A Distant Heart: A Contemporary Western

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A Distant Heart: A Contemporary Western Page 25

by Steedly, Arabella

  A few moments later, after Violet had the pot full of cut potatoes, McCoy came back inside with an armload of wood. She stepped aside, and he opened the stove and lay a few pieces inside and noticed how he seem so comfortable helping out—of course, he once had a wife.

  After washing his hands in the sink, he sauntered over and watched as she sliced a few pieces of bread off the loaf. He placed his hand on her shoulder, and said, "I want to thank you for fixing me dinner. Lord knows it's been too long since I tasted good home cooking."

  Violet felt her cheeks flush and she quivered inside when he touched her. He must have noticed her slight gasp and turned to move away. "I'm sorry Violet I didn't mean to be so forward."

  Without facing him, Violet grinned, and said, “No need for an apology. Why don't you sit down at the table."

  Her heart began to pound when all of a sudden McCoy blocked her path with his leg when he reached to up to help her with the heavy pot and slightly brushing against her breasts. “Everything looks delicious,” he said with a devious look on his face.

  “Thank you,” Violet said, still unable to walk past him. “We should eat before it gets cold.”

  McCoy licked his lips with a devilish glint in his eyes then he wrapped his arms around Violet’s waist and pulled her closer. She placed her hands on his shoulders as if she was going to push him away, but something inside stopped her.

  Violet moaned when McCoy’s hands glided up and down her back, igniting a path of electrical charges. She could feel the heat building between her thighs as his hands explored down to her ass.

  "McCoy maybe..." She tried in vain to stop herself but finally gave in and bent close to his face opening her lips and closed her eyes inviting him to kiss her passionately. He cupped each cheek of her ass with his hand and pulled her closer. Violet whimpered—she wanted more. So she stepped even closer as he opened his legs until her knees pressed against his bulging cock. When she pushed into him a wanton moan came from deep inside him.

  McCoy looked up into her eyes and with one hand still cupping her ass, placed the other behind her neck. Violet tried to fight the need growing inside her, but their connection was like a chemical reaction, flaming hot. She hiked her long skirt up and straddled his lap as he sat in the kitchen chair. His erection pressed against her wet center through his pants and Violet sighed and placed her arms around his neck.

  When he slipped his tongue back into her mouth, she instantly started to suck while she gyrated her hips back and forth. Her passion caused McCoy to forcibly fist a handful of her hair, and pull her neck to the side. He nipped at her exposed flesh as her hands working their way down his chest. Violet made quick work of each of his buttons and pushed his shirt aside. When her slender fingers moved delicately up, down, and across his muscular chest McCoy’s breath was hot on her flesh.

  McCoy gazed into her eyes and grinned and followed her lead. In the process of removing her blouse, he managed to pop a couple of buttons off, but Violet didn't seem to notice. She was in a state of bliss as his mouth moved down her neck, to her exposed heaving cleavage. McCoy removed her camisole, just before his tongue found one of her rock hard nipples. He teased it with his tongue while he squeezed the other until Violet shivered and squirmed on his lap.

  Unable to deny their hunger any longer, McCoy picked her up and carried her down the hall toward a bedroom. After directing him to her room, he placed her gently on the bed and paused for a moment to stare down at her.

  She glanced up at him through her lashes and watched as McCoy dropped his pants down past his thighs. Then he climbed onto the bed next to her, hitch her skirt up, and abruptly pulled down her panties. After he had thrown them aside, he brushed his hand over her mound and moved his body on top of her.

  Using his knees to part her legs, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers once again. Only this time, instead of slipping his tongue into her mouth he slid his erect cock into her tight, wet hole. He pumped hard and fast taking both of them higher and higher.

  When her tight walls clamped around his cock, and she began to tremble, moans and cries of pleasure escaped from her. McCoy looked down at Violet and held her gaze as he buried himself deep inside her one last time. He grunted and groaned as he spilled his seed inside her.

  They both lay panting, and Violet's head was still spinning when he kissed her softly on the lips one last time. Then he pulled up his pants and sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Violet I—”

  Don’t say anything, McCoy.” All of a sudden, Violet felt embarrassed and vulnerable, so she grabbed the quilt to covered her exposed breasts. She wanted to sit in silence and absorb what had just happened. After all, the only sex she had ever had was with Solomon and Nina.

  Without a word, Violet got up, pulled down her skirt, and wrapped her blouse closed over her breasts. Then she fixed him a plate of food and covered it with brown paper. When she turned McCoy was standing behind her, so she handed him the plate with a weak smile. Without a word, he got dressed, grabbed the plate and left.

  Chapter Nine

  McCoy had been working like a dog on the railroad since the night he had visited Violet two weeks before. He hadn’t been sure what had come over him, or her, but they had taken things much further than he had ever anticipated. McCoy wasn’t one of those men who made it a practice of sleeping with a woman the first time they spent with one another. But he was a man and men had their needs.

  After taking a sponge bath, he laid on a cot in his tent and pondered what had happened with Violet. He felt she had teased him with her coy manner and hadn't objected to his initial advances. Something about Violet's personality—her intellect and beauty—caused a craving in him at all levels. She had given in to him willfully, and he had never felt so satisfied in such a long time. However, after they had quenched their desire, she had more or less ordered him to leave.

  After talking to Violet, he had decided the woman at the saloon was just a look alike. But he had to admit; he wouldn't mind having his way with that woman too. Then he shook his head and pushed the idea of fucking the saloon girl out of his mind—she was nothing but a whore.

  Then he worked his hand inside the fly of his underwear and pulled his cock free. He placed one arm under his neck propping himself up so he could see his hard manhood asking for some attention. He spat in his palm and started to stroke, as he whispered to himself, "I need to see Violet. I need to talk to her and explain to her I want to get to know her, not just fuck her.” He moved his hand back and forth, then stopped for a moment to use a wet finger to circle his cock head. When he shuttered at the pleasure he was giving himself he started stroking again, and continued, “As much as I want to fuck her again—oh fuck yes, and I do love that hot pussy—I’ll put myself in check, and do it myself for awhile."

  Just before he was about to cream his hand, John walked up and stood outside his tent. “Hey, McCoy, it's six o'clock let's head into town for a drink and some loving."

  "Okay, just give me a minute."

  They went to the saloon and shot back a few whiskeys before John became preoccupied with one of the saloon girls. McCoy looked around for the woman with the auburn hair and didn't see her. So when John made his way up the stairs, McCoy knew it was time to head back to tent city for some rest and finish what he had started.


  The next day was Saturday, so McCoy decided to give Violet a visit, but he feared when he knocked on her door she wouldn’t answer. Though, after seeing her home, he wagered she would be outside tending to her garden. As he walked the last hundred yards toward her house, he spotted someone outside. As he got closer, he saw Violet in her side yard, and she appeared to be struggling with something. He took a deep breath and adjusted his hat before he walked closer, and asked, “Need a hand?”

  “I…yes actually I do,” she said before she explained she was trying to rig up another clothesline. McCoy smiled and nodded then made quick work of the job.

  Violet thanke
d him, and asked, "How about I fix you a glass of fresh lemonade? Since the railroad comes into Durango, the general store has got a lot more to offer—fresh lemons in one of them.”

  "That sounds refreshing," McCoy said. Moments later Violet returned with the glass in her hand. Then quickly, turned and rushed back inside. About the time he figured she wasn't coming back out the screen door on the back porch flew open, and she returned carrying a basket of wet laundry.

  “Thank you for the help, McCoy. I've baked a pound cake. I'd be glad to share a piece with you.” She said over her shoulder as she carried the basket and set it down under the new clothesline.

  “That would be mighty kind of you, Violet.” In a moment or two, she had finished hanging up her sheets and headed back inside without saying another word. He paced back and forth on her porch with his hat in his hand and wondered if he had made a mistake.

  Just as he was about to leave, the door to the house opened, and Violet appeared with a smile on her face carrying a tray with two pieces of cake and another glass of lemonade. She nodded toward the small table and chairs that were sitting on the porch, and said, "Let's sit out here and visit for awhile."

  They both sat and sipped their lemonade in relative silence for a few minutes before McCoy took a deep breath, and said, “Violet, I need to apologize for being as forward as I was with you the last time I was here. I had no intention of...doing what I did with you.” He paused for a second and shuffled his feet before he continued, “I don’t regret what happened, I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it, but I should have stopped myself. I honestly want to get to know you, more than just in the biblical sense.”

  He had taken a deep swallow of lemonade before he glanced over at her noticing she had a slight pink tinge to her cheeks. Her lips looked so delicious that he wanted to kiss her, but he knew if he had any chance with her he needed to behave like a gentleman. “McCoy, I appreciate the apology, but I'm just as guilty as you when it comes to what happened. I didn’t stop myself either…” she paused for a moment in mid thought, “I really didn’t want to, but you made me feel something I haven't felt before with a man in such a long time—maybe never. Why don't we spend time getting to know each other before we go any further?”

  McCoy could do nothing but smile at her at her level-headedness. He could feel his desire growing but knew he needed to keep a cool head. He glanced away from her and focused his attention on the squirrel that was running up and down one of the trees beside the corner of the house.

  After they had finished their cake and lemonade, they talked about Violet's students, and McCoy told her about his job. Eventually, McCoy noticed how low the sun was sitting in the sky and decided he better start making his way back to tent city. McCoy stood and reached for her hand. After kissing the back of it, he looked into her eyes, and said, "Good night Violet. I enjoyed our visit."

  Chapter Ten

  On Monday Morning while walking to the schoolhouse, Violet felt a pang of longing for McCoy. From the moment she saw him there had been a magnetic attraction. She couldn’t decide what she admired about him the most. Maybe it was his handsome looks, his work ethic or that he had proven he cared about her. What she was sure of, though, was that she wanted to see him again and she couldn’t deny that the feel of his rod buried deep inside her had been a fulfilling experience. Violet had never felt such pleasure. His touch was rough and determined, yet gentle. It seemed he could read her body and knew what she needed.

  The only other man Violet had sex with was Solomon and Solomon was no McCoy. He was a kind religious man who had been a virgin himself when they started making love. They had fumbled around—in the hayloft, the back of his wagon, and even in her room, once—and he had been careful not to spill his seed inside her. Yet, as much as she still loved Solomon, she appreciated McCoy's experience. If it hadn’t been for Nina, she would have never known the deeply satisfying feeling that came with having an orgasm. Up until she met McCoy, Violet had felt her sexual encounters were safe with her sister.

  Just before it was time for the students to arrive, Violet sat at her desk with her head in her hands. She wanted to work it out with McCoy, but she didn't want to give herself away to a man that wouldn't appreciate her. Then she shook her head, and whispered to herself, "Nina, I need to talk to Nina. I need her to help me. I need her advice. She's an expert when it comes to men—and she knows what I like.”

  Violet dismissed her students early that day gathered her belongings, and made her way to the saloon. While walking down Main Street with her books in her hand, she spoke to many of the town folk until she stepped up on the boardwalk in front of the saloon. Most respectable single women didn't venture into the saloon without a male escort or family member. Under normal circumstances, Violet would have an escort, but since she was only going there to speak to her sister, she didn’t care what people thought. Violet swallowed hard as she hurried up to the bar. "Hello, Miss Violet what brings you here today?" Dewitt asked as he gave her a sideways look.

  “I’m looking for Nina. You know, my sister. Have you seen her?”

  Dewitt nodded towards the stairs. Violet knew what that meant, and thanked Dewitt and headed towards the stairway. Just as she reached the last step, she noticed a man leaving a room with Nina right behind him. Nina was giggling as she squeezed the man’s ass before he walked away from her.

  “Violet, is that really you?” Nina looked baffled at the site of her sister standing at the top of the stairs.

  "Shhhhh, be quiet will ya." Violet, scowled and said. Nina covered her mouth and giggled. Then she stepped aside as Violet brushed by her. Nina shut the door, and hurried over to the bed, throwing the thin quilt over the sheets. Nina motioned for her sister to sit down on the bed beside her, but Violet wrinkled her nose with disgust and shook her head, 'no.'

  Nina walked over and put her arms around her, and asked, "What's wrong sweetie, something must be wrong, or you would not have come here like this.”

  “Nina I need some help, or rather some advice, " Violet said, sinking into an armchair she began to sob.

  “Nina, there’s a gentleman, and I’m starting to feel a great deal of affection for him. I…he and I already were intimate once, and I didn’t handle things very well. The problem is…”

  “You want to fuck him.”

  Violet sobbed, and said, "Yes, but I feel like I'm cheating on Solomon—and you!"

  Nina sat down on the edge of her bed and listened as her sister explain the situation before she said, "Violet, Solomon is dead, and yes you and I love to pleasure each other. But Violet, it's time you move on past Solomon and accept another man. As as far as I'm concerned, you're still my sister—no matter what happens between us I'll always love you."

  Violet shook and sobbed before she could get her words out. "Nina, but I don't want to stop what we are doing."

  Nina got up from the bed and walked over to her sister and kneeled down beside her. She brushed back her hair from her face and used the hem of her robe to blot her tears away. Then she leaned forward and lightly kissed Violet's lips. Violet moaned and opened her mouth invited Nina to continue with what Violet knew she needed.

  Violet shook as Nina unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it open. Then she looked Violet in her eyes as she slipped her fingers inside her camisole and started to massage Violets breasts. After a moment she stopped Nina and pulled her camisole up to her neck. Nina's soft lips felt like feathers as she teased and caressed her nipples.

  Violet groaned and leaned forward to untie Nina's red silk robe, but Nina grabbed her hand, and whispered, "No, I haven't washed up yet." After hearing that Violet sunk back into the chair and let Nina have her way with her. Nina didn't bother to remove Violets blouse she left it hanging open as she pinched and caressed her breasts—licking and blowing and biting until Violet's pink nipples were red and swollen.

  Violet had grabbed a breath before her sister moved further south—she had already cum at least four times just f
rom what Nina had done to her breasts. She was panting for more when Nina ran her soft fingers under Violets skirt, grabbed hold of her panties and pulled them down over her shoes. Nina held her sister's panties to her nose and took in a deep breath before sharing them with Violet. Then she said. "Always make sure your man can smell your sweet scent—it will drive him crazy."

  Then she shoved one Violet's leg over the of the arm of the chair and said. "Okay, honey play with your tits while I rub your hot spot. I want to see how many times I can get you to cum for me.”

  Violet nodded and giggled as she took one nipple between her fingers and rubbed them the way she liked it. Nina was still on her knees when she leaned over and placed her soft lips over Violets then quickly plunged three fingers inside her sister's pussy. "I can tell it's been over a month since the last time we fucked with our dildos…your pussy is tight." As she fucked Violet's wet pussy, in and out with all three fingers, she whispered into Violet's ear, and asked, "What size is this guy anyway?"


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