His Chance (HIS Series Book 4)

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His Chance (HIS Series Book 4) Page 12

by Sheila Kell

  Automatically tensing, her mind raced through all the possible things he might want to know. As long as he didn’t get back to the accident.

  “What are you wearing that has made the car smell so damn good I’ve had to fight to keep my hands on the wheel and not you?”

  Stunned to silence, it took her a moment to process. “Beau—” She cleared her throat. “Beautiful by Estee Lauder.” Since her mouth couldn’t hold back, she rushed to add, “But, I’m also wearing Pink Cashmere lotion from Bath & Body Works.” Lord, he didn’t need that last bit of information. He meant the perfume.

  Devon raked his gaze over her and her body responded as if he’d just used his hands to rub that lotion over every square inch of her. She shifted to alleviate the growing warmth and dampness between her thighs.

  “I like them.” He opened his car door, but before he stepped out, he added, “A lot.” Then he left her alone to gather her senses and follow. The man’s changing moods was not what she’d expected, but he kept her on her toes and she was beginning to enjoy it.

  Together they filled the back seat with the packages waiting for them. Curiosity was killing her not knowing what he’d had sent. What kind of stuff did he plan? As far as she was concerned, they just had to get in and out without anyone seeing them. She couldn’t imagine what he’d need.

  On the sidewalk, a prickling sensation skipped along Rylee’s spine and continued up to the hairs on the back of her neck. The overwhelming feeling that she was being watched almost knocked her breathless. She slowly turned her head, taking in the area and scanning every face. Her FBI training had taught her how to assess her surroundings, and she didn’t miss a thing. She also didn’t notice anyone suspicious.

  Maybe paranoia had taken hold and was trying to shake up her resolve to search for the girls. Yet, part of her wondered about Dave’s plan. He said he’d be bringing her to the twins. If she allowed herself to be captured, could she save them? All three of them?

  That was by far her stupidest idea. First, she didn’t know for certain the girls were here. She crossed her fingers in juvenile hope. Second, getting herself captured was ludicrous. The risk was too high that she’d fail and lose herself in the process. No, finding them and then bringing in help was the trick.

  Devon followed her scanning of the area. “Is something wrong?”


  Did she imagine it or had he stepped closer to her and stood more rigid? She told herself not to dream up something that wasn’t there. He probably did it because they had entered an area with an increase in foot traffic. “Here’s the grocery store.” She split off to the right, and her mind eased when he remained close to her.

  She wasn’t sure which of them was on alert more—her or him.

  Down the soup aisle, a woman searched the shelves while her toddler kicked his—she guessed a he because the child was dressed in a blue jumpsuit—feet in the buggy. The little one kept opening and closing his hands and babbling, “Hi. Hi.”

  She couldn’t help but smile and wave to the child. “Hi there.” Her voice was soft and held laughter. It held a childlike quality—one that adults used when speaking with a baby or toddler.

  Devon cocked his head at her, gave her a surprised look as if watching an alien, and then he smiled, his face lighting up.

  She shrugged and winked at the child as they passed. That interaction eased some of the tension from her shoulders. Her smile faltered when they came to the head of the aisle, her gaze landing on a man standing at the door of the small grocery store. The tall, menacing goon of Dave’s wasn’t looking at her, but he was looking for something… or someone. Her heart pounded and rushed the beating of her pulse. What was his name again? Clark? She almost snapped her fingers. Chuck. That was it.

  She slipped behind Devon, hoping the man hadn’t seen her. She had to find an escape for them. Her palms turned clammy and she wished she’d brought her weapon because she had no doubt Chuck had one under his jacket since it was too warm to wear one. “We, uh, have to get back to the cabin, Erik—the owner—said he’d schedule the internet connection for this afternoon.” Peeking around Devon before he moved, she relaxed a bit to see that the man wasn’t in sight. Was the other one here too? Fuck!

  Rylee twitched and kept her eyes moving during their checkout. It seemed to take forever, and Devon kept up a running commentary with the cashier.

  “What’s the oddest combination of things you’ve seen people buy?” he asked.

  The young girl checking them out tilted her head to the side in thought. “Hmm. I’d say someone came in and bought a can of corn, a magazine and duct tape. Darned weird, actually.” The cashier shrugged.

  “Wow, as a journalism student”—he’d established that with her at the onset—“you could make a great story from that.” He spread his hands apart as if displaying a news headline. “Captive is taped and forced to eat canned corn and read— What was the magazine?”

  A crooked tooth smile split her face in excitement. “And read the National Enquirer.” She laughed and quoted their total.

  Devon paid and they left. Luckily, they’d been blessed without one of the Westbrook muscles entering the store.

  She didn’t relax as they loaded the car with their purchases and began their trip up the mountain. Watching the side mirror to make sure no one was following them, she jumped when Devon spoke.

  “Are you going to tell me what that was all about?”

  “What?” Dammit. What should she tell him? Nothing yet. It didn’t seem the right time to tell him. With his level of protectiveness, if she told him about the guy from her kidnapping, then she knew full well he would call in his brothers and she’d be put into protection. He might even call in the FBI. While she wasn’t going to put herself into any more risk than necessary, she needed to see it through. It was a burden he wouldn’t understand.

  “Rylee, what the hell is going on? Something, or someone, spooked you back there.”

  She feigned innocence. Chuck may not have even been there for her. They had no idea she was in town. As long as she kept hidden and took no more trips out, she was safe. “Nothing spooked me.”

  “Then what—?”

  “Don’t hit that squirrel on the side of the road!” Rylee shouted and pointed ahead of them.

  “Shit.” Devon swerved to miss the animal scurrying across the asphalt.

  To head off more on the topic, she asked him, “Have you ever eaten squirrel?”

  He shook his head as if to clear it. “Did you say squirrel?”

  “Yeah. I’ve heard people say they’ve actually eaten it. Me, I can’t see doing that.”

  “Must be a country thing.” He glanced at her. “No, I haven’t eaten it. It could be interesting.”

  “How about rabbit?” She kept on with different food choices to keep the conversation active with no room for him to ask her about her experience at the grocery store.

  When they arrived at the cabin, Rylee hurried to let Angel out. They brought in the shopping bags, and she went back outside to find the dog while Devon put away the groceries. With Angel not in sight, no doubt foraging in the trees, she occupied herself with collecting firewood and taking it inside. Devon would probably balk, but she was quite capable, but more than that, she liked to feel productive. She’d done it before he’d arrived.

  Around the side of the house, she filled a wheelbarrow with cut logs, all the time expecting him to show up behind her. Her muscles worked and sweat dripped down her back, but she lifted the cart handles and shifted the heavy load to make it easier to transport. Sure enough, when she’d made it to the front of the cabin, Devon stepped outside and immediately rushed to take over.

  “I’ve got it.” He reached for the handles.

  She shrugged and allowed him to do it. If it made him feel better, she could suffer his macho man attitude. Walking around the yard, she called for Angel. Coming upon a mostly dead tree about four feet high, she kicked at the base of it, until it toppl
ed over. Before she could bend over to pick it up and drag it to the woodpile, Angel emerged from the woods with something in his mouth.

  The dog approached Devon—traitor—and sat with her tail wagging and a gray ball of fur between her jaws. She wondered with amusement if the dog had a squirrel for them.

  Devon reached his hand out. “Drop it, girl,” he told the dog.

  Angel, clearly not understanding, did no such thing.

  Squatting, Devon talked soothingly and once again extended a hand toward the dog. She wanted to reach out and grab it to keep him from being bitten. Couldn’t squirrels carry rabies? She didn’t want to tell Kate that she’d had to rush him to the hospital.

  This time Angel obeyed, except she dropped the creature on the ground instead of in Devon’s waiting hand. Devon praised the girl and leaned his head down to inspect the wild animal. If it were a dead squirrel, she didn’t care how interesting Devon thought it might be, she was not cooking it for dinner.

  With the little gray ball of fur in his hands, he turned to her, stroking the small animal’s head. “I guess Angel likes cats.”

  She released a quick breath that he hadn’t been bitten. The unmistakable sound of purring vibrated through the air, and she fell in love with the fluff ball and its big eyes looking at them with hope. “It’s so tiny.” She reached out and stroked the kitten’s head.

  “Help me look around for its momma or more little ones.”

  They searched the area where Angel had emerged from the woods, but found nothing. Thank God that Angel brought it to them or it would certainly have died on its own.

  Devon cooed to the kitten as he stood and inspected it before handing it over to her. It couldn’t be more than a couple of weeks old. She hoped they could keep it alive without its mother. “Meet Max. Maximus actually, but Max for short.”

  Flabbergasted that he’d named the kitten, she asked, “You’re keeping it?”

  “Him.” He nodded. “And yeah, we’re keeping him.” He reached down and petted Angel. “Is there anything wrong with that?”

  “Of course not. I think it’s… great.” Great that Devon happened to be a sexy man with a protective streak and a heart of gold that rescued abandoned animals. She’d wanted to fall in love with her husband, and how could she not fall in love with this man? The thought startled her and she stiffened her spine. She had to give their marriage a try. If she ended up like her mother, then so be it. Devon came across to her as someone she might succeed with.

  LEAVING MAX TO his bowl of milk and the bath Angel seemed to think necessary, Devon began the chore of unpacking the boxes from home. Yet, his mind couldn’t let go of the fact that Rylee had been fearful in town. Something had spooked her, and he couldn’t get her to spill.

  Had she seen someone who would recognize her from the accident? He mentally shook his head. She said no one saw her. He had to agree or they’d have killed her right then and there. But the two who’d put her in the car were still out there.

  Gaining the information from her about what put her on edge was impossible. He’d have to keep an eye on her, closer than he already was. He’d love to lock her in a room and call his brothers to check this out, but he also wanted a chance with her and bringing them in would ruin that. He would give up the opportunity if his gut churned that she was in danger, not just the imagined one that he had.

  “What’s that?” Rylee asked as he pulled his baby from a box.

  “That is what we are using to see what we can at Canyon Creek Ranch.” He unfolded the wings of the black piece of equipment and showed her the drone they’d fly over Carver’s place. The one he hoped captured what they needed so she never had to go near the place. He reached in the box and pulled out a camera. Waving it with care and smiling, he added, “Infrared camera.”

  Her face brightened with pleasure. “Sweet.” Then she looked crestfallen. “But, there’s only a spotty cellular signal in that area. Believe me, I tried.”

  His smile grew. He always acquired the best equipment. “My Viper Air Elite UAV has its unique software. No 3/4G or WIFI needed,” he said with a pride-filled voice.

  She slapped her hands together quickly and then fisted each in front of her chest in excitement. “Yes!”

  Hell, if this toy made her happy, he had plenty more to share, and he’d take her to a dark closet and start with the one in his pants. Shit! Why can’t I keep my mind out of the gutter with her? Because she draws me in like no other. He just had no idea how to handle that concept. He cleared his throat. “We still should be where I can see it though.”

  The look of confusion on her face told him the raspiness in his voice hadn’t been imagined. “Do you want me to open one of the other boxes?”

  Anything to keep her from figuring out where his mind had launched itself. “Sure. Be careful though.”

  “What’s in these?”

  They both straightened at the sound of an approaching vehicle. Panic passed over her face before she shuttered it and tried to look calm and unnerved.

  Her gaze pierced his with strength. Damn, the woman was amazing in how quickly she could bolster her courage. “The phone guy.”

  Nodding and grabbing the equipment on the table, he dropped it into a box and then carried it to the bedroom he’d commandeered. “Bring those boxes in here,” he tossed over his shoulder. After setting his load on the bed, he turned and was hit square in the chest. He reached out to steady the box, and Rylee, who held it.

  “Sorry,” she whispered.

  Smiling, he accepted her load and placed it beside his. “I’ll get the door.”

  “I can get it.” She attempted to precede him out of the room, her path intent on the front door, but he stepped in front of her.

  “I’m sure you can, but I’ll get it. You can stay in your room.”

  Beside the front door, he peeked around the curtains on the window to witness a stout, bald, African American man exit the phone company truck.

  “I what?”

  Turning to her, he caught a vision of her in a temper with her hands shoved on her hips and her face reddening. He didn’t relish being on the receiving end when she erupted, but she was damn cute and it turned him on all the more. “We don’t want anyone to know you’re here, right?”

  “Well, not anyone that matters. As for this situation, I hate to break it to you, but the man will be looking for me since the owner gave him my name.”

  He heaved a heavy sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. “Rylee—”

  Three loud knocks bounced off the door, interrupting him.

  “It’ll be okay,” she said. “But”—she smiled in a sweet manner telling him she was just placating him—“I’ll let you open the door if it makes you feel better.”

  He groaned. She needed to be flipped over a knee and given a good spanking. His jeans were embarrassingly tight. Dammit. Get your mind out of the gutter.

  The telephone technician—Daniel—was in and out in less than an hour, leaving Devon connected to the internet and smiling when he found out Rylee had registered under a false name.

  Ready for their mission, they left the cabin and trudged through the forest. He wished he’d brought the ax and cut away more of the trail they’d created for their trek to Canyon Creek Ranch because he wasn’t excited about scratching up his UAV with branches and bushes that leaned in their path.

  Rylee turned her head back to him with concern creasing her brow. “Do you think Max is okay with Angel? Should we have separated them before we left?”

  Devon chuckled. “I wouldn’t worry. I believe that dog has adopted the little tyke.”

  They continued on, with, to his discomfort, Rylee leading since she knew the way. There were few places wide enough for them to walk side-by-side. “I found a cave of sorts. Mostly just an inset, but deep enough.”

  That piqued his interest. They should have some place to go if someone came to the cabin looking for them or— “Show it to me on the wa
y back. Maybe we can camp near it.”

  She looked up at the afternoon sky. “I’m not sure we’ll have time.”

  Following her gaze, he viewed the brilliant blue sky nearly desolate of clouds. He couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day to fly his UAV. “Tomorrow works,” he conceded.

  They reached the ledge and Devon’s nerves tightened into a kink that settled in his shoulders and neck. “I know we are a distance away, but we’ll stay to the tree line so we won’t be seen.”

  “What do you want me to do beside stand here?”

  Raising one eyebrow and a corner of his mouth, he watched her expression change and her face redden when she realized his thoughts had nosedived. Enjoying watching her embarrassment, he winked to irritate her. “Plenty, but right now, just have a seat.”

  He wasn’t sure, but he thought she muttered something like, “Pig,” under her breath. It pulled out a chuckle from deep within his chest. He sat beside her, removed his laptop from the bag, then opened and powered it on. After confirming his connection between it and the UAV, he relaxed a smidgeon, kicking himself for not confirming before they departed the cabin. “Okay. We’re ready.”

  The excitement on her face sent a pulse of pleasure radiating through him. He wanted to find the girls for her. But, if they were there, that meant Carver was involved. He didn’t want to believe it. Neither scenario gave him a full happy ending. He’d either still be searching for the girls or he’d be chasing his old boss.

  Pushing it all aside, he controlled the UAV and lifted it off the ground. Although his plan would give minimal opportunity for Carver to notice it unless he was searching specifically for a drone, Devon sent a prayer up that no one would see it, except he and Rylee, of course. It was a chance he was willing to take that it’d be sighted because it didn’t put Rylee in harm’s way.

  “Clarise, huh?”

  “What? Oh.” She laughed at the name she’d registered with. “It’s one of my sister’s friend’s clothing lines. The designer once told me the clothes are perfect for me, but I’m partial to my jeans.”


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