Delhi (elephant)
Demon, The, Thurston
Deslys, Gaby
Devant, David; Thurston and
Dida illusion
Dime museums; Grace Thurston at; Harry Thurston and
Divorces: Beatrice Thurston; Grace Thurston; Jane Thurston Harris
Dooly, John
Dornfield, Werner C.
Downs, Thomas Nelson
Doyle, Arthur Conan; Our American Adventure
Duck, pet
Dunninger (magician)
Eakins, Olin M.
Edison motion picture machine
Edward, Prince of Wales
Eggs Extraordinary trick
Egyptian Hall, London
Elephant, purchase of
Eliason, Oscar (Dante)
Elliott, James William
“Entranced Fakir” act
Escapes, Houdini and
Europe, Thurston in
Evans, Clare
Evans, Henry Ridgely
Everett, M. Hudson
Exchange illusions
Fakir of Ava (Isaiah Hughes)
Farm purchased by Thurston
Fasola, Gus; ideas from
Father, Thurston as
Fay, William
Fernanda (Lucille Myro). See also Princess Karnac act
Ferris, George
Ferris wheel, original
Fielding, Nina. See also Thurston, Leotha Willadsen
Fields, W. C.
Films; in Thurston’s shows. See also Motion pictures
Film scripts; Thurston and
Fire and Water act
Fish, Hyman
Fisher, E. E.
Five Cent Theater, Chicago
Fleming, Beatrice “Tommy.” See Foster, Beatrice; Thurston, Beatrice Foster
Flight of Princess Kiyo act
Floating Ball act
Floating tire illusion
Foo, Ching Ling
Ford, Arthur
Foster, Beatrice “Tommy,”; marriage to Thurston; Thurston and. See also Thurston, Beatrice Foster
Fox, Imro
Funeral of Thurston
Garden of Sleep (levitation act)
Geach, Edwin
George, Grover
Georgia, Thurston in
Germain, Karl
Gibson, Walter B.
Girl and the Rabbit act
Golden Butterfly act
Goldin, Horace; Jansen and; sawing illusion
Goldman, Herbert
Goldstein, Hyman. See Goldin, Horace
Goldston, Will
Gordon, Gene
Goshen, Routh
Great Automobile Surprise act
Great Country Circus
Greater Magic, Hilliard
Greenwood, Fergus
Gresham, William Lindsay
Haja Hamid Troupe
Hanson, Herman
Hanson, Lillian
Harcourt, Robert
Harris, Harry
Harris, Jane Thurston; divorce. See also Thurston, Jane
Harris, John
Hawes, Ellen Fielding
Hawes, George
Health fads, Thurston and
Heaney, Gerald
Heller, Robert
Hellmann (magician)
Henry, Louis (Doc)
Herrmann, Adelaide Scarsez; and Robinsons
Herrmann, Alexander (the Great); assistant to; death of; Kellar and; stage of; Thurston and
Herrmann, Compars
Herrmann, Leon; Robinson and; Thurston and
Herrmann, Marie
Herrmann, Samuel
Hertz, Carl
Hilles, Charles D.
Hilliar, William
Hilliard, John Northern; Greater Magic; and Kellar; and Thurston’s autobiography
Hinckel, Paula (Mark). See also Thurston, Paula Mark
Hindu Rope Trick. See Indian Rope Trick
Hippodrome, New York
Hoffmann, Modern Magic
Hollywood films, and magicians
Holzmueller, Charlie
Honeymoon Express, The
Hong Kong, Thurston in
Hoochie kootch shows
Horse races, Thurston and
Hospitals, performances at
Houdini, Bess (Mrs. Harry)
Houdini, Harry; at Chicago World’s Fair; Dante and; death of; and Kellar; loan to Thurston; in London; and mediums; performances; and SAM; and Thurston; touring show; Vanishing Elephant trick; and vaudeville
House of Industry, Ryan at
Howard Thurston’s Card Tricks, Thurston
Hughes, Isaiah (Fakir of Ava)
Humor, Thurston and
Hunniford, John
Hurd, Tom
Hurd and Berry Great London Sideshow
Hussan, Bella
Hyman, Bernard
Iasia act
India, Thurston’s tour
Indian Rope Trick
Ink to Water Trick
Inventions; by father of Thurston
Ives, Barney
Jansen, Alvin
Jansen, Harry August. See also Dante (Harry Jansen)
Jarrett, Guy Ellsworth
Jolson, Al
Jones, Isham
Keating, Fredrick
Keith, Paul
Kellar, Eva; death of
Kellar Harry (Heinrich Keller); and Baldwin; and Blackstone; death of; and Devant; and levitation act; and Maskelyne acts; successor to; temperament of; and Thurston; and Thurston’s shows
Kelson, George
Kenna, Michael “Hinky Dink,”
Kleist, Paul
Klondike, Thurstons and
Korfmann, Henry
Korfmann Monkey Case
Lady and the Boy act
Lady and the Lion trick
Lano, David
Lastfogel, Abe
Laurant, Eugene
Leat, Harry
Legal problems of Thurston
Le Roy, Servais
Le Roy, Talma “Queen of Coins,”
Levitation acts; Foster and; Kellar and; Le Roy; Princess Karnac act; theft of
Levy, Edythe
Levy, Leon (the Great)
Lincoln, Abraham
Lion illusion
Little Egypt (Spyropoulous)
London: magicians in; Thurston in
Long Island, Thurston home
Lubin, Siegmund
Lutz (plastic surgeon)
Lynn, Dr. (magician)
Lynn, Guy
McAdow, Dudley
McCormick, Langdon
McKinven, John
MacMahon, Thomas F.
Magic; Houdini and; Kellar and; knowledge of; Martinka’s emporium; music halls and; popularity of; Thurston and
Magician Among the Spirits, A, Houdini
Magicians; and Backhand Palm trick; conflicts among; in London; magic shows and; motion pictures and; successors to; Thurston as; and vaudeville
Magic shows; competition to Thurston; first seen by Thurston; Harry Thurston and; Herrmann the Great; Houdini and; New York Times and; Thurston’s first performance —Thurston’s; additional; early; as Kellar’s successor; London; new acts; tours
Magic tricks, new, in Australian show
Maid of Mystery device
Maitland, Mabel
Mano, John
Margery (medium)
Mark, Paula. See also Thurston, Paula Mark
Marquis, George
Marriages of Thurston; to Beatrice; to Grace; to Leotha; to Paula
Martinka, Anthony and Francis
Mascot Moth act
Maskelyne, John Nevil; Kellar and
Maskelyne, Nevil
Masons, Thurston and
Massey, Edward Morrell
Maurer, Otto
Mediums, psychic, exposure of; Houdini and
Meinhold, Sam
Mickey (monkey)
p; Midway Plaisance, Chicago World’s Fair
Mile a Minute effect
Million Dollar Mystery
Ministry, Thurston and
Miser’s Dream act
Modern Magic, Hoffmann
Monkeys; lawsuit
Monroe, Al
Monte Myro Troupe
Moody, Dwight Lyman
Moody Bible Institute
Morris, Elmer
Morris, William
Morritt, Charles
Morton, Charles; and Thurston
Motion pictures; Chicago theater; London music hall; Thurston and; in Thurston’s shows
Mount Herman Academy; Thurston and
Mulholland, John
Musgrove, George
Music halls; vaudeville and
My Life of Magic, Thurston
Myro, Lucille (Fernanda). See also Princess Karnac act
Mysteries of India show
Mysterious Dice trick
Mystery, in art
Nest of Boxes act
New Era Card Tricks, Roterberg
New Page act
Newsboy, Thurston as
Newspaper report of Rising Card trick
New York, Thurstons in
New York Times: and The Honeymoon Express; and Thurston’s show
Okito. See Bamberg, Theodore
Organizations, Thurston and
Orient, tour of
Otis Elevator Company, and levitation act
Our American Adventure, Doyle
Oursler, Fulton; The Spider
Out of a Hat act
Palace Theater of Varieties, London; Thurston at
Palladino, Eusapia
Palmer, Arline
Palmer, Rae
Pastor, Tony
Pastor’s Theater, Thurston performances
Path, Olive “Dot,”
Pené, Xavier
Perfect Breather
Performances; magic shows; by Thurston
Pickpocket, Thurston (Ryan) as
Picky (Lord Pickwick, monkey)
Pistol shots
Plastic surgery
Play, written by Thurston
Plimmer, Walter
Plough, Alvin
Polk, Jimmy
Posters, for Thurston’s shows
Potato peelers
Powell, Fredrick Eugene
Practical jokes, Thurston and
Prayer, Thurston and
Press releases, Hilliard and
Princess Karnac act; Fernanda and; Foster and; Kellar and; theft of
Princess Theater, London, Thurston’s show
Prison reform, New York, Round and
Problem of Diogenes act
Properties of Thurston show
Psychic phenomena, Thurston and
Publix theaters, magic shows
Question and answer act
Radio appearances
Rahman Bey
Raiboid, Rajah
Real estate investments
Reform school, Round and
Reilly, S. W.
Religion, Thurston and
Reporters, Hilliard and
Reviewers: and Kellar; London; and Thurston’s Australian tour; and Thurston’s shows
Rinn, Joseph F.
Rising Card trick; Herrmann and
Robert-Houdin, Jean-Eugène
Robinson, Billy; Thurston and; See also Soo, Chung Ling
Robinson, John
Robinson, Olive Path “Dot,”
Rock, Will
Rome, S. J.
Roterberg, August, New Era Card Tricks
Rothafel, Roxy
Round, William Marshall Fitts
Royle, Edwin Milton
Russell, Lillian
Ryan, Willie. See also Thurston, Howard Franklin
SAM. See Society of American Magicians
Sawing illusion; Jansen and
Sawyer (Mount Herman professor)
Scarsez, Adelaide. See Herrmann, Adelaide Scarsez
Schireson, Henry
Schulz, Lenore
Scripts, Thurston and
Séances, Palladino and
Seeing Through a Woman act
Seen, Suee. See also Robinson, Olive Path “Dot”
Selbit, P.T. (Percy Tibbles); sawing illusion
Sells Brothers Circus
Shaw, Allan
Shepard, Dick
Sideshows; Hurd’s circus; “kootch” shows; Thurston and
Sleight-of-hand tricks
Society of American Magicians (SAM); Chicago; Thurston and
Socrates (pet duck)
Soerenson, Carl
Soo, Chung Ling. See also Robinson, Billy
Special effects business
Spectres of the Sanctum act
Sphinx, The; and Houdini’s show
Spider, The, Oursler and Brentano
Spirit Cabinet act; theft of
Spirit Paintings act
Spiritualism; Houdini and; magic shows and; Thurston and
Spyropoulous, Farida Mazar
Stillwell, George
Stone, Fred
Streets of Cairo
Strobl, Alexander
Sugden, Raymond (Tampa). See also Tampa (Sugden)
Sullivan, Ed
Supernatural, Thurston and
Swanson, William H.
Sweatnam, Willis
Tampa (Sugden); Harry Thurston and; and Indian Rope Trick
Tango Waltz Ride
Tarbell, Harlan
Ten Ichi Troupe
Terry brothers
Texola. See also Thurston, Grace Butterworth
Thief, Ryan (Thurston) as
Thomas, Ellen E.
Thurnaer, Edward
Thurston, Beatrice Foster “Tommy,” . See also Foster, Beatrice “Tommy”
Thurston, Belle (Mrs. Harry)
Thurston, Charles (brother); murder of
Thurston, Emma Dearth
Thurston, Grace Butterworth; book by; and Harry Thurston; Howard and; London show; marriage to Howard; music hall acts; performances
Thurston, Harry Elias (brother)
; and
amusement park rides; Australian
tour; death of; and Fasola,
and Howard’s death; and
Howard’s finances;
and Howard’s stroke; magic show,
midway shows; plastic
surgery; real estate investments
Thurston, Helen (daughter of Harry)
Thurston, Howard Franklin; and Alexander Herrmann; appearance of; Australian tour; assistants; autobiography; biography of; business expansion; career of; at Chicago World’s Fair; childhood; con games; and Dante; and Devant; and father; finances of; funeral of; and Goldin; and Grace; Harry and; health of; and Houdini; in India; injuries; inventions; investments; and Jane; and Jansen; Jarrett and; Keating and; and Kellar; legacy of; legal problems; and Leon Herrmann; and Leotha; and Le Roy; in London; and McCormick; and magic; as magician; midway show; and motion pictures; and Orient; and Palladino; performances; personality of; plastic surgery; presentation; radio appearances; Round and; and SAM; and sawing illusion; schooling; special-effects business; and teaching of magic; and Valadon; and vaudeville; will of; youth —magic shows; as Kellar’s successor; London —and marriage; to Beatrice; to Grace; to Leotha; to Paula. See also Ryan, Willie
Thurston, Isabel (Mrs. Harry)
Thurston, Jane; and father’s death; and father’s
remarriage; and father’s will,
illness; letter to; as
magician; marriage; and
mother’s death; See also Harris, Jane
Thurston, Leotha Willadsen; death of; health problems; and Harris; and Howard’s shows; and Jane; and radio appearances
Thurston, Margaret Cloude (mother); death of
Thurston, May (Myrtle, sister)
Thurston, Paula Mark; Howard’s will and
Thurston, William (brother)
Thurston, William Henry (father); remarriage
Thurston Amusement Company
Thurston’s Original Oddities; travels; wagon
Thurston’s World Museum
Tibbles, Percy. See also Selbit, P.T.
Tibbles, Sidney
Times, London, and Houdini
Torture illusions. See also Vivisection act
Tours: Australia; China; India; by wagon
Townsend, George
Trains, illicit rides
Tramp, Thurston as
Triple Escape act
Trout, Edward
Tugger (newsboy)
Unions, problems with
Valadon, Paul; Kellar and; Thurston and
Vanishing Automobile act
Vanishing Elephant act
Vanishing Horse act
Vanishing Piano act
Vaudeville; music hall and; Thurston and
Villa Captured
Vivisection act
Voice of Thurston
Wagon, tour by
Walking Through a Brick Wall act
Waller, Charles
Watch, con game
Watch Trick
Water Fountains act
Welles, Orson
Western tour, with wagon
White, George Davis; contribution to Valadon Fund; and Jane; at Thurston’s funeral; as Villa —as Thurston’s assistant; in Australia; in London; in India
White, Mary Davis and Tolliver
White, Rex
Whitehead, J. Gordon
White House, Thurston at
Will, of Thurston
Willadsen, Gene. See Thurston, Jane
Willadsen, Jane Jacqueline; adoption by Thurston. See also Thurston, Jane
Willadsen, John R.; Jane and
Willadsen, Nina Leotha Hawes (Fielding). See also Thurston, Leotha Willadsen
Williams, Blanche
Wilson, A. M.
Wilson, Edmund
Window of a Haunted House act
Witch’s Cauldron act
Witmark, Frank
Wobensmith, James
Wolfe, Ada
Women: Harry Thurston and; Howard Thurston and
Workshop, Thurston’s, Jansen and
World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago; Indian magicians and
Worthington, Thomas Chew
Yettmah, Cyril
“Zenda Waltzes,”
The Last Greatest Magician in the World Page 42