All I Want is You_A Second Chance Romance

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All I Want is You_A Second Chance Romance Page 41

by Carter Blake

  It’s frustrating, but exhilarating. I like a woman that I can spar with, even if I have no experience with that type of thing. It’s like Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? or some shit.

  Now, there was a marriage that was entertaining, at least, even though it was riddled with problems as always. It’s a step closer to real life than movies usually get, at least.

  “Yo, Aaron. You still there, buddy?”

  I shake my head, lowering my voice so my conversation doesn’t keep echoing loud enough for the whole resort to hear.

  “Matt, that woman’s ridiculous. She was going to call the security on me and get me escorted out of the resort. I think her moving rooms is a no-go.”

  “Shit, really?”

  “Yeah, really. Do you know if there are any other suites available? Did you book an extra room by chance? I know you do shit like that. I’ll gladly take it.”

  “Nah, man. That was the only one we could find at the time. It’s crazy busy there right now—it’s spring break.”

  Fuck, he’s right. I have flashbacks to the wonderful days of college spring break, with endless amounts of alcohol and women throwing themselves at me. Most of them are already naked, thanks to topless beaches and low inhibitions.

  “So…what the hell, Matt?” I’m starting to have a real tough time hiding how annoyed I’m getting, and his careless, casual responses are making it worse.

  And now I’m just met with silence. I can tell that Matt’s still on the phone, and I can also tell that he’s working up the courage to say whatever it is he wants to say.

  So, I wait. And I wait some more.

  After what would have been a couple of minutes, five minutes, ten—hey, my watch is up in the fucking suite—he finally speaks.

  “Can’t you just stay with her? You guys can do all the excursions we paid for…as a couple.” He quickly slides that last phrase in.

  Are you fucking serious? Closing my mouth after it dropped in astonishment at his unthinking comments, I decide to seek some clarification. I need to make certain that my friend is not that oblivious.

  “So, wait, you’re telling me that I need to convince the woman who just threatened to have me escorted out of the resort to let me stay in the suite with her and then… do the honeymoon activities with me…as a couple?”

  “Yeah, it’s already paid for. All you have to do is pretend to be married—be the newlyweds. That way, you can take full advantage of the honeymoon suite. Go snorkeling, get the sunset dinner, go on the yacht—get my money’s worth.”

  It dawns on me that this isn’t a vacation; this is Matt making sure he didn’t waste his money.

  But fuck it. I guess I’ll take advantage of it, seeing as I’m already here.

  But fuck, now I have to go back to Macy. I’ll have to convince her to do this with me, and for them.

  Maybe it could work. Maybe things could work out for the better.

  But I can’t get too carried away thinking about that right now. For a number of reasons.

  I clear my throat. “There’s no other way? Nothing else I can do?” I ask, secretly hoping he would say no, now that I’ve convinced myself there might be hope.

  “Sorry, man. You’re going to have to play nice with her if you want everything the suite has to offer…and if you just want the suite at all. I’m sure you’ll figure out a way to get her in your good graces.” He chuckles.

  He does know me.

  “I guess you’re right. Might as well try. What else am I going to do here?”

  “Exactly. Let me know how it goes.”

  “Again, you owe me. I won’t forget.”

  “We’ll see, my friend. We’ll see.” He hangs up without saying goodbye.

  After thanking and handing the receiver back to the woman at the front desk, I saunter over to the lobby bar to order a drink—and I see a staff member I recognize from when I first arrived.

  “Mojito coming right up, Mr. Michaelson.”

  “You also work behind this bar, Miguel?”

  Of the many things I’ve experienced in life, sitting on a barstool in a bathrobe isn’t one of them—until I take my seat at the quiet lobby bar.

  “This is mostly where I work, Mr. Michaelson.”

  “And how did you know what I wanted?”

  Miguel shrugs as he pours a generous amount of rum.

  “Guessing plays into it. But also, John told me you switched from a Bold Greek to a mojito earlier.”

  “You guys talk about me?”

  “Only for efficiency’s sake.”

  Miguel’s a real professional, placing the drink on the coaster in front of me with a touch of panache.

  Hopefully, with some liquid for inspiration and courage, I’ll figure out how I can persuade Macy that it’s in our best interest to pretend to be married.

  I know damn well this’ll be quite a feat, but she’s obviously far from stupid.

  If she’s able to spot a good opportunity, she’ll take advantage of the honeymoon suite and everything this vacation could have to offer.


  Well, that was mature.

  I hope he doesn’t come back, but that’s probably wishful thinking.

  We didn’t resolve anything.

  But dammit, I’m not letting him, or anyone, ruin my vacation.

  And he can say whatever he wants, but I’m not leaving. I was here first!

  No sense in wasting any more time. I’ve already wasted enough arguing with him.

  I go to the closet and rummage for my new bikini and cover-up.

  Just seeing it puts me in a good mood. It’s hot pink, and it doesn’t leave much to the imagination.

  The white sheer cover-up I bought to go over it is form-fitting and leaves nothing to the imagination.

  Since he left with a key, I’m not going to give him another opportunity to annoy me.

  Entering the bathroom, I lock it behind me.

  I catch a glimpse of my hair in the mirror, and…fuck that.

  It’s dried into a real goddamn mess. Carefully, I pick through it with a comb until I have untangled the worst of the knots. I take my time separating the strands and putting it in a French braid, tying it at the nape of my neck.

  Trying to clear my mind as I get ready, I apply sunscreen next, trying to take my time and get the job done right before putting on my bikini.

  Breathing deeply, I try to concentrate exclusively on my routine tasks. But I can’t stop thinking about Aaron.

  It’s tempting to call Cara and have her try to sort out this pile of shit, but that would inevitably end with her having to deal with her asshole ex-fiancé.

  I just can’t do that to her. She’s had a tough enough time with this shit as it is.

  It’s not like I can go down to the front desk and explain what happened. We both might end up out of the room.

  Oh well, the worst that can happen is him sleeping on the couch.

  I can deal with that, right?


  He’s such a condescending prick.

  Slipping on my new bikini makes me feel a fuck of a lot better. I look hot, if I do say so myself.

  It gives me a confidence boost that I desperately need right now.

  Checking my backside, I pull it down on my lower butt cheeks. The high-cut style in the hips make my legs look longer.

  I toss the cover-up on and grab my sunscreen.

  Unlocking the bathroom, I head to the closet to grab my bag. Inside I have my beach towel, sunscreen, and phone.

  I throw on my hat and hear the door open.


  I bend down to dig out my flip-flops.

  “Well, hello there.”

  Figures. Of course, he would show up right as I bend over.

  I straighten and hold my bag in front of me. Using it for leverage, I push him out of the way to get around him.

  “What?” His voice is questioning, like he wasn’t just being a pig. “I come bearing a peace offering.”

>   Putting my beach bag on the table, I sink beside it to face him.

  He’s holding a miniature bottle of wine out for me—I notice he’s carrying his own cocktail at his side.

  “Just hear me out.”

  He seems sincere and, more importantly, he did bring me a drink.

  “You can talk until I finish this.” I unseal the bottle, hold it up for emphasis and rise to my feet. “And we talk by the window. Maybe we’ll both stay calmer that way.”

  He’s right behind me as I walk to furniture with the best view in the suite. “That’s a perfect idea.”

  I don’t even look at him. Just hearing his voice makes my blood pressure rise, and I need to stay calm and rational.

  Plus, this is defeating the purpose of the whole vacation, which was to relax and do what I want to do.

  We settle into the chairs facing the ocean. He doesn’t say anything for a couple of minutes.

  We’re both just gazing at the sea out the window, enjoying the view. There’s a faint hum of voices on the beach below, but we are high enough that it’s just the ghost of a drone.

  Rolling my head to the right, I take in his profile. He looks about as relaxed as I feel.

  “So?” He rolls his head toward me. “I’m a third done.” I slosh my drink between us gently.

  “I spoke to Matt.” His words surprise me.

  “And?” I’m sure Matt’s words of wisdom will fix all this. Just fucking certain.

  “Of course, he didn’t know that Cara set you up to come here. Shockingly, they haven’t been speaking.” He runs his fingers through his hair, and his robe gaps open to expose his chiseled chest.

  Why does he have to look so amazing? It’s turning into one of the biggest complications, or at least distractions, in this whole mess.

  “Yeah. They may never speak again. Who can blame her?” Taking a long sip of my drink, I look back at the horizon. “I didn’t call her because she doesn’t need any more stress. I don’t want her to feel obligated to call him to help straighten this out. This is hard for her self-esteem.”

  I shut my mouth before I say anything more. The wine is making me relaxed. His fucked-in-the-head best friend will most likely hear anything I say.

  “Well, he let me know that there’s quite a honeymoon package.” I look at him questioningly, and he’s already staring at me.

  “What do you mean?”

  Throwing his legs up on the cushioned ottoman in front of us, his robe gaps almost to his balls.

  For fuck’s sake.

  I note his legs are as beautifully toned as his chest before ripping my eyes back up to his face.

  “I mean, that if we can come to an agreement, we can take advantage of all the couple activities that came with their purchase.”

  His words are intriguing, for once.

  I was going to check out the activity options less than an hour ago. Before everything went to hell in a handbasket here.

  “What kind of activities?” I can’t help but ask.

  I’m not poor, but I’m thrifty.

  That’s probably obvious.

  Otherwise, I wouldn’t be here; taking advantage of a vacation my best friend was supposed to enjoy for her honeymoon.

  “Snorkeling, the sunset dinner, some kind of boat tour…” His voice trails off, and he takes another drink casually.

  Too casually. My bullshit meter is going off.

  But I’m also excited. I want to go snorkeling, for sure, and I didn’t think that was going to be part of this trip for me.

  I also didn’t consider getting in a boat of any kind—but I’m liking the idea.

  And I’ve seen the pictures of the sunset dinners—and the cost.

  Except for Aaron, this vacation keeps getting better.

  I must not be hiding my excitement well, because Aaron chooses this moment to try and casually slip in the catch. “But we have to pretend to be newlyweds.”

  Of course, we do. Why wouldn’t we? Makes all the fucking sense in the world.


  “I should add, Macy, that there aren’t any other rooms available because it’s spring break.” Finishing his drink, he sets it on the table between us.

  “So that’s the catch, right?” I need to make sure I understand. “We have to get along, share the room, pretend to be newly married…” I pause for effect and to think for another second. “And then we can utilize their entire prepaid package?”

  He’s not looking at me now. I see his Adam’s apple move as he swallows hard and nods.

  This is hard for him, too. That actually makes me feel a little better.

  Closing my eyes, I drop by head back down and try force myself into a calmer state of mind.

  Why am I taking this so personally?

  Knowing what I know now, I guess it’s just hard not to look at him as the enemy.

  He’s Matt’s best friend. Matt the cheater.

  The man who broke my friend’s heart. He asked her to marry him and then fooled around—with multiple women—while arranging an elaborate and costly wedding to celebrate his commitment to her.

  There’s no two ways about it: that’s some fucked up shit.

  Aaron had to know. So of course, I automatically hate him—my personal opinions on all that love and marriage business notwithstanding.

  It’s unfortunate what happened between Matt and Cara, but it isn’t surprising.

  Or shouldn’t be.

  In fact, she’s fortunate, in a way, that it all came out now. Things would’ve been way more expensive to end in a year or two.

  But do I really want to be stuck with this cocky asshole all week?

  Yeah, he’s hot. But he’s entitled and pushy.

  And really good-looking.

  Almost too good-looking—like dangerously good-looking.

  Dangerous to my poor libido.

  “Do you think we can pull this off?” I’m honestly curious.

  I don’t know if we can, but does he think we can?

  His answer doesn’t come as quickly as I expected, considering it was his idea.

  He turns slowly to me, and his eyes run down my scantily clad body slowly. My blood starts to boil immediately.

  This feeling of being simultaneously angry and turned on, which was foreign to me before today, is rapidly becoming very familiar.

  “Oh yeah. I think we can do it.” His words and their double meaning sink into my head slowly.

  The little fucker!

  “Ugh!” Springing to my feet, I throw back the last couple sips of my wine.

  As I put my drink on the table, he hops and faces me, holding up his hands apologetically. His robe is dangerously close to being totally open.

  And I’m super mad at myself for even noticing.

  “I’m sorry. Really, I’m sorry.” He sounds sincere, but I still need a minute to think. He waits while I stare silently at the wall for a moment, but continues talking the second I look back at him.

  “I do think we can pull this off. Let’s talk about it, at least.”

  I hesitate at his words. I want to do it, but he needs to know he can’t treat me like that.

  And besides, I can’t show my hand yet.

  “Okay, let’s talk.” My words relax him a bit, and he drops his hands to his side.



  What does she even want? What’s she trying to do?

  I can’t tell anymore.

  What I can tell—what I do know for sure—is that she’s driving me fucking insane.

  Here she is in this pink bit of material barely covering her.

  It’s fucking difficult to keep thinking straight. Any second I expect my brain to take an extended vacation.

  Who could blame me?

  Trying to think straight is fucking torture, but it’s torture I need to get through in order to properly sell this proposal.

  “So, you have to agree it’s a fucking brilliant idea, isn’t it?”

  To my s
urprise, the argumentative artillery stays silent.

  This is a woman with a vast stockpile of verbal weaponry, with very little hesitation to open fire at a moment’s notice.

  Judging by most of her reactions so far and her expression right now, you’d think that this would be a prime time to let me have it.

  But then again, this may just be the calm before the storm—the eye of this very locally centered hurricane.

  I watch her moisten her lips slightly with the top of her tongue and subtly flip a few strands of hair from her forehand.

  Her oceanic eyes are studying me closely. There’s such intensity behind them I feel as if she might steal my soul, or at least part of it, through her gaze.

  I stare right back. I’ve got nothing to hide—let her study me.

  At least she’ll get to check out my goods.

  “Come on.” I think I’m on a roll. “Surely even you can see the sense in what I’m saying?”

  “And by ‘even you can see the sense,’ you’re suggesting what, exactly?” Her hands are now resting on her hips. “That I pick up ideas slowly? A little stupid? Not the brightest bunny in the bunch?” She takes a deep breath. Here come the bullets.

  “You’re going to start with the blonde jokes next, aren’t you?” Her chin sticks out, and I know I may have stepped in a puddle.

  “Because you know, chances are, I’ve heard them before. But come on, give it your best shot. Surprise me.” She spits those words out at me. I feel myself flinch a little.

  “Of course, that’s not what I mean,” I protest. “When I said even you, I just meant, you know…” That jumble of words doesn’t convey what I want it to.

  “Come on, Macy. I’m talking about an arrangement that benefits both of us. Honestly, we’d be stupid not to take advantage of this. It would be like staying at this resort and rejecting half the perks even though they cost nothing extra—fuck, it’s not like that, it is that.”

  This is fucking hard work. How come I can get a full house of some the world’s largest and temperamental fucking egos to work in harmony on a high-stress production, but I can’t get this one hard-headed fucking woman to agree to something which should be a no-fucking-brainer?

  It’s not about that anymore. It’s about me. That’s why she’s not budging on this, because of the face attached to it—not that my classically chiseled face ever put anyone off before.


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