Bound By Heat - Dragon Shifter

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Bound By Heat - Dragon Shifter Page 3

by M. K Eidem et all

  “I didn’t take it,” she told him angrily. “I react badly to medication.”

  “You would not have been allowed further if you refused to take it.” When she tried to look away, he gripped her chin refusing to allow it. “Aud-um!”

  “I stuck it under my tongue, and when that creep, Bonn, wasn’t looking I spit it out,” she lifted her chin defiantly.

  Kirall closed his eyes, growling his displeasure, even as his Beast enjoyed her craftiness.

  “Why? Bonn said it was just something to give me more energy.” Looking at him, she saw that had been a lie and demanded, “What does it actually do?”

  “It…makes the female more accepting of the…differences between the males at the gathering and a human male,” Kirall told her carefully.

  “Accepting…You mean it makes them want to have sex!” Her accusation hung heavy in the air, irritating his Beast that was just starting to settle.

  “It causes them to do nothing they would not normally do!” Kirall denied. “It only enables the female to overlook the male’s differences when he chooses her to join with.”

  “What ‘differences’?” Autumn demanded.

  “There are many different species of males in the universe, each with varying requirements for joining. At a gathering, a male will sample the females until he finds one that can satisfy his unique needs. Gatherings on Earth are new, as we’ve only been traveling in this area for the last several hundred years. But they’ve quickly become highly prized.”

  “Why?” she looked at him suspiciously.

  “Because your females are very…adaptable. You have more orifices than most, and are willing to use them all. Many are not. That means more males are able to join and find relief, even though they are a great distance from their own females.”

  “Kristy never told me any of that. She only said that a man named Dacke stopped others from bothering her. I wouldn’t have come had I known it meant I had to have sex.”

  “You would never have been invited,” Kirall told her bluntly. “Only single, experienced females are allowed at a gathering. The curator should have confirmed your identity.

  “Why?” she asked. “Why Kristy?”

  “Because she greatly satisfied Dacke. Not only with her willingness to use all her orifices, but also with the appreciative sounds she would make during their joining. Many heard these sounds, and wished to sample her, but Dacke refused.”

  Autumn found herself blushing as she realized what Kirall meant. Kristy was definitely a screamer during sex. On more than one occasion, she had been woken by Kristy’s ‘sounds’.

  “Only a male that has sampled a female can invite her to return,” Kirall’s words brought Autumn’s attention back to him.

  “But she has no memory of her…joining with him.”

  “That is because they were altered. As yours will be.”


  “You will remember nothing of your time here…except that it was…pleasant.” Kirall found that he didn’t like that. Neither did his Beast who began to move beneath his skin.

  “But you will,” Autumn whispered. “You will remember everything we did in this room. Just like this Dacke does with Kristy.”

  “Of course.”

  “So why was I taken to you and not Dacke? You and Kristy…” Autumn trailed off finding that thought bothered her.

  “No, Dacke was to join with her again, but somehow your moon triggered my Joining Heat. When Dacke discovered this, he offered me Kristy, because he knew she would be able to satisfy my needs.”

  “Your needs…” Autumn felt like a broken record.

  “Yes. I am a Prime Dragoon, Dacke is a Minor Dragoon. He understands that my need to join would cause me to capture all the females at the gathering until I found one that could satisfy me.” He shrugged at Autumn’s shocked look. “It is a trait of the heat to take first and ask later.”

  “Yeah, I discovered that,” Autumn muttered, then stiffened when Kirall was suddenly nose-to-nose with her and growled.

  “You were not invited!” he roared, as black scales formed on his elongating face, and his teeth lengthened to deadly sharp points.

  Screaming, Autumn shoved against his expanding chest, and found she was suddenly on the floor with a massive half-man, half-Beast towering over her.

  Chapter Three

  Dacke remained hidden deep in the shadows, frowning as the door closed behind the last group of females. Kristy hadn’t been in any of the groups. How was that possible? He’d only wanted to get a glimpse of her, to see if she was really as beautiful as he remembered. But with her not arriving, he had a bigger problem than finding a female to satisfy him. He needed to find one that could satisfy a Prime Dragoon in the midst of his Joining Heat.

  He needed to get to Kirall, and let him know Kristy hadn’t arrived. Something he wasn’t looking forward to, especially since he’d vowed she would be able to satisfy him. Then he would have to find a female who could. He just hoped Kirall would let him live long enough to do that.

  Kirall tried to control his Beast, but the idea of her forgetting them while the combined scent of their blood and seed still hung in the air, along with her challenging words and attempt to escape, made it impossible.

  Kirall’s Battle Beast stood over nine feet tall, its skin covered with the thick, black, impenetrable scales of his Dragon. Long, sharp claws burst from his fingers, and his clothing fell away as he rose. His roar was so loud that the room shook.

  Autumn tried to scoot away from the enraged Beast, but her movements drew its golden gaze. It dropped to its knees, grabbed her ankles, and she screamed.

  “You should not have run, little Aud-um,” the Beast growled in a deep, gravelly voice that while still Kirall’s, seemed to be coming from the bottom of a deep, dark pit. “Now, I will have you!”

  Autumn whimpered when the Beast began to slowly pull her toward him, lowering his massive head filled with razor-sharp teeth. Closing her eyes, she waited for the remembered pain of a different beast’s bite. Instead, the sweep of a warm, wet tongue along her inner thigh had her gasping, and her eyes flew open.

  “So sweet…” the Beast growled softly, as he lapped at the combination of his seed and her barrier.

  Autumn shivered when his rough tongue traveled further up her thigh, consuming every drop before switching to her other leg. She stiffened as his continued growls of pleasure suddenly turned menacing when his tongue reached the scars on that leg. The sound caused more fluid to escape from her, and the Beast’s attention was immediately drawn to the fresh juice. He began to lick her like she was his favorite treat.

  “Oh…” Having risen to her elbows, Autumn’s head fell back when his tongue stiffened and pressed into her. She could feel every inch of that long tongue as it moved in and out, curling around itself, capturing more juice before bringing it back to swallow. His deep rumbles of pleasure vibrated against her clit as he swallowed, sending wave after wave of new sensations through her. Surely she couldn’t be getting turned on by this… but when his tongue found a spot deep inside her that she didn’t even know existed and rubbed, her womb clenched, and her thighs clamped on his head holding him in place while her hips instinctively started to pump.

  Kirall’s growls grew at her response. His tongue continued to attack that sweet spot, showing her no mercy. He felt her tighten around him, and she flooded his mouth with more of her sweet juice. He would have her release. He would have her screams of pleasure, never of pain, never again.

  Gasping, Autumn’s fingers dug into Kirall’s scalp, her body curling around his head as her body tightened to the point of pain. Her hips pumped furiously against his mouth, and she didn’t care if his teeth shredded her or not. She had to have this. Had to have whatever this was or die! Then, with one final stroke of his tongue, her body imploded.

  Kirall’s Beast consumed the last of Autumn’s juices as her tremors subsided. He retreated entirely satisfied, and finally relinquished
control back to Kirall, allowing dark eyes not golden ones, to meet the dazed green of hers. His eyes hardened when he saw the teeth marks left on her lower lip. They told him she had withheld her sounds from him.

  “I am not pleased with you, little Aud-um. You didn’t give me your sounds. You will give them to me! I will have everything!”

  Before Autumn could respond, there was a pounding on the door.


  “Go away!” Kirall recognized Dacke’s voice, but his eyes remained on Autumn.

  “There’s a problem. I need to enter.”

  “No!” Kirall surged to his feet. Gold began rimming his eyes again as he placed a protective leg on either side of Autumn. “I will kill whoever enters!”

  Autumn swallowed hard at the view she was getting. Kirall’s cock was nearly as thick as her wrist, and growing as adrenaline pumped through him, his balls hanging heavily below it.

  Damn, if Kirall didn’t have a pair, she thought.

  Autumn forced her eyes away, and tried to listen to what was going on outside the door. Hearing the word replace, she watched in astonishment as Kirall seemed to grow even larger than before. Black scales started covering his body, and claws extended from his fingers. Someone would die if he didn’t calm, and that someone would most likely be her.

  “Kirall…” Speaking in a soft but firm voice, she carefully placed a hand on the massive calf that was closest to her. He had said that she calmed his Beast. Hopefully, she could now.

  Kirall’s head whipped down at her touch, and found pleading eyes.

  “Calm,” her eyes pleaded with his nearly golden ones. “He must have finally looked at the paperwork, and realized I’m not Kristy. You have to let him in.”

  “No!” he growled, but the gold started receding from his eyes as he regained control of his Beast. “They will not see you like this.” His eyes traveled over her nearly-naked body. He didn’t know why the thought of another male seeing her like this bothered him, but it did.

  “Kirall!” Dacke shouted again.

  “Give me a dracking moment!” he shouted, but in a more normal voice as he extended a now claw-free hand to Autumn.

  Slowly, Autumn took it, watching him closely as he helped her to her feet.

  “Go into the cleansing area.” He pointed to a door on the other side of the room. “Close the door, and remain there until I tell you to come out.”

  Autumn quickly nodded, then slowly backed away from him until she bumped into the door. Reaching behind her, she found the handle then slid inside, slamming the door shut.

  Kirall watched Autumn until she was safely inside the cleansing room. He knew why Dacke was here, to replace her. His Beast rumbled his displeasure, and Kirall found for once he was in total agreement with his Beast. He wasn’t done with this little female, not even close.

  Dacke jumped back, ready to defend himself when the door to Kirall’s lair was suddenly yanked open. He had expected to find an enraged Battle Beast ready to rampage because Kristy hadn’t been brought to him.

  Instead, he found a very naked and very angry Kirall.

  “My Lord.” He quickly bowed his head to the Prime.

  “What is so urgent that you dare to interrupt me, Dacke?” Kirall demanded.

  “My Lord…there is a problem. Kristy did not arrive.” Dacke glanced up and away, quickly continuing when Kirall’s eyes narrowed. “I will find you a willing female. It will just take a little time.”

  “I don’t need one,” Kirall told him.

  “I…but…” Shock had Dacke looking Kirall in the eye. “Your Heat has subsided?”

  “No. Bonn brought me a female, one he thought was your Kristy, but she is nothing like you described. She is more, much, much more.”

  “I don’t understand,” Dacke frowned. “How is it possible for Bonn not to have known?”

  “It seems he failed to verify her identity. He also did not test her.”

  “What?!! How do you know this?”

  “She told me, after I realized she couldn’t be Kristy.”

  “How did you...” Dacke trailed off as he suddenly smelled blood, boundary blood. They had always been told that they would recognize its unique scent if they were ever so honored to receive it. It was a sweet scent that still hung heavy in the air.

  That was how Kirall had known the female wasn’t Kristy. He had breached an innocent’s boundary. They had also been taught that it should never be done during a Joining Heat because a male tended to lose control.

  “The female...” he hesitated to ask but his honor demanded it. “Do I need to summon the Healer?”

  Kirall’s Beast rippled beneath his skin, angered that a Minor would question him so, but Kirall understood his friend’s concern, and admired that his honor demanded he worry about a female he did not know.

  “No, she is fine.” Kirall frowned, remembering the bruises he’d left on her skin. He would have to be more careful with her. “What you need to do is discover the extent of Bonn’s incompetence. If he can’t be trusted to enforce the simple guidelines he was given, that only experienced females are allowed at a gathering, then he will need to be replaced.”

  “Agreed,” Dacke growled, wondering if this had happened to any other females. He began to turn away then paused needing to be sure. “She satisfies you? This innocent?”

  He’d never heard of such a thing, only experienced females were able to satisfy a male during a Heat.

  “More than you can imagine,” Kirall told him moving to shut the door. “Now leave, I have been away from her for too long, and feel my Heat rising.”

  Dacke stared at the door to Kirall’s temporary lair, still stunned at what he had learned. An innocent female was able to satisfy a Prime during his Heat. He never would have believed it if anyone other than Kirall had told him. He’d seen how quickly the Heat had come on, and how desperate Kirall had been. Still, she never should have been granted entrance.

  He needed to find out how it had happened, who was responsible, and make sure it never happened again. But first he needed to make sure every other female had been tested.

  Spinning on his heel, he stormed down the corridor, never seeing the figure hiding in the shadows.

  Keeping an eye on the closed door, Autumn took in the room she’d been sent to. It seemed to be your typical bathroom only on a larger scale. Looking across the room, she froze. There, standing on the other side of the room, was a creature she barely recognized. Moving slowly, she approached the mirror and took in her ravished appearance. Her tears had destroyed the makeup Kristy had applied, and the hair so carefully styled to look wild, now truly was.

  While she hadn’t liked the outfit they’d given her to wear, at least it had partially covered her. Now the skirt was gone and the see-through top was shredded, even her bra only had one strap left. Ripping both off, she let them fall to the floor and examined her body. Her chest was slightly red from rubbing against Kirall’s, but it wasn’t too bad. Turning sideways, she could see the bruises forming on her hips and wrists from his strong grip. All in all, it could have been a hell of a lot worse.

  Looking deep into the green eyes reflected back at her, she forced herself to face what had happened, because nothing could change it. She couldn’t regain her innocence, couldn’t go back to not knowing that there really were aliens out there.

  If one good thing had come from this, at least she knew she wasn’t crazy. If there were men like Kirall that could change into large Beasts, maybe there were those that turned into lizards too. It was a question she needed answered before Kirall sent her away, because obviously he would.

  His words had said it all. He wasn’t pleased with her. Autumn felt her anger start to burn. Not pleased…that big, fucking alien had taken her virginity, given her her first orgasm, then dared to claim that she hadn’t pleased him! Where did he get off?!! And he had! Even when she hadn’t, he had, and she knew it because he had licked it out of her.

  ‘Not pleased my
ass!’ she thought. If anyone had the right to bitch it was her!

  Then he thought he had the right to demand that she give him everything? What had he given her? Nothing! She wouldn’t even remember any of this if what he said was true. Autumn looked to the still closed door.

  Fuck him! Let him replace her. She didn’t care. She’d survived worse things than this in her life, but she’d be damned if she was going to go looking like this!

  Turning, she stomped into the oversized shower and turned on all the jets.

  Entering the cleansing room, Kirall frowned. She wasn’t there. The remnants of her clothes were, but there was no sign of Autumn. His frown deepened when he realized the water was running. He hadn’t told her she could cleanse. This little female needed to learn to obey him, and he knew just how to teach her. Smiling, he moved to the cleansing unit.

  What he found when he entered the stall nearly stole his breath. Autumn was facing him, her head tilted back, her eyes closed as she massaged foam into her hair. Tendrils of the foam traveled down her lush body, hugging every curve before disappearing between her sweet thighs, reappearing as they curled their way around her legs before reluctantly ending their journey by caressing her petite feet.

  How could one tiny Earth female have captivated him so? He was in his Joining Heat, and should have accepted the offer to have her replaced. She was inexperienced and innocent in the ways to truly satisfy a male. Yet, she had satisfied not only him, but his Beast as well. She’d even caused his Dragon to lift its head with interest. That was something that never should have happened unless he was with his mate. He needed to find out why. He needed her to give him her sounds so he could understand.

  “I am not pleased with you, little Aud-um,” he growled softly, and watched her hands still before she slowly finished removing the foam from her hair that now glowed like the darkest of fires. His Dragon sat up wanting to see more. Slowly, she opened her eyes, and stared directly into his without one ounce of fear or submission.


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