Mister Hottiee: A Bad Boy Romance

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Mister Hottiee: A Bad Boy Romance Page 5

by Alice Cooper

  “Lucy!” he called out.

  We both turned around to see Ezra running out of the hospital. It wasn’t like Ezra to stay at the hospital this much. I remember Ezra pestering Ciel to go to other businesses either it was in New York or elsewhere. Maybe Ezra had a reason to stay at the hospital more and I wasn’t talking about work-related reasons as my eyes glided over to my Lucy. Yes. My Lucy.

  Ezra walked over to us and I didn’t miss as he glared daggers at me. Ezra’s eyes softened when he looked at Lucy and asked “I’ll ask again Lucy, and I’m just asking because I’m concerned for your well-being. Is Zen bothering or threatening you in any way?”

  I didn’t hesitate as I stepped forward and pushed Lucy behind me and glared down on Ezra. “What makes you think I’m bothering her? For all I know it could be you who is bothering her.” I hissed not bothering to mask my anger. My Lucy doesn’t need to show this man anger because I’ll get angry for her.

  “I’m concerned because for a whole week Lucy hasn’t been herself. She’s been clumsy at work not to mention her mind is always in the clouds. It’s not like her then all of a sudden you appear and she seemed to be alright. It seems suspicious.” he explained.

  “Maybe she was thinking of me fucking her.” I said with a smirk. I felt Lucy grab my arm as she gave it a light squeeze. She mumbled “Zen, he’s still my boss.” I didn’t care who this man was, he needed to back off from what’s mine.

  “Why don’t you just stop being so full of yourself and stop bothering Lucy as well. She don’t need people like you in her life.” Ezra said as he stepped forward and grabbed Lucy’s arm, and just the sight of his hand holding Lucy’s made me lose my mind.

  I couldn’t fight the urge this time, this man has been lucky for a long time. It’s about time I lost it in front of him especially when he provoked me first. I pulled my hand back and gave a direct punch to his face making him stumble back. Lucy gasp at my sudden reaction but I wasn’t going to pity her boss.

  “Keep your filthy hands off my girlfriend!” I snarled at Ezra. I don’t know why I said girlfriend I was just too frustrated to think that all I want was for Ezra to leave Lucy the fuck alone. Ezra clutched his face and said “You know I can ruin you for that.” My heart started racing at the thought of him ruining me, meaning he would also ruin her who needed medical attention and I couldn’t take that from her. But I managed to keep my cool.

  Lucy stepped forward and said “Please Ezra don’t do that. I apologize for Zen’s actions,” I scoffed at her words not wanting to apologize even if Lucy begged it from me. I’m not as soft as Ciel nor will I ever be.

  “I promise you that I’m with Zen on my own free will. I want to be with Zen.” She’ll never know how much those words mean to me. Ezra wouldn’t stop glaring at me and I don’t blame him because it’s the same with me but when his eyes lands on Lucy it softens.

  “I’m sorry if my actions or words upset you Lucy. I do care for you but if you truly feel something for Zen then I won’t stop you nor can I help you if he ever decides to leave you.” Ezra said. His words angered me, she doesn’t need your care nor your help when she has me.

  “I know but I trust Zen even though sometimes he can be an idiot.” she suddenly said which caught my attention. Since when did Lucy get the guts to call me an idiot? Ezra smirked as he nodded then left.

  “Since when did I became an idiot?” I asked her as I folded my arms in front of my chest. “Since you kissed me back at Fancy Cups.” she stated. She was talking about the first time we met which was after fighting Ciel.

  “Speaking of Fancy Cups, why were you in a fight?” she asked curiously. I smirked and said “Who knows I must’ve staged the whole thing just so I could kiss these lips of yours.” As I caressed her lips with my hand. She blushed and I knew that I was going to take her tonight.

  “So that means you’re not going to tell me?” she asked. Smart girl.

  I wasn’t going to tell her that I was testing out Ciel’s girl. I know I fight with Ciel all the time and we tend to ignore each other at times but I do care for the guy. Before she can say another word I pressed my lips upon hers not only to shut her up but to also satisfy my needs. I wanted more of her.

  The kiss was tender at first but when I needed more I started becoming rough but all of a sudden she lightly pushed me away and said “Not here Zen, we’re technically still at my work.” She’s such a tease.

  As we started walking towards her apartment she said “Aren’t you going to tell me to stay away from Ezra? Ezra been telling me to stay away from you.” I smirked and replied “But you just can’t stay away from me, can you?” she blushed at my words but I continued on “I’m not going to tell you to stay away from him, it’s your life. But you should know that you’re mine and mine only.”

  She suddenly grabbed my arm as we started walking. I never liked holding a girl’s hand or a girl holding me but for some reason Lucy holding my arm felt right. The walk to her apartment was filled with a comfortable silence.

  I was too excited when we arrived at her apartment that I simply couldn’t wait as I pushed her up against her door making her drop her keys. She was trying to scold me by telling me that her neighbors can see us but I shut her up with a kiss as it becomes passionate, fighting to get my tongue inside her mouth.

  When I lifted her up in my arms making her wrap her long slender legs around my waist, she gasped at the sudden action giving me a quick opportunity to put my tongue inside her mouth making our tongues dance together passionately. We both parted to breathe some air and I was about to start devouring her neck when all of a sudden my phone started to vibrate, and my phone only vibrate when I receive messages from the hospital.

  I put Lucy down on the ground and told her “Hold on.” I said as I took my phone out and stepped away from Lucy. I could tell that my sudden change of mood was confusing but I didn’t want Lucy to find out about her.

  The hospital was telling me that she was looking for me since she just had a panic attack. I sighed to myself knowing I wasn’t going to get any tonight.

  “Hey Lucy, sorry but I’ve got to go.” I told her as I started walking away but she grabbed my sleeve like she did before and asked the question I didn’t want to hear “Where are you going?”

  I didn’t want Lucy to know about her and I didn’t want her to find out about Lucy. It would only create stress and frustrations. Not to mention that she was a patient at the hospital that Lucy works at.

  I couldn’t think of a good excuse instead I gave her the same answer like I did always.

  “It’s none of your business.”

  Chapter 10


  “It’s none of your business.”

  His words were lukewarm and his voice was so cold. He came back for me and he even declared that I was his girlfriend. Then all of a sudden he becomes so distant that I don’t know if everything was just for show or just words to woo me.

  I stood outside my apartment and watched as Zen walked away. No words would come out of my mouth nor would my legs move forward to stop him. I wanted to know more of Zen. I’m scared to think that Zen didn’t actually change for me, and he’s still fooling around with other girls.

  It bothered me. Zen made me feel different emotions for the first time in my life. He made me feel butterflies in my stomach and made me feel a heat of desire I never knew existed. Now he was making me feel like my heart was being trampled on. I’ve always played the safest route in life but when I decided to take a different route, and take a chance on Zen, I get all messed up.

  It wasn’t supposed to be like this.

  I clenched my fists tightly not wanting to acknowledge this pain in my heart. It was fresh, and I know it’s not a wound that can heal with medicine. It was only going to hurt more as long as I have these feeling for Zen. My eyes squinted in determination as I swiftly picked up my keys from the ground and started walking after Zen.

  I walked far away from Zen but making sure that
he was still in my sights so I wouldn’t lose him. I may seem like an obsessed girlfriend by following their boyfriend but I needed to know because this pain was gnawing at the insides of my chest.

  Following Zen made my heart race. I felt this thrill shiver down my back. I felt like a rebellious teenager. If my parents saw me now they would shake their head in disappointment.

  I half expected Zen to return to the bar he usually hangs out at where he’d probably meet another girl. What I didn’t expect was him to return to the hospital, and the memory of seeing him the first time in the hospital entered my mind. At that time he said that he was there for an appointment but I think that was just him flirting. Why was he really at the hospital?

  My heart started beating more to the point where it’s almost painful. Maybe he had a life threatening disease, all the more reason to become a doctor. I’d be his personal doctor but for some reason a different image of personal doctor appeared in my head.

  Maybe he got someone pregnant. The thoughts of what ifs scared me.

  Zen walked in and went to the elevator. I couldn’t keep up with my heart anymore as I watched which floor his elevator stopped at. He was definitely visiting somebody and it was scaring me. The elevator stopped at the seventh floor. I was about to press the button to the elevator until I realized what I was doing. I was barging into Zen’s personal life.

  He could declare that I’m his girlfriend but if he truly cared about me then he would eventually tell me, right?

  I smiled to myself as I went back home. Even if I convinced myself not to follow Zen to the seventh floor nor will I bother him about where he was going to go still it didn’t put my mind at ease. I didn’t get a wink of sleep that night.

  Who knew that you could be completely happy one moment and totally devastated the next? The next day quickly came by and instead of staying in my four walled apartment miserably thinking about Zen, I’ve decided to at least go and read at Fancy Cups.

  I was lucky that when I arrived I was the only customer since it was too early in the morning. Angela and Stephen were even there.

  “Hi Lucy!” they both said in unison behind the counter as they both gave friendly smiles. “Hi Angela! Hi Stephen!” I greeted them back and smiled as much as I could. I think Angela was the first to notice that my smile was fake as she approached me and asked softly “Are you okay?”

  “If I say that I’m fine would you believe me?” I asked with a sheepish smile. It wasn’t a big smile but at least it wasn’t fake. “You don’t have to be fine if you’re truly not.” Angela said. I sighed as I sat down at a table and placed my heavy textbooks onto the table.

  “It’s about Zen is it?” Stephen asked as he made his way towards my table. I sighed once more and said “Sadly it is.” Angela tied her apron around her waist as she called out “Hey Fran! Get your butt out here.”

  Suddenly the red head who I saw on the first day I met Zen came out from a door inside the coffee shop. “Hey Lucy, I want you to meet the famous owner of Fancy Cups, Francesca Blake but you can call her Fran. Fran, this is one of our regulars Lucy.” Angela introduced us.

  Fran smiled as she stuck out her hand for me to shake. “Nice to meet you Lucy. I’m glad you like coming back here.” I smiled back as I took her hand and said “Nice to meet you too. I love the ambiance here and the coffee.” Stephen started laughing as he mumbled something along the lines of ‘ambiance’ and ‘mostly we have trouble from bad boys here’.

  “I introduced Fran to you because not only is she the owner of Fancy Cups but she’s also dating a bad boy and she could give you some advice.” Angela pointed out which made Fran glare at Angela and said “You make it sound like I’m some sort of bad boy whisperer.” Angela giggled as she literally pushed Fran to sit at my table as Angela walked away.

  Fran sighed and said “Sorry about Angela.” I wasn’t one to usually have friends nor seek advice but everything I was going through with Zen was new territory. This could be my only chance. “I… uh… you might know my… boyfriend,” Heck, I wasn’t sure if Zen was really my boyfriend. “His name is Zen.” At the mention of Zen’s name this made Fran’s eyes grew wide like saucers.

  “Z-Zen? As in Zen? Long brown hair and looks like a total bad boy? We’re talking about the same person, right?” she started bombarding me with questions. I simply nodded as she sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose and mumbled to herself “What’s up with bad boys and going after innocent looking girls?”

  “I never thought that Zen would settle down with one girl.” Fran said. I can’t blame anyone for putting me in this situation since I knew what kind of guy Zen was, even Fran knew and she wasn’t even dating the guy. Wait a minute. Did they date before or hook up?

  “Have you ever dated Zen?” I asked and I instantly knew the answer when Fran’s face scrunched up in disgust. “No, I’m dating a friend of Zen’s.” she answered. I then remembered the other guy when I first met Zen.

  “Oh… okay. Well, you see Zen didn’t technically settle down with one girl… I think.” I said.

  “I can’t exactly tell you what to do but you can ask him and if he doesn’t give you the answer you’re looking for then back him into a corner where he has no choice but to answer you.” Fran said. I was glad that Fran didn’t ask any details and the aura around seemed motivating like she would charge into battle if need to.

  I smiled at her and said “Thank you.”

  She smiled in return as she said “We girls have to stay far away from the bad boys as long as possible but it’s definitely hard when you can’t help but look past the bad boy image and see the man he truly is.”

  But it’s the bad boy part of Zen that draws me to him like an invisible rope pulling me towards him.

  Chapter 11


  Her health was getting better and I was in the happiest of moods. I even bought flowers and cake for her. Just a little celebration. Lucy hasn’t called me, and I felt bad for leaving her that one night but I just couldn’t say no when it comes to her.

  What’s her name? Penelope.

  I opened the door to her hospital room and called out to her “Hey Pen! They ran out of chocolate cake but I did get you mango cake.” She ignored what I said and shouted “Zen! We have a guest.” When she shouted that my whole body tensed. Did Ciel or one of the guys found out?

  I hurriedly ran into the room where I could get a good view of Penelope. Once our guest was in my sight I immediately dropped the flowers and cake in my hands. “Lucy, what are you doing here?” I asked. She was wearing her doctor’s white coat as she held the clipboard that held the health results of Penelope. I should be angry but I’m just completely surprised.

  Penelope scowled as she put her hands on her hips as she sat up in her bed. “She tells me she’s your girlfriend.” she clearly was angry.

  “I can explain—” but before I could explain Penelope was already scolding me “Not only did you hid the fact that you had a girlfriend but you also dropped the cake!” she shrieked as she looked at the smashed cake on the floor with ultimate horror. Lucy looked startled as she asked “You’re not Zen’s other girlfriend?”


  “What do you mean other girlfriend? I’m his little sister,” Penelope stared at Lucy with horror as well then all of a sudden Penelope’s sharp green eyes snapped towards me as she spat out “What does she mean other girlfriend? Are you playing with women’s hearts Zen?”

  I couldn’t exactly blame Lucy for thinking that way since I didn’t have the best of reputations. I sighed as I said “It’s all a misunderstanding. Pen, I’m not playing with women’s hearts anymore, Lucy is my only girlfriend.” I then turned towards Lucy and said “I’m sorry I’ve kept this from you. I didn’t want anybody to know about Penelope.”

  “Doesn’t want anybody to know,” Penelope mocked me. “And here I am trapped in this four white walled boorish place all by myself. If you told me about Lucy soon then I would’ve wanted her to visit me m
ore since my brother is always too busy.”

  Penelope was just a baby when our mother passed away. The moment I turned eighteen our drunken father left us and never returned. Ever since then I’ve been struggling to raise Penelope by myself. I did regular jobs back then such as waiting tables and working as cashiers but they weren’t enough to pay rent and put Penelope in school.

  My life took a completely new turn when Ciel suggested to make a living out of illegal fighting since we usually did it for fun. When Penelope was diagnosed with cancer that’s when I started doing certain errands that weren’t legal and even bullied people for money. It wasn’t ideal but it was enough to keep Penelope’s life going.

  Lucy and Penelope chatted away the afternoon as I took care of the cake. Before sundown we finally got Penelope to go to sleep. Lucy was quiet about the whole situation and she barely showed any expressions except when she’s talking to Penelope. Before Lucy could exit the room I quickly pulled her into the private bathroom that was connected to Penelope’s hospital room.

  Lucy let out a squeal. Just hearing her squeal made me realize how much I missed her. I crushed Lucy into a hug and buried my face into her golden hair. I also missed the scent of her oranges. They were truly comforting.

  “I’m sorry.” I told her. She relaxed into the embrace as she wrapped her arms around my waist and mumbled “I understand. Sorry for being nosy.” I smiled as I pulled away to look at Lucy. I couldn’t help but stare at Lucy’s kissable lips as I imagined different ways to kiss them.

  I smirked at her as I slowly leaned down to her and capture her lips with mine. God did I miss this.

  Her lips were just the same, if not, it’s even better. The kiss was slow and tender. My hands went to her tiny waist as her hands traveled to my long locks. Her hands were comforting and at the same time it left a scorching trail of desire in my body. I just couldn’t get enough of Lucy.


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