Magic Hands

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Magic Hands Page 3

by Brenda Stokes Lee

  Nervously, his fingers played in her long hair. He was on the clock, but he didn’t want to leave her. John instinctively knew he needed Summer. He realized his life had been empty without a woman. He suspected it was the reason he was grumpy and depressed, most days. Summer was just what he needed to get his spirit out of the dump.

  Summer was experiencing a similar revelation. She looked into John’s eyes and realized that he had awoken something in her that had been dead for years. “I have a confession, Mr. Srisuk.”

  “Please call me Donnie.”

  “Okay, Donnie I have a confession to make.”

  “What is it?”

  “I don’t date...”

  “Why not?”

  “Let’s just say I’ve developed an unhealthy distain for men.”

  “That’s not good,” he joked. “...Not good at all. Just when I thought I had a chance to take you out on a real date.”

  “You didn’t let me finish.”

  “Sorry... Please do.”

  “Until I met you, no man has ever touched my heart... But somehow you managed to do that. I like you.”

  “I understand how you feel,” he responded. “I’m dealing with a similar dilemma. I’ve been divorced, twice. And both times were bad... really bad.”

  “I wish my reason was so simple.”

  “Why? What happened?” he asked concerned.

  Summer’s eyes filled with tears as she told John about the molestation and raped, she’d experienced, when she was twelve. She recanted the details. It helped to cleanse her spirit of the shame. She’d never told anyone except John. She trusted him and wanted him to know that she was damaged, but ready to heal.

  John’s gut twisted as he realized that essentially, he had raped and betrayed Summer as well. He couldn’t bear the thought of hurting her. The fact that he was there to investigate her and possibly arrest her would devastate Summer. It would shatter her trust, and she might never get over it.

  Pulling Summer into his arms, he tried to block out the thoughts of arresting her. He wished they met at a bar or coffee house. Things would be so different. “Summer, why do you sell your body?”

  “Simple... I like sex, but I can’t trust a man,” she explained. “All the men I’ve known only wanted one thing from me, sex. And I refuse to give them my body to be used like I don’t matter. So, I charge for it.”

  John looked into her eyes. “Initially, that’s why I came to you. But now, I realize that I want... No... I need more than sex from you,” he confessed. “You make me feel like it’s safe to pursue a relationship, again.”

  “I feel the same,” she assured him.

  “Unfortunately, I haven’t been honest with you. And I have something difficult to tell you.”

  “Please don’t tell me you’re actually married.”

  “No... I told you, I’m divorced... That’s not it.”

  “Then what is it?”

  “I’m an undercover vice detective. I’ve been investigating your business for operating a prostitution ring,” he said. “I’m sorry.”

  Summer’s mouth fell open in shock. “No! Please don’t tell me that.” Flinging herself in his arms she begged John for mercy. “Don’t arrest me. It will kill my parents if they find out what I’ve done. My mother will literally die of shame.”

  Through a river of tears, Summer came clean. She told John everything, explaining when and how she started doing intimate massages. When she finished, she’d convinced him that there was no big prostitution ring like he suspected.

  None of her other girls were involved in prostitution. They were all happily married with children and they all worked hard to provide for their families. Summer was the only masseuse providing sexual favors. The other women had no idea what was going on.

  Sure, she could have been lying, but something in her eyes made John believe her. He wanted to believe Summer whether it was true or not. In no uncertain terms he tried to make her understand that she would be locked away if she continued to trade sex for money. He explained to her that as a sworn police officer he was obligated to enforce the law. But after a river of sincere tears, Summer convinced him not to turn her in.

  “Promise me you won’t do it again,” he looked into her eyes and demanded.

  “I promise... It will never happen again,” she wiped her tears and assured him. “I know you’re not going to believe this, but I never charged you.”

  “What?” he protested, confused. “Of course, you did. I have the receipts to prove it.”

  “You have the receipts to prove you had a regular massage session. I never charged you for sex. Sex is extra, paid in cash, and agreed upon before the act.”

  “So... What we had was...”

  “Consensual sex... I mean at least I hope it was. I wanted you... And I hope you wanted me... Or was it all part of your investigation? Was it?”

  “Of course not,” John confessed. “It was consensual. I wasn’t sanctioned to have sex with you,” he continued. “So, you never once charged me for sex?”

  “Never... Not even a dime.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I’m attracted to you... It would have cheapened what we shared to charge you.”

  “Well, I’ll be damn,” John sighed, deeply, floored by the information.

  “So, I didn’t do anything wrong. Right?”

  “Technically, no... Well, at least not with me,” he agreed. “But Summer, you can’t do it again. I’m not going to report any activity, but other detectives may follow up to be sure. If they do and you’re still tricking, you’ll be arrested.”

  “I won’t,” she swore. “I’ll never have sex with another client, unless it’s you.”

  A sexy grin slid across John’s handsome face. “I guess there’s no law against having sex with your boyfriend while on the clock.”

  “There’s none I know about,” she giggled.

  John had a feeling he was more than just a client to Summer. Pulling her into his lap he kissed her deeply. Their tongues danced slow and easy as they embraced. “In that case... What time do you get off work?” he slyly grinned.

  “I own the place, I can leave any time I desire,” Summer giggled, like a schoolgirl experiencing her first crush.

  “Great! I’ll pick you up here at six, after I get off. We can go to my place. I’ll order some Thai food and we can relax and get to know each other a little better.”

  “That sounds good, but I have a much better idea.” Summer smiled, as she gently nibbled on his bottom lip.

  “Okay... What is it?” John asked, elated she agreed to date him.

  “Let’s go to my house. You can put your feet up and relax. And I will cook you a delicious, authentic Thai meal.”

  “...You can cook?”

  “I’m a great cook.”

  “Even better!” John agreed, with a big grin plastered on his handsome face. “I haven’t had a good home cooked meal since Thanksgiving,” he chuckled.

  “Maybe you need a wife... Someone who will take good care of you,” Summer coyly responded before gently kissing him.

  “Maybe I do,” he smiled. “Do you know a beautiful, single woman who might be interested in dating a scruffy detective that loves Thai food and deep tissue massages?”

  Summer giggled as her hand slipped beneath the waistband of John’s jeans. “Yeah... Actually, I do... I have the perfect girl in mind for you.”

  “Is she cute?”

  “You tell me... Some people say she looks just like me.”

  “Oh... Then she’s beautiful.”

  “I hear she is an excellent cook, and a Registered Thai Masseuse.”

  “You’re right, she is the perfect girl for me. When can I meet her?”

  “Right now,” she coyly smiled. “Hello, I’m Summer Raine, and I’m very happy to meet you.”

  “It’s wonderful to meet you Summer Raine, I’m Detective John Srisuk,” he mumbled against her lips.

  “I thought your nam
e was Donnie?” she teased.

  “Only when I’m undercover,” he explained. “You didn’t expect me to use my real name. Did you?”

  “I guess not,” she said, pretending to pout. “But I like the name, Donnie.”

  “Then call me Donnie,” he chuckled. “Just as long as you call me.”

  Then he kissed her. While they kissed, Summer’s magic hands took John to a magical place. It was a place where John discovered love, peace and erotic bliss for many years to come.

  Do No Harm, Sneak Peek

  ASHLYN PRESCOTT IMPATIENTLY paced back and forth in front of her employer’s open office door. It was Friday evening and they were the last two in the office. She was desperate to talk to him before she left for the weekend. Dr. Kyle Flores, her boss, was on the phone. He saw her and gave her a friendly wave, but continued his phone conversation. Ashlyn went in and casually sat down on the soft, leather chair in front of him. She was nervous, even though he greeted her with a polite, “I’ll be right with you,” smile.

  What would she say to him? How could she explain her being there like that? She’d never once simply walked in and sat down in his office, uninvited. How could she summon the nerve to tell him how she felt? Could she find the courage to let him know that she was his for the asking?

  Each minute he stayed on the phone she grew increasingly torn. A part of her wanted to run out of there. The other refused to leave before telling him how she felt. What if he rejects her? Quickly, she decided this was a bad idea. So, she stood to leave. Dr. Flores waved for her to sit back down and stay, so she did. Then, abruptly, he finished the call. He stood up and circled the end of his desk to sit on the edge in front of her. He was in a good mood and had a big sexy grin on his face.

  "So, what’s up?” he greeted her. Ashlyn didn’t have an answer ready for him. So, he pressed on. “Is something wrong?" he asked, concerned. "You look flushed. Aren't you feeling well?"

  She tried to look into his eyes with confidence. His very nearness sent strange quivers through her. All that she wanted to happen suddenly seemed beyond hope.

  "I... I'm alright," she said in a tiny voice.

  "You don't sound it," he responded, leaning over to feel her forehead. "You’re warm. Are you running a fever? I could examine you if you want me to."

  "No, that’s not necessary... I’m okay,” she assured him. “I'm just hot,” Ashlyn said, punctuating her words with an uncharacteristic nervous giggle.

  "That you are,” he chuckled. “You won’t get an argument on that fact from me.”

  "So... I guess you find me attractive."

  "Sure, but where is this going?” he inquired with a raised eyebrow.

  Ashlyn, his receptionist, took a long look at the good looking, Filipino doctor. Her heart throbbed every single time he smiled at her. She’d never been attracted to men outside of her race. In fact, she swore she’d never date a man who wasn’t black. But for this man she’d make an exception.

  Ashlyn had waited months to be alone with the successful urologist. He was undoubtedly handsome, but her attraction to him went far beyond looks. He was charming, compassionate and had an excellent bedside manner. Then there was his healthy sense of humor. The divorcee was one of the happiest people she knew. He loved life and enjoyed people, especially his patients. And though he was almost ten years her senior, Ashlyn had inadvertently fallen in love with him.

  The door was open, and Ashlyn decided to leap in. "Dr. Flores...”

  “It’s after hours and nobody is around, call me Kyle,” he interrupted.

  “Okay... Kyle, I’m not trying to trap you in a sexual harassment suit or anything, but there’s something I need to tell you.

  “Okay...,” he answered confused. “What is it?”

  Time seemed to stall as Ashlyn got up the nerve to speak. Finally, she mustered the courage to say the words that her heart could not convey. “Kyle, I’m attracted to you... And I really want to be with you.”

  "You want to be with me...? God, do you mean you want me sexually?" he asked stunned. “You have to know this is inappropriate, Ashlyn. I’m your boss. We can’t date.”

  "No... You’re not my boss anymore... I quit. Here is my notice," she responded, passing him an envelope with her resignation inside.

  “You’re quitting?” he asked shocked as he read the letter of resignation.


  “Because I have feelings for you... Feelings I want to explore. Whether you have feelings for me or not, I can’t continue working with you. It’s too painful.”

  “Ashlyn, I didn’t know,” he apologized. “Why didn’t you tell me you felt this way?”

  “I couldn’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “I was embarrassed.”

  “Embarrassed... About what?”

  “I felt silly fantasizing about my boss,” she admitted. “At first I dismissed it as a harmless crush... But later I realized my feelings for you were much deeper.”

  “I really wished I had known.”

  “Why? What would you have done differently?”

  “Before or after I fired you?” he chuckled.

  “What?” she asked confused. “You would have fired me?”

  “Yeah,” he laughed. “Don’t worry... I would have found you another job. In fact, I’ll call Dr. Sarai Fine. She owes me a favor. I’m pretty sure she can find a position for you in her office.”

  “Why would you fire me?”

  “So, I could ask you out on a date,” he grinned. “Why else?”

  “You’re interested in me?”

  “Of course, I am... Honestly, I have been since the first day you tempted for my previous receptionist,” he confessed. “Your beauty hit me like a lightning bolt. You had the job before you even applied for the position.”

  “I wasn’t even certain you’d date a black woman.”

  “Why, because I’m Filipino?” he asked. “...Actually, I dated a black woman in college. I’m single right now, so I haven’t been dating anyone, black, white or purple,” he joked.

  “Why aren’t you dating... If you don’t mind me asking.”

  He was quiet for a long pause, thinking about his answer. “I guess I haven’t worked up the desire to start dating, because I’m afraid of being vulnerable again. My divorce was brutal. My ex-wife really hurt me. I guess I wasn’t ready to get my heart broken again.”

  “It doesn’t have to be that way, you know?”

  “I know, I tried to convince myself of that, but it didn’t work. So, I threw myself in my work and here we are,” he shrugged.

  “I never knew that you liked me,” she replied, baffled that she’d missed his affection for her.

  “You weren’t supposed to know how I felt. I was your superior. Our employer/ employee relationship would have been compromised. Besides, I wasn’t going to act on my feelings. I never once imagined you felt anything for me. After all, I’m much older than you.”

  “That doesn’t matter,” she assured him. “Actually, you’re really not that much older than me.”

  “I’m at least ten years older than you.”

  “I know, but that’s not a lot and I don’t care,” she responded.

  “In that case, I guess I should ask do you have plans for dinner tonight,” he smiled.

  “No,” Ashlyn said, rising from her chair. “I’m pretty sure I’m free. I’d love to have dinner with you. In fact, I’ll supply the sweets.”

  To emphasize her point, she unzipped the back of her dress and slithered out of it. It dropped to the floor, leaving her voluptuous body clad only in black panties a bra and her heels.

  "God," he breathed, floored by her luscious frame. "You're even sexier than I imagined!"

  "Thanks,” she smiled. “You're kind of cute yourself."

  Kyle moved to her swiftly. Their bodies molded in a heated embrace. He could feel her nipples grow erect beneath her bra. They were hard, and their pressure was almost painful on his chest, even with
his lab coat on. Her arms encircled his neck. His hands wound themselves in the silkiness of her curly hair, pulling her face towards him. His kiss was like liquid fire. Ashlyn fervently returned it with passion of her own. Her tongue searched his mouth, probing it with wanton desire.

  His hands roamed over her body, exploring its soft, firm curves. She moved against him, lost in the inexplicable need of her desire. Her movements became more intense, more demanding as they kissed. Her hands moved across his shoulders down to the small of his back. Caressing the white fabric of his lab coat, they explored his body.

  Kyle gasped as Ashlyn tried to unbuckle his belt and unzipped his pants. The reality of what they were about to do hit him between the eyes. Reluctantly, his hand went to hers and stopped her before she went too far. She seemed surprised. Her alluring brown eyes searched his for an explanation. She prayed he wasn’t getting cold feet.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” he assured her. “I just don’t want our first time to be so seedy. I’ve imagined it in my mind a hundred times. And not once did I imagine bending you over my desk. And if we don’t stop this now that is exactly what’s going to happen.”

  “Funny, it’s one of my favorite fantasies,” Ashlyn giggled. “But you’re right. It’s too risky here. Somebody might walk in on us,” she sighed as she picked up her dress and quickly slipped it back on.

  “Let me take you to my place,” he said as he helped her zip her dress. “I don’t know if you know this, but I’m a fairly decent cook.”

  “I never knew you liked to cook,” she said, turning to face him. “That sounds nice.”

  “If you’ll let me, I’d like to cook for you tonight,” he pulled her in his arms and said.

  “I’d love that,” she looked at him and smiled. “Do you drink wine?”

  “Every chance I get,” he chuckled.

  “Great... I have a nice Merlot at home I’ve been saving for a special occasion.”

  “Our first date seems to fit that bill,” he sampled her lips and said.

  “Okay, I’ll bring it.”

  “Sounds good... It’ll go perfectly with the meal I’m preparing.”


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