Disagreements About the Kennedy Foundation
Sarge on the Kennedy Curse: “So Be It”
Eunice Faces a Family Revolt
Peter Lawford Dies
Intervention for Pat
Part Fifteen: Caroline, John, and Maurice
Caroline Kennedy
John Kennedy Jr.
John and Madonna
Career Girl
Maurice Tempelsman
Caroline Kennedy and Maria Shriver Both Marry
Part Sixteen: William Kennedy Smith and the Palm Beach Scandal
Eunice’s Dire Prediction to Ted
Ted’s and Jean’s Sad Memories
An Alleged Rape at the Kennedy Estate
Tough Love
Victoria Reggie
“Mad as Hell”
Ted Recognizes His Shortcomings
The William Kennedy Smith Trial
Jean Kennedy Smith—Ambassador
Part Seventeen: Kennedy Wives—Old and New
Ted and Vicki Marry
Two Very Different Kinds of Kennedy Wives
The New Wife
Pat’s Regrets
Part Eighteen: Jackie: Her Final Years
“Life Goes On”
Jackie’s “Bad News”
No Words
One Regret
Too Young to Die
Always Jackie
Part Nineteen: John and Carolyn
John Kennedy Jr. at a Crossroads
Carolyn Bessette
Rose Kennedy Dies
Paparazzi War Zone
John’s Risky Proposition
John Proposes to Carolyn
Relationship Woes
John and Carolyn Marry
Part Twenty: Michael’s Story
Michael Kennedy’s Troubles
“Oh My God, Not Again!”
Reckless or Accidental?
Grace Under Pressure
“Okay, Lord. The Kennedys Have Had Enough.”
Part Twenty-One: A Peaceful Time
Ethel’s Change for the Better
John Kennedy Jr.—Running on Water
Part Twenty-Two: Camelot Loses Its Prince
Mike Tyson’s Advice
“The Worst That Could Happen”
“Please Tell Me John’s Not Dead”
“We Need a Miracle Now More Than Ever”
A Sister’s Grief
“Our Prince Is Gone”
What Families Do
Part Twenty-Three: Transitions
Rosemary Kennedy—Free at Last
An Ongoing Struggle
Pat Kennedy Lawford Dies
Ted Kennedy and the Obama Endorsement
Ted’s Diagnosis
The Troops Rally
“Wise Men Never Try”
Part Twenty-Four: Looking Ahead
Kathleen Kennedy Townsend
The Third Generation
Maria Shriver
Senator Caroline Kennedy?
Caroline Bows Out
No Regrets
Ted—Rest in Peace
Acknowledgments and Source Notes
Sources and Other Notes
Personal Acknowledgments
Photo Inserts
Also by J. Randy Taraborrelli
Jacket Photo: John Kennedy Jr. wanders away during a family photo session featuring all of the Kennedy children and President Kennedy on August 3, 1963. The children, left to right: Kathleen Kennedy (holding Christopher Kennedy), Edward Kennedy Jr., Joseph P. Kennedy II, Kara Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., David Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy, President Kennedy, Michael Kennedy, Courtney Kennedy, Kerry Kennedy, Bobby Shriver (holding Timothy Shriver), Maria Shriver, Steve Smith Jr., Willie Smith, Christopher Lawford, Victoria Lawford, Sidney Lawford, and Robin Lawford. (Cecil Stoughton, White House/John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston)
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ISBN 978-0-446-58443-2
After Camelot: A Personal History of the Kennedy Family--1968 to the Present Page 71