The President: Devil's Henchmen MC, Book Two

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The President: Devil's Henchmen MC, Book Two Page 7

by Samantha McCoy

  Diving into the water, he swam over to Derek. He missed him today. He spent the next fifteen minutes splashing and throwing his son in the pool. He noticed when Beth climbed out. He watched as she made her way over to the lounge chair and reclined back. With the sun beating down on her pale complexion, she seemed to glow. She would burn if she wasn’t careful.

  Sledge’s spine went rigid when he saw Viper exit the house and approach Beth. He didn’t like the guy. He really didn’t have a reason to not like him, but Sledge didn’t appreciate the attention he showed to Beth. Climbing out of the pool, he made his way over to Beth.

  Sledge’s blood ran cold when he heard Viper offer to rub tanning lotion on Beth. There wasn’t a chance in hell that Sledge would allow Viper’s hands to get anywhere near her skin. Before he realized what he was saying, he threatened the man’s life; and what did Viper do? He walked away laughing, after a quick ‘you’re welcome’ to Beth.

  “What the hell was that about?” he asked, his irritation noticeable.

  “Did you not just hear me ask him ‘for what?’?” she asked, her own irritation showing.

  “Easy, Beth,” he warned.

  “Why? Are you going to spank me?” she taunted.

  Hmmm. So his Beth wanted to play. Okay, he would play. Apparently, she had forgotten, he always won.

  Sitting down on the side of her lounge chair, he used his size to block her from everyone else. Placing his hand on her ankle, he skimmed his fingers lightly up the inside of her leg.

  Beth tried to grab his hand, but using his free hand he grabbed her wrist. “No. Remember what I said, Beth. You are mine! I will touch you whenever, wherever, and however I want.”

  “But everyone will...” she quietly moaned as his fingertips brushed the back side of her left knee.

  “They can’t see anything,” Sledge told her as he continued to move his hand towards her core.

  Beth was starting to breathe heavily. Brushing his fingers against her heat, he heard her gasp. “Do you like that, Beth? Do you like the feel of my finger against your pussy?” he moaned against her ear, low enough that only she could hear.

  “Yes,” she answered on a breath.

  Sledge moved her bottoms to the side and shoved a finger deep inside her. Beth brought her hand to her mouth to cover her scream. Just as quickly, Sledge removed his digit from her wet heat and brought it to his mouth. “You taste so fucking good. Like pure honey,” he told her.

  Leaning over, he whispered in her ear, “I want so badly to strip you naked and sink my cock into your tight, wet pussy, but we have company.” Sledge kissed her lips. “Have dinner with me tonight? You, me, and Derek - as a family?” he asked, praying she would agree. This was what he wanted. Sledge wanted his family.

  Blinking up at him, she looked dazed. “Devin, you have to let me come. Please?”

  “Nope. Not now. You taunted me with the comment about spanking your ass. For that, you can wait until we go to bed tonight. Then and only then, will I allow you to have release,” he told her. “Now, please have dinner with me?”

  With a sexually frustrated sigh, Beth agreed to dinner. Sledge felt his heart become lighter. If everything went as planned, he would finally have the family he always wanted. Him, Beth, and their children. And there would be more children. If Sledge had his way, Derek would be a big brother in nine months. But honestly, Sledge knew he had to take care of Beth’s father before they could move forward. As long as Jonathan Andrews was still a threat, his woman and son would never be safe.

  Sledge lifted Beth from the lounger and sat back, pulling her along with him so that she was resting on his lap. He loved holding her, touching her - it seemed to calm his soul. There was so much he wanted to tell Beth, but he had no clue where to begin.

  “Mom! Dad!” Derek was running towards them. “Is it time to eat yet, I’m hungry!”

  Laughing they both stood up. Sledge reached down and grabbed Derek, carrying him towards the house. “Then let’s go get changed and we’ll have dinner. What do you say? Me, you, and mom order some pizza and watch a movie in your room?”

  “Pizza! I love pizza!” Derek exclaimed. “Can we, mom?” he begged.

  “Absolutely!” Beth laughed.

  Together they headed upstairs to change out of their wet clothes after saying goodnight to Amber and Reaper. Sledge hurried into his room while Beth and Derek went into theirs. Changing quickly, he placed a call to the local pizza shop. Forty-five minutes later he was knocking on Beth’s door.

  “Dinner is served,” he said as she opened the door.

  “Please, come in!” she smiled.

  Derek jumped off the bed. “Pizza! What kind did you get Dad?”

  “I got a pepperoni and a pineapple with Canadian bacon.”

  “Pineapple! Yay!” Sledge had never seen anyone so excited for pizza. Derek’s enthusiasm had him chuckling.

  Looking at Beth, he saw her shrug her shoulders. “The boy loves pizza.”

  Sledge set the pizza boxes on the dresser, then moved to the closet and grabbed a blanket. Making a pallet on the floor, they all sat together. Looking at Beth and Derek, he felt at peace. They spent the next couple of hours laughing and joking with each other. He and Derek wrestled around on the floor while Beth giggled. It was a great night. The best Sledge had had in a long time, a very long time.

  Noticing Derek yawn, Sledge stood and started cleaning up their mess. “Time for bed, son.”

  Without complaint, Derek climbed into the middle of the bed and snuggled under the covers. “Mom, are you going to tell me a bedtime story before you and dad leave?”

  Beth looked at Sledge. Did she want to sleep with him again tonight? His expression was giving nothing away. He desperately wanted her in his bed. Not just for tonight, but for always. Every night for the rest of their lives. “Of course Mom will tell you a story.” Sledge answered.

  Sledge listened as Beth’s soothing voice lulled their son to sleep in minutes. He smiled, thinking he was glad he wasn’t the only person who calmed immediately at the sound of her voice. Reaching for her hand, he pulled her towards the door.

  “Devin?” she stopped walking.

  “Let’s go to bed honey,” he told her, heart pounding. What if she said no?

  With a sigh, Beth began walking again. Opening the door, they both stepped into the hallway, closing the door softly behind them.

  Chapter Fourteen


  After the day they had, Beth was nervous. She really couldn’t explain why, though. Walking across the hall with Sledge, she had butterflies in her stomach. What was happening between them? What was his plan? She didn’t know if she could trust her gut. She wanted Devin. She wanted a life with him and Derek, but did he want the same thing? So many questions, and she needed answers. But, as Devin opened his bedroom door, she knew she would have to wait for the answers.

  Devin stopped dead in his tracks. Someone had been in his room. It wasn’t that it was trashed, but things were not in their normal spots. Items on the dresser were moved and the closet door was open. The drawers of the bedside tables weren’t closed completely. Little things that most would never think twice about, put Devin on edge.

  “Someone has been in here.” Beth could hear the anger in his voice.

  Devin pulled his cellphone out of his pocket and called Reaper and Diesel. Both entered the room together less than five minutes later.

  “What’s up Boss?” Diesel asked.

  “Yeah, what’s the emergency? I was about to lay pipe to your sister.” Reaper grinned.

  “First of all, fuck you Zander. If you ever say something like that to me again, I’ll cut your dick off,” Devin deadpanned.

  “That means you’d have to touch my dick first asshole,” Reaper laughed.

  “Second of all, someone has been in my room snooping around,” Sledge continued without missing a beat.

  All the laughter died in the room. Beth just stood there, wondering who would be stupid
enough to come into the President’s room, without permission. Feeling out of place, she started walking toward the door. This was club business and she knew it really was not her place to be involved in it. She was not a club member or Sledge’s woman, not really. Nothing was official between them. As of right now, she was just Derek’s mom.

  “I am just going to go back to my room,” she said quietly to nobody in particular.

  “What?” Devin asked, turning to face her.

  “I’m going to go back to my room so y’all can handle club business,” she told him.

  “Beth, this is your room. You don’t have to go anywhere. As my woman, this concerns you, too.”

  Beth watched as everyone looked at her. She was his woman? When did that happen? They hadn’t even talked about rekindling their relationship. Feeling stunned, Beth sat on the edge of the bed. The conversation continued around her but she didn’t pay any attention to it. It wasn’t until Devin touched her shoulder that she realized Reaper and Diesel were both gone. They were alone again.

  Looking up into Devin’s eyes, the same eyes as their son, that she finally broke her silence. “I’m your woman?”

  Smiling at her, Devin pulled her into a standing position. “Yes Beth, you are my woman. Is that okay with you?” she could tell he was nervous; she heard it in his voice.

  “We just never talked about it. I didn’t know where I stood. I mean, I know I am the mother of your son. Our son. I know we’ve had sex, but I didn’t know that meant we were now in a relationship.” She was scared to hope. Devin was the only man to ever own her heart.

  “Beth, I love you. Always have, always will. You aren’t just my son’s mother; you are my heart, woman. How can you not know that?” The sincerity was etched deep in Devin’s voice. Beth couldn’t help the hopefulness that bloomed in her chest. “Eight years, I have spent without you. Eight years, I have dreamed, hoped, prayed that I could hold you in my arms again. That I could love you again. Now, you are here. Our son is here. I plan to spend the rest of my life doing all the things I dreamed about.”

  Beth threw her arms around Devin’s shoulders and buried her face in his neck. “I love you too, Devin.”

  Pulling her face in front of his, he demanded, “Say it again!”

  “I love you, Devin Derek Parks,” she repeated.

  Devin’s mouth crashed against hers. The kiss was intense. Beth felt it clear to her toes. This wouldn’t be a romantic joining. No, this would be hot. Fire. Explosive.

  Beth felt Devin pulling at her clothes. Stepping out of his arms, they both stripped naked in seconds, needing to feel each other. Skin against skin.

  Once completely naked, Devin pulled Beth back into his arms. Nothing had ever felt more perfect to her. This was where she had always belonged. Devin carried her to the bed and lay down on it, between her legs.

  “I need you Beth. Not just in our bed, but I need you with me - always.”

  “You have me Devin, always. Now, make love to me.”

  Devin kissed his way down her neck, past her shoulders. He ran his tongue around her nipple then bit down slightly on the tip. Beth grabbed his head, needing more.

  “Oh God!” she exclaimed.

  Chuckling, Devin treated the other nipple with the same attention. He had always loved her breasts. He ravished them. Licking, sucking, and biting. Driving Beth crazy with want and need until she lay beneath him in a panting mess. She was so wet; she could feel her juices between her legs.

  “Devin, please!” she begged.

  “What, baby?” he asked.

  “I need you. I need to feel you inside of me, please!” Beth didn’t care how desperate she sounded. She needed him with every fiber of her being. The ache inside of her was unbearable.

  Devin wrapped his arms around her and switched their positions. Beth wasted no time. She grabbed ahold of him and slid down his length, causing both of them to moan out loud.

  “Ride me, love,” he demanded.

  Beth placed her hands on his wide chest, and slowly lifted her hips, savoring every inch of the man beneath her.

  “Baby, you’re going to kill me moving that slow,” Devin moaned.

  Beth slid back down and rotated her hips when she was fully seated on top of him. Hearing the quick intake of breath coming from Devin was a major turn-on. Raising her hips, she began to move faster. A slow rise up and a quick drop down. Faster and faster until she felt her body shatter. Before she had time to recover, Devin reversed their positions again.

  “Now it’s my turn,” he said with a wicked grin.

  Devin grabbed her legs and placed them over his shoulders, leaning down into her. Beth had never felt so full. Devin pulled out slowly then slammed back into her.

  “Fuck!” she screamed. The pain of having him hit the bottom with such force turned into pleasure as he continued the assault on her body.

  “That’s my girl. Let me hear you baby.”

  Beth dug her nails into his forearms, trying her best to hold on as Devin pounded into her. Over and over their bodies came together with such force, it shook the bed. She could feel her orgasm rushing towards her. When it finally hit, it was so powerful, Beth could have sworn she saw stars explode in her head.

  “Shit!” Devin grunted as he came deep inside of her. Lowering her legs, Devin lay beside her and pulled her in close. “I love you, baby girl,” he whispered in her ear.

  “I love you too, handsome,” she mumbled, already falling asleep. Everything was finally right in her world. Beth had her son, a home, and both with the man she loved. Yep, everything was perfect. Finally.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Sledge lay awake long after Beth fell asleep. He was worried when he made the declaration that she was his. The words had flown out of his mouth before he could stop them. When she said she was leaving, he panicked. She was his, but he had planned to tell her, or actually ask her, differently. When she looked at him like he had lost his mind, it scared him.

  Now, watching her sleep, he was filled with total peace and happiness. He had his woman and his son. Life was finally done screwing him, he thought. But that wasn’t quite right. Someone had been in his room. Sledge had no idea who it was yet, but he would find out. Everyone in the clubhouse knew his room was off limits unless invited. So whoever it was, they were in here looking for something, snooping around because things were moved. Sledge was OCD about his stuff. Everything had its place. So when he walked into his bedroom with Beth, he knew immediately that someone had been in here. The who and why was what kept him awake through the night.

  As the sun started to rise, Sledge climbed out of bed and hopped into the shower. Hopefully, Diesel and Reaper would have some idea of who it could be.

  Stepping under the hot spray, he let the warm water relax his muscles. He was tired, but there was a lot to do today. He needed to find out if the invasion of his privacy had to do with Beth and Derek or one of the hundreds of missions he did for the different Texas law enforcement agencies. Or, if it was just someone being nosey. Either way, Sledge didn’t like it and whoever it was, would pay dearly. There were rules in this clubhouse, and he expected them to be followed - period.

  Finishing his shower, Sledge grabbed a towel and dried off; wrapping it around his waist, he walked into the bedroom to find Beth awake. She was standing at the dresser, naked. He leaned against the doorframe and just watched her. She was breathtaking, and didn’t even know it. He felt a pang in his chest as he thought about her pregnant with his son. He had missed that, and it still hurt. Eight years ago, she was lean with slight curves. After having Derek, she still retained some of the weight and it looked fucking great on her.

  Sledge walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her stomach. He loved the feel of her skin. “Good morning, love,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Good morning, handsome,” she breathed.

  “You should have climbed in the shower with me,” Sledge said as he ran his hands up her s
tomach and cupped her tits. Hearing Beth moan, he continued to massage her mounds.

  “I thought I would straighten things up a bit. Plus, I know you have club business to handle today,” she told him, leaning her head back against his chest.

  Sledge moved one hand down her body, stopping at her stomach. He felt that same twinge in his chest again but unrelenting, he moved his hand further south. Reaching his intended destination, he ran a finger along her folds, feeling her shudder against him.

  “Devin...,” she moaned, but didn’t try to stop him.

  “Yes, baby?” he asked.

  “That feels so good.”

  “Mmmhmm,” he mumbled, lost in the feel of her wetness coating his finger,

  Beth watched him as he brought his finger to his mouth. Tasting her wetness. “Fuck, baby! You taste like heaven,” he told her.

  Placing his fingers on her clit, Sledge began to rub against her, while using his other hand to fondle her breast. Beth started to grind herself against his hand, needing more. Sledge inserted one, then two fingers in Beth’s slick heat and curved them upward, hitting the spot that would send her flying.

  “Devin, I’m going to come,” she panted.

  “That’s the plan, baby.”

  He continued to play with her. Moving his fingers in and out of her at a steady pace, while he toyed with her clit using his thumb. With a final plunge of his fingers, he pinched her nipple and pressed down on the tight bundle of nerves causing her to orgasm in his arms, calling out his name.

  Sledge picked her up and carried her back to bed. Laying her down, he sat next to her. “I would like for you to move your things into our room today,” he told her. “I want you here with me.”

  “Okay,” she answered.

  Sledge felt the relief flow through him. He didn’t realize how worried he was that she would say no. She agreed to be his but that hadn’t meant she would move into his room, their room, with him. But hearing her agree, she made him the happiest man in the world and didn’t even know it.


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