A Distant Heart: A Contemporary Western

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A Distant Heart: A Contemporary Western Page 30

by Steedly, Arabella

  Back in NYC. Care to meet for a drink?

  Luv 2 where and when?

  The Stumbling Inn….text you later

  The Stumbling Inn, I'd never heard of it, but I couldn’t resist the opportunity to see Bryce. After hearing from him, I had forgotten all about my troubles with Trevor — at least for the time being. Maybe, just maybe, there could be something more between us than just incredible sex.

  Chapter Eight


  I watched as a page from an old newspaper blew by along the sidewalk when I stepped up to Holcomb Private Security in Harlem. After pulling out my key card, I slid it into the lock beside the windowless metal door. From the outside, it looked like any old nondescript brick warehouse with a roll-up door, no vehicles parked at the curb and no sign. The inside was a different story, though. I loved the place — really — it was my office and my home.

  The main floor was our private parking garage filled with an array of different vehicles owned by the company — old cars, new cars, and a couple of vans. As I walked toward the elevator headed to our office on the second floor, I noticed John's black Escalade was parked in his reserved space. He was my boss, former SEAL, and best friend.

  As I pass John's office, I stuck my head in and waved hoping to ask if he had information regarding the BMW incident, but I could see he a scowl on his face as he held his phone to his ear. The agency was one of the best in the business and was especially well known in NYC. We were currently providing security for a famous politician running for office and were very busy. So, I unlocked my office door and sat down behind my desk to start sifting through the new intel.

  A few minutes later there was a knock on my half-shut door. Before I could reply, John swung it open and walked in. “Yo, Bryce, happy to see you made it back from the wedding. Thing's have been a bit crazy here since you left.” He moved my backpack off the chair near my desk and sat down before he continued, “Did you get any Florida tail while you were there?”

  I leaned back in my chair and laced my fingers around the back of my head. Smirking, I said, “I don’t kiss and tell Johnny, boy; you should know that by now!”

  John smiled a sideways smile that was obviously insincere, and said, "Lucky you, Colleen and I broke up while you were gone — decided to go back with her ex to give it another go. You, know for the kids." John looked down at his hands clasped together over his knees and paused for a moment before he got up, smiled and pointed to a folder on the corner of my desk. "There’s what I could dig up on the owner of that BMW you called about." I thanked him, and as he turned to walk away, he said, “By the look on your face I can see your adventure must have been prosperous. If she has a friend, throw old Johnny a bone, why don’t ya!”

  I nodded my head and laughed. "Thanks for the favor and I will see what I can do." I picked up the folder and scanned the information. The owner of the car was a Trevor Booth. "Humm, very interesting, " I whispered to myself. The owner of the home where the car was registered was a Matthew Booth, thirty years Trevor's senior. Must be the perps father or uncle. "Oh, wouldn’t you know, Trevor Booth also has an address here in Chelsea," I mumbled. “He must be a rich kid or a successful businessman.”

  I sat back in my chair and thought for a moment. So why would this guy be peeping around the bushes to get a look at Ava and me getting our rocks off? If he was just a voyeur why were we so lucky? Either he knows Ava or someone sent him after me. It could be either. Ava was a gorgeous gal, and I was always a target for a smear campaign to try and discredit me.

  I peered out my tinted office window. Across the street, the bar’s neon sign — old and flickering — got my attention and it held my gaze as I began to think about Ava. What a coincidence we were both bought up on a ranch. Then that thought led to a question. Did she prefer riding the normal way or was she more into reverse cowgirl style? Truth be told, though, I didn't care what position she preferred. Something about her was enchanting. So the idea of her riding me at all caused me to slip my hand under my belt and give my hard cock a quick squeeze before I turned around and got back to work.

  It seemed like only moments had passed when I glanced down at my iWatch and realized it was getting late; time to get ready to meet Ava at The Stumbling Inn. I placed the documents related to Trevor Booth back into their folder and locked them in the bottom drawer of my desk. The next day I would research the full story.

  I ran up the stairs to my private suite and took a quick shower then glanced at myself in the mirror, and mumbled, “I hope the sight of me in combat boots, black cargo pants, and a black polo shirt with the company logo won't be a turn-off.” I assumed by the previous conversation the sight of me in a uniform of any kind would make Ava as wet as she was the other evening. And I was willing to wager I was correct in my assumption.

  Chapter Nine


  When I arrived at The Stumbling Inn, I made a beeline for a dark corner and ordered a shot of Goldschläger. Some guy breezed by, and asked, "Well hello there, can I buy you a drink?” I tried to be nice when I told him I had already ordered and was waiting for my boyfriend. I shifted in my seat — crossing and uncrossing my legs. The thought of holding Bryce in my arms was causing a wet reaction between my thighs.

  I had opted to wear a simple black wrap-around dress that displayed my curves perfectly...and it offered Bryce a nice view of my cleavage. I fanned myself, and whispered, "Damn if just the thought of him didn't make me hot as hell! Or maybe it was the Goldschläger — or both.

  I sipped my drink and watched the people pouring in through the door crowding in closer and closer. It was loud, so incredibly loud and busy. Not the best place in the world to have an actual date — if that was what we were doing? I wasn't sure what Bryce's intentions were, but I hoped they were of a romantic nature.

  I glanced up when a group of guys cheered. Someone had flipped on one of the huge flat screen TVs to watch the opening of the Knick's game. That’s when I saw his tall frame come through the door. There was no denying his military past. Between his haircut and his all-black ensemble, complete with combat boots, he was the poster boy for a soldier’s life — and of course the cowboy swagger. I bit my lower lip and squirmed in my seat as he closed the gap between us.

  When he walked right up and motioned for me to stand up, he gave me a big warm hug that felt natural and sincere. His broad chest pressed against my heaving breasts. “It’s good to see you,” I said breathlessly.

  "Likewise," he answered planting a kiss on my cheek. He smiled and winked as his hand brushed my breast when he gestured for me to sit down. My freaking knees were already wobbly. The man had some sort of power over me that caused me to become weak, wet, and hungry for his touch. Focus Ava focus, don't act like a slut — I told myself.

  “I take it you are a fan of the Knicks?” I nodded toward the game on the large flat screen television.

  “You better believe it! I catch their games whenever I can," Bryce said, as he slid his arm around my shoulders.

  “That explains the choice of this establishment.”

  “Are you disappointed?”

  “Not at all, I'm a Knick’s fan myself. I used to go to the Garden and watch them play when the agency gave us free tickets. That's a no-no now — no kickbacks allowed," I explained as I turned my attention to the menu.

  “Great, tell me more about your love of basketball.” Bryce grinned at me and motioned to the waitress we were ready to order.

  Great food, good basketball game, and a highly intriguing dinner companion, I was pleased, but of course, I wanted more. Bryce wanted more too, his hand on my thigh told me as much.

  Thirty minutes or so I said, “You’ll have to excuse me, Bryce I need to freshen up after that delightful meal.” He stood up to let me out of the booth, and I felt his eyes on my ass as I walked away. I slipped into a stall and removed my thong, stashing it in my purse. I realized I’d been doing that rather frequently. Perhaps I needed to bypass wearing the thing
altogether. After I touched up my lip-gloss and ran my fingers through my hair, I returned to the table. I noticed he was peering into the screen on my phone, and asked, "Bryce, what’s going on? Why are you looking through my phone?”

  When I snatched the iPhone away from him and glanced down at the message, I felt the color drain from my face.

  Black is the shade of the evening....doing to the restroom....removing your thong?....pussy wet?

  "Damn it!" I whispered as I grabbed Bryce's arm and clutched my chest.

  “Ava, I’m sorry for reading the message, but when the phone buzzed, I thought it was mine. Do you know who’s stalking you? It’s obviously someone who knows you quite well. Am I right or was he guessing what you were doing in the restroom?” Bryce asked.

  “The first one came when we were in Florida. You know the night when you took me for a ride in your Porsche.” I bit my lip and hesitated on whether or not to tell Bryce that I suspected Trevor. For the time being, I decided against it hoping Trevor would tire of the game and forget about me. “Let’s just forget about this and focus on having a lovely evening together...not let him or her ruin our good time.”

  Bryce gave a sideways, smile when he asked, “Or, her?” Oh shit, was that a Freudian slip on my part, I wondered. “Well, you never know these days,” I said laying my head on his shoulder.

  Chapter Ten


  “I need to find out who is following you, Ava,” I said, scanning the bar to locate anyone suspicious. In the process, I spotted the security cameras. “You stay here; I’ll be right back.”

  My mouth met hers before Ava could object. She smiled then turned her attention back to the basketball game on TV as I made my way to the private office hidden behind the bar. "Hey, there Bill," I said extending my hand. Bill knew me well. I was one of his favorite patrons. I opened my wallet to show him my credentials, but he waved his hand for me to put them away and listened to my story.

  Moments later I was in a cramped booth with the guy monitoring the security screens. “What can I do for you,” he asked without looking up.

  “I’d like to see the footage for the past hour, inside and out.” We all three looked intently at the video and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Then at five minutes in I spotted him. The man had been in a dark suit and was in and out of the bar too quickly to be a customer. “Can you have a copy of this footage for me first thing in the morning? I need to compare this man’s ID with information I have on another pending investigation.”

  The club owner looked me in the eyes and surprised me when he said. “I don’t know if I can do that. Allowing you to view that footage should be enough.”

  I clenched my fists. “Listen, I get you don’t want to go against protocol or whatever else you are thinking, but I’m Ava’s bodyguard, and I need the footage for her protection. Now, what’s it going to be, Bill? I don't want to have to come back here with a warrant!”

  Bill peered over his glasses at me, then smiled and nodded. "I don't need the cops in here for any reason. People don't understand — always think the worst. Why don’t you come back in the morning, we’ll have the digital file for you then.”

  I reached inside my pocket and palmed a C-note then shook Bill's hand. He had a wide grin on his face when he clapped me on the back, and said, "Glad you came in this evening, Bryce. You're always welcome you know."

  I nodded and made my way back to Ave. Smiling I said, “Now that situation I’ve handled that I have a question for you, my dear. Do you know anyone by the name of Trevor Booth? Seems he was the man who was spying on us in Florida.” The smile on her face vanished, and she slumped her shoulders — Ava knew something.

  I watched, as she finished the last swallow of her drink. Then she licked her luscious lips, and whispered, “Trevor and I work together. We began seeing each other and after several months became engaged. He got jealous, often. He also tried to manipulate me every chance he had at work — wanted me to ‘adjust’ a few reports here and there. When I refused, he would get angry. So I cut things off just a few days before I left for the wedding.”

  I took her hand in mine; it was much smaller and softer. She was trembling so I motioned to the waiter. “Two more of what she’s drinking.” When he nodded, I turned my attention back to Ava. My beautiful Ava, nobody was going to hurt her on my watch. We enjoyed our drinks and watched the rest of the Knicks’ game in silence. I kept one arm around her waist and the other on my drink.

  “Yes! Another win for the Knicks!" she hollered along with many others.

  I smiled at her, “I need to get you home.” Before she could protest, I picked up my phone and called a cab.

  “We have fifteen minutes; we can sit here and watch some more sports.” I nodded and moved to get into a more comfortable position. After slipping my hand from around her waist to her knee under the table, she responded by readjusting herself. Her skirt slipped up and exposed a bit of her thigh. I leaned closer to her, my mouth a breath away from her ear, and whispered, “Have I told you how fucking gorgeous you are, Ava?”

  My hand glided over her knee. I palmed her thigh and squeezed it. Then I worked my way closer to her hot, sensitive spot. Her heaving breasts told me she was ready and willing. Then she spread her legs just enough to let my fingers in. So I slid them between her slippery lips and found her hot little button. I pinched and rubbed it. I wanted her as wet as possible. She did her best to keep a straight face, but the way she was breathing and her moans let me know she wanted me and not just my fingers. When she started to grind against my hand, in an effort to get more, I glanced at my phone, and said, “Our cab is going to be here, we need to head outside." I stood up and wrapped my arm around her waist. I chuckled to myself when I noticed her legs were a bit unsteady. Just as we hit the street, the cab pulled up.

  “You Bryce?" the cabbie hollered through his open window. I nodded. “Hop on in.”

  I helped Ava inside then slipped the cabbie two C-notes, “Just drive for a while,” I told him before shutting the door. Then I leaned back against the seat and pulled Ava onto my lap. Our mouths met with an insatiable hunger. Our tongues danced as my hands roamed Ava’s body. I delicately trailed my fingertips over her long bare legs up to her thighs. I slid my hand under her skirt and found one of her firm ass cheeks. I rubbed it firmly before I gave it a little slap. She pulled away and gazed at me; the desire in her eyes akin to that of a dying man in the desert needing water.

  I winked at her and before unzipping my fly. My hands wrapped around her waist, and I turned her, so she was facing me. She flushed red. Part of me was surprised; I had not expected her to be shy. Not after having sex on the hood of a Porsche.

  That’s when it happened; she placed her hands on my shoulders and dug her nails in as she forced herself down on my rock hard cock. She worked her tight, wet, hole up and down as she kissed and nibbled my ear. I kept my hands firmly on her ass to control her pace — I didn’t want to blow my load too soon. As the cabbie drove around, he turned up the music and glanced at us in his rear-view mirror a time or two. I couldn’t blame him. I would have done the same if I were in his position.

  When we went over a pothole Ava’s tits bounced up and out of her dress. To my utter satisfaction, they were free for me to lick and suck. I worked her ample tits with my teeth and tongue. When she started to giggle, I was a bit baffled. Then I realized how amusing the entire scene must look to the people we were passing on the streets. Well, humorous and erotic. Despite how hot she felt riding my cock the two of us both started laughing in between our grunts and groans.

  “You ready for it lover,” I asked her through gritted teeth ready to explode.

  She breathlessly whispered in my ear, “Come with me, please.” When I held her down on my rod, it pulsed and throbbed inside her as her walls reciprocated in an orgasmic massage. Between our love-making and our laughter, we were both spent and out of breath.

  “Driver two blocks down, and take a left. Stop in fro
nt of the two cement posts.”

  The cabbie nodded and followed my instructions. In the meantime, Ava had slipped off my lap and fixed her dress. I helped her out of the cab and held her hand as we walked to the door. Her hand felt right in mine, just as I had felt right buried deep inside her moments earlier. I felt my rod twitch at the thought — down boy!

  “I could have gone home you know,” she said matter-of-factly.

  “Yes, you could have,” I said as I unlocked the outside metal door. “But you need someone to watch over you and protect you, and I’m the perfect man for the job. Until I know what that creep Trevor is up to I need to make sure you're safe.”

  She looked at me, and her expression suddenly became incredibly serious. “Do you really think I need protection?”

  “I do Ava. Let me sweep your place for bugs tomorrow. Once the place looks clean, you can go back. For tonight you are staying with me, okay?”

  She swept her arms open gesturing at the outside of the building, and scowled before she said, "Here in this place?"

  Just as the door swung open, I smiled. "Just wait it gets better."


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