale wash of moonlight. “Shep? I know you’ll be busy tonight at the station while you close this case out, but when you have a chance, could you stop by my place? I solved another mystery tonight as well. I know exactly who has been sending those notes and gifting me with jewelry. Swing by, and I’ll fill you in on the details.” I take a step back as Nora calls for him.

  Shep’s eyes remain trained on mine. “I’ll do that. Be safe, Bowie.”
  I take off to find Opal and Tilly, and all the while I wonder if I’ll ever truly feel safe again.

  Chapter 17

  True to my word, I have Tilly stop off at just about every grocery store between Sterling Lake and Starry Falls as we scoop up all the banana pies, bread, muffins, and cookies we can find.

  Opal noshes on a banana nut muffin as we pull in front of the manor and she steps out.

  “You know, I think we should consider adding muffins to the menu,” she says as Tilly and I flank her on either side.

  “We have muffins on the menu,” I’m quick to fill her in. “But I’m glad you approve.”

  Since the café is still open, I thought I’d run in to see how things are going. And seeing it’s so late, I might as well help close up shop.

  A throng of cats swarms us as we head up the steps and Opal does her best to scoop up as many as she can, as do Tilly and I.

  The café is brightly lit with nary a customer in the place, save for Mud sitting at the counter, getting chummy with some blonde.

  Regina is already back, and is the first to shoot a snide smile our way as we walk through the door.

  “Well, look who’s here.” She sheds a greedy grin, and all sorts of alarms go off inside me.

  The blonde turns around, and I nearly pass out.


  She cuts me off at the chase.

  “Lola.” My sister winks over at me. “And I was just on my way back to your place when I realized I must have left my purse behind at the café. Mud here was nice enough to help find it.” She pats his shoulder with that flirtatious look in her eye she gets right before her mouth morphs into a bear trap.

  A goofy grin breaks out on his face. “Geez, Bowie, you didn’t tell us you were hiding a hot sister out in New York.”

  Regina squints my way. “I thought you said you were from Connecticut?”

  Steph stiffens. “New York, Connecticut.”

  I close my eyes a moment. It’s moments like these I’m positive we’re related.

  “Chicago, Connecticut,” Opal corrects as she extends a hand to my liar of a sister. “Opal Mortimer. Charmed to meet you. Bowie has been a treasure as are you, I’m sure.”

  “She’s something, all right.” I offer a tight smile. “Lola, meet Tilly Teasdale. It seems you’ve met just about everyone else.”

  Stephanie shakes Tilly’s hand. “I’m the outgoing fun sister. My apologies to all of you for Bowie the bummer.”

  “I’ll give you a bummer,” I say as I pull my sister close. “I’d better get my sweet little sis settled. We have a family reunion to tend to, and a lot of banana pie to nosh on in the process.”

  We say goodnight as Tilly offers us a ride back to my cabin.

  No sooner do Stephanie and I lay out the banana flavored haul onto the kitchen counter than a knock erupts at the door.

  “Ooh.” Steph hops over, holding Pixie hostage in her arms. She always did have a soft spot for both the color pink and kittens—Pixie is sort of a two-for-one in that department. “I bet that’s Stud Muffin.”

  I glance out the side window and, sure enough, there he is.

  “You’re right,” I whisper. “It’s Sexy Wexy. Play it cool, would you?”

  I swing the door open and Shep’s eyes widen in horror as he spots my blonde look-alike.

  “Lola Buchanan.” My sister extends a hand his way and he stares at it blankly before shaking it.

  “Lola Buchanan?” I scoff. “The least you could do is share my last name.”

  My sister’s mouth falls open as if she takes umbrage to the fact.

  “I could have been married,” she squawks.

  “You could have been buried—and believe me, there’s still time,” I shoot back. “Shep, this is my sister, Stephanie Santini, who will from here on out be known as Lola Binx.”

  Stephanie gasps and smacks me silly all at the very same time.

  “Would you stop?” I say, trying my best to contain her. “Shep knows everything. He’s a genius. He figured it all out on his own. I didn’t tell him anything.”

  Shep’s eyes enlarge before he takes a breath and looks as if he has no choice but to acquiesce to the disaster at hand.

  “Nice to meet you, Stephanie. I’m assuming Lola is your cover. I’ll be sure not to out you. Can I ask how long you plan on staying?” There is not one ounce of curtness in his voice.

  Hey? Why does she get nice Shep and I get the grumpy version?

  Stephanie shrugs. “A day, a week, a year. As long as it takes to get over this broken heart.”

  “Eat,” I say as I point hard to the banana bounty. “You—come with me,” I say as I pull Shep out into the night, closing the door behind us.

  We head out past the cabin and into the woods to the left where the moon shines its magic through the navy branches. And if you look straight up, you can see a sprinkling of stars sparkling in a rainbow of pastel.

  “Your sister seems nice.” Shep frowns as he says it. “Does she magnetize to danger in the same way you do?”

  I frown right back. “A second ago you were a prince. It’s nice to know you save your sour mood for me, Honey Bunch.”

  “You’re welcome, Sweet Cheeks.” A growl works its way up his throat. “You almost got killed tonight, Bowie. If I wasn’t there, if Sophia didn’t fire that first shot, we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now.” His tone is tense and angry. “And the part that frustrates me the most is that I can’t figure out how to keep you from crossing the line. I can’t figure out how to keep you safe.” His voice jackknifes into the night with a hostile edge to it.

  “You’re not my keeper, Shep,” I riot back. “Nobody is asking you to lose any sleep over my safety. If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been doing a fine job of that on my own!” My voice echoes through the woods before it spirals up to the sky with a shrill.

  Shep bears those steely eyes to mine.

  “This is where it ends with you and me. It’s over. It’s done.”


  A breath hitches in my throat as I realize that final and horrible vision I had the night I tried to sleep off my wine-induced hangover has finally come true.

  “Shep?” I shake my head, wholly confused by his harsh words.

  “That’s right.” His voice remains tight. “I’m through with all of the charades. I’m through pretending that I don’t care. It’s over. It’s done.” His chest expands an impossible width. “Because I do care.”

  Shep steps in and crashes his lips to mine. Before I can make heads or tails of it, my arms are wrapped around him as our kisses continue to grow with a fury all of their own.

  Shepherd Wexler is kissing me—kissing me—and it feels as if the world is shifting below my feet, the landscape is changing, and I doubt I’ll recognize it when I open my eyes.

  Shep pours out all of his pent-up emotions directly into my mouth, and I am here for it in the very best way. He moans into my mouth as every moment we’ve shared plays out like a montage in my mind as my heart riots out against his own. And there is not a single kiss prior to this one that can even hold a candle to the dizzying display of magic Shep is doling out by the delicious mile.

  It feels as if the universe, the stars up above, all of human history has lined up to bring Shep and me to this very moment. For the first time in a long while, I feel safe, I feel as if I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. I feel as if I finally made my way home.

  I don’t know what the future holds for Shep and me, but I know what this moment, what these kisses promise. They promise something good, something amazing that I have never experienced before. They promise a bittersweet happily ever after—if only for this single moment.

  But most importantly, they promise me that something good is waiting for us on the horizon.

  I can’t wait to turn the page and see what the next chapter holds for us.

  It feels as if I’ve waited a lifetime for Shepherd Wexler and his magical S
tarry Falls kisses.

  And the best is yet to come.

  I hope.

  *Thank you so much for reading! We hope you enjoyed the ride! Need more Starry Falls? Hop on over and pick up the next book in the series! Click here—> A Haunted Hallow-whiskers

  Something wicked this way comes. Opal volunteers to turn the manor into a haunted mansion for the entire month of October in hopes to turn a dollar, but the spooky festivities soon take on a haunted life of their own when a real corpse shows up at the scene.

  Shep and I take on a life of our own as well, and a special guest from my past conjures up before me. Something tells me making it through this month of horrors will be murder.

  Living in Starry Falls is proving to be deadly. Click here—> A Haunted Hallow-whiskers

  ***Love your books with humor, sass and murder? You’ll devour the Murder in the Mix Series!

  Start at the beginning! Cutie Pies and Deadly Lies (Murder in the Mix 1)

  Enjoy this preview. Happy reading!

  I see dead people.

  Okay, so I don’t see dead people—at least not on the regular—I see dead pets. Yes, pets. At first, I had no idea what these hologram-like beasts were up to until after an unfortunate run of something akin to trial and error that I concluded each dead pet was some sort of a harbinger for its previous owner, a very, very bad omen if you will. Sometimes I see them floating around willy-nilly in a crowd and it’s hard to decipher exactly who the bad luck is coming for. But on occasion, I see them attached firmly to the side of whomever the incoming disaster is set to strike. I’m not sure why this is my lot in life. In fact, my lot in life hasn’t been so stellar in general. My birth mother thought it was a brilliant idea to leave me on the floor of a firehouse, and that’s where a brave and thankfully curious firefighter spotted me, swaddled up and squirming. It just so happens that I was adopted by that sweet man, Joseph Lemon, and his wife, Miranda, and gifted a book-loving big sister, Lainey, currently Honey Hollow’s lead librarian, as well as a feisty and shenanigan-prone younger sister, Meg, who is also known as Madge the Badge on the Las Vegas female wrestling circuit. And being that Las Vegas and all of its glittery wrestling venues are a good distance from Honey Hollow, Vermont, we don’t see her very often.


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