Playing By Heart

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Playing By Heart Page 12

by Melanie Shawn

  When she pulled back, she was flushed with excitement.

  “You were amazing,” he said, ruffling the back of her hair as he let her go. “This deserves a celebration. Ice cream?”

  “The show choir kids are all going over to Kiana’s, and then Ashlynn’s mom said I can stay over at their house after. Can I go, Troy? Please? Please please please? Can I go?”

  Well, the adoring little sis moment may have been short-lived, but at least it had happened. He’d take it.

  “Sure, M. You’ve got your phone?”

  She pulled it out of her bag and held it up to show him. Then she turned to Alison. “Oh! Alison! I forgot to ask you. Can you come to my school for career day?”

  “Hey! I thought I was coming,” Troy protested.

  Mila shrugged. “You can come, too, if you want, I guess.”

  He chuckled. “Well, after that ringing endorsement, how could I say no?”

  Alison laughed. “Sure, sweetie. I’ll come to your career day.”

  “Awesome! Troy can tell you when it is!”

  And with that, she and the gaggle of girls she’d run over to them with were gone, as quickly as they’d arrived. To Troy, it all felt like it’d happened in a whirlwind, and he was now doing his best to catch his breath in the aftermath.

  He turned to Alison, shaking his head. “I think that means we’re dismissed?”

  She grinned. “So, was that offer of ice cream only good for student singers, or can a guest performer get a little sundae love?”

  He leaned in closer and lowered his voice. “Why don’t we skip the rest of the sundae and just go straight for the whipped cream?”

  Her eyes widened and her pupils dilated as she drew in a sharp breath. Her reaction, in turn, caused his cock to stiffen in his pants and filled him with an overwhelming compulsion to get out of there as quickly as possible.

  “Let’s go,” she said.

  “You’re reading my mind.”

  Chapter 29

  Alison was so breathless and lightheaded with arousal from the passionate kisses she was exchanging with Troy and the way their hands roamed over each other’s bodies by the time they stumbled through her front door she could barely even stay on her feet.

  As she slammed the door shut and turned the deadbolt behind them, Troy pulled back for just a moment, a wry smile on his face. “Before things go too far, we should probably just make sure there’s nothing in the oven,” he quipped.

  She gave a hoarse chuckle but didn’t even have the presence of mind to come up with a witty comeback. She just whipped off her blouse and tossed it aside, jumping up into Troy’s arms and wrapping her legs around him as she pressed her mouth hungrily against his.

  He thrust his tongue into her waiting mouth, and she pushed back with her own, their kisses a frantic dance. Heat was building in her core like a furnace, and it was drifting outward from that central part of her to set her entire body on fire, from the top of her head down to the very tips of her fingers and toes. There wasn’t one cell in her body that didn’t burn for Troy.

  She knew what she had to do. The minute the idea popped into her mind, in the form of a fully-fleshed out picture like a still from a porn video, she knew it was a must.

  As quickly as she could, she disentangled herself from Troy’s arms and planted her feet firmly back on the ground. The instant she was standing solidly again, she dropped right down to her knees so that her face was perfectly even with Troy’s bulging package.

  With nimble fingers, she went to work unfastening his pants. She had a goal now, and she’d work as quickly as she could to achieve it. She wanted to free his cock and give him the best blow job of his life.

  She was hungry, all right, and it wasn’t for ice cream, or chocolate syrup, or even the whipped cream Troy had made such a sexy little joke about back in the lobby. She was hungry for him, and she was going to make sure her craving did not go unfulfilled tonight.

  He groaned as she finally got his pants unfastened and pushed down to his knees. She took his thick, hard cock in her hands, handling it lovingly, her fingers stroking over it gently as she moved her head back and forth, studying it from all angles, strategizing her plan of attack.

  First, she reached out with her tongue and swirled it around the head of his dick. She felt it jump against her mouth, his skin twitching under her hands. She liked having that kind of power. It flowed through her with a satisfying whoosh. She was going to do whatever it took to keep giving him this kind of pleasure, and not just for his sake. She got a powerful rush out of it as well.

  Her lips curved around the shape of his member, sliding down his shaft. She made sure to maintain a tight suction as she moved, wanting to imbue as much pleasure as possible into the moment.

  When she’d finally reached the base of his shaft, she paused there, applying gentle suction in waves. She let the rhythm build, making the level of intensity higher each time she sucked him in, toward the back of her throat.

  His hands clasped the back of her head, using pressure that was gentle but definite. His fingers knotted in her silky hair, and she loved that interplay—the roughness of his fisted grasp against the elegant, glossy sheen of her dark hair.

  When she sensed he couldn’t take the teasing any longer, she moved her head up and down, never letting the powerful ring of suction she’d built with her lips break for one instant. With each stroke up and down his ever-hardening cock, she felt pressure building inside her, as well.

  She understood this was a different dynamic than she’d ever experienced before. Well, with one exception—the last time she and Troy were together.

  This wasn’t just about a frantic, passionate coming together of two bodies with the aim of taking and giving as much pleasure as possible. Of course, between her and Troy, there was that element as well. But it was so much more than that. It was about each one of them getting pleasure from the simple act of giving to the other one. About the very fact of the other person feeling pleasure giving waves of that divine feeling to them, too.

  It was like a symbiosis, and she’d certainly never felt something that deep before.

  As much as she loved it, it also kind of scared her. Because, the truth was in life, that sometimes having something wonderful just meant that you had that much more to lose. And that feeling was scary as hell.

  She determined to put all of that out of her mind, though, and just enjoy what she was experiencing here with Troy. Whether it was the pure pleasure of him working her body the way that only he seemed to know how to, or the secondary pleasure like the kind she was experiencing right now—the kind of satisfaction that flowed through her knowing that she was absolutely blowing his mind—it didn’t matter. She was just going to enjoy it, take it into herself and hold it as a precious memory for the rest of her life.

  She slid her fingers up his torso, getting wetter and wetter with each curve and ridge of his six-pack her hands traversed. God, his body was so gorgeous. She didn’t know if he spent hours in the gym, or if it was just the remnants of his athlete’s physique honed by years of doing physical labor. Whatever it was, it was working for him, because he was hot as fucking hell.

  When she could sense that he was almost ready to burst, she ignored all of the instincts in her telling her to send him over the edge and let him come in her mouth, swallowing every drop he gave her. As erotic as that prospect was, she knew she didn’t want the encounter to end like that. She needed to feel him inside her again. That was the only thing that would fill the gnawing void that had begun growing in her belly the instant they’d started kissing.

  She tore her mouth away from his dick and stood, tearing off his clothes with trembling fingers. “I want us to get naked as quick as we can,” she gasped. “And then let’s get a condom on you. I want you to do me right here. Up against the wall.”

  He groaned and his eyes closed for one second. Clearly, what she’d said had been almost too hot for his brain to process. But then, he snapped his
eyes open and sprang into action, reaching out for her and sliding his hands around her back, and unsnapping her bra and whipping it off.

  They tore at each other like wild animals for a few long minutes until they both stood there, staring at each other’s naked bodies and drawing in long and ragged breaths as they did so.

  Alison let her eyes wander ravenously over his gorgeous physique, feasting equally hungrily on his broad shoulders, ripped abs, and thick cock, which stood at attention in front of his body like a vertical flagpole.

  It looked so mouthwateringly good, as a matter of fact, that it was all she could do not to drop to her knees and start devouring it again. The only thing that kept her from doing that was the aching between her legs, which she knew could only be satisfied by having that part of him that she was so hungry for penetrate her over and over again.

  Her eyes flew up to meet his. “Where are your condoms?”

  He smiled wickedly. “A woman who gets right to the point. I love it.”

  Usually, she loved his teasing banter. Right now, it felt like salt in a raw wound. “Dammit, tell me where they are. I need you. Right now.”

  His face darkened at her words, lust taking over, and without another word or any further hesitation, he grabbed his pants from where they’d been discarded, pulled his wallet out of the back pocket, and dug out a condom. He held it up triumphantly for one quick second, but then took the wrapper between his teeth and ripped it open.

  Alison didn’t have any patience beyond that. She reached out and grabbed the unpackaged condom from his hand and rolled it quickly and efficiently out over his hard dick.

  She then looked up into his face, giving him a wicked smile of her own to match the one that his mouth had sported just a moment ago, and then jumped up into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “I think it’s time to find the nearest wall, stud.”

  Chapter 30

  Troy couldn’t believe his good fortune. He was not only here with a beautiful woman—a beautiful naked woman—but she was in his arms, her legs wrapped around him, telling him to find the nearest wall so he could thrust himself into her in one of the sexiest, most fantasy drenched scenarios possible.

  He had to be dreaming—if her gorgeous body didn’t feel so amazingly real in his arms, he would’ve sworn to it. She was warm, firm, and soft in the exact places anyone would want an incredibly beautiful woman to be firm or soft, and her pulse was throbbing through her body in a rhythm that matched his own.

  She was real, all right. And this, what they were sharing right now—that was real, too.

  He carried her over to a blank expanse of wall at the far side of the living room and pressed her back against it, causing her to draw in a sharp breath. “Are you okay? Was that too rough?”

  As turned on as he was, his first instinct was always going to be to protect her. To keep her safe, and make sure nothing hurt her.

  She smiled up at him, her hands moving softly up the sides of his neck to cup his face. She gave him the gentlest kiss imaginable, and then said, “You’re so sweet. But, no. It didn’t hurt at all. I gasped because it turned me on.”

  Fuck. That was all he needed to hear. He slid his hands down to cup her ass and lifted her up far enough away from his belly that he could position his cock at her entrance, at the perfect angle to lower her down onto him, impaling her on his stiff rod.

  “Do it, Troy. Please. Oh, God, I need you to fill me up right now,” she groaned against his neck as her fingernails bit into his back. That was all he needed to hear.

  He moved his hands to her hips and grasped her firmly, his hands digging into the soft flesh of her ass and belly. Then, he brought her down on him with one smooth, strong movement, drawing a cry of, “Oh, yes!” from deep within her throat.

  He studied her face as he drove into her, loving the way it contorted into almost unimaginable configurations as his cock penetrated her. It wasn’t feminine, or graceful, or poised, or ladylike. It was wild and uncontrolled and visceral. And he’d never seen her look more beautiful.

  When he was buried inside her up to the hilt, he pressed her against the wall so that he would have the needed leverage and slid one arm tightly around her waist to hold her up, then drew his hips back and thrust into her again. It drew another cry of reckless pleasure from her lips and he was incredibly pleased with himself. He liked giving her pleasure more than almost anything in the world and he absolutely loved that he possessed the ability to do it pretty much on command.

  “Does that feel good?” He asked in a rough, commanding whisper.

  “God, yes.”

  “How good does it feel?”

  Her eyes flew open and she studied his gaze. Perhaps she was searching within his eyes to see how serious he was, or maybe she was just drinking in the hunger that lurked behind them, taking pleasure from it. Either way, he felt her inner walls pulsing faster against his cock as she did so.

  She let out a small whimper and then replied, “Better than anything I’ve ever felt.”

  He smiled. “That’s what I like to hear.”

  With that, he drew back and thrust into her again with a swift ferocity that he had not used before. She arched her back and her eyes rolled back in her head, and he dipped his mouth to swirl his tongue around first one hard nipple and another as he continued to pump his cock in and out of her.

  After just a few short minutes, his head started to swirl. He leaned forward, his chest pressed up against her and his palm spread flat on the wall behind her. He pumped in and out of her, never breaking his rhythm.

  When he felt himself get close to coming, he knew that he needed to change things up between them. This was too quick, he didn’t want it to end so soon. He growled into her ear, “I want to take you from behind. I want you on your hands and knees.”

  She whimpered and her muscles turned to jelly in his arms. Her legs, wrapped around him so firmly just seconds ago, loosened and her feet landed back on the ground. She clung to his neck to remain upright, and she whispered, “That sounds incredible. Yes. The couch—I can get on all fours on the couch.”

  A wave of hot electricity made him feel faint again as it passed through the length of him. God, it was such a huge turn on to think that they weren’t even going to get to the bed tonight. Well, maybe they would at some point during the night, but not anytime soon. She’d sucked him off by the front door, then he’d pumped into her against the living room wall, and now he was going to take her from behind on the couch.

  If they focused and worked hard, they could christen every single room of this house before they were done.

  He leaned down to pick her up, then carried her like a bride over the threshold. He set her down gently, as if she might break if he were too rough with her.

  As soon as her body hit the cold leather, she scrambled up onto her hands and knees, turning to look at him over her shoulder, her glossy dark hair tumbling in gorgeous waves over the creamy skin of her back. It stretched almost to her ass; she looked like a classical painting to his eyes. So beautiful.

  She caught his eyes and nodded, and he knew exactly what she meant—she wanted to be holding his gaze when he knelt behind her and pushed himself into her. He wanted that to. It was so damn hot.

  He knelt behind her, using his knees to push her legs apart a little bit farther. He reached forward and stroked her soft curls, then trailed his fingertips down, tracing the shapely outline of her hips and waist. He felt her skin shudder under his caress and it made his cock jump.

  He wanted to push himself into her right then, but there was one thing he needed to do first, and he was going to make himself be patient enough to do it. His number one rule was that Alison’s needs came first, and a rule was meaningless if you broke it the instant you didn’t want to follow it anymore.

  He trailed his hands back over her plump, firm ass and then used one hand to rub his fingers up and down her soaking wet seam. She shook uncontrollably as he did this, and h
er arms shook and collapsed, sending her down to her elbows, her face buried in the couch cushion.

  He increased his pace, and then focused his attention on her pleasure center, rubbing the small button in firm circles until every muscle in her body was trembling and clenching, and she was crying out in release.

  Then, right at the height of her climax, he thrust his hard cock into her spasming walls, feeling them close tight around him like a hot, wet Venus flytrap.

  He could feel the power of her orgasm through the muscles under his hands as he grasped her waist and hips. It was so erotic—the feeling of pounding her while she crested that orgasmic wave. There was only one thing missing, and that was for them to climb that peak together. He knew it wouldn’t be long; he was incredibly close.

  He picked up his speed a little and fixed his eyes on her body. He focused on the sexy things his actions were doing to her—the way her breasts bounced as they hung down from her chest, the way her ass jiggled a little every time his hips and abs pounded into it.

  And, beyond that, the way she cried out a little every time he completed a thrust. The auditory evidence that the orgasm crashing through her was directly caused by what his body was doing to her.

  At that, he went crashing over the edge with her, both of them crying out and collapsing in a sweaty, trembling heap on the couch as they clung to each other and rode it out.

  He wrapped her up in his arms as they came down, stroking her hair and her skin as his heartbeat slowed along with her.

  God, they were so in sync. He’d never been happier.

  Still, he couldn’t help but wonder. How long was this going to last?

  Chapter 31

  Alison inhaled as she walked with Troy down the laminate-floored hall of the school building. The air had a peculiar mix of scents that she hadn’t smelled since she’d left school herself. Pencil shavings, old books, paste. Musty coats brought in from the rain and put away wet too many times. The faint odor of the lunch ladies heating up the noon meal drifting across from the cafeteria. And, underneath it all, just a hint of the industrial cleaner that the janitor mopped the floors with at night.


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