Not Alone: The Beginning (The Fighter Series Book 1)

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Not Alone: The Beginning (The Fighter Series Book 1) Page 29

by Kolleen Bookey

  “She’s gone Megan. We have to go.” Utah cried.

  “Mama,” Megan wailed.

  “We have to go.” Utah pulled on her hand.

  Outside, sirens wailed in chaos. Megan tried to put her hands over her ears, but Utah was pulling towards the door. Then the sirens screamed past the apartment complex and finally faded. No one was coming to help them. Utah was reaching for the doorknob when a voice caused her to pause. Riley’s heart dropped. As Utah turned, Megan’s small fingers fumbled on the knob. The door cracked open.

  “You little bitch. Happy fucking Birthday, Utah.” Steven gurgled as he crawled to his feet. He was bleeding, but the bastard wasn’t dead.

  Megan screamed as the sound of the gun exploded behind them. Utah shoved Megan through the door.

  “Run Megan.” Utah screamed. “Run.”

  Now, Riley was seeing through Utah’s eyes. She felt the bullet explode into Utah’s back. The impact shoved her several feet forward. Together she and Utah went down and Riley felt the burning sensation in her back. The pavement dug into her skin, but with it came a warming sensation all over her body. Suddenly Riley felt nothing. A brilliant blue light surrounded her and her body became as light as a feather. As the light began to fade, Riley saw Megan running in front of her and then she disappeared.

  Utah released her. Riley watched as Utah glanced back at her fallen body. Her new shirt her mother had bought for her birthday was covered in blood. Her beautiful curly hair fanned out in front of her and her face pressed to the pavement. She didn’t understand. She just ran.

  Riley felt someone gently shaking her. The sweat that had formed on her brow was mixing with the tears falling down her cheeks.

  “Riley. You okay?” Nick asked.

  “Sorry.” She said. “What’s going on?” Riley looked at Nick, her eyes blurry from the tears.

  “There’s a slight change in Megan.”

  Riley jumped up. Utah was standing next to Megan their hands interlocked, but Utah was pale.

  “Utah.” Riley whispered.

  “She’s showing signs of waking up.” Nick said. “Talk to her”.

  Riley took Megan’s other hand. Her fingers were twitching ever so slightly beneath her fingers. Riley slid down sitting next to her on the bed. Utah climbed up on the bed opposite of Riley and she reached out with her free hand and took hers.

  “Megan, wake up honey.” Riley said. She felt her hand twitch again, beneath her and she gave a slight squeeze to let her know they were here. Riley glanced over at Utah. Her face was an ashen white. “Utah,” Riley said.

  “I had to be sure Riley. I had to be sure you would never leave her.” Utah whispered. Her voice sounded far away. A wash of panic came over Riley and she wasn’t even sure where it was coming from or why. “I wish I could stay.” She went on. “I would’ve loved to have been your daughter too. I love you Riley.”

  Then Riley knew. It all suddenly made sense to her.

  “Utah,” She said firmly. “I can’t do this without you.”

  “You already have Riley. Mama needs me now. She asked me to tell you to take good care of her baby. We’ve chosen right.” I couldn’t believe what I was seeing and yet somewhere inside me, I’d known all along.

  Nick stepped forward. There was a look of confusion on his face. He stared at Utah as if seeing her for the first time, because it was his first time seeing her.

  “Who are you?” he asked.

  “Thank you Nick, for saving my sister.” Utah said. “For saving so many.” She smiled at Nick. Nick looked shocked, but Utah was only reaffirming what he had no choice, but to believe.

  “You couldn’t be saved could you Utah? He killed you. I’m so sorry.” Riley said as the tears fell from the corners of her eyes. “I love you both so much.” Riley placed her white feather on Megan’s chest. Utah reached out with her hand and extended her palm. She exposed a perfect white feather. She then laid it next to Riley’s.

  “I love you too.” She said. “I will always be with you both. Believe.”

  Riley blinked through the tears and as she faded, Riley knew Utah had completed her time with them. She’d seen Megan and Riley through a journey that had started on the coast of Oregon and ended in Prescott, Arizona. She’d sheltered Megan from the cold, darkness, evil, and hunger until the day they’d found her. Utah had made sure a connection happened between Megan and herself before departing. Riley wanted the both of them. She didn’t want her to go.

  When Megan woke, the blue light of Utah drifted away and the two single white feathers faded after her. It felt like it had been an eternity since Megan last looked up at her with those big baby blue eyes. Long eyelashes fluttering like butterflies blinked up at Riley. Her heart shaped lips made a smile. As Megan spoke, the angels began to sing.


  By mid-March, the new ranch house was almost complete. When Lynn started planting flowers, it reminded Riley of the house in Oregon, but on a much smaller scale. She didn’t miss being there, but it seemed the memory was a well-polished treasure. She worried about Mark, not in the sense of his well-being, but rather he’d find her someday if he had lived.

  Megan healed so fast that even Nick was astounded. Sadly, Riley often found herself setting an extra plate or looking next to her when she was driving or when turning on the faucets in the shower. Utah had kept them alive and helped them complete the journey. It all made sense to Riley now, looking back. No one else could see her. No one else could hear her with the exception of Rose and Hank. Rose believed. Riley laughed to herself often when thinking about it. Somehow, through it all, she’d changed in many ways. Something in her isn’t the same. It’s not a bad thing though.

  Nick tried to tell the others and they listened, Jack more so than anybody did. Riley guessed it was because he’d heard her talk to Utah, say her name. He never questioned Riley, chalking it up to the situation and the injuries she’d suffered. I probably would’ve thought I was crazy too. In the end, they would’ve had to see Utah to believe and everyone else just thought that Megan had an imaginary friend. As for Ringo, no one had seen hide nor hair of him.

  It was a Friday in late March. Riley was running a little behind schedule and surprised to see Jack’s horse standing next to Baily. Jack was on the roof assisting one of the builders lay tiles. He glanced over at her several times, as she walked toward the barn. It was a warm day and a slight breeze was beginning to stir.

  “Nice day for a ride,” Jack said from behind her making her jump.

  “You scared me.” She said looking over at Lynn who’d appeared from the tack room grinning coyly as well. Riley felt a set up coming.

  Jack leaned against the closest stall, chewing on a piece of straw. His T-shirt was tore on the sleeve and his jeans were dusty from climbing on the roof. He wore a well-worn cowboy hat that cast a shadow over his face. He lowered his sunglasses on his nose just enough for her to see the outline of his eyes. So there he stood, looking all badass and incredibly cowboy like. There’s your cowboy, Utah said.

  “He put me up to it,” Lynn said handing Jack the reins. “I saddled Baily for you so Jack won’t feel so small.”

  Riley chuckled. “Thanks.” She said. She liked riding Baily. Lynn’s chestnut Anglo Arabian mare. “You should go with us.”

  “I can’t. Busy.” She said smiling.

  “I owe you one.” Riley teased.

  She whispered to her. “I think he likes you a lot.”

  “My sister forgets how good my hearing is.”

  Riley led Baily out the double doors and then she looked at Jack.

  “Okay, you have my full attention.” She said climbing on the mare.

  They rode a good distance from the ranch and headed toward a hilly ridgeline. She’d only seen it only as a silhouette against the sky from the gates. She and Baily were having no trouble keeping up with long legged Sam. They rode next to each other in silence, listening to the sound of the horse’s hooves on the sand and rock.

  “How long you been riding?” He asked.

  “Since I was six.”

  “Eric like to ride?”

  “Not really.” The sun kissed her face and it felt good.

  “I’m glad you’re here.” He replied.

  “I’m glad I’m here too.”

  “You’re kind of a mystery to all of us.”

  Riley felt her heart quicken just a little and then she calmed herself. She had nothing to be ashamed of.

  “You’re right. You can ask me anything, but you might not like all of it.”

  “You’re married?” He asked, getting the biggest one out of the way first.

  “Yes. Eric told you?”

  “Where is he?”

  “I don’t know.” She said. “I don’t know if he’s dead or alive. I was leaving him when the shift happened.”

  “Why were you leaving him?”

  “He wasn’t who I thought he was. He hurt me, cheated on me, and lied to me.” Riley said, looking into the sky. “Eric wanted me to leave him a long time ago. I was waiting for a deputy’s position here, but then the shift happened. ”

  “He told me, but I wanted to hear it from you I guess.”

  Riley told him about Mark in brief context as they rode. They told each other their stories. It felt good to lay it all out on the table and his reaction was of compassion as was she of his. They laughed and joked. He grew quiet as she told him about the night the shift happened and the events that followed, leading up to her arrival here. She told him about how the girls were stowaways and some of their adventures.

  “That’s an incredible journey.” He said, smiling. “There’s something I want to show you someday soon.”


  They stopped by a narrow creek and let the horses drink and rest. The surrounding area was striking high desert and open skies. The creek ran through dividing the large meadow into two. Not far away, snowcapped peaks lined with taller trees and steep rocks framed the entire scene, completing God’s handy work into a piece of art.

  Jack leaned back on his elbows, blending into the tall grass. He rested his hat on his knee. She did the same, but she let the grass surround her melting into the warmth of the day as it touched her skin. The sky looked down on them as they watched soft layers of thin clouds float by.

  Riley closed her eyes, relishing in the warm sun. He moved closer to her and those tiny bolts of electricity began to flicker inside her. She watched him look at her. Then he kissed her. She felt warmth spread through her entire body an ache making her pull him even closer. He was better than ice cream. Much better. The heat between them burned and every worry and every thought dissipated with each kiss.

  They couldn’t get their clothes off fast enough, ignoring grass and sand. Then there was a sudden slowing as he touched every space of her body with his fingertips. She was on fire and the thrusting of her body only excited him that much more. When she thought she might go crazy, she rolled on top of him and gave him the same pleasure in return. This time, Riley felt a heated rush as their bodies interlocked. There was no stopping it and after they finished the first round, cooled off in the creek and continued to the second round. They stayed there for a long time unmindful of the time or their surroundings.

  I was thinking this was the happy conclusion, right? Ride away into the sunset. I should have known better. She wished this were true, but what about Ringo?


  Several days later, Riley felt a tingle or gut feeling something was coming. Something was about to change. They all expected it and now it was coming.

  She’d just finished working out the last horse when she heard a truck approaching quick. It was Eric and he’d been in a hurry to get there. Ryan met him and the two moved inside the unfinished house, leaving her to ponder.

  Riley felt trouble. It was long overdue. Ringo’s face popped into her memory and for the first time in several weeks, she felt ready. She dropped what she was doing and walked over toward the house where Eric was talking to Jack and Ryan. Lynn stepped through from the kitchen. It got quiet as Eric stepped over to her, hugging her tight. Riley missed him even though he was fifteen minutes away.

  “Hi sis.” He said. “You’re looking fit.”

  “Thanks. I feel good.” She replied feeling a surge of concern for the tone of the conversation she’d stopped. “What’s wrong?”

  “Amy was found yesterday.” He said. “Dead.”

  No one said anything.

  “Who….” Lynn stopped and looked at Jack. “Ringo?”

  Riley felt her heart drop. It was inevitable.

  “He left a calling card.” Eric said handing a note to Jack.

  “Let the games begin.” He read aloud.

  “Predator.” Ryan murmured. “

  “We’re his prey.” Riley said. The thought chilled her. “He’ll pluck us out one at a time.”

  “Where was Amy found?” Jack asked. Riley started to pace between them.

  “Her car was found in the parking lot of the Desert Sportsman.” Eric said. He lowered his voice. “Her body was in the dumpster.”

  “Oh my God.” Lynn said. Riley stopped pacing. An intense heat overcame her making her flush. “That poor girl.”

  Jack didn’t say anything, but the look on his face was enough. Then as if still finding no words to say, he took in a deep breath.

  “He’s on a mission now.” Riley said. “But this time it’s different.”

  “Anything missing from the store?” Ryan asked.

  “You mean what wasn’t missing? He’s well outfitted now.” Eric answered. “Blake and Matt are with Shay, Jonah, and Terra. I have Sherry over at Scott's place. I sent John and Jeremy to pick up the twins.”

  “Anyone see him?” Ryan asked.

  Eric nodded no.

  “You did the right thing by spreading out the women and children.” Jack said calmly.

  “What about the wedding.” Riley asked Eric.

  “Shay wants to go through with it.” He said.

  “You know that’s the perfect storm.” Jack said. It’s bringing us all together in one big building.”

  “We know it, but it might be a perfect setting to draw him out and end it once and for all.” Eric paused, but she wasn’t so sure he liked the idea either.

  “I don’t like it.” Jack said. “I don’t think it’s wise to use you two as bait and especially on your wedding day. Talk some sense into your brother Riley.”

  “Jack’s right.” Riley said. “What if he brings twenty men with him? It’d be a giant blood bath instead of a wedding. Is that what you want to remember?”

  “We want to be married. Our life has evolved around that asshole.”

  “Wait.” She pleaded. “Or do it quietly. I think Jack’s right, it’s bringing everyone together.”

  “What if we can’t end it? How long will we have to wait?” Eric asked, his eyes meeting hers. He was searching for her support. “Think of it this way, there’s going to be more man power and more gun power at our wedding than anywhere else. He’d be crazy to mess with us there. Us all in one big building.”

  “I don’t want to lose you or Shay or anyone. You’re all I have left.” Riley said.

  “Dam it Eric, listen to your sister.” Jack said in a soft tone.

  “We’ve waited long enough.” He looked at Jack. “We have a few weeks before the wedding.” He said. “Anyone up for a little hunting?”

  “I say we start a rumor the weddings been canceled until mid-fall. It might be enough to throw him off.” Jack paused, waiting for Eric to think about it. “I have a bullet with his name on it and it’s getting dusty.”

  “That’s funny. I have a bullet with his name on it too.” Eric said. “Okay, we hypothetically reset our wedding date and publically cancel it until mid-fall. Happy?”

  “Sort of.” Riley replied.

  “I’m sorry. I know you understand.” Eric kissed her on the forehead. “Shay has a room ready for yo

  She looked at Jack. “I know.” She said, hugging him.

  Ben strolled into the room with his shotgun slung over his shoulder.

  “That horse’s ass Ringo is going to make a mistake and it’ll only take one shot to end it.” Ben chided. “So everyone stop looking so gloomy. We’ve a new house to finish and wedding to attend.” The old man looked around grunting. “Looks real nice Jack.”

  “Thanks’ Pop.”

  “Hey, I heard old Randall has the phones working in town.” The old man said excited.

  Lynn chuckled. “Good way to update the wedding guests.”

  “That’d work.” Riley said.

  “Got to go”, Eric patted Jack on the shoulder. “They’ll be a service for Amy day after tomorrow. Eleven at the Prescott Memorial.”

  “Thanks’ Eric. Be safe.” She said. “I love you.”

  “I love you too Sis.” He waved.

  They stood in the unfinished living room quiet. Jack leaned against the river rock fireplace and their gazes locked.


  The day after Amy’s funeral, the men went hunting and not for any animals. The more Riley thought about Ringo the more she ran, trained, working on endurance. Her muscles were becoming lean and strong. When Sun Dancer, her Friesian mare, birthed a healthy colt, she named him Piston. Born in early February, it was apparent at birth that he was a victor like both her and the mare.

  During down time, Riley helped Shay with the wedding. The ceremony as well as the reception was a combined effort from a variety of people. The pressure was minimal and Riley could tell she was enjoying every moment. It was keeping their minds off Ringo. They never spoke of him. She’d endured his cruelty far longer than Riley had. The scars went much deeper. However, their fear was one in the same.

  The more Riley became acquainted with her future sister in law, the more she found her to be incredibly smart and endearing. Riley understood why her brother fell head over heels in love with her.


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