The Andreasson Affair

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The Andreasson Affair Page 3

by Raymond E. Fowler

It was very unsettling watching and hearing Becky during the hypnotic session. Now, years after the event, a mature 22-year-old adult reclined in the hypnotist’s chair. But the voice coming from her mouth was that of an 11-year-old child!

  Joseph: Is this “something” one thing or many things?

  Becky: It’s…it looks like it’s a clay man. He looks like a—a clay man… talking to my mom. Some kind of man-creature. And behind him, right behind him toward the right, there’s one, a little one—and there are two after him that are just exactly like triplets.

  Joseph: How do you know they’re men?

  Becky: I don’t know. They just seem like men to me. They’re men. They’re really babies, but to me, I guess, they would be more man than woman. They look like clay. They look like they’re smooth, watered-on clay.

  Jules: Did they touch you?

  Becky: No, they didn’t touch me.

  Jules: Did they take you outside?

  Becky: No, they didn’t take me outside or anything. They didn’t even—I was standing right there watching them, and they knew I was standing right there watching them, and they knew that my other brothers…my brothers and my—wait a minute. My one, two, three brothers were sitting there, and Grammie—she’s over there…Oh! Where’s Grampy?

  Jules: He was with Grammie, right? You can’t find Grampy?

  Becky: No, I can’t see Grampy there.

  Jules: Is Grampy in the kitchen?

  Becky: No, he’s not. No one’s in the kitchen. Grampy went out to look with Mom—he’s looking out the window.

  Little Becky was visibly upset. When she awoke briefly from suspended animation, her grandfather had seemingly disappeared. In reality, he had gone to look at the flashing lights—first out the kitchen window and then out the pantry window. At the time Becky was looking for him, he was standing in suspended animation in the pantry, out of her sight.

  Joseph: Did your mother give anything to the beings?

  Becky: I don’t know. My mom was standing there with her hand on something, and that clay form had his hand on the other part, like a book…the clay hand is holding it on the right-hand side, and Mom is standing on the…

  Joseph: Where did the book come from?

  Becky: The book? I don’t know. She must have had it—I don’t know.

  Becky had not seen the aliens enter the room with her mother. She had not witnessed the amazing duplication of the Bible, nor did she see them give her mother the blue book. When Becky regained consciousness, the first thing she noticed was her mother looking at the blue book with Quazgaa.

  Becky: I woke up and they were in the room…Mom was talking to them, and there was a book already in his hand.

  Jules: Is the TV off?

  Becky: Yes, the TV—no, the TV is…it’s different. No picture, no sound—very, very dim like you turn down the color—like you turned it down so it’s very gray and low.

  Throughout the sessions, when Betty or Becky became anxious during certain segments of their experience, Dr. Edelstein reassured them. He sensed their particular needs instinctively at the right time and in a correct manner. The confidence and the precision with which he controlled the situation were most impressive.

  Harold: Becky, you are upset about something, aren’t you?

  Becky: Yes!

  Harold: What are you upset about?

  Becky: Those things. They’re scary.

  Harold: They’re scary? But you told us that once before you felt a very, very close relationship to them—that you like them.

  Becky: Yes. They are very kind, and they don’t mean any harm, but they are scary to look at…they look scary.

  Harold: They look scary? Okay, I want you to realize that you went through all of this—without any harm befalling you. Is that right?

  Becky: Yes.

  Harold: Therefore, you have nothing to fear. Just relax…just relax.

  Becky was asked to describe the beings in detail.

  Becky: They were wearing…it looked like pants and a tucked-in type of shirt, but it was tight-fitted. Something like a—what it reminded me of was something like a scuba diving outfit that would be close to a person’s skin.

  Joseph: Where did the bottom of the legs of the skin suit…where did they end?

  Becky: They ended near the shoe.

  Joseph: Could you see the bottom of it? Did it continue right around the foot?

  Becky: Yes, the bottom of it. The bottom of the first one had—like his pants went down like a skin suit, and then there was a cut where it was. It stopped with one lighter shade and it went into a darker shade…like a shoe or a boot would be.

  Fred: (investigator) Could you describe their eyes?

  Becky: They looked like marbles.… It had big eyes.

  Jules: What about the eye slit? Did you see that move at all?

  Becky: No, I didn’t see anything—like him closing his eyes or opening them.

  Fred: Did they have ears?

  Becky: I can’t see it.

  Fred: Did they have hair on their heads?

  Becky: No, I didn’t see any hair. His head looked like a pear, an upside-down pear.

  Fred: Did he have nostrils?

  Becky: I didn’t even see a nose, so I don’t know.

  Fred: A mouth?

  Becky: Sideways he didn’t have a mouth. When he turned, he did. It was like a wrinkle in the clay—not a line, but like a line. And I can’t see any nose. I see—there’s a lot of shadow around. The only thing I can see really good was the big…eyes. Like marbles. They looked scary.

  Harold: Sleep for a moment. Just relax, relax, relax. Deeper and deeper.

  Jules: Are you afraid?

  Becky: Yeah, I’m afraid because he scares me by the way he looks, but I can’t do anything—can’t move. I’m not afraid of him, because there’s a feeling that he’s not going to hurt me. He scares me just by the way he looks.

  Becky watched her mother and the little men as they looked at the small blue book.

  Becky: That book. It was bright, and Mom was thanking them for something, and so it must have been the blue book.…

  Instinctively, the taller entity became aware that Becky was awake.

  Betty: The head, the tallest one looked right around across where the kids were and Gram was, right over to me, and then he stopped when he saw me standing there. And then he went from me, right back around, and started talking or looking at Mom. And then, all I can see is nothing but darkness—then nothing.

  At that point, Becky lapsed back into unconsciousness. Let us return to Betty’s vantage point, as she examines the little blue book with the alien visitors:

  Betty: …I started to look in the little blue book. And the first three pages were snow white, luminous white. And I saw this silver gray top thing with, like coils—and there was sort of a wheel, and inside were four things. I can’t make out what these things are…and so I’ve come to the close of that book—closed it.

  When Betty closed the book, the eyes of the entities focused on hers.

  Betty: And their eyes are so funny. One minute they are light, and now they’ve got a black ball in it. And they move straight, especially that left eye and…

  Betty had sought desperately to break through the strange tranquilizing effect that somehow shielded her mind from the reality of what was happening. She succeeded momentarily, and reported the following exchange:

  “What are you doing here?” Betty asked.

  “We have come to help,” the entities replied. “Will you help us?”

  “How can I help?”

  “Would you follow us?” the entities asked.

  “Are you of God?” she demanded. “You keep saying you have come to help the world. Why?”

  “Because the world is trying to destroy itself,” they answered her. “How can I help the world?” she sighed.

  “Would you follow us?”

  “If you are of God,” Betty sighed again. “If you are here to help and are of God, I would
follow, but do not deceive me.”

  “Would you follow us?” they repeated.

  Betty’s power to resist lessened as the entities stared hypnotically into her eyes. Their slow, repetitive invitation, “Would you follow us?” echoed within the deepest recesses of her mind. But again, her own powerful instincts surfaced: “What about my children? My parents?”

  “They are all right,” Quazgaa answered. “Would you follow us?”

  Jules: What was the rest of your family doing?

  Betty: They promised me they wouldn’t hurt them—that they would be all right. They said, “See, they’re just resting there.” There was no fear on their faces. It was as if they were unaware.… They said, “They are all right. Would you follow us?” He keeps on repeating that—“Would you follow us?”

  “Oh, Lord,” Betty said softly, “show me what I’m supposed to do.”

  “We will not harm you.” The entities repeated, “Would you follow us?”

  “All right,” Betty replied, very softly.


  On Board

  Betty: He said, “Stand directly in back of me.” And so I stood in back of him, and I swooped in somehow, like suction. And immediately, when I did, he was starting out the door, and I was going through the same thing, the wood, that they were.

  Joseph: Nobody opened any door?

  Betty: No. I was right in their line. I was following the leader, and I guess they must have—ah, their line must have a passage through.

  Betty was no longer walking. She found herself floating several inches above the ground with a swooping motion that matched the movements of her abductors as they moved along together in single file.

  Betty: I’m just swooping along, step by step as he moves. I’m moving the exact distance from him. The others evidently are following.

  Peculiar foreign sensations pulsed through Betty’s body.

  Betty: My legs feel very strange. My whole body does. It feels like it’s weightless…very funny. And we are outside, and he stopped.

  Betty stared in disbelief. In her backyard, resting on its own struts, was an oval object with a raised central portion. This concerned the investigators. How could such a remarkable object remain undetected by the neighbors? We interrupted Betty to ask pertinent questions.

  Ray: How about the other houses? Could you see the neighborhood?

  Betty: No. I saw haze, all haze.

  Ray: When you went out, how do you know that you were actually in the neighborhood?

  Betty: I didn’t know except for the corner of the house and the ship. The rest of the part seemed very vague and hazy—like a mist was all around.

  During the course of our investigation, the present owner of the house confirmed that the low area in the backyard is especially conducive to dense pockets of fog. Weather records for the night of January 25, 1967, indicated heavy mist in the area.

  Debbie: (Jules’s wife) How about the garage?

  Betty: I couldn’t see that, and I couldn’t see the opposite side of the house on this side.… I could just see on this left-hand side, the house, the corner of the house, the stone wall, and the tree. Even past that, it seemed misty. It seemed as if the ship took up most of the area, too much for me to see past it.

  Betty stood awestruck at the silent presence of the strange craft in the yard. Her initial shock quickly gave way to fear and apprehension. Quazgaa seemed to have sensed this and, to reassure Betty, did a remarkable thing.

  Betty: He says, “See, you can trust me. Look over at the ship.” And he made the bottom like glass. I could see through it!

  When the bottom of the craft suddenly became transparent, Betty recognized some of the things inside, which she had seen illustrated in the blue book.

  Betty: I see the—part of those things I saw in the book. There are glass balls on the bottom, cut glass like, and there are arms that come down and grasp on to it, and they go up.… And there’s that thing on the side. And they can rotate on an inner tube—with that gray matter and that water, I guess, or something. [See Figure 8.]

  Betty sought in vain to find a comparative reference point to describe what she was observing. “What is it?” she breathed. “What is it, Quazgaa?

  Figure 8: Apparatus in the bottom of the craft. May 5.

  “I have other things to show you,” he replied. “Come along, come along.”

  Betty: And the ship turned back so that it was not glass but like a… silver-gold. And I see the legs, and they are parked, sort of, on the hill.

  In other words, the length of the vehicle’s legs on struts were adjusted to the incline of the hill adjoining the backyard. (See Figure 9 on page 46.) Quazgaa faced the alien vehicle and raised his left hand. Instantaneously an opening appeared in the craft.

  Betty: And, ah, that door is opening—automatically, I guess, or else he’s making it. He raised his hand. And we are getting all lined up. And he swoops right up! There are three stairs. Soon as he goes up, I’m swooped up, and the others are following.

  Figure 9: The craft’s exterior. May 7.

  Betty found herself floating into a small room with curved walls. The door closed automatically behind them.

  Betty: We’re in like a half-bubble, or quarter of a bubble, room. And he [Quazgaa] has withdrawn himself with the others, and they are standing over there talking.… [See Figure 10.] I’m just looking at this room. Something goes down on the sides of the bubble.… Where the steps come up, it goes down.… I feel very weightless and icky. My hands and my legs feel like they are asleep or something. And they are still talking over there, and they glance over at me once in a while.… Oh, hurry up! And I’m crossing my arms now. I’m tired of just standing there.… I feel weightless. Oh, my feet are pins and needles or something—even my arms and my hands. He’s still talking, and…about two or three of them are leaving. That door whooshed open, and they are going in—and it’s closing.

  Figure 10: The entrance hall. May 7.

  Then Quazgaa came over to Betty. Two entities still remained in the room and stood watching her.

  Betty: …He brought me over to where they were, and…he is saying something to them about going and making himself ready. [Sigh.] Would they please bring me to the upper room?

  Betty and the entities left; Quazgaa stayed behind.

  Betty: And so, the two—one went in front of me and one in back of me, and we went over to the furthest right-hand end of the quarter bubble. And whoosh! Another door opened. And you can’t even see those doors. They just go up when they open. And there are stairs there—going around, somehow going around. They seem like they are floating up, but…my waist feels so heavy there. And we are going up those stairs. Looks like I can see something down there. We’re all going around the stairs and…we are going up around, and this door goes down. [See Figure 11 on page 48.]

  At this point, the hypnotist turned over the recording tape.

  Harold: Betty, I now want you—to just remember where you are. You said, “This door leads down.”

  When she was asked to continue her account, Betty quickly corrected him:

  Betty: The door goes down. It doesn’t lead down. It disappears down somehow. And now they are going into that room.

  Figure 11: Interior of the craft. May 25.

  Betty, still positioned between the two silent beings, was perplexed at what she saw as she moved into a circular room.

  Betty: I see that—ah, box, or that desk and, ah, see something else. It’s, ah, red and black. It’s black, outlined with red. And it’s some kind of mirrors, I think. [Softly] I don’t know. Seems like there are, ah, in that circular room, big ripples like windows. [See Figure 12.] They are leading me still [sigh] and they are bringing me over to that further edge—are bringing me further over there. And now they’re stopping and I’m standing there.… And the two are withdrawing. They are saying that I’ll be all right here for a time.

  “How come I have to stay here?” she asked them. An unseen force held
Betty firmly in place. Paralyzed except for head movement, she felt deserted and helpless. As she relived the episode, we saw the terror reflected on her face before us. Her pulse quickened, and the hypnotist quickly reacted.

  Harold: Betty? This is Dr. Edelstein. Just relax. Are you getting apprehensive right now?

  Betty: They are leaving me alone in there!

  Figure 12: The “ripple-like” windows. May 5.

  At times, Dr. Edelstein suggested that he was with the witnesses to give them moral support.

  Harold: All right, Betty, just relax. This is me. I want you now to feel myself being with you to back you up. You’ve got nothing to fear. You can feel the fear leaving you, can’t you? I’m by your side constantly. Continue—go ahead. You have nothing to fear.

  Now substantially calmed, Betty tried to describe a variety of totally alien objects that she could see from her vantage point. But their utter strangeness prohibited her from describing them except by comparing them with things already familiar to her.

  Betty: Okay, I’m standing there and looking around on the side, there—on the wall, there is a leaf motif, and, ah, there’s a thing up top there, like a—it looks like a railing, but it isn’t. And the room is sort of dome-shaped…there are leaf motifs to the right there…raised buttons on it, and there are shields…and different symbols—and the desk is to the side and…and—I don’t like feeling so held down in my body. I just seem to be able to move my head to look. They seem like they’ve controlled my body somehow so I’m fixed, like in one place, and, ah…

  Harold: Are you becoming apprehensive?

  Betty: No.

  Harold: Fine, I’m still with you.

  Betty: Can you see the things?

  Harold: No, I can see them only through your eyes. Continue.

  Betty: I’m trying to see what else is there. I can’t see way in back of me. There are those golden, ah, those golden things—the cord and, um, some type of a scroll.

  Betty, in the meantime, had waited impatiently and wondered what fate had in store for her when the alien beings returned.

  Betty: I wish they’d hurry up. I’m tired of waiting here. It’s getting brighter. They are getting it brighter now in here.… [Softly] What is that? I see something like a—wonder if it’s coming from the wall or is—what?… They’ve opened something, pushed it out, and it’s something like a camera works. [See Figure 13.] [Softly] I don’t know what it is, but it’s getting brighter in here—uh, much brighter now. What’s that? There’s somebody coming now for me. They said, “Would you follow me, please?” And they stopped in front of me.


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