by Candi Heart
He stopped in his tracks. “You what?”
I nodded and took my case back. “I have been doing that for years. I’d better hurry.”
He looked stunned. “Those things aren’t safe to ride on. A young woman alone?” He looked stricken and grabbed my case back. “I am driving you home.”
I tugged on my case in his large hand, trying to wrestle it back. “No, you aren’t.”
He looked resolute, determined. “Remember, I will put in extra effort in my duties and carry you to the limo if I have to.”
I stopped tugging and looked up into his eyes. “Oh, crap. You would, wouldn’t you?”
He nodded and motioned for me to start walking.
With a heavy sigh, I walked forward. Then when we got to the car, I stopped at the door. Yes, I was trained well. He would take it as an insult if I did not let him open the door. Then, of course, he did so and bowed his head.
Suddenly, there was a beeping sound.
Gregory raised his head and looked at his phone. “It’s Nick.”
My eyes rounded. “He cannot know I was here when he was!”
Gregory tapped his Bluetooth. “Yes, Nick?” He nodded. “Um, yes. I will be late, though. I have to...” He stared at me. “I am taking Miss Swan home.”
With a defeated sigh, I lowered my head.
“Yes, I was out front. Apparently, she had been waiting quite some time for her cab that never showed.” He paused, then winked at me. “Yes, she had been down here for at least an hour. She said she was going to... Take the subway.” Gregory winced at the loud tone in his ear. “Yes, sir. That is what I told her. Yes, sir, she takes it every day.” He again, grimaced.
I would have laughed at his expressions if I wasn’t so upset or confused, or happy or depressed all at the same time.
“Yes, Nick.” He tapped the device off. “Let’s get you home.”
I slid into the seat as Gregory handed my case to me.
“Thank you,” I said.
He nodded and shut the door.
I looked around, remembering the utter luxury. Then I remembered riding in it on my dream date night. How did I get from there to here? Or, if I thought about it, I had gone full circle, really. I laughed and shook my head.
“As you could tell, Nick was rather upset about you being on the subway. As was I,” Gregory’s voice came over the speaker.
I looked around and spotted the button. I pressed it. “I have to get to work somehow, Gregory.”
“Well, apparently that is solved now,” he replied.
I jabbed the button again. “What do you mean?”
“Nick said as long as you’re working for him, you will be taken in this car and brought home the same way.” Then Gregory actually chuckled.
“Is that a laugh I hear?” I asked.
“Yes, ma’am,” he replied.
I shook my head and had to smile. He did have a clever sense of humor when he let it show.
After a few minutes, I sat back and closed my eyes and let out a heavy sigh. How could I have been like that? Blaming him? Expecting him to come after me? Thinking he had used me, when all along, it was that he’d gotten jealous and... I blew out a breath. It’s a big mess.
I must have dozed off because I startled awake. Looking up, I saw Gregory standing above me with the limo door open.
“It seems that perhaps one of you drank his way through this, and the other worked yourself into exhaustion,” he stated plainly.
I heard him, but really—what excuse did I have? Maybe it was true. I groggily looked around for my case.
“I have it,” he said and held his hand out to me.
I gave him my hand and he helped me out. Then, of course, he walked me up the steps, then the inside stairs, and all the way to my apartment door.
“Thank you again, Gregory,” I said as I opened my door.
“You are welcome, Miss Swan.” He turned and strode down the hallway, then he stopped and turned back. “Eight a.m., Monday morning.” He said it like a warning rather than a reminder.
I saluted him. “Yes, sir.”
He frowned and narrowed his eyes at me. “That is not funny.”
Crap! My eyes widened in horror.
He chuckled.
“Oh, you made a joke?” I asked skeptically.
He stopped smiling. “No, ma’am.” Then he turned and went down the stairs.
I shook my head as I laughed. I went into my apartment and then seemed to wander around. The words I’d heard Nick speak rolled around in my head. That Chaz and Gregory believed that he loved me. But he never said that himself. He did react badly to losing me, though. Never had a man gone on a drinking binge when I stopped dating him. Unless they had celebrated? But I needed to remember something here. I could cry, throw a fit, but I had my friends. They bolstered me up. What did he have? A man like him wouldn’t cry. So, he drank it away. Remembering the way he had looked—so sad and defeated—had the tears rolling again.
Finally, I found myself standing over my bed. I simply dropped into it, clothes and all, and cried myself to sleep.
Chapter 23
SATURDAY AND SUNDAY went by without me leaving my apartment. I refused to answer any calls. I barely left my bed. I reflected on what Gregory had said. Exhaustion? Maybe that was it, but I’d also fallen into depression. I suddenly did not feel so excited about the Sugar Line or any of that. I knew I would go forward with it, but as of now, it just felt petty. I finally got up and took a shower, then chose my outfit for Monday. I kept wondering if he would be there. I half hoped and half dreaded it.
I had never felt like this in my entire life—so lost and confused. Before this, I knew what I wanted, knew what my dreams were. Now, all I could see was Nick’s sad face. Like I just found out the hottest designer and the hottest guy I ever met was probably in love with me. I should be on cloud nine. Yet, I wasn’t. I just felt defeat. Yes, I still believed I’d acted wrong in forging ahead for my own designs, my own selfish benefit. No better than some of those women I’d seen over the years, stepping over and on everyone to get ahead. I shuddered. Maybe Nick was right all along? I should not be working at his label. Then again, what the hell could I do now? I had a line coming out, I’d hired Lena. People depended on me now. That, I felt strongly about.
So, I went to bed Sunday night, and for the first time all week, I did not feel excited to be going to Tessora Studios the following day.
AT EIGHT A.M. SHARP, I walked down the steps in front of my building, and yes, Gregory was already there. He did his usual nod-open-door-bow-head routine.
Then when he went to close my door, he paused and took a closer look at me. “Are you okay, Miss Swan?”
I looked up at him with sadness. “I don’t know,” I answered truthfully.
Then he did something that took me by complete surprise: he knelt down in front of me. “I have heard that love always wins out.”
My eyes bulged. “You do not seem like the romantic type.”
Shrugging, he stood up. “Let’s say I am the hopeful type.” He smiled and shut the door.
The ride was peaceful, and this time, I looked out at the city and felt numb. No wonder, no excitement. What the hell was the matter with me? I was a stupid girl, that’s what. Not what any of them think I was. To think, while I was waltzing around being a designer, thinking about myself, my career, I’d also been thinking I’d been wronged by a playboy. I let out a heavy sigh. The whole time, he had hit at rock bottom, feeling bad about hurting me, his glass-gold world missing him as he disappeared. All the happiness he brought to his people—gone or missing. Why, look at poor Stephanie, depressed because he went missing. All because of me!
“We have arrived, Miss Swan.” Gregory’s voice came over the speaker.
Okay, here it is. I hope I can get through the day.
The door opened and I stepped out.
Gregory still looked concerned as he walked me up the steps. “Have you been taking care of yourself, Miss S
I paused and tilted my head. “What do you mean?”
He seemed apprehensive, and wrung his hands together. “Well... well, I know it would be dangerous for a man to say, but you look like... you have lost a lot of weight.”
I furrowed my brows at him. “What?”
He took my arm and walked me forward. “There are those of us who liked you the way you were before.”
Batting my eyes, I wondered at this. The man was making no sense. Those of us? I raised my chin as the doors opened. This would be the test. If Stephanie was happy, this meant Nick was here. Then I wanted to kick myself. Duh, I could’ve just asked Gregory.
They walked in and Stephanie smiled a little.
I paid special attention to her.” Hey, sweetie. How are you today?”
Stephanie sighed.
Crap. He hadn’t been here.
“I’m fine. Let me know if I can do...” she looked forlorn, “...anything about the missing Nick.”
I frowned. ”So, he’s still gone?”
She shrugged.” I got here early, have been all week, to catch him if—if he came.”
I patted her hand.” I’m sure he’ll be along soon, okay?” Especially if I end up quitting. I knew I shouldn’t, but I also knew that seeing him all the time would hurt too much.
Stephanie tried to smile. “Okay, Em. Have a good day.”
I made my way toward the elevator, but Gregory remained at the desk and smiled at the young woman. “Let me now if you need to go anywhere today, Stephanie.”
She nodded. “Thanks, Gregory”
I loaded into the elevator and punched the button for my floor. Obviously, Gregory wasn’t coming up. I heaved out a sigh. Get a grip, girl. Square those shoulders, raise your head, and smile.
DING! The doors opened.
As I prepared to bound out of the elevator, oozing confidence and grace, I was halted in my tracks. I swallowed hard as I looked up into the most handsome face I had ever seen.
My heart threatened to crawl up my throat and come right out through my mouth. I may have eked out a little squeak
He tilted his head and looked at me. Then his blank expression changed to something I couldn’t quite decipher. He took a step toward me, but I didn’t move. I couldn’t, even if I wanted to—even if my life depended on it. I didn’t think he was here; I hadn’t prepared anything to say.
His slow, lazy gaze began at my legs, and then travelled tortuously all the way up to my face. I felt sure my skin had taken on a horrible shade of pink, and I trembled all over.
Stepping forward, he sighed, and parted his beautiful lips as if he, too, was at a loss for words.
I tried to find my voice. Say something! You have thought about this man for two weeks straight now. You cannot mean to just—
“Are you sick?” he finally asked.
My head shot up. Sick? I cleared my throat. “Um, I don’t know what—?”
“Look at you!” he barked, his jaw ticking with anger, eyes stormy and angry. “What have you been doing? Didn’t you eat anything I bought for you?”
I reeled in shock, completely stunned. I never expected this to be his first reaction, his initial interaction with me.
As I opened my mouth to try to say something in my defense, he grabbed my arm, gently but firmly. “Come on. We have to talk.”
“Oh, so now you want to talk?” I asked, unable to hide the hurt in my voice. Then I knew I shouldn’t have said it. However, I didn’t want him to know I knew... Knew about what happened to him. What he’d been through.
He narrowed his eyes at my sass, but didn’t say anything, just indicated for me to keep walking.
I suddenly felt afraid and halted. Was he now officially firing me? Well, it didn’t matter now, so...
Nick gave me that smile, the heart-stopping one that always made me gush in to my silkies. “Are you coming, Miss Swan?”
I stepped forward and followed him. Just concentrate on walking, and dammit! Keep your mouth shut.
He led me to his office. I stepped through and he shut the door. Behind me. Swallowing heavily, I wasn’t sure what do with myself, so I fidgeted with my blouse sleeve.
“So, I have seen all the work on your... Sugar line.” He raised a dark eyebrow at me, his expression unreadable.
Nodding, I stepped to a chair and paused, leaning my hand on it. So, he wanted to switch gears again?
He nodded his head, motioning for me to sit.
Okay, so this would be all business. He’s now Mr. Tessora to me again. “Um, yes, and it looks like we—”
He shook his head. “Stop. Where did you get the name of Sugar?”
“The name for the line,” he replied.
Feeling confused, I couldn’t figure out if he looked angry or... “Um, well. It’s... my name, so...”
He looked startled. “You mean the name you chose for the line?”
I shook my head, and then changed to a nod.
He chuckled. “That is not an answer.”
“It’s my name. Emilie Sugar Swan.”
His eyes rounded and his smile dropped. “How come I never knew this?”
I shrugged. “I-I...well, I do not advertise something as silly—”
I nodded. “Yeah, I mean, I hated my mom for giving it to me.”
Sighing, I realized this was going nowhere. All this stuff about my middle name “Why what?” I stood up. “Sugar? Really? This is what you want to talk about?”
He nodded. “It fits.”
“No, apparently, it does not.” I huffed, blowing a stray strand of hair from my forehead.
He raised his brows. “I am lost here.”
I finally let go of it all and tossed my arms up in the air. “Join the club!”
He looked startled at first, and then slightly amused.
“I mean, I thought I wanted it all. The line, the designer name. Now, it means nothing!”
He stepped over while staring at my face. “Nothing? What are you talking about? I saw it and it is going to storm the market. It’s brilliant, Emilie.”
I lowered my head and said quietly, “I meant it means nothing to me now.”
He quickly closed the distance between us. He used his finger to raise my chin so I had to look into his sexy eyes. “Why?” His eyes were intense, no shutter, no hiding what he felt.
I gazed into his dark eyes and saw the sadness still there. “It just doesn’t now. I mean, it certainly wasn’t worth...” my voice faded away.
“Worth what?” He still had his hand on my face, and I wanted to melt into a puddle.
Oh, no. I caught his scent, and even the heat from his body. My mind whirled. “Losing—you.”
His eyes widened as if he hadn’t expected this answer.
I began to panic. Yep, you should have kept your mouth shut!
“That was my fault. All of it,” he stated coldly, dropping his hand from my face.
Dammit. I had to get out of here, I needed to think, I’d already blabbed—
He grabbed me up, wrapping his strong arms around me. He gazed down into my eyes. “Can you forgive it? Will you?”
Blinking, I felt fresh tears form along my lashes. No, Em, not now, do not... A traitorous tear slipped down my cheek. “I cannot forgive myself. I didn’t see anything but my own selfish ambition. I only thought of myself!” I tried to wiggle loose from his iron grip.
“That isn’t true.” He wouldn’t let me go. “Emilie, I am just so sorry.”
“You?” I said incredulously. “I’m the one who misunderstood, then gave you no chance to explain. I thought you used me, then dumped me. So, what did I do? I marched in here and made my own line. Oh yes, thinking of just me!”
He laughed. “That is ridiculous. And it’s also why I love you.”
I opened my mouth to retort, but snapped it closed. Then my eyes went wide with surprise.
nbsp; He nodded. “Yes, I love you and I... ran from it. That is not your fault.”
I suddenly felt weak and dizzy. It was all too much. Did he just say? I slumped in his arms, my head spinning.
Nick looked upset suddenly. “I knew it! You have not been eating. Dammit, Covolo!” He moved me over to the chair, then pressed a button on the desk.
I looked around as I heard clicks then a rolling sound. The glass walls on his office suddenly turned to a dark tint. I blinked. What the...?
He walked away, but quickly had returned with a glass of orange juice. “Drink!”
I licked my dry lips and took a big gulp as he held it to my lips.
He set the glass down, and now seemed angry. He began pacing in front of me. “You look like you have lost twenty pounds! In just ten days!”
I swallowed the juice. Then paused. He’s mad that I lost weight? “I think I look good!” I lifted my chin.
Stopping his pacing, Nick strode over. Then he knelt in front of me. “Emilie, I loved the way you looked. You are still beautiful, but dammit. You can’t work out and do all this running and walking...” He gazed into my eyes. “Then not eat.”
I looked around, trying to focus on anything but that beautiful face. I was getting caught up in him again. That haze, his intoxicating aura. I couldn’t think straight. “I-I guess I just—I don’t know what happened?”
Taking my hands, he kissed them gently. “I hurt you, and you were not eating—”
I shook my head. “No, I had forged on, determined. But then...”
He stared into my eyes. “What, Bella?”
“I forgot to eat?”
He laughed. “No one forgets to...” he halted. “Yes, I suppose one can, then replace it with something else... like booze.”
I knew what he meant, but I sure as hell wouldn’t let on about that. “So, where do we go from here?” I asked in a small, hopeful voice.
He looked up at me. “I have yet to get your forgiveness.”
Seriously? “Only if you can forgive me, too.”
“You see? This is sweetness, Sugar.”
I huffed and went to pick up the orange juice. “Oh, you’d better not call me tha—”
Nick smothered my words with his mouth as he kissed me crazy.