Lorenzo: BWWM Romance (Members From Money Book 12)

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Lorenzo: BWWM Romance (Members From Money Book 12) Page 26

by Katie Dowe

  “You don’t have to give details because girl you look like a billion dollars,” Maggie said with a grin. “Oh wait! That’s how much you are worth!”

  “Cut it out, Maggie,” Janice warned with a smile. “What have we got for today?”


  She got home before he did. He had also given her a car, the one she had been admiring in the showroom that day some time ago. He was always giving her things and she had tried to stop him but he would not hear of it.

  “Hi Julia,” she greeted her mother-in-law who was on her way to the dining area.

  “Hi dear, how are you?” The woman beamed at her. They had come back from their honeymoon to see some changes in his suite. She had had the dark furnishings removed and replaced them with neutral colors and the sheets had been changed as well. Janice had been surprised to see that her clothes had been sorted and put inside the huge closet that held her husband’s clothes. Julia was glad that they had no intention of leaving, she was enjoying the company.

  “I am starving,” she admitted with a laugh, shrugging out of her white cashmere coat and blinking as a maid materialized out of nowhere and came and took it from her. “I still cannot get used to that,” she admitted ruefully.

  “You will after a while.” Julia linked her arm through hers and guided her towards the dining area. “Will David be joining us for dinner?”

  Before Janice could answer, they heard a noise in the hallway and realized that he had come home. “Speak of the angel,” Julia said with a smile.

  “Hi Mother.” He greeted her with a kiss on the cheek before pulling his wife into his arms and kissing her soundly on the lips.

  “I thought you had a late meeting,” Janice protested.

  “I rescheduled it for tomorrow morning. I looked outside and noticed that it was snowing and I wanted to come home and suggest we go play in the snow,” he told her with a grin.

  “You want to go play in the snow?” It was his mother who asked the question, a look of amazement on her face. She had never seen him like this before. He looked animated and as eager as a boy.

  “Yes I do.” He looked down at his wife. “What do you say?” he asked her softly.

  “I would love to.” She kissed him gently. “Race you to the suite.” With that, she pulled out of his arms and raced towards the stairs. Julia watched as her son ran after her, his laughter echoing inside the house. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw the household help coming out one by one and looking after them in amazement. Janice had done wonders to her son and for that she would be forever grateful!


  They bundled up and went outside. It was just flurries, but they did not mind and David watched as his wife stuck out her tongue and caught the snowflakes daring him to do the same. He loved watching her and the way she was so energetic and fun and totally unaware of how truly beautiful she was. “Okay, how about something to eat?” she asked, launching herself into his arms. “Your poor wife is starving.”

  “And we cannot have that, can we?” He pulled her closer to him and kissed her cold lips. “Let’s go and get something to eat.”


  Later that night, he told her about living with Eileen. He had never spoken to her in details about it before and she waited until he was ready to share with her.

  “I knew from the beginning that it was not going to work,” he said soberly. She was curled into his arms and her head resting against his chest.

  “You are sure you want to talk about it?” She lifted her head to look at him.

  “I want us to be able to talk about anything no matter how we feel about it.” He looked at her, his dark eyes intense. “I want to share the bad things and the good things.” His hand cupped her cheek tenderly. She nodded and slid back down to rest her head on his chest. “At first, I thought that because we were friends that maybe we could make it work eventually and over time I could come to love her. I hardly ever made love to her because it was more of a duty than anything else.” His hands tightened around her body and she could feel his regret. “I was not a man who was used to a lot of women because I hated that and when I realized that I had to force myself to be with her then I started to feel resentment towards her.”

  She lifted her head to look at him and his dark eyes met hers. “You cannot force love David, and she knew what she was getting into when she agreed to marry you,” she told him quietly. “I hate that both of you suffered so much, but there is nothing you can do about it now.”

  “I know,” he told her softly. “I love you, Janice, so much that my body is filled with it and I shudder to think that I would have gone through life with something so commonplace as living with someone I did not love. The feelings you evoke inside me is so unbelievably wonderful that I cannot contain myself. I have no regrets right now believe me.”

  “I am happy to hear that.” She lifted her head and slide on top of him. “I am not going to resent a woman who had no place in your heart and even if she did, I would not have resented her either. I love you David, and that is all that matters right now.” She bent her head and took his lips with hers tenderly. He shuddered against her and let his hands drift down to her bottom. She reached between them and eased up a little bit to put his penis inside her, closing around him. “I am done talking.” She whispered as she lifted her body and started to ride him, grinding down on his as he thrust up and into her. “David,” she moaned and swung her legs over on the bed sitting up and gasping as his penis went straight up inside her. He held her hips firm and eased off the bed to thrust inside her forcefully, his eyes holding hers, his body trembling with passion!


  “We don’t get to see you anymore,” Leah complained. They were having a girls’ night at the manor. David had tactfully left and took his mother out to dinner to let them have their time together. It was Saturday night and Janice had invited them over to hang out and spend the night as well. The chef had prepared a variety of snacks and finger foods and the wine was chilling in the cooler. They were in the hall with the fire blazing in the hearth and Janice had spread a blanket for them to sit near the fire. “That’s not true,” Janice told her firmly reaching for a bacon wrapped potato. “You saw me last week when you wanted me to follow you to pick out a dress to wear to some nurses’ function or the other.” She had no idea what to eat, everything looked so delicious. There were also Antipasti pizza, fried mozzarella, upside down mushroom tartlets, and mini Asian crab cakes.

  “That was a brief moment and you were hurrying me along because you had to get back to the store to arrange some flowers for delivery,” Leah said.

  “And I have not seen you in two weeks,” Candace spoke up.

  “Now that one is your fault,” Janice told her. “I called you and you told me you were up to your ears in meetings.”

  “That’s true.” Candace sighed. “That place will kill you with meetings.” She chose the fried mozzarella and crunched on it in appreciation. “Is the chef single?”

  “He is happily married,” Janice told her with a laugh.

  “How on earth you stay slim with cooking like this?” Leah asked her as she ate the upside down mushroom tartlets.

  “David has a kick-ass gym somewhere downstairs and we are not afraid to use it,” she said, leaning back against the mound of pillows behind her.

  “Look at you married to a billionaire and it is actually a love match and the man is actually very handsome,” Leah said with a laugh. She looked more relaxed these days and laughed more which was a relief to her friends.

  “I cannot believe it myself,” Janice mused.

  They chatted about this and that and then they went down to the room with the gym equipment and had a hilarious time trying out the different ones. They drank the whole bottle of Chardonnay, and David and his mother came home and saw them curled up on the blanket fast asleep. His eyes zeroed in on his wife who was spread out on her stomach with her hand thrown over her head.

you leaving her there?” his mother whispered.

  “I do not sleep without her,” he said simply, making his way silently to where she was, careful not to wake her friends.

  She smiled and nodded. It was the answer she had expected.

  He lifted her up gently and she opened her eyes to look at him. “David?” she murmured. “I am not drunk, the wine just made me a little sleepy.” She snuggled closer to him.

  “I should hope not,” he whispered. “Let’s get you to bed.”

  She waved languidly at her mother-in-law and rested her head back on her husband’s muscular chest, totally contented.


  He undressed her gently and put on her nightgown before pulling the comforter over her. She stirred slightly and reached up to pull his head down to hers. “I love you,” she murmured, kissing him softly and then she drifted off to sleep. He stood there looking down at her, his expression unbelievably tender.


  Being married to Richard again was different the second time around. He was more thoughtful and considerate, and he would take home flowers and chocolate for her for no apparent reason. They went out on dates, something they had scarcely done in the past and they did things together.

  It was getting closer to Christmas and they were planning on having a small dinner party which had to be done either on Christmas Eve or the day after Christmas because they were aware that their daughter and her husband were planning a huge party at their place.

  “How about a turkey?” Richard suggested lazily. They were in the living room drinking hot chocolate and warming themselves by the fire.

  “You know I don’t like turkey,” Janet said with a shake of her head. “I was thinking more of roasted chicken, ham, and pot roast beef and some salads to go with it. Maud makes the most scrumptious pumpkin pie this side of the country so she promised to make some for us.”

  “So it’s settled then.” He pulled her legs towards him and slid off her fluffy bedroom slippers and started kneading the sole of her feet.

  “That feels so good,” she murmured, leaning back against the cushions in the sofa. “We actually look like old married people,” she added with a grin.

  “Far from it,” he said mildly, pulling her into his arms. “Very far from it,” he whispered against her lips as he went in for the kiss.


  Leah sipped her latte slowly, determined to enjoy the very last sip. She had been on her feet from the morning and she had slipped out to the coffee shop to just relax and breathe something else aside from antiseptic and alcohol and people running around trying to save lives. She looked up suddenly and saw him looking at her. He stopped looking as soon as her eyes met his. She had seen him in here before and noticed him looking at her, but she had not given him any encouragement. She was not ready for dating much more a relationship because the incident with Lance had shaken her up so badly that she just wanted to spend time by herself. He looked like he was some sort of an executive in a business suit and he was tall and well built with close shaven hair. His skin was the color of melted chocolate and he looked damn good! Too bad she was not interested. She was getting up to leave when he approached her.

  “I have been trying to work up the courage to approach you.” His very white teeth flashed into a smile and her breath caught. He was handsome! “My name is Jason Ramsay.” He held out a hand and with a slight hesitation she took it briefly.

  “Leah Whyte.”

  “I was going to ask you if I could buy you another cup of latte, but it appears you are leaving,” he said with a smile.

  “Look, Jason Ramsay,” she said, determined to set him straight right then. “I was married and it turned disastrous and almost ended up in him murdering me and my friends, so I am not looking for a relationship at this point.”

  Instead of backing away, he stood there looking at her. “I am sorry you and your friends had to go through that,” he told her quietly. “But I promise you that I will never love you to the point where I think about hurting you.”

  It was Leah’s turn to stare. He was very serious and she felt a smile lifting the corners of her mouth. “I have to go, my lunch time is up.”

  “Here’s my card, call me anytime you need a friend to talk to.” He handed her the card. She looked at it and realized he was an investment banker.

  “I already have friends,” she told him.

  “I am willing to be another one,” he told her in a hopeful voice.

  “We will see,” she said with a small smile. “Nice to meet you, Jason Ramsay.”

  “The pleasure is all mine, Leah,” he murmured. She walked out aware that he was watching her walk away and for the first time in a long time she felt a spring in her steps!


  The decorations were in place. She had closed the store yesterday afternoon after making sure the orders had all gone out. She had decorated the tree with him, dragging him into doing it after he had protested he had no idea how. Her friends had come over and were spending the night again and they were having a tree decorating party. There was food on the side table and Christmas carols were playing softly coming from the hidden speakers placed strategically in the ceiling. There was fire blazing in the hearth and the conversation was lively.

  “We need a ladder for the star,” Julia said as she looked at the towering pine tree with its beautiful lights and decorations hanging onto it.

  “I have a better idea,” Janice said mischievously. “Crouch down darling,” she told her husband.

  “What are you up to, Janice?” he asked her.

  The others started to laugh as they realized what she was going to do.

  “You’ll see,” she told him, jumping on his back. As soon as he straightened, she went on his neck and he held her firm as she reached up to place the star on top of the tree. “There.” The others clapped and cheered. “Okay, you may let me down now,” she told him.

  He shook his head and reaching up he plucked her from his neck and held her in his arms refusing to let her down. In front of her friends and his mother, he took her inside the doorway and underneath the mistletoe and stood there with her in his arms. “We need to christen it,” he told her huskily.

  “I agree,” she murmured, sliding her arms around his neck. He took her lips with his and just for a moment they forgot that they had an audience. When they broke apart, they realized they were alone in the large room.

  “We cleared the room,” he murmured.

  “Good,” she whispered, bringing his head back down to hers.


  The party was a success! She wore one of the many gowns he had bought her; a shimmering ruby red which clung to her shapely curves and highlighted her generous breasts. He had given her rubies for her Christmas among the many gifts and the earrings sparkled at her lobes and the stone settled just between her cleavage. Her hair was wrapped in a severe chignon on top of her head and showed off her delicate ears and her sculpted cheekbones. She looked stunning and David could not take his eyes off her. She walked the room and mingled with the guests. Her parents were also there and they looked so happy together that Janice felt her heart almost bursting with joy. “Mom, you look like a star,” she murmured hugging the older woman.

  “And you look like one of those rich society women we so often see in magazines. Baby, you look stunning,” Janet told her proudly.

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “Apart from your mother, you are the most beautiful woman in this room,” her father told her drawing her in for a hug.

  “Dad, you have to say that,” Janice told him with a grin.

  “I mean it, just ask this young man here.” She turned around as her husband slid his hands around her from behind.

  “Ask me what?” He nuzzled her neck.

  “That she is the most beautiful woman in the room aside from her mother of course,” Richard said with a grin.

  “I am afraid I don’t agree,” he murmured softly looking down at his w
ife. “My wife is the most beautiful woman on the planet. No offense, Janet,” he told his mother in law.

  “None taken darling,” Janet told him with a fond smile.

  “Are you guys having fun?” David asked them.

  “You really know how to throw a party,” Richard commented.

  “All due to my lovely wife,” he murmured.

  “Don’t forget that Julia helped too,” Janice reminded him.

  “You did most of the work,” he murmured, tipping her chin and placing a lingering kiss on her lips. He heard his name being called across the room. “Duty calls,” he said lightly. “Would you please excuse us?” he asked her parents politely.

  “Of course,” Richard told him.

  “I will talk to you later, Mom and Dad.” With a wave, she was gone with her husband’s arm around her waist.

  “That young man is totally besotted with our daughter,” Richard murmured, staring after them.

  “As it should be,” Janet said with a sigh. “How about dancing with your wife?”

  The party went on until the early hours of the next morning with the guests leaving one by one. They were finally able to go up to their suite but before they went to bed he held her to him and peeled off the exquisite dress from her supple body, his hands touching every inch of her, his mouth following suit.

  Chapter 14

  Leah saw him again at the coffee shop. She had to admit that she had been looking forward to seeing him. She had not called him, had only kept looking at his card over and over again. At one point she had thought about getting rid of it, but she had decided against it; after all, it was just a card. She had not told her friends about him because she knew what they would say. So she had kept it to herself.


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