Peppermint Kisses for the Omega

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Peppermint Kisses for the Omega Page 4

by Lacey Daize

  “Apparently it didn’t snow enough for me to re-plow,” Alex lamented. “And I was hoping that would be the fallback plan to keep them away.”

  Alex tugged a blanket over us. I was about to protest when I realized he was still knotted tightly inside me. There was no way our friends wouldn’t find us in at least some compromising position, and a blanket was better than a full view.

  “I guess I should be glad we relocated to the bedroom after you claimed me by the fire,” I sighed.

  Alex laughed. “Would you really have wanted the full next day of sex on the floor?”

  I chuckled. “The bed sounds like a much more reasonable place for that.”

  Alex hummed into my neck. “I agree.”

  The sound of the front door opening below, then stomping of boots as the other four made their way inside.

  “Liam? Alex?” Jasmine called.

  “Do we let them know?” I asked.

  “And have all four coming up here?” Alex laughed. “Let just one of them find us.”

  I snuggled back against him as more calls rang out from downstairs.

  “Guys, it totally smells like heat in here,” one of the twins said.

  “And the hunt is on,” Alex joked, making me laugh.

  Footfalls up the stairs, then the door opened.

  Carlos looked in and sighed. He turned to yell back downstairs. “Found them. They’re fine.”

  I giggled. I was better than fine. Alex’s mark was on my neck, and his seed likely already growing inside me.

  “What’s up? Why aren’t they down here?” one of the twins shouted back up.

  “Wait?” Jasmine called. “Did they?”

  Carlos looked at us, grinned, shook his head and closed the door again. “One alpha, one omega, a snowstorm, a cabin and a heat. You do the math.”

  “Alex finally knocked up Liam!” Jasmine shrieked. “It’s about time you guys!”

  Alex chuckled into my shoulder.

  “We’re going skiing now,” Carlos said through the door. “You’re welcome.”

  “Aww,” the twins complained in unison. “We wanted to see!”

  “Let them be, they’ve waited long enough,” Carlos replied, ushering footsteps back downstairs. “We’ll be back this afternoon. Try and air out the place, will ya?”

  Alex kissed my shoulder. “I think our friends approve.”

  I smiled. “I think they knew we had a thing for each other, without either of us noticing.”

  “Probably.” He ground his knot into me again. “Now where were we?”

  I moaned. “Round two of day two.”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  I was moaning again by the time the front door closed behind our friends.


  “Liam Matthew Jeffries!” My mom gasped. “What is that on your neck?”

  I slapped my hand over my new bond mark, wincing slightly as it still hadn’t fully healed. Not that it did any good, mom had obviously already seen it, and I hadn’t even finished taking my coat off yet.

  Mom crossed her arms, but smirked knowingly at me. “So who’s the lucky alpha?”

  “Alex,” I replied, toes turning in slightly under my mom’s intense gaze.

  Mom burst into laughter. “That friend of yours you’ve been pining over for years? About time!”


  She blinked at me. “Yes?”

  “You’re... not mad?”

  She smiled. “Surprised, yes, Mad, no.”

  I cocked my head. “I thought you’d have wanted a proper courting period.”

  She chuckled. “Did I ever tell you about how I claimed your father?”

  I shook my head.

  “It was probably pretty similar. I’d had my eye on him for years, but it just happened one night when we were hanging out. One minute we were best friends, the next my mark was on his neck, and Christian growing in his belly.”


  She nodded. “So I can’t exactly be mad at you when we did the exact same thing, now can I?”

  I breathed a sigh of relief.

  “So where’s my new son-in-law?” she asked, peering out the door behind me.

  “We’re not married yet mom! He barely claimed me right before Christmas.”

  Mom waved my concern away. “Marriage is a formality between bonded mates anyway, it’s more paperwork and a party than anything. Once you’re claimed, you’re his, and he’s yours.”

  I smiled. “I told him I wanted to tell you first. He’ll be by in about half an hour.”

  Mom pulled me in for a hug. “I just knew leaving you alone for Christmas would be good for you. I just didn’t know how good.”

  I felt the blush cross my cheeks.

  Mom released me and held me at arm’s length. “Now I can expect a grandbaby from this, right?”


  “It ain’t right for an alpha and omega to use protection for a claiming. Babies are supposed to be a part of it.”

  I smiled, hand drifting to my stomach. “I think so.”

  She stood again and gave a nod. “Good. Now hurry and take off your coat while I find a yarn catalog for your father. He’ll want to make a special blanket for you.”

  I turned the corner to the living room to find my dad standing there, tears in his eyes. “Is it true?”

  I walked over and hugged him. “It is.”

  “Congratulations Liam,” he said, kissing my cheek. “I know you’re going to make a fantastic papa.”

  I held his hands. “Only because I had the best role model.”

  “Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?” he asked, pressing a hand to my still-flat stomach.

  I smiled. “It doesn’t matter, as long as the baby is healthy.”

  He smiled. “Exactly.”

  Chapter 8 - Alex

  ~9 Months Later~

  The scent of stressed omega filled the house… our house.

  I smiled. We’d only lived in the small house a couple months, but it was home, a gift from both our parents. They’d pooled money for a down-payment, and Liam and I were saving enough from not having separate rents that we could easily afford the monthly payments.

  It was the perfect place to start our family.

  “Li?” I asked, rounding into the nursery. “What’s wrong?”

  Liam looked at me, tears in his eyes and stomach bulging with our baby. Even his belly button protruded through the thin t-shirt.

  I giggled.

  “What’s so funny?” my gorgeous omega whined, scent of stress deepening.

  “Your timer popped.”

  He scowled, then burst into tears.

  I rushed to him, cradling him against my chest. “What’s wrong omega mine?”

  “I’m hot, and my ankles are swollen, and none of my clothes fit. And I dropped dad’s blanket and can’t pick it up.”

  “Shh,” I cooed into his hair. “You’re beautiful, and I’ll get the blanket for you.”

  He nodded into my chest, sniffling. “Ok.”

  I held him until his sniffles stopped, then wiped the tears from under his eyes. I guided him to the rocking chair next to the crib and had him sit. Then I handed him the beautiful blanket his father had made.

  “Thank you,” he said softly. “Sorry I’m a mess.”

  I ran my hand over the gorgeous swell of his stomach, and was rewarded with a kick from our little one. “You’re not a mess. You’re growing a person, a wonderful person who’ll be here any time now.”

  “They’re already a week overdue.”

  “The midwife said it’s fine, and they’ll make their appearance when they’re ready.”

  “But you said my timer popped. Doesn’t that mean it’s time?”

  I gawked at my beautiful mate before bursting into laughter. “I love you so much Li.”

  He managed a small smile. “I love you too. But I’m never letting you put another baby in me.”

  “I hear that’s what al
l the omegas say, right before they give birth. Then a couple years later, all they want is another baby.”

  He scowled. “I’m serious.”

  “I know you are. But you have to admit, you’ve liked most of it, especially the sex.”

  Liam moaned softly. “Ok, I’ll admit that pregnancy sex is almost as good as heat sex.”

  I moved to kiss him. “See, you’re already rethinking that ‘no more babies’ plan.”

  Liam grabbed one of the small pillows from beside him and smacked my arm with it, making me laugh.

  I was about to grab another pillow for an impromptu pillow fight, when I saw a grimace pass over my omega’s face.

  “Liam?” I asked. “Are you ok?”

  He looked up at me. “I think… that was a contraction.”

  “Another Braxton-Hicks?”

  He shook his head. “It felt different.”

  I knelt next to him and held his hand. “I’ll wait right here until your next one, ok?”

  He nodded.

  I was about to think it was his imagination when Liam’s hand tightened around mine and he gasped. “Oh yeah, that’s definitely a contraction.”

  I smiled, stood and kissed his forehead. “You wait here. I’ll call the hospital and find out when they want us to come in, and I’ll put your go bag in the car.”

  He smiled and pointed to my watch. “I should time them.”

  I nodded and pulled off my watch to hand to him. “Let me know if they’re too close, ok? I’m going to handle your bag first.”

  Liam nodded.

  I pulled my phone from my pocket as I strode to the front hall, where Liam’s go bag was ready.

  “Mr. Jeffries?” I asked as Liam’s dad answered the phone.


  “It’s Alex. It’s time. I’ll let you know when we’re headed to the hospital.”

  There was a cry of delight from Liam’s father. “We’ll meet you there!”

  I laughed. “Ok.”

  I had it all planned, I wasn’t going to be like those alphas from the romantic comedies. Get the bag, call the hospital to let them know we were coming. Pre-registration was already handled, and I was going to use the valet service if there wasn’t family there to move the car from the entrance.

  My omega wouldn’t have to worry about anything other than giving birth.

  “Alex?” Liam asked as I came back in. I noticed his fist clenched as he leaned against the wall.

  “Li?” I rushed over. “Why aren’t you sitting? You know the midwife said to call the hospital first to ask when to come in.”

  “Because we gotta go now!” he whined.

  I noticed the dark spot between his legs. “Oh.”

  I grabbed a towel we’d set aside for just that purpose, and draped it over my shoulder before wrapping my arm around my mate’s waist to guide him toward the car. Once there I spread the towel on the seat and helped my gorgeous omega in.

  I rounded the car and slipped into the driver seat. I started the engine and put the car into reverse before Liam laughed. “Forgetting something?”

  I blinked, then remembered. I pulled my phone free and shot a single-word text to Liam’s parents: Now.

  I handed my phone to my mate and pulled out of the driveway.

  The sound of a text, then Liam laughed. “Dad says they’re already on the way.”

  “Ok. And just to confirm. Me and your dad in the room with you, your mom can come and go between the room and the waiting room with news, but not stay. Right?”

  “Yep,” Liam panted, obviously trying to focus. “Omegas only, except for you.”

  “As you wish.”

  “Stop quoting movies, and pay attention alpha.”

  I laughed. “Yes, omega mine.”

  “Others can come in once I’m moved to a proper room, and only when I’m awake.”

  “Caveman alpha guard entrance. Protect sleeping omega and baby. Uh-uh.”

  Liam smacked my arm.

  I grinned. “I have to practice my dad jokes, don’t I?”

  “Wait until you actually are one.”

  “Yes, love.”

  A few minutes, and at least two contractions later, I pulled up to the hospital entrance. Liam’s parents were waiting for us with a nurse, and as soon as we got Liam out and into a wheelchair his mom took the car away to the parking lot while we went inside.

  There was a flurry of activity, then we were moved back into a room so that the progression could be monitored.

  “Why did I let you put a baby in me?” Liam whined as the nurse finally declared him dilated enough for an epidural, but before the anesthesiologist arrived.

  I wiped some sweat from his brow. “Because you went into heat and said you wanted it.”

  “I hate you.”

  I smiled. “No you don’t.”

  “I do. I’m not ever letting you near me with your knot again.”

  “Your loss,” I teased, which earned me a glare from my mate.

  Once the epidural was in place, Liam was able to rest.

  It was sometime in the middle of the night, and I was half-asleep, when Liam roused me.

  “Alpha… wake up.”


  I looked to see a flurry of activity in the room.

  “They’re moving me to a delivery room now.”

  I followed, texting Liam’s dad the news. He arrived a moment later, pulling on gloves and a gown provided by one of the nurses.

  Once Liam was on the delivery bed everything happened so quickly compared to the hours spent waiting before. It seemed that he’d barely settled in before the midwife came in, clucked her tongue and said he’d been moved just in time.

  Then she was telling Liam to push, and he was cursing, and squeezing my hands through his pain.

  A squall sounded through the room, and time stopped. I looked to Liam, who had tears running down his face as a nurse brought our child over, informed us we had a healthy baby girl, and laid her on my omega’s chest.

  He smiled and cried, and laughed as he looked between me and her, and I couldn’t help but kiss him.

  Then time caught up to us again as I was asked to cut the umbilical cord, and a nurse swept our baby away to be cleaned and weighed.

  Before I knew it, we were back in the regular hospital room, and a nurse was showing my beautiful omega how to feed our baby.

  I looked at the clock, and noted it was around three in the morning.

  “May we come in?”

  I looked up to see Liam’s parents standing in the door. I ushered them in so they could coo at their new grandchild.

  “I’m proud of you son,” Liam’s dad said. “You made a pretty grandbaby for us.”

  Liam’s mom thumped me on the back. “Congrats.”

  I smiled.

  “We’re going to head home for a few hours,” Liam’s mom said after a few minutes. “We’ll let everybody know in the morning, but you should probably rest for now.”

  “Thank you,” Liam said, smiling down at our daughter.

  Both his parents leaned in to kiss his forehead, then it was just our new family in the room.

  “Come here alpha,” Liam said, scooting to one side of the bed and extending an arm to me.

  I smiled, it was an invitation I could never refuse. A moment later I had my omega cradled in my embrace, our baby nestled between us.

  I brushed my fingers along the face of our newborn daughter. “What shall we call her, omega mine?”

  “Faith,” Liam replied softly after a moment of thought.

  I chuckled, years of faith in each other was exactly what had brought my omega and I together. “It’s perfect. Hello Faith.”

  Faith scrunched her face for a moment before seeming to fall asleep again.

  “She’s had a rough few hours,” Liam said with a smile in his tone. “Being born and all.”

  I leaned in to kiss his temple. “So have you. I think your parents had the right idea. We should al
l rest before the little one wakes us up.”

  Liam nodded and leaned against me. He was asleep almost immediately.

  I looked at my gorgeous sleeping omega, and our newborn daughter, and smiled. The journey we’d started on in the cabin that winter day turned out to be the best Christmas present ever.

  More Books by Lacey

  M/F Erotic Romance

  Vampires’ Bride


  Scared Horny

  Playing for Keeps

  Stored Lust

  Chasing Amber

  Courting Amber

  About Lacey

  Lacey lives in New Mexico with her four critters. She’s a Jill-of-all-trades by day, but loves writing in her spare time. She dabbles in a variety of pairings, but jumped feet-first into the deep end of omegaverse the first time she read it. She loves the play on social expectations and the different ways to express romance.

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