Home > Other > FOR HIS EYES ONLY > Page 16

by Candace Irvin

  Jade nodded, then jerked her pillow into her lap, balling it up tight as the opening credits rolled across the screen. That was the problem. She wasn't sure she wanted it to work.

  Hell, who was she kidding? The real problem was she did want it to work. For the first time in her life, she really wanted it to work.

  And it terrified her.

  Her phone rang, mercifully postponing another panic session. She shook her head at Karin, silently telling her to let the movie run as she reached for the receiver. "DCA here."

  It was Medical. She handed it to Karin and turned back to a wide-angle shot of a sorority party in full swing.

  "You're kidding." Karin sighed. "Okay, I'll be right there." She vaulted from the rack, turning back as she shoved the receiver back in place. "Can you believe it? Twelve hours from port and some sailor falls down a ladder and breaks his leg." She shook her head as she headed for the door. "No—don't bother stopping the movie. It doesn't get really good until twenty minutes in. I should be back by then."

  Jade pitched the remote back on the bed as the door closed. At least now she knew when to expect the serious gore. She snagged Karin's bag of popcorn, propping it on top of her pillow as she settled in for the count.

  Fifteen minutes later, she'd won her own bet. At least ten women were gyrating on the makeshift dance floor. Every last one of them so top-heavy they'd be a stability nightmare in a lifeboat. And—surprise, surprise—every last one of them was already well on her way to getting undressed with a little help from her date. But where was Reese? His name had co-billing with Brandee Lane—you'd think he'd have shown up by now.

  The camera pulled back from the drunken revelry to pan the front door of the sorority house and the couple arguing on the steps.

  Aah, there he was…

  The camera closed in on Reese and his date—who was having a heck of a time convincing him to join the debauchery. Smart man. Then the close-up switched from Brandee to Reese.

  Jade dropped the bag of popcorn and dug her fingers into her pillow as the shock waves rolled over her. Damn.

  He looked good.

  No, scratch that. Better than good. He looked great, fantastic, incredible. And it didn't have a damn thing to do with makeup or wardrobe or whatever else they enhanced actors with.

  It was him.

  Looks, charm, charisma—whatever Hollywood called it, Reese had it. It sizzled off him. Hell, he was hotter than the steel deck of a ship on a blistering day at sea.

  Sex appeal.

  That's what it was. It was sex, pure and simple. All you had to do was look into those blue eyes and you were hooked. He had you for the rest of the movie. Script, plot, action be damned. You were there for him.

  And she was.

  Another thump on her door jolted her out of her trance. She tore her gaze from the screen. Damn, Karin locked it behind her. She grabbed the remote, pausing the movie in the middle of the camera's affair with Reese's biceps. Karin or no Karin, she was not going to miss this.

  She twisted the lock, yelling as she yanked the door open, "About time. Hurry up, it's starting to get good."

  "Didn't know I was late." That was not Karin's chuckle.

  Jade dropped the remote—and her jaw. The remote smacked down on the deck and bounced twice, landing right side up alongside a pair of brown boots.

  Cowboy boots.

  She looked up slowly, knowing she was beyond red and well into purple as she gazed past the tight jeans, the empty belt loops, the snug white T-shirt, right up to that incredibly sexy smile.

  Oh, God, that smile. She sucked in her breath and held it. Yup, that smile packed a much bigger punch in person than it did on the screen.

  "Hi." She choked on the annoying squeak that followed.

  Reese grinned, his gaze never leaving hers as he hunkered down for the remote, snagged it and lifted it up. "Hi, yourself."

  Her fingers grazed his as she took the remote. She shifted her gaze to avoid the smoldering offer that came with it.


  Steeling herself, she looked back, praying the grin had left by now.

  It hadn't. "Can I come in?"

  Jade bit into her cheek as panic struck. How on earth was she going to get rid of Reese without being rude? Because there was no way she was letting him in. Not with his movie on. She cleared her throat. "I'm—ah—not sure it would be a good idea."

  His grin deepened, spiriting away yet another piece of her heart. "Why not? I can keep my hands to myself."

  Yeah, but could she?

  Damn, why had he changed out of his coveralls? At least when he looked Navy, there was a visible warning beacon keeping her on course.


  Against her will, her gaze slid back to that smile. She jerked it back up. She needed an excuse—a good one. Before the pause on her VCR expired and the movie kicked back in—

  Too late.

  His brows rose as the movie's distinctively campy soundtrack floated out between them. "Is that what I think it is?"

  She nodded—and to her astonishment, a crimson tide rose up his neck, flooding every inch of his face.

  Special Agent C. Reese Garrick was blushing? Her nerves bounced back with zeal. Well, heck, this was definitely worth capitalizing on. She glanced over to the television and smiled. "Care to join me?"

  His throat worked as he obviously searched for an excuse. She tried to keep her smile from splitting into a grin while she battled the urge to rub her hands together in glee. By God, he really was embarrassed. Over his movie, no less. What a turnabout. She recognized the moment for what it was. An occurrence more rare than a sincere compliment from Dillon. Oh, this was going to be such fun.

  She swung the door wide. "You coming in or not?"

  Reese stared at Jade's wide grin. Half of him was ecstatic to find her in his sweats watching his movie. The other half was mortified. Not about the sweats. Finding her in his clothes because she wanted to be there fell under a one hundred percent life couldn't get any better than this moment—and he didn't care who knew it. Because it meant something.

  Something good.

  Something promising.

  But that stupid movie? He swallowed a groan. The one he'd been forced to audition for to bust a drug ring? The same humiliating movie he'd been ordered to participate in day in and day out while he laid his trap for the film's director, producer and half the cast? The movie that was so bad his own mother had trouble finding something good to say about it? Not to mention the ribbing he'd taken—was still taking—from his partner, TJ, and the rest of the guys at the agency?

  Hell, the only good thing about that movie was the solid cover it provided him for this assignment. Maybe there was a way he could sabotage the VCR while Jade wasn't looking? A single shot from his Glock oughta do it. He stared into the laughter lurking in her smoky gaze and decided to wimp his way out. He just didn't think he could handle watching it again.

  Not with her.

  "Sorry, not tonight. Fresh out of popcorn. I can't seem to enjoy a movie without it. I'll just stop by later."

  Unfortunately, he'd forgotten she didn't know how to take no for an answer. Her smile turned wicked as she hooked a finger into his waistband and tugged him inside. "Right there on the bed, Macbeth. Have at it."

  The groan he'd been holding back escaped as he grabbed the bag of popcorn. "Macbeth? Didn't we get beyond that?"

  She hopped up on the rack, patting the spot next to her. "That was before I checked out your cinematic talents."

  He winced as he joined her. "That bad, huh?"

  She smiled. "Not really, but I wouldn't recommend quitting your day job."

  "Hey! I got some pretty good reviews out of that thing." He had. He just wished one or two of them had mentioned his acting ability—in a favorable light, anyway. He reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

  Not a smart move.

  His fingers slipped into the mass against his will—or maybe with it. He wasn'
t sure anymore. He wrapped the silk around his fingers, rubbing it gently as she rolled her eyes.

  "Oh, I'm sure you did. Your talents are quite obvious. So are Brandee's."

  "Jealous?" He smiled, hopeful as hell.

  "Of her? Of course not."

  He used her hair to tug her in close. "Liar." His heart thudded painfully as her eyes darkened with the truth.

  "Maybe a little." She paused as she eyed the screen, then admitted softly, "Okay, maybe a lot."

  Reese glanced up to find Brandee shoving her overly healthy assets into his chest as they joined the rest of the cast on the dance floor. Yeah, he remembered that particular scene. Especially the tireless attempts at seduction that followed. Brandee refused to believe he preferred women without surgical enhancement.

  Women like Jade.

  He could still feel her perfectly formed breasts in his palms. He could still smell them and taste them. Damn. He jerked his mind from those moments of darkened bliss before he was forced to move from division to square roots and cupped her jaw. "Brandee Lane has nothing on you."

  For one thing, he'd never, ever, seen Brandee blush. It wouldn't have suited her. But it did suit Jade.

  And it turned him on.

  He trailed his fingers down her throat, following the flush. If someone had told him a month ago he'd be this jealous of his own ratty sweats, he'd have turned them in for a psych evaluation. But he was.

  He was also lost.

  He knew that the moment her lips parted. He stared at them, mesmerized as he slipped a finger into the collar of the sweats and caressed the soft flesh beneath. He found the chain, winding it around his fingers as he dipped his head.

  "Reese, please."

  Somehow, with less than a millimeter to spare, he managed to turn. He buried his face in her hair, his breath scorching them both as he groaned, "I know, honey—I know."

  She was right.

  If he kissed her, he wasn't going to stop. He swallowed another groan, pulling her to his chest as he leaned back against the bulkhead. He tucked her head firmly beneath his chin and stared at the television screen, slowly regaining control of his breathing. Just in time to catch the close-up of the butcher knife—and the carving lesson that followed.

  "Oh, please. No one has that much blood in them."

  He tightened his arms around her and smiled. "That's nothing. Just wait until Brandee gets it."

  She twisted slightly, her eyes wide as she stared up at him. "Brandee gets it? I didn't think co-stars were supposed to die."

  He chuckled. "She does if her co-star is the killer."

  "You're the killer?" She threw up her hands. "Thanks a lot. What's the point of watching if I know the ending?"

  Actually, that was the point. He bit back a grin as she grabbed the remote and killed the movie. "Sorry."

  She tossed the remote down before threading her fingers into his hair. "I'll just bet you are. Did spoiling the ending work on your mom and dad, too?"

  He shook his head, not bothering to deny it. "Nope, my mother went to see it, anyway. But not for lack of me trying to dissuade her." He held his breath, praying she'd let the rest drop.

  She didn't. "What about your dad?"

  He reached up, taking her hand in his, twining their fingers together as he measured his words carefully. "I haven't seen him in a while. But I heard he wasn't impressed." That much was true. Other than a strained phone call the day he checked aboard the ship, he hadn't spoken to his father. Face-to-face, anyway.

  She squeezed his hand gently. "You know, I don't get it. I might understand your father's concern if you actually were an actor. But you're not. How can arresting scum be bad?"

  Damn. She was treading into dangerous water—and he had to get her out. Now. Before she figured out the rest. The tiniest slip on his part and she'd realize not only what, but who his father was. She was too smart not to.

  Yup, diversion was his best defense. Even if it was painful. "It's gone beyond that. I think my father would have forgiven me for choosing a different path if I hadn't taken my mother's side in their divorce a few years back."

  "Oh, Reese." Her hand slipped out of his, back up to his jaw. "I'm so sorry."

  "Yeah, me, too. I guess I got tired of him popping in on her every once in a while, jacking up her hopes, then kicking them away again. What was left of our relationship fell apart when I told him what I really thought."

  "Your dad wasn't around much?"

  "Nope. Even when he was—he wasn't. Know what I mean?"

  She shook her head. "Not really. I mean, I know what you mean about the separations. But the reunions?" His gut constricted as her smile turned downright dreamy. "Ours were wonderful. My mom used to meet my dad at the ship when it pulled in. They'd spend the night in a hotel while my grandmother and I baked a cake and decorated the house. The next day, we'd start a party that lasted all week. Every day, I'd get a different present—dolls, toys, whatever he'd picked up from the ports he visited." She sighed. "I still have my dolls."

  Reese shoved the green monster down. His reunions had been the exact opposite. He could count his presents on one hand—from his entire childhood. And hotel rooms? By the time he was ten, he'd known those were reserved for anyone but his mother. Yeah, he'd supported his mother during the divorce. He still did. And she was happier than she'd been in years.

  Jade shifted in his arms. "So, what does your father do?"

  He tensed, despite the fact that he'd been anticipating—even dreading—the question for days. Ever since he'd confided his cover to her. He'd never had a problem lying before. It was all part of the job.

  Until now.

  Now the lie he'd been ordered to prepare stuck in his throat, the irony of it nearly choking him altogether. Unfortunately, he didn't have a choice. He'd have to pray she understood when she learned the truth.


  Just spit it out. "Sorry, lost in thought. Dad's a—" He bit off the rest as the phone rang, tipping his head back against the bulkhead in relief. Thank God.

  Jade groaned out loud as she pulled herself from Reese's arms. She stood reluctantly, her body arguing all the way to the phone. This had better be good. "DCA here."

  "Came across some interesting information in the chief's lounge this evening."

  She wrapped her free hand around the coiled cord and turned back to Reese. "What's that, Chief?"

  Reese read her expression correctly because he stiffened. "Senior Chief Canton ran a surprise audit on the wardroom today. Two keys were missing—yours and our guest's."

  She lifted her hand, rubbing the itchy skin above her stitches. "Great. Any idea how long they've been missing?"

  "Couple days, a week at the outside. I asked him to keep it to himself."

  "Thanks, Chief. Let me know if they turn up."

  "Will do. Catch you in the morning."

  By the time she'd replaced the receiver and turned around, Reese was at her side. He reached out and cupped her chin. "What is it?"

  She sighed. "Dillon must have gotten my key off the extra panel in the mess cooks' office—those are the guys in charge of cleaning the staterooms. Yours is missing, too."

  "Damn." The hand rubbing his neck froze. "Wait a minute. How long ago?"

  "The senior chief in charge thinks days—a week, max." His eyes narrowed. "Then it's possible Coffey was telling the truth about your key. I'll search their rooms again in the morning while you guys are driving the ship into port. Maybe something will turn up."

  "Again? As in, you've searched them before?" A chill slithered down her spine as he nodded. Did that mean…? She was almost afraid to ask. "Did you—" She took a breath. "Did you search mine, too?"

  He didn't even have the decency to look embarrassed as he nodded. "Why do you think I was surprised about the jazz?"

  Jazz? Oh, right, he did seem startled at that. Probably because the compact discs were in the player, the covers at home.

  But that wasn't the point.

bsp; "You searched my room." She backed away, crossing her arms as she leaned against her wall unit. "Why? I thought I wasn't a suspect." Not to mention she'd spent the entire day agonizing over whether or not to have an affair with a man who trusted her enough to snoop through her belongings.

  "It's not what you think. For the record, I'm not proud of rifling through your underwear." He closed the distance between them, until he was inches away. "Frankly, I'd rather see you in it. So I can take you out of it."

  She flushed.

  He dropped a hand to her desk, then pulled it back up, dangling her keys between them. "I was looking for these. I thought I'd need them to get into the NSF."

  She blinked, more disturbed by the heat radiating along his body than his confession. "But I never let those out of my sight."

  He raised his other arm, resting it on the wall unit above her head, trapping her. She stifled a moan as he stroked a key down her cheek.

  "Now I know that. But I didn't when I came aboard, did I?" His voice was much too low and much too vibrant for her peace of mind. A wave of goose bumps rippled down her arms as he traced her lips with the tip of the key.

  "I—I suppose not."

  He smoothed the cold metal down her jaw, using it to sculpt her neck. She shivered as he reached the hollow at the base, gently carving it anew. "Besides, I've already paid in spades for invading your privacy."

  "How s-so?"

  He leaned closer, his breath fanning her cheeks as he slipped the keys beneath her collar. She sucked in her breath as they slid lower, closer and closer to her aching breasts. "Because every time I close my eyes, I can see exactly what's beneath these sweats—in heavenly, excruciating detail."

  The keys reached the edge of her bra, and he scraped the tips of the keys back and forth, again and again until she was suffocating with longing. His breath was caressing her neck now, setting a torch to her tenuous control. She was so aroused she wanted to scream. But other than the keys, he wasn't touching her at all.

  Yet she was pinned.

  Just as surely as if he'd shackled her.

  His gaze darkened, piercing into her, forcing her eyes to stay open, to stare straight into his. "Are you wearing the white or the pink today?"


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