Stone Heir (The Kahlian Series Book 1)

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Stone Heir (The Kahlian Series Book 1) Page 13

by Aimee Hunter

  “Captain, there are things that you need to know before we continue our journey. Things about myself as well as my family, but I have to know whether or not I can trust you to never reveal what I’m about to tell you to anyone. Not even your King.” Diana said cautiously, watching him closely as he weighed her words. She liked that he didn’t immediately rush to reassure her, proving what she already knew of him. He was a careful man, one who did not give his word lightly and took such a vow seriously. Finally, after a small eternity, he agreed.

  “As long as what you tell me in no way endangers my King, my city or my people, I will carry your secret with me to my grave, my Lady.” Diana couldn’t stop the breath of relief that escaped her upon Xavier’s response.

  “It does not, Captain. In fact, it works even now to protect them all.” She assured him, clasping her hands before her, she locks eyes with handsome Captain before speaking. “I need your word that you will listen to all I have to say, that you will not let fear cause you to react rashly. I need you to try to remain calm.” Xavier frowns in confusion as this but seeing how it was obviously important to her, he agrees.

  “I will do my best, Your Highness.” This causes Diana to smile for a moment before she glances away, her golden gaze falling on Kylie where she was conversing with the soldiers.

  “You were right,” she began quietly, “you did see Kylie die.” Xavier immediately tenses as he too looks over to the young woman speaking with his people. Remembering his promise to hear her out. He clenches his jaw, takes a deep breath to quell the uncharacteristic fear that lanced through his gut and directs his gaze back to the Princess. Determined to prove himself worthy of her trust. He is surprised to see that she had been watching his reaction the entire time. She was apparently pleased by what she saw if the small smile she was sporting was anything to go by.

  Diana was indeed pleased by Xavier’s ability to override his fear, and was amused by his irritation over the fact that he felt fear in the first place. She waited for him to gather himself before continuing.

  “We are not mutants.” She revealed, deciding a direct approach might be best with this particular human.

  “Did you say, we?” he asked tentatively. At her nod, his frown deepened. “You mean; you have died before and then came back too?” he asked, wanting to make sure he was understanding her correctly; again Diana nodded. “But you’re not mutants?” She shook her head negatively. Xavier wasn’t particularly enjoying how lost he was feeling at this point.

  “We are not a by-product of the fall out. My people have walked the Earth as long as humans have.” She told him, pausing to give him a moment to let that piece of information sink in before continuing. “We cannot be killed by traditional means. We are Kahlians. As such, we are shape shifters that can change our form at will.” Xavier stared at her for several tense moments. He understood that the decision to entrust him with this secret wasn’t made lightly. He had obviously proven something to this woman over the short time they had known each other, but even though he understood the honor that had just been extended to him, he was bursting with curiosity. Xavier spared a glance to the rest of the group, making sure they wouldn’t be overheard.

  “If that is true, my Lady, then how could your father have been killed? Your kingdom overrun?” he asked as gently as he could. Diana looked down at her hands for a moment, the mentioning of her father causing a spasm of pain in her heart. She took a fortifying breath before looking up at the Captain.

  “Just because we can’t be killed by conventional means, Captain, doesn’t mean we can’t be killed.” She answered him, “Damian has grown rather proficient at it over the years.” Xavier’s eyes widened with this revelation.

  “You think Sir Damian is behind everything?” he asked.

  “I know he is,” Diana paused, gesturing towards Kylie, “and there’s my witness.” Turning back to Dumas she added, “She was in Westland when Damian’s forces invaded, she saw him go into the holding cells where my father was being held and was forced to listen as the only grandfather she’s ever known was tortured to death. My mother was able to eventually free her then sent her here to warn us.”

  “Why?” he wanted to know. Once more he found himself on the receiving end of a measuring look.

  “Because by the time Damian was allowed entrance into Culville, my father was already dead by his hand.” She crossed her arms, looking down at her feet again as she tried to come to terms with her new reality. Xavier was reeling, the man he had believed to be honorable from the stories told to him by King Alexander, was in fact anything but. If he could perpetrate such treachery against his own King, what then, would he be willing to do to a King he owes no loyalty beyond the bounds of friendship to?

  “Do you know what brought him to Culville to begin with?” he was almost afraid to ask; certain he already knew the answer.

  “We believe he’s there to take your city. He has a mutant army stationed barely more than a day’s march outside of Culville. Waiting for the order to attack.” Xavier shook his head in shock and disbelief.

  “But why? Why would he need Culville so soon after sacking Westland? What could he hope to gain from all of this?” he demanded.

  “An empire.” Was her simple reply, even though there was nothing simple about the entire situation. There were so many players in this plan of Damian’s that she couldn’t be sure who was with him. She could, however, see that the Captain was beating himself up over the fact that he was out here, escorting her to Westland. While his King was in imminent danger, with an army bearing down on his home. Diana reached out, placing her hand on his shoulder gently, trying to offer some comfort to the distraught man.

  “My sisters are with your King, Captain. They will do all they can to protect him and Culville, but if you wish to turn back. Now would be the time to do it.” She warned him. “We are not going to Westland. My mother told Kylie where she was headed, I have to meet her there but I understand that your duty to you people comes first.” Xavier shook his head and paced away from her, tilting his head back to look at the canopy of tree branches overhead. Getting small glimpses of a rapidly darkening sky as he thought over his options. If there was anyone he felt he could trust with the protection of the King and his city, it would be Mason Stone. It’s amazing how quickly you get to know a person when you spend time with them in a sparring ring.

  He had given his word to both Alexander and Lady Diana, that he would escort her to Westland and report back to his king what they found. He didn’t feel right abandoning her to discover the truth of her people’s fate on her own, with only one young woman to back her up. Even knowing that their destination had changed. He turned slightly, facing the group that milled about around the fire, preparing the evening meal but still able to see the Stone woman in his periphery. He knew what it would mean for him to continue on with Diana. Not turning back now meant he and his soldiers wouldn’t be there to defend the city when the army attacked. They would be hundreds of miles away, completely unable to help their friends and families.

  “Where exactly are we going?” he asked finally, keeping his eyes trained on the others. Diana’s eyes widened minutely, she had been sure he would decide to turn back. Thinking his loyalty to his sovereign coming before all else. Glancing over at her, he couldn’t help the small smirk that stole across his face at her shocked expression. “I’m not in the habit of going back on my word, Lady Diana.” She smiled slowly back at him then answered his question.

  “North west. There is a small mountain range about three days’ ride from here. My mother will be waiting for me there inside a cavern in the heart of the range.” Nodding his understanding, his mind racing. They were already a day out of Culville. If he saw her the rest of the way, hopefully he would be able to make it back in time to save his King if not his city. Feeling guilty for praying for a siege but no less duty bound to fulfill his orders, Xavier turned to face her fully.

  “I will accompany you at least that f
ar. I’ll offer the same choice to my Officers; whether to continue on with us, or turn back.” He informed her.

  “Of course, Captain.” Together they walked over to the others, gaining their attention. Xavier looked at each of his people closely, knowing the choice before them. He gathered them close so he could speak to them while Diana pulled Kylie off to the side. “Instead of Westland, we’re heading to the Black Hills.” Kylie smiled. The Black Hills were located along the western border of what used to be South Dakota and Wyoming. If she remembered correctly, that is where the very few Kahlian funerals she had witnessed in her life were held. It’s where they kept their dead. In a hidden, massive cave in the very center of the mountain range. It had been there long before the Kahlian’s had discovered it several centuries ago, long before World War III had destroyed all civilization as it was known up to that point. Her grandmother, Aine, had once told her that the Black Hills were one of the few places on Earth where the passage of time was nearly a physical force.

  Centuries before she had ever been born, the local indigenous people had believed the Hills to be the center of the world. They believed it was where the first man had been created. She empathized with that belief, finding the air in the range thick with old power. Moving closer to her adopted mother, she pitched her voice low enough so as not to be heard by the others.

  “Is that where Grandmother is?” At Diana’s nod, Kylie shook her head. “How could she have made it that far? She was injured when we parted ways!”

  “Don’t underestimate her, Kylie. Your grandmother is every bit as much a warrior as she is a peace maker. She made it. I know she did.” Slipping her arm around the younger woman’s waist, she gave her a reassuring squeeze. “We’ll find her, sweetheart.” The younger Kahlian leaned into her mother’s embrace, looking up only when the big human soldier she had heard Diana refer to only as Captain, approached them.

  “I’ve spoken to my Officers. They’ve all chosen to continue on with us.” Xavier said once he had reached the two women. Diana could see the pride he felt for his people in his eyes, making them even brighter.

  “Thank you, Captain.” She said. He glanced between her and Kylie, seemingly waiting for something.

  “It is our duty.”

  “We should probably all get some rest. I don’t plan on stopping again, except to rest the horses, until we get there.” She told him. Xavier understood her urgency, he even agreed with it. He just wasn’t looking forward to that kind of hard push.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Spending a few hours in Rena’s rooms, the four women went over all that had happened in the span of a few short hours. Trying to determine, not only their next course of action pending the Impure attack; but also wondering what Diana would find on her arrival in Wolfhaven.

  Mason returned to her own room. Evening was beginning to set in and she was exhausted. Having already eaten a light dinner, and feeling a bit more relaxed after a hot bath. Mason was surprised at the knock on her door since it was fairly late at night. Rising from where she’d been reclining on her bed, allowing her mind to drift till her thoughts quieted themselves. She walked to the door. Reaching out and opening it, her surprise was compounded by the sight of Rena on the other side.

  Frowning in concern, Mason pulled the door open wider.

  “Rena? Is everything alright?” she asked. The Princess smiled at her softly.

  “Yes. I just couldn’t sleep. I thought I’d take a chance, see if you were still up and if you would like some company.” Rena explained. Seeing the other woman was dressed for bed in loose pants and an old sleeveless shirt, she quickly added “But I can see that you’re ready to turn in, so I’ll just go.” She turned to leave but Mason reached out, gently catching her hand. Returning her smile, amused, she swung the door wider. Stepping back, Mason gestured for Rena to enter.

  “It’s okay, Rena. Come in. I’m finding it difficult to sleep as well. And yes, I always welcome your company.” Receiving a small, shy smile from the younger woman, Mason quietly closed the door once Rena stepped inside. Turning back, she noticed the brunette fidgeting nervously. “Are you sure everything is okay, Rena?” Mason pressed again, walking closer.

  Rena turned, a bit taken aback at how closely the older woman stood to her. She kept forgetting how quickly and quietly her companion could move. She smiled up at her, releasing an anxious breath. It had taken several hours for her to talk herself into making the trip to Mason’s room. Still reeling from the pace at which her relationship with the Kahlian was developing but unable to deny the insistent need to be close to her or the affection that had settled deep in her heart for the beautiful woman. After finding out that the woman’s entire world had just imploded, Rena found herself wanting nothing more than to be able to ease Mason’s pain.

  “Honestly?” Rena began, warmed by Mason’s concern for her in the face of her own woes. “I came here to ask you that very question.” She admitted in a hushed voice. Feeling the need to be quiet considering how late it was.

  Mason blinked at her response.

  “I’m fine.” She told her, stepping around her to walk over to her bed. Pulling the covers back, Mason tucked a leg under her as she sat sideways on the mattress. Rena’s couldn’t help the look of disbelief that flashed across her face. Mason chuckled softly, reaching forward to pat the bed in front of her. Indicating to Rena that she wanted her to sit with her. “I’m trying to process everything. To see a way through this mess.” She shook her head in frustration. “There are just so many layers to what’s happening, it’s hard to determine which path to take,” she said. “All I can think about is how I thought the days of my home being burned to the ground by a tyrannical war lord were long past!”

  Rena brow knit in worry as she hiked up her nightgown a bit to sit on the bed, accepting Mason’s invitation.

  “Mason. It’s okay to be angry. Your allowed to be sad or confused over what’s happened.” Rena reminded her. Believing that if Mason kept deflecting how she felt, focusing instead on the more pressing matter of defending the city, the loss she was experiencing would only consume her.

  The other woman simply shook her head sadly, looking down at her hands toying with the hem of the blanket.

  “I can’t allow myself that luxury yet, Rena.” Mason told her. “I have to find a way to protect these people. Somehow I have to find a way to defend an indefensible city long enough to get as many people to safety as I can. I can’t let what happened to Wolfhaven, happen to Culville.” She trailed off when Rena reached out, clasping the hand that was fidgeting with the blanket in her own.

  “We will figure out what can be done for Culville in the morning. Tonight, let yourself grieve.” Rena paused, seeing the refusal about to fall from Mason’s lips she squeezed the hand she was tenderly holding. Silencing the other woman without a word. “It’s okay to be hurt. Your family has just been ripped apart. It’s okay to be angry about that, to be worried.” Rena shifted closer, trailing her hand up Mason’s arm until she cupped her cheek in her hand. Their eyes finally met, and Mason’s breath caught at the tenderness on Rena’s face.

  “You can fall apart, Mason. I’ll be here to help you put the pieces back together afterwards.” Leaning into the hand on her cheek, Mason felt her heart flutter in her chest at the care she was being shown. She reached out, settling her hands on Rena’s sides, gently tugging her closer into a loose embrace. Resting her forehead against the Princess’, Mason closed her eyes when they began to burn with unshed tears and drew in a deep breath. Letting Rena’s unique scent, that reminded her of how the ocean smelled during a storm, wash over her. In this moment, it was so strong that Mason felt as if she could feel the fierce wind that ripped across the water’s surface. She could taste the cool rain drops on her lips. The sound of waves crashing and breaking against cliffs reverberated in her ears. The lonely voice of a vast ocean pulling at Mason’s very being.

  It wasn’t until Rena’s ragged breathing penetrated the fog she
had fallen into, that Mason realized she had drifted down. Nuzzling the tantalizing neck where the delectable scent was strongest. Leaning back just enough to be able to lock gazes with the beautiful woman that had found a home in her heart. Mason smiled softly, her eyes darting down to the lips that reflected the smile back to her.

  “How have you become so precious to me so quickly?” She murmured softly, as if she were asking herself the question. Rena’s smiled widened at her words.

  “If you ever find the answer to that, let me know. I’ve been wondering the same about you these last few days.” She replied playfully, bumping her nose against Mason’s. Delighting in the soft laugh she received. Rena could feel her body still thrumming with excitement from the way Mason had all but buried her nose in the space between her neck and shoulder. She still felt the shiver that raced down her spine when warm breath washed over her skin. Bringing her hand back up from where it had fallen to rest on the other woman’s arm. Rena traced her fingertips along a strong jaw, her thumb gently dusting across a full bottom lip. She felt intoxicated by Mason’s proximity. Wrapped up in the warmth radiating from her body. In the feeling of the arm that encircled her waist to pull her even closer. In her enticing smell, more alive and wild than any forest Rena had ever ventured into.


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