Black Friday: Exposed

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Black Friday: Exposed Page 11

by Ashley;JaQuavis

  “Yes, Carmen?” Dawn answered.

  “Can you come in here please?” she asked.

  A couple of minutes later Dawn entered the room.

  “What have you found out about my Alija Bell?” Carmen asked as she removed her glasses and put them on top of her desk.

  “Not a whole lot really,” Dawn replied.

  “Oookay,” Carmen said. “Be more specific.”

  “She has no record of criminal history. She’s on government assistance and has one daughter. The birth certificate at the hospital was not signed by the child’s father so that’s a dead end. I tried to dig into her past and find out about her family, but I haven’t had much luck on that either. It seems like I’m digging for a needle in a haystack. It would be much easier if I knew what I was looking for,” Dawn admitted.

  “I don’t even know what I’m looking for,” Carmen said.

  “Do you think she’s lying about witnessing the crime?” Dawn asked. She knew that she was not supposed to ask this, but the trial had garnered so much media attention that she could not help but to find out the facts first hand.

  “Are you asking this off the record?” Carmen asked. She gave Dawn a skeptical look. She should not even have entertained the question, but the trial was driving her crazy and having someone to talk to about it was like a release.

  “Of course,” Dawn replied. “It doesn’t seem like she is lying. She was there and she sounds pretty sure of what she thinks she saw. I just don’t like surprises you know?”

  “Well I’ll keep digging boss. If I find something that’s even remotely suspicious I’ll run it by you and you can decide where you want to take it from there,” Dawn suggested.

  “Thanks Dawn,” Carmen said. “You’re the best.”

  When Norelle received the phone call from Alija informing her that she was willing to deal with her, she was ecstatic. With that one conversation, Alija erased all worries from Norelle’s heart. She sat in the parking lot of Motel 6 and waited for Alija to arrive. She hated this part of town and couldn’t wait to pay Alija so that she could high tail it back to her fabulous life in the city. Checking her rearview and side mirrors continuously, she just felt like she would be robbed at any minute. After today she would be home free. She planned on going to celebrate that night. There was no way anyone could talk her out of going to enjoy her riches and freedom. Kasheef can rot his ass in the jail cell for all I care, she thought. It was time for her to find a new man. It was out with the arrested baller and in with the new, upcoming hood star. She was indeed a hustler’s wife. It didn’t matter to her which hustler it happened to be as long as his money was long and his name rang bells in the streets. Norelle was relieved when she noticed Alija pull up behind her. She got out of the car and walked around to the passenger side of Norelle’s car. She tapped on the window. Norelle unlocked her car doors so that Alija could hop in.

  “Thanks for showing up,” Norelle said.

  “No, thank you for showing up,” Alija replied. “Do you have the money?”

  “So what are you going to say on the stand?” Norelle asked as she pointed to the oversized Gucci bag in the backseat.

  “I’m going to tell the truth. I was there that night. I saw everything and when I get on the stand everyone in the room will feel as if they were there too. I may even shed a few tears,” Alija laughed.

  “A’ight girl. Thanks for looking out. You know we women have to stick together,” Norelle said.

  “Like magnets,” Alija answered. She unzipped the designer purse and saw stacks of money. “Is it all here?”

  “Yeah, it’s there,” Norelle stated.

  Alija opened the door and walked back to her vehicle. Once she was inside she watched Norelle drive away. “Stupid, stupid bitch,” she mumbled as she tossed the money in her backseat and headed back to the Marriott. She was feeling real thick. She now had $175,000 in her possession—all cash. She still had more coming in once she testified. Feeling nostalgic and unable to contain herself, she palmed her cell phone from the table and called her sister.

  “Mick, I need you to start working on that jury. Opening statements are tomorrow morning. Plant that seed early so that nothing goes wrong. At the end of the trial I’m going to break you off a’ight?” she said.

  “You know I got it on my end. Keep in touch,” Mickey replied.

  “I will, but not too much. There is so much riding on this. Let’s not get sloppy. We don’t want to get caught,” she reminded her sister. “Just stick to the plan.”

  “Yo, ’Sheef, Norelle just left Motel 6,” Stick reported as he tailed her two car lengths behind.

  “What she been doing?” Kasheef asked.

  “Nothing really, spending up all your dough like crazy. I’ve been seeing her around that nigga Fiasco,” Stick reported.

  Kasheef felt his blood boil at the mention of Fiasco’s name. He was a new cat who had come into New York from the Midwest a couple months back. He had come around shaking things up since Kasheef’s arrest because he knew that Kasheef could not make a move of retaliation because it would draw attention to his case. Norelle was getting out of pocket by messing with his adversary and he wanted to smack the taste out of her mouth for breaking the code.

  “Fiasco, huh?” Kasheef seethed anger through every word as he grit his teeth. He wasn’t bothered by the fact that Norelle was messing with another man. He was hot because of the way that she went about it. She was disrespectful and was now associating with the enemy. “What else is she doing?”

  “She just gave ol’ girl a big ass purse though.”

  “Okay, stay on her. I’ma let her see my face tonight. See what she got to say for herself, nah mean?”

  “She gon’ shit a ton of bricks,” Stick shouted with laughter in his voice. He would have paid to see the look on her face. “You want me to handle her since you under so much heat?”

  “Nah, fam. I got something else planned for her. That’s love though baby. Good looking out,” Kasheef responded.

  “Get at me when she’s on her way to the crib later on tonight. I need to know when to show up,” Kasheef said.

  “One.” Stick disconnected the call with a twisted smile on his face.

  Norelle couldn’t contain herself. She had dropped off the money and now her future was secure and her fate was in her own hands. With a safe full of money, she felt accomplished. It didn’t matter to her that she had swindled her way to the top. She called Carmen and asked if she wanted to meet her for drinks. They decided to meet at the 40/40 in Manhattan. Norelle stayed dressed to impress so there was no need for her to stop and change. She was slowly becoming a diva and socialite—all on Kasheef’s expense. She walked into the club with a newfound independence. Since Kasheef had gone away she did feel lonely, but she knew that money was harder to attain then men so she felt that the switch was worth it. Kasheef was easily replaceable, money was not. As she sat down at the bar she noticed Carmen walk through the door. Stepping into the popular club wearing a crème Fendi pencil skirt and ruffled blouse, Carmen was dressed just right for the occasion. Her fashionable appearance fit right into the upscale atmosphere of the club. Hood fellas and businessmen alike, who were working with major chips all turned their heads to get a peek at Carmen’s backside as she sashayed by. Norelle smiled as Carmen approached and they kissed each other once on each cheek before taking their seats. Norelle had just become reacquainted with Carmen so she decided to keep her recent actions concealed from her. She didn’t know how she would react and she definitely didn’t want Kasheef to find out. With Carmen being Kasheef’s lawyer she knew that it would be a conflict of interest. She also did not need Carmen to pass judgment on her. Norelle knew what she was doing was wrong, but to her it was worth it. She did not need random opinions of people trying to tell her how to live. She was going to do her regardless—right or wrong.

  “Hey!” Norelle shouted over the loud music.

  “How have you been holding up?” Carmen as

  “I’m good. Real good actually, but can you do me a favor and not talk about ’Sheef ’s case tonight. I just need a break from it all,” Norelle insisted.

  Carmen nodded, “I understand.”

  Stick entered the club and spotted Norelle sitting at the bar next to Kasheef ’s lawyer. He walked to the bar, knowing that Norelle would never recognize him. Kasheef kept his women separated from his friends. They were the treasure that everybody wanted, but no other man could get too. Kasheef was smart, he never gave another man the opportunity to get in his woman’s ear and now Stick was glad that they had never met. He took a seat directly next to the two women and ordered a drink from the bartender. He pretended to blend in with the crowd as he listened to the conversation going on next to him.

  “I bought a new place,” Norelle said.

  “Really? Where?”

  “It’s in the city, in a building near Union Square. I just need a change. It doesn’t feel right sleeping in my old place. The police turned it upside down and it just doesn’t feel like home anymore. I had furniture delivered there today. I just want to forget about the past and move forward,” Norelle said making up a small white lie. “As a matter of fact, I think I may sleep there tonight.”

  Stick pulled out his cell phone and sent a text message to Kasheef.

  Ya’ girl bought a place near Union Square. She’s going there tonight. I’ll tail her to find out the exact address.

  Kasheef received the text message and knew exactly where Stick was referring to. He did not need Stick to tell him where it was located. Norelle had shown him the vacant condo a couple months ago and he had been considering buying it as a birthday gift for her. He shook his head in contempt and headed toward his destination. Norelle was showing an entirely different side of herself. He had known that she had her faults, but she had turned out to be a complete snake. When he arrived he looked up toward the luxury building as he parked his car across the street. He knew that Norelle would be shocked to see him and he was well aware of the temptation he had to break her neck. He urged himself to remain calm. He had to do this right. What he had in store for Norelle was much worse than death. He just had to be patient.

  Norelle stumbled into the elevator. She was a bit tipsy from all of the cocktails she had consumed while at the club. It was the first night that she would spend at her new apartment and the first thing she wanted to do was peel out of her clothes and enjoy her Jacuzzi style bath tub. She opened the door and stepped into the apartment. Darkness and unfamiliarity enveloped her and she ran her hands along the walls as she searched for a light switch. When she finally found one, the high ceilings and hardwood floors were illuminated. She walked down the narrow hallway and into the living room and gasped when she saw a male figure sitting on her brand new furniture.

  “Who are you? What are you doing in my house?” she asked. The man didn’t respond. “I’m calling the police.” Norelle ran toward her door, but stopped mid step when the man spoke.

  “I didn’t know you were buying a new crib,” Kasheef said slowly ... calmly.

  Norelle ran and turned on the light in the living room. “Kasheef?” she asked. Her nerves got the best of her and she began to stutter. “Wwh ... when did you get out? Wwh ... why didn’t you call me to let me know you were home?” she asked nervously as she backed up toward the front door. She knew that she was caught. Here she was buying condos and cars while she was telling her man that she didn’t have the money to bail him out. She was busted, now all she could do is run for her life.

  Kasheef stood up and walked over to Norelle. “You planned on leaving me?”

  Norelle opened her mouth to explain, but no words came out.

  “Huh?” Kasheef asked in a whisper. His low tone was almost more menacing then his yell and the look in his eyes sent shivers up Norelle’s spine. “You were just gon’ leave me in there?” He approached her and until her back was against a wall. He put his hands around her neck and rubbed gently as he stared her in her eyes.

  She closed her eyes and flinched from the unexpected.

  “You afraid of me now?” he asked.

  She nodded truthfully, but didn’t open her eyes. She saw her life flash in front of her. She couldn’t understand it. How the hell did he get out without me knowing about it? She wondered. Why didn’t Carmen say anything? Kasheef’s face was inches away from her own. He was so close to her that she could smell the peppermint scent of his breath. “I’m sorry,” she stammered.

  “I know why you did what you did,” he said as he backed away from her.

  Confused is the only way to describe what Norelle was feeling. She was speechless.

  “Please come sit down with me and talk,” Kasheef said as he took a seat on her plush leather sofa and patted the cushion next to him.

  Reluctantly, Norelle obliged and sat down near him, being sure to leave a bit of space between them just in case he decided to pounce on her.

  “All of this is my fault,” he continued. “I know what type of woman you are Norelle. I know you better than you know yourself. You are high maintenance. You live to be on top. Everything that I’ve provided you with over the years you deserved. I knew when I met you that you were not attracted to me. You were attracted to what I could give you. What I could do for you, nah mean?”

  “That’s not true,” Norelle whispered back, attempting to keep up her facade.

  “You ain’t got to lie to me ma. I know your game and I respect it. You had your use for me. It was the money. I provided you with a lifestyle. Me, I also had my use for you. You were my trophy. You were the woman I stepped out with when I wanted to shine,” he said as he lifted Norelle’s chin from her chest with his finger. She smiled slightly, but was still unsure.

  “So, you’re not mad at me? Because I swear Sheef I’ll pay you back every dime,” she promised quickly. “I just didn’t know what to do. I never thought you would go to jail.”

  “I’m not gon’ lie to you, when you first left me stinking up at Rikers I was hot. That shit had me tight, but it’s not important anymore. I’m out and I understand. See, even though we were using each other, something happened to me while I was with you. You stole my heart ma,” he whispered smoothly. “So even if I go away, I still want to make sure you’re straight. I know you were just worried about you. You didn’t know how you were going to survive, but I’ll never leave you stuck like that. I want you to be okay and financially set even if I go away,” Kasheef explained.

  “I don’t know what to say ’Sheef,” Norelle replied. “I just wish you had told me before I did all of this. Now you will never trust me again.” Norelle really didn’t have any remorse for what she had done, but she was for damn sure going to play this new role he had assigned her. The way he was talking he was going to make sure she was okay for the rest of her life and she was going to cooperate in order to get more money. I slipped up this time, she thought. But once Alija testifies, the jury will find him guilty. When I’m sure he’s in jail for life I’ll drop him like hot grease.

  “Let’s not worry about that,” Kasheef stated. “I just want to enjoy the little bit of time that I have left with you. Just in case I lose in court, I want to make each moment count.”

  Norelle hugged Kasheef in complete disbelief at how naive he was. I would have been hustling his ass if I knew it was going to be this easy, she thought. Kasheef gripped her waist tightly and then pulled away from her and said, “Look before I go in, I’m going to hit you off with a lot of money. Don’t keep it in the house. Stick up kids gon’ automatically assume that I left you with my stash so it won’t be safe to keep it here. Tomorrow morning I want you to go and open up a bank account. I’ll make sure you have something to put in there a’ight?”

  “Okay ’Sheef,” she replied as she took his face in her hands. “I love you.”

  “I know you do.” Kasheef hugged her and frowned. He found it funny how the words I love you could slip out of her mouth so easily. It was becaus
e of women like her that he did not believe in love. Women like Norelle, made it hard for him to believe that love really existed because they lied on love’s behalf so easily as if it meant nothing. He pulled away and headed for the door. “I’ve got to go.”

  “Wait!” she yelled. “Why won’t you just stay here?”

  “I don’t want you to be involved in any of this drama. The first day of my trial begins tomorrow. You’ll be better off if we keep our distance. I’ll come and check on you though. Call me after you open the account. I’ll have the money for you in a couple days,” he said.

  Norelle blew him a kiss and Kasheef left without responding. It had taken all that he had not to choke the air out of Norelle’s lungs. He was just happy that he had not lost his top. Revenge was so much sweeter when it was unexpected.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Hello ladies and gentlemen of the jury. Over the course of this trial the defense is going to use a barrage of illusions to trick you into freeing a guilty man,” Nancy Schwartz began her opening statement while leaning on the jury box and pointing one finger toward Kasheef. “They will hold no punches as they try to paint a lovely portrait on a dilapidated, cold, brick wall. They may even try to bring up the past of a little boy raised in an urban environment who had no choice but to adapt to his surroundings. Let me put this question in your mind before all of this even begins. What does any of that have to do with a murder? Upbringing, charity contributions, or any other tool that the defense tries to use has nothing to do with murder. They are just distractions. Good distractions I might add. As a matter of fact, let’s give a preemptive round of applause to the defense right now for their creativity.” Nancy Schwartz walked straight over to the defense table and stood directly in front of Kasheef. She clapped her hands loudly before turning her attention back to the jury. “You see ladies and gentlemen, Ms. Rose here is a skilled magician who has made many charges disappear for many known criminals.”


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