Richard & John: Kings at War

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by McLynn, Frank

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  Acre siege of


  Albigensians (Cathars)

  Alexander the Great

  Alice (Alys), daughter of Louis VII


  Angevin empire ,

  Anjou and Angevins



  Arsuf (see also battles)

  Arthur, King

  Arthur, prince of Britanny (son of


  his place in the Angevin succession

  contests succession with John

  championed by Philip of France


  murdered by John



  Baldwin of Bethune

  Baldwin IV, king of Jerusalem

  Barbarossa, Frederick, emperor of Germany












  Beauvais, bishop of

  Becket, Thomas



  Berengaria of Navarre (wife of Richard)

  Bernard de Ventadour

  Bertran de Born



  Burton, Sir Richard

  Byzantium (Constantinople)


  canon law

  Chateau-Gaillard, castle of

  besieged by Philip (1203)

  fall of


  Coggleshall, Ralph of (see also Notes passim)

  Comnenus, Isaac, ‘emperor’ of Cyprus

  Conrad of Montferrat

  Coutances, Walter of


  crusades (see also Richard I on crusade)





  Eleanor of Aquitaine,


  personality and characteristics of

  early life of

  marriage to Henry II

  marriage to Louis V11

  children of

  as parent

  travels of

  special feeling for Aquitaine

  Richard as favourite son of

  attitude to John

  attitude to Henry, the Young King

  attitude to her son Geoffrey

  marital privilges of

  rebellion against her husband in 1173

  imprisoned by Henry II

  released by Richard

  attends Richard’s coronation in London

  hatred of Arthur, prince of Britanny

  bamboozled by John

  at conference at Dreux (1190)

  accompanies Walter of Coutances from Sicily to England (1191)

  brings Berengaria to Richard in Sicily (1191)

  meets emperor Henry VI,

  return journey of, from Messina to Normandy

  as Richard’s agent in England (1192)

  role of, in Richard’s captivity

  threatens John with confiscation of estates

  at Mainz conference composes quarrel between Richard and John

  at Richard’s funeral

  backs John as Richard’s successor

  kidnapped by the Lusignans

  tries to safeguard Normandy

  in danger of capture

  old age of


  England, as item in Angevin empire,


  in Richard’s absence

  invasion of by French


  feudalism, nature of

  Fitzwalter, Robert

  Flanders and the Flemish (see also mercenaries)

  Fontevraud, abbey of

  France, Capetian kingdom of

  Frederick II, emperor of Germany

  Gascony and Gascons


  Genoa and Genoese

  Geoffrey, second son of Henry II, brother of Richard and John

  personality of

  as duke of Britanny

  in the rebellion of 1173

  conspiracies of in 1182

  hatred of, for Henry II

  in the rebellion of 1182-83

  plots against Richard

  allies himself with Philip of France

  death of

  his legacy

  Geoffrey, Henry II’s bastard son, later archbishop of York

  Gerald of Wales (see also Notes passim)

  Germany, politics of

  Gervase of Canterbury (see also Notes passim)

  Gisors, frontier fortress of

  Guy of Lusignan


  Henry I

  Henry II , 359

  personality and characteristics of

  restlessness of

  feudal position of

  sceptical attitude to God

  deviousness of

  attitude to the crusades

  birth of

  conquers England

  marries Eleanor of Aquitaine

  crowned king of England

  conflicts of, with Louis VII of France

  campaigns of, in France

  and rebellion of 1173

  at the zenith of his power

  policy of, in Aquitaine

  plans of, for the Angevin empire

  near death of (1170)

  womanising and mistresses of

  as parent

  favouritism of, for John

  relations of, with Richard

  relations of, with Henry the Young King

  attitude to his second son Geoffrey

  attitude to his bastard son Geoffrey

  financial policy of

  Welsh policy of

  Irish policy of

  campaigns against Philip Augustus (1188-89)

  final breach with Richard

  final Christmas court of

  final defeat and humiliation of,


  Henry III, king of England

  Henry VIII

  Henry, the Young King (Henry II’s eldest



  personality and character of

  coronation of

  jealousy of Richard
  rebellion of in 1173-74

  defeated by his father

  campaigns in Berry (1176)

  relations of, with Richard

  relations of, with William Marshal

  second rebellion against his father (1182-83)

  vows to go on crusade


  Henry of Champagne

  Henry VI, emperor of Germany attitude of, to Richard’s kidnap

  Henry the Lion




  Hugh, count of Boves

  Hugh de Lacy

  Hugh, duke of Burgundy

  Hugh, bishop of Lincoln


  Innocent III, pope struggle of, with John


  Ireland (see also Henry II, John and William Marshal)

  Isabella of Angouleme ( John’s wife)

  Isabella of Gloucester

  Jaffa (see also battles)


  Jews, in England persecution of

  Joan (Richard’s sister)

  John, king of England

  personality and character of

  as Henry II’s favourite son

  hatred of, for Richard

  hatred of, for Prince Arthur

  attitude to his half-brother Geoffrey

  cruelty of

  avarice of

  unpopularity of

  habitual treachery of

  nicknamed Lackland

  nicknamed ‘John Softsword’

  lustfulness and womanising of

  anger and rages of

  restlessness of

  anticlericalism and atheism of,


  as hunter,

  revenues of

  itinerant court of

  and the Forest Laws

  economic conditions in the reign of

  and the legal system

  war crimes of

  as military commander

  as king of England

  and his bloodthirsty mercenary captains

  reputation of

  cinematic portrayals of

  modern defenders of



  physical appearance of

  and Eleanor of Aquitaine

  early years of

  as pawn in Henry II’s dynastic games

  as unwitting cause of civil war

  as puppet of his brother Geoffrey

  as king of Ireland

  bids to become king of Jerusalem

  collaborates with Richard in 1187

  and the crusades

  as possible successor to Henry II

  as only member of family at Henry’s last Christmas court

  as possible husband for Alice

  joins the winning side against his father (1189)


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