Mister Hottiee: A Bad Boy Romance

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Mister Hottiee: A Bad Boy Romance Page 3

by Alice Cooper

  “What are you talking about?” I asked.

  He smirked as he pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and explained “My dear Lucy wouldn’t show any expression when we first met nor would she would talk to me. You’d usually just ignore me. It makes me happy that I’m seeing this side of you, I hope nobody else will.”

  I could feel a blush spread across my cheeks. Why does he have to say such embarrassing words?

  I was suddenly speechless and this made Zen chuckle at my reaction. I could’ve sworn that he whispered “How adorable.” But it could be my imagination. I was so consumed with Zen’s presence that I didn’t notice when Angela arrived in front of our table.

  “Hey, is this jerk bothering you?” Angela asked me as she pointed at Zen. Zen looked at Angela with an irritated look. I held up both of my hands and shook them as I told Angela “Oh no, Zen here is actually—” I was cut off by Zen saying “Her lover.”

  Not only Angela but my eyes as well widened at Zen’s words. Can you actually be lovers with somebody without actually doing it?

  “Oh… Sorry to bother you.” Angela stuttered.

  “No, no, you got it wrong. He’s not my lover.” I tried clearing up the misunderstanding but I also didn’t know what to say. What was Zen to me?

  The male employee suddenly joined us and asked “Is this ass still causing a ruckus?” Zen glared at the man. “Stephen, I think this ass is forcing this young woman into something she doesn’t want.” Angela explained. This made my eyes widen even more but no words were coming out of my mouth as Angela and Stephen started verbally attacking Zen.

  I saw Zen roll his eyes as he stood up from the table making the two employees go quiet. “I’m heading out now. There’s too much drama,” he said then he looked at me “I’ll see you later.” I didn’t even knew what that meant but I just nodded like an idiot. My heart was skipping beats at the mention of seeing Zen later.

  I don’t know what came over me but I suddenly grabbed the sleeve of Zen’s jacket right before he could exit through the door. “Where are you going?” I asked. Why should I care? It wasn’t like I was Zen’s girlfriend but it just bothered me that I didn’t know where Zen was going.

  “I’m going to the hospi…” he didn’t finish his sentence. Almost like he didn’t want to announce where he was going, was he going to say hospital? What was he going to do there when I wasn’t there?

  He suddenly frowned and hissed “None of your business.” His voice was cold. It caught me off guard because Zen has never spoken to me like this not since the day I met him. Ever since our first kiss he’s either been flirting with me or being kind. Was this a different side of Zen?

  He shrugged out of my hold and exited the shop without another word or glance. Angela and Stephen still stood near my table as if they were observing the situation.

  “Hey, what’s your name?” Stephen asked. My attention turned back to the two employees and I answered “Lucy Richmond.”

  “Lucy, you should stay away from the likes of Zen. He’s nothing but trouble.” Angela said. There it was again, Ezra said the exact same thing.

  He’s nothing but trouble.

  Ezra made sure those words were drilled into my head. Everybody so far has been telling me to stay away and those were warning signs but how come I tend to ignore them? As a girl who follows the rules and plays it safe, I would’ve listened to them and kept my distance. But either way I would still find myself standing in front of Zen not wavering or hesitating.

  I guess Zen’s presence thrilled me. I don’t know how to explain it because he made everything seem dangerous at the same time safe. It was like everything around him was dangerous but he would keep me safe from everything around him.

  Not to mention the effect of Zen’s lips and how his kisses make me want to do things I normally don’t do. Then last night’s event entered in my mind and I couldn’t help but blush. Angela noticed this and said “But if you really like this guy then I won’t stop you.”

  “We’re just saying that he’s not good influence. Not to mention his reputation, jumping from one woman to another.” Stephen added. This caught my attention, jumping from one woman to another? Stephen noticed my confused look and he happily explained “If you didn’t know then you should know now, he’s a womanizer. Sleeping with a woman and leaving them the next day. I bet he’s used to breaking women’s hearts.”

  “Not only is he a womanizer but I heard from a friend of mine that he also deals with illegal fighting. So it makes you wonder what else does he do and are they all legal?” Angela added.

  Was that the real Zen?

  Zen does scream the bad boy type but when I stare into his eyes I see a whole different story. My heart ached at the thought of being with Zen intimately then him leaving me behind. I didn’t want to just be another woman to Zen.

  I couldn’t bare it.

  I needed him.

  Chapter 5


  I just came back from seeing her. I worried her today because she said I looked clouded, that my mind was elsewhere. It was. I couldn’t stop thinking of my current conquest, Lucy.

  I assured her that it was nothing. I’m glad that she bought it because if she ever found out about my list of conquests then I’d know she’d be super pissed. It was nearly sundown and I started heading out of the hospital so I can make my way towards the bar.

  Before I could exit the hospital I ran into Lucy who was about to enter the hospital. Her eyes widen as she saw me, I smirked as I walked up to her. “I’m starting to really like this hospital, care to take another trip to the storage room?” I asked her.

  Her cheeks turned a bright red as she spoke timidly “I’m here to work not to fool around.” I was just going to tease her with a few words that’s until I saw Ezra in the background. He was talking to a few people but his eyes were glued to Lucy and I. He must seriously like Lucy.

  Too bad. Lucy is mine and I’m going to prove that.

  Without any warning I grabbed Lucy’s chin and smashed my lips upon hers. I knew she was caught off guard because she tried pushing me away but not a minute goes by and she melts into the kiss. I almost melted into the kiss too and almost forgot the reason why I actually kissed her. My eyes opened and looked at Ezra.

  I smiled into the kiss knowing I’ve successfully pissed Ezra off. He looked like he wanted to storm over to where we were but the people still kept talking to him and I bet he wasn’t even listening. I almost gave into the passionate kiss but before that could happen I quickly pulled away.

  Lucy had a dazed look on her face. I smirked knowing she can’t get enough of me, I know also wanted more from her but after I got what I wanted then I no longer needed her, right?

  “I’ll see you later my sexy doctor.” I told her as I caressed her face. I turned around to walk away but I was once again stopped by Lucy grabbing the edge of my sleeve just like she did back at Fancy Cups. I turned to see Lucy with her head bowed down almost like she was shy to look at me.

  “When is later?” she asked.

  “Give me your phone.” I told her as I held my hand out. She dug through her bag and gave me her phone. I put my number in and saved it as Mr. Sexy Beast. I bet when she reads that my face will be the first one to pop in her mind.

  “If you get bored you can booty call me. Maybe we’ll have phone sex or something.” I told her as I sent her a wink. Her eyes widened as a blush appeared across her cheeks, I even noticed when she gripped her phone tightly.

  This is going to be so much fun.

  I was about to walk away when she suddenly ask me “Where are you going?” I didn’t like when people wanted to keep tabs on me. It irks me especially when women ask me that question thinking they’re my girlfriend. I wasn’t going to lash out at Lucy like I do with the other girls because I haven’t conquered her yet.

  “As I said… it’s none of your business.” I told her a bit too harshly. I just hope she won’t ask that question again. I expected her to
stay quiet as I leave like the obedient person she is but instead she asked another question “Why are you so cold?”

  I sighed knowing she wasn’t going to let this go. I ran a hand through my long brown hair as I turned to face her. She looked at me awaiting my answer. I was going to lecture her like I do with all my other conquests but the moment I open my mouth to speak, no words seem to escape my mouth.

  My mouth suddenly felt dry and my stomach clenched painfully. It’s like I couldn’t say any of those in front of Lucy. Her eyes sparkled as they stared right into my eyes as if she was staring right into my soul.

  Was I having a stroke?

  “Zen… are you alright?” she asked. The way she said my name made my heart squeeze. Something was terribly wrong with me but I decided not to let it show. I smiled softly at Lucy and I could tell that she was taken aback from the smile I’ve given her.

  “I’m okay. I just need to go to… work.” I told her. She bought my excuse then she closed her eyes and gave me a wide smile. It was my first time to see a genuine smile on her face. My heart was beating fast at the realization that I was the reason why she smiled.

  How beautiful…

  My inner self was face palming from the way I handled the situation. Once I saw Ezra making his way towards us I quickly winked at Lucy and left. Once I was outside of the hospital a frown made its way onto my face.

  Anger consumed me as I made my way towards the bar. I didn’t like how I handled that situation at all. I should’ve told her off like the way I did with the other girls. I should’ve told her that she wasn’t any special.

  But I wasn’t able to, and that pisses me off.

  I was so angry that the moment I entered the bar I punched the closest man near me who happens to be one of the newbies. Everybody noticed my mood and some went quiet while others started beating up the newbie I just punched.

  I saw Ciel, my best friend leaning against the bar drinking beer. “What’s got you all pissed? Did some chick reject you?” he asked.

  I rolled my eyes as I grabbed a billiard stick. “No, it’s nothing.” Was all I said as I started playing billiard with a few buddies of mine. “Fran told me that you’re hanging out with some doctor chick or at least that’s what Fran’s friends told her.” Ciel said.

  “Just another one of my conquests.” I said casually.

  “Speaking of conquests… one of your conquests was just here looking for you.” Ciel told me. I raised my eyebrow and asked “Who?”

  “The French girl.” Ciel couldn’t remember her name.

  “Ah… Isabella, she still can’t accept that we can’t be more than friends. She always stops by and confesses her undying love. Quite annoying if you ask me.” I said.

  “When are you going to settle down Zen?” Ciel asked.

  “Just because you settled down with red locks doesn’t mean I should settle down as well.” I told him. At times like this I would fantasize about Lucy and I in the same bed or better yet a hot tub. But in the middle of me fantasizing an image of Lucy smiling at me. My hand gripped the billiard stick tightly as I shook with anger. One of the guys that played billiard with me noticed it and was about to ask “What’s the matter Z—” But before he could finish his sentence I whacked him with the billiard stick making the stick break in half.

  Suddenly I heard a female shriek. “Look at what we have here guys.” One of the guys announced. I bet they either found a lost woman or a woman that they picked up from somewhere. But I wasn’t expecting a very familiar voice call out my name.


  My head quickly snapped up to see the girl that they have found to see that it was none other than Lucy. She still wore the same clothes when we ran into each other at the hospital.

  “Is this one of your previous conquests Zen?” one of guys asked. For some reason seeing them touching what’s mine made me furious.

  “Let her go.” I said calmly but it’s as if they didn’t hear me. When they didn’t listen to me and proceeded to shove Lucy around I grabbed a beer bottle from Ciel’s hands, not caring if he’s not done with it. I threw it across the room to make it shatter at the wall behind the guys catching all of their attention including Lucy’s.

  “I said let her go.” I growled making every one step away from Lucy. I didn’t like it when my conquests would come all the way here where I could be free. It frustrated me to no end. I stormed over to Lucy and grabbed her wrist then proceeded to drag her to my apartment above the bar.

  Once we were inside of my apartment I let go of Lucy’s wrist and folded my arms in front of my chest and demanded “What the fuck are you doing here?” She straightened out her clothes and stood bravely in front of me but before she could explain herself I then asked another question “How do you know I was here?”

  “I followed you.” she said.

  She definitely wanted the D.

  I slowly walked towards her but the closer I got the more she took steps back. That’s until her back hit the wall and there was no escape. I put my hands on both sides of her and leaned towards her and said “You know… you coming here means you want me, and by that I mean you want me inside you.” Her eyes never leaving mine. She unexpectedly grabbed my shirt and yanked me closer to her where our lips were only centimeters apart and she uttered words that made me come undone.

  “I’m yours for tonight.”

  Chapter 6


  In an instant his lips that I yearned for were upon mine. Sweet and rough just the way I liked it. I knew that I could possibly be just a conquest to Zen but I badly wanted Zen in a way where he takes me in every sexual way possible. I’ve come to terms that I’ll never be more than a simple conquest.

  So if I can’t be someone special to him then I want him to be mine just for tonight. I’ll cherish every second of the night.

  He pulled away from the kiss and I raised my eyes to look at him. The back of my hand swept softly on his face from forehead to chin. His half-lidded eyes barely masked the longing desires and hunger burning deep inside him.

  The moment was perfect for me, I’ll forever remember this moment. My other hand gripped his shoulder for support as I tip-toed to caress his lips with mine. Zen gently pressed his lips against mine. The softness of the kiss was heaven, perfection, and pure.

  “I’m not going to stop until your legs are shaking and the neighbors know my name.” his husky voice said.

  Overcome by emotion, Zen let loose his restraints, smashed his lips hard onto mine, kissing me again and again. Each kiss slow and reverent, but strong and concupiscent. His mouth was open so I breathed his breath, and he breathed mine. His kiss so powerful and passionate it made me forget who I was for a second.

  The noise of the world surrounding us, including the rowdy bar below, faded into a muffled lull as the kiss deepened into something powerful, erotic, and heady.

  It was no use to hold it back in, so I gave out a breathy moan as I broke the kiss and jerk my head back. Without warning my body trembled with pleasure almost like that night with Zen’s fingers. I know when it starts because every muscle begins to tighten and my upper thighs begin to quiver. I break out in a light sweat and it feels as if a faucet is being turned on inside of me.

  “Hmm… You came just by kissing. You truly are something. Now tell me how badly you want me to fuck you?” he asked as he stared at my heated face. I could tell my face was a mess from the sweat and my heavy breathing through my mouth. I was trembling with need. No words seem to come out of my mouth so I grabbed Zen’s hand and place them upon my wet lacy panties.

  His eyes widened at how drenched I was. I wanted Zen badly and not because he’s been teasing me, but because in the short time of being in Zen’s presence has made me fall for the bad boy.

  He applied pressure to his fingers against my pussy making me gasp out loud. His eyes seem to observe my face as if he enjoyed seeing me squirm against him, just by the thought of that turned me on even more. This bad boy certainly
knows how to take a good girl like me and turn them naughty.

  “Does that feel good?” he asked as his fingers started moving, sending undeniable pleasure up and down my body especially on the rosebud of my womanhood. The bubbling pleasure was building up and I was about to reach another climax when suddenly Zen completely stopped.

  He chuckled and said “I’m going to stop teasing you tonight because I can’t take it anymore. I’ve been wanting you for so long that I’m about to burst. Tonight… I’m going to make you mine.” His voice seemed huskier than usual. Who would’ve known that words can also make you wet.

  Right after he said those words he grabbed the front of my shirt and ripped it open, sending the buttons flying onto the floor. I gasped out loud from the sudden coldness. He didn’t even hesitate to unhook my bra and stare at my bare chest. Before I can cover myself up from instinct he pinched my nipples as he said “Wow… your nipples are so hard.”

  He kept his eyes on me as he watched me shake from his touch. “Z—Zen, I’m… sensitive there.” I stuttered. I couldn’t recognize my own voice, my voice was squeaky and filled with lust. He begins to rub my breasts as he snaked his arm around my bare waist.

  “Do I seriously make your body feel like this?” he asked.

  “I… ah… I… Zen!” I tried to explain myself but I was moaning too much to explain as my desire for him was increasing. When he pressed his body against mine I felt how he was already hard. He’s made me feel amazing so I wanted to do the same in return. I hesitantly placed my hand upon his enormous bulge and started rubbing it, he gave out a heavy grunt.

  “Somebody’s impatient,” he said “Strip for me doctor.”

  I slowly took off my ripped shirt followed by my skirt and heels. I was then left in my lacy panties. Zen’s eyes traced every curve of my body. He quickly took off his jacket followed by his shirt and I once again met with his delicious body that haunted me day and night.

  He unexpectedly scooped me up into his arms and literally threw me on the bed making me squeak. As he slowly made his way towards the bed he unbuckled his pants to show off the struggling erection in his tight briefs, and we’re talking about speedo type of briefs.


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