Strictly Incubusiness

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Strictly Incubusiness Page 7

by Vanessa Mulberry

Kai shrugged. “I think that you wouldn’t have let me touch you if you didn’t honestly believe I’m innocent.”

  “My dick isn’t as smart as my head is.” Tynan’s heart wasn’t feeling all that clever right now either. Kai should go, but Tynan didn’t want him to. It was an uncomfortable feeling.

  Kai twisted around and rested his arms across Tynan’s lap. “Please?” he asked, wide-eyed and innocent.

  “Alright.” Tynan muttered the reveal words and the catches appeared. He paused, knowing Kai was watching him, probably expecting to be betrayed. But he released Kai eventually.

  “Thank you,” Kai said, rubbing his wrists. He didn’t sound particularly grateful, and Tynan didn’t like the way that made him feel.

  “Look, I trust you,” Tynan said. “I do think you’re innocent. And if you run off now, well, I guess I won’t chase you.”

  “Thanks, but I won’t be going anywhere just yet. If I leave you now, any of the forest inhabitants might attack you.”

  He wasn’t lying, but Tynan got the sense Kai wasn’t being fully honest either now. But he didn’t press for what else was making Kai stay. It was too soon to confront the sort of feelings he was experiencing, and he assumed Kai felt the same.

  “I can stand up for myself. But I guess you can hang around a bit longer. You know the way to the lodge.”

  Kai nodded. “Comfy bed there.” He hopped down and took up the horse’s rein. “Let’s go.”


  The lodge was pretty nice. It was a decently sized building set over two floors, and it had all the creature comforts a man could wish for. There was running water pumped from the underground river, and a kitchen well stocked with preserves and dried herbs. The trees outside were groaning under the weight of ripe fruit.

  Downstairs there was a large sitting room with a fireplace and comfortable seats. Upstairs had two bedrooms, each with a large soft bed, thick sheets and fluffy pillows.

  Kai offered to catch a rabbit for dinner, and Tynan let him go while he stabled the horse and brought his things inside. It was a tense half an hour, but he was rewarded when Kai returned, rabbit in hand.

  “Told you I’d come back,” Kai said, slinging it down onto the kitchen table.

  Tynan was cleaning some Wood Garlic he had found underneath a tree. He had fat and flour in his provisions, and he could make a bit of pan bread to go with the roast rabbit.

  They’d not set a fire since he burned down the shelter, deciding that it might attract too much attention from things they hoped to avoid. Kai had assured him that wouldn’t be an issue here.

  “Abandoned or not,” he said, “this is an official Royal House. An attack here would be considered treason. You’d have to be pretty stupid to try it.”

  Or a wolf, Tynan thought, but he wasn’t worried about those anymore.

  There was only one thing occupying his mind now. Tynan wanted to kiss Kai again. Funny that, given that he’d surrendered to the will of his cock just to get the incubus out of his mind. Kai only left him wanting more.

  Kissing would be the start of it. Tynan would soon carry him up to the bed and then do, oh, just the most unspeakable things to him. Tender things, like cuddling him or holding his hand. The sort of stuff he didn’t like to admit to.

  There had been other people he’d done that with of course, in dark rooms when no one was watching, usually after a really good fuck. People he had loved. Decades had passed since then, but he still felt a little sore when he thought about how things had ended with some of them. But he still thought he’d quite like to do it with Kai.

  This was ridiculous, of course. It had only been a few days. And though Kai was extremely good at being desirable, he was also good at whining, nagging, and good old-fashioned teasing. But he was honest and decent, and Tynan respected those things. He didn’t often meet men like that, let alone demons. And demons were long-lived. That counted for so much when you were immortal.

  “Tynan?” Kai said, nudging him from his thoughts and back into the kitchen. The rabbit was dressed and ready to be roasted on the spit. The Wood Garlic was cleaned, chopped and sitting in a polished wood bowl.

  “Hmm?” he asked, unsure what Kai might have said that he’d missed.

  “How long are we going to stay?”

  “That’s up to you.”

  “A day or two then. I need to keep moving, but this is a good space for us to get our bearings.”

  I to us in one sentence. Tynan gave himself an imaginary slap for noticing that.

  They took the spit to the sitting room and cooked the food on the fire in there. The rabbit went on first, and the two of them sat on cushions on the rug in front of the hearth.

  It smelled good, and it was the first piping hot meal either of them had eaten in four days.

  It was also the only thing getting in the way of what Tynan really wanted to do. “Can I kiss you?” he asked, halfway through a monolog from Kai on the virtues of rabbit over fish.

  Kai paused and smiled at him, eyes just as dark as they were before their encounter in the pool. He moved a hand to the lacing of his trousers and fiddled with one chord as his cock swelled beneath the leather. “Honestly, I could use a hell of a lot more than a kiss.”

  “Me too,” Tynan leaned across the rug, closing the gap between them and then, as their lips were about to touch, a droplet of fat hit the fire and sizzled loudly. “But let’s not burn the first decent meal we’ve shared,” he said, pausing to look at the meat.

  But Kai was moving too, shifting across the space and half pouncing on him. “Just a kiss then,” he said, seconds before their mouths collided. Kai had an inhuman strength, but even he wouldn’t be strong enough to push Tynan over, yet Tynan felt himself tip back and hit the rug with a thud.

  He was relinquishing control, relaxing into this. Kai could do whatever he wanted, and Tynan hoped he would. He let Kai lie down on top of him, let him rub the bulge of his enormous erect cock against his belly as they kissed.

  And it was quite a kiss. Kai wasn’t sloppy, but there was an urgency about it that Tynan vainly enjoyed. Kai had a way of making him feel very desirable.

  Kai was making noises too, kind of hot, kind of sweet little moans right into Tynan’s mouth like he could come any second just from kissing and dry humping Tynan’s body. It felt pretty good.

  More fat hit the fire, and Tynan gently pushed Kai away, ignoring the tightness of his pants in favor of the grumbling in his belly. “I need to keep an eye on the meat.”

  “Put your hand or your mouth on it if you want,” Kai said, rubbing against him needily one last time before he sighed and withdrew. He was trembling now, and his pupils were so dilated his irises looked black. “Am I still annoying?” he asked.

  Tynan didn’t think it was a joke this time. “A bit,” he admitted.

  “You’re going to fuck me though, right?”

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t sit for a week.”

  Kai took a deep breath. “Good.”

  He looked desperate, as if he needed Tynan’s dick up inside him more than anything in the world. And it had only been a few hours since the pool.

  Tynan was buzzing. “How often can you come?” he asked.

  “As often as I like.”

  “Then why don’t you?”

  Kai reached down and squeezed the bulge in his trousers. He lay back on the rug, closed his eyes, and began to unlace the leather.

  Tynan forced himself not to reach out and touch Kai. Tynan’s dick was throbbing, and Kai’s slow movements were driving him wilder. When Kai’s cock finally sprung out, long and thick, and leaking, he wanted to offer marriage and have done with it.

  Instead he watched and waited, and let the rabbit burn as Kai thrust up into his tightly curled fist and writhed on the floor.

  “It’s not enough,” Kai said, reaching towards him but Tynan wouldn’t take his hand. This had played a part in his nightly imaginings, and he wanted to see it through.

; Tynan was committing every moment to memory. Kai’s fairly large hands, massive cock, writhing body. His flushed, sweat-damp face. He was grimacing, that last moment of effort, and then, then he was smiling, and the come was exploding out of him, and his hips were bucking off the floor.

  “Very good,” Tynan said, thinking that what he would like to say went more along the lines of, ‘I want you. I want you more than anything in the world. Please let me spend eternity inside your asshole.’ It didn’t have the poetic beauty he hoped for, but he was never really one for prettiness.

  Kai looked pleasured but not sated. He sniffed the air. “Dinner’s burning.”

  “Shit,” Tynan muttered, forgoing eloquence once again.

  Chapter Eleven

  It was getting unbearable now, probably because Kai knew the feed was so close. Tynan was right there, his dick was hard, and he had been quite ready to do the kissing and snuggling and all the things that went along with sex. He seemed fine for everything but the sex part in fact.

  Oral, anal, another quickie hand job—anything would have done so long as it involved coming. But Tynan wanted to eat and do things properly. Kai just wanted to feed.

  Despite coming right there on the rug, Kai stayed hard. It took the edge off a bit, enough that he could uncross his eyes and think without the fog of desire hanging over him, but not enough that he wouldn’t need Tynan very soon.

  It didn’t help that everything Tynan was doing was pure sex. Apparently he couldn’t eat a rabbit leg without sucking on a bone, couldn’t bite into a plum without the juice dribbling out of his lips and into his beard. And he seemed completely oblivious to it, burping and scratching his ass just as if he wasn’t blatantly trying to seduce Kai.

  Kai needed to take his mind off sex, even if only for thirty minutes while they got through dinner. “Ask me some questions,” he said.

  Tynan frowned. “Anything off limits?”

  “Do I seem like the sort of man that gets ashamed easily?”

  “Sounds like a challenge,” Tynan observed. “Now you mention it, I was wondering about the tail.”

  The tail was currently curled around Kai’s waist, giving him a hug. Kai often thought of it as an extra arm, and it was a continual source of comfort. “What about it?” he asked, snaking it out towards Tynan and rubbing it against his hand.

  Tynan touched it, tentatively at first. He ran his fingers down the length, then brought then back up to rub the pointed tip. Kai trembled slightly and ignored the sensation.

  “Do you use it?” Tynan asked. “Like, for sex?”

  Kai had, but this wasn’t the best time to talk about it as he was already so worked up. “You are disgusting. Ask me something less gross.”

  Tynan thought for a moment and then gave him a shit-eating grin. “Was your mom really a pixie?”

  “It was my dad. I prefer to say my mom because people get the wrong idea about succubus, as if they’re not motherly. It hardly matters anyway. I’m no less of a man because of it.”

  “I don’t judge. I’m just interested in the dynamics. Incubus are big and pixies are small. How did they even—?”

  For fucks sake. “La la la la la la!” Kai sang, sticking his fingers in his ears. At least this was a total mood killer. “Not listening because this is disgusting. You’re trying to wind me up aren’t you?”

  “What? You’ve not got the monopoly on being annoying. It’s the logistics, that’s all. I mean he must have had to crawl inside her and—”

  “Shut up. You’re sick. That’s my parents you’re talking about.”

  Tynan laughed. He’d never laughed like this in Kai’s presence before, and now he was letting out big, hearty guffaws. It was a nice sound: deep and rumbling. Genuine. It would have been even nicer if he wasn’t mocking Kai’s parentage.

  But he had the decency to look cowed when Kai scowled at him. “Look,” Tynan said sheepishly, “my parents weren’t exactly average either.”

  “Well, that’s a given. You’re an immortal. What unholy union was it? A god and a rhino?”

  “Hey! Shut up.”

  It wasn’t so funny now. “You look like a normal human, and the proportions are right, but your size is all off,” Kai snapped. He wasn’t so much angry as a mildly ticked off and extremely sexually frustrated—a combination that could turn anyone into a bitch.

  “I’m sorry.”

  They weren’t words Kai heard very often, but he let that go as if apologies were his due. “Doesn’t feel nice, does it?”

  “No,” Tynan said. “Doesn’t feel nice at all.”

  The mood had flattened, which would have been a good thing if Kai was not on the verge of jumping Tynan. He had to ask. “While we’re on the subject of feeling nice, I know we just had a spat, but I’m getting a bit antsy again. How much longer are we going to be eating for?”

  Tynan blinked at him. “You’re in heat again? It’s only been twenty minutes since you had that wank.”

  “I need to feed. I didn’t take from you earlier.”

  “But we were having sex,” Tynan said, somewhat surprised.

  Kai would have to explain, but it wasn’t an easy thing for someone who wasn’t a demon to understand. “It’s not an instant reaction. When I feed, I draw energy physically from whatever parts of the body I’m touching. Sex is the like the fork, not the food. You can bring it to your lips, but you don’t have to eat it.”

  “But you were hungry.”

  “You didn’t say I could feed. And I wanted you to trust me.”

  “So you would have taken it in other circumstances?”

  “No. But I would have stopped things to ask permission.”

  “Come here,” Tynan said.

  Kai didn’t have to. Tynan caught hold of his shirt and pulled him across and into a kiss. “You. Are. Too. Good,” he mumbled between kisses.

  That was quite a nice thing to say. Kai still thought Tynan was a bit of a dick, but he was beginning to have his moments at least.

  And he could kiss. Oh, he could kiss so well. Tynan kissed Kai like he was hungry, like he was the one about to take his fill. He was passionate, a little possessive perhaps in the way he kept Kai close against his body, but they both wanted that right then.

  Tynan’s hand left Kai’s shirt and made its way around the back of his neck instead. Kai shuddered at the feel of Tynan’s large fingers making contact with his skin, even if they could have been much lower.

  The kisses moved. Kai’s lips wanted while Tynan lavished his attention on his jaw, then his neck. Tynan’s soft beard tickled the more sensitive areas, and Kai leaned his head back to allow him even more access.

  “Down a bit,” Kai begged.

  Tynan moved the kisses up to Kai’s left ear and whispered. “I want to be inside you.”

  “That could work too.”

  Tynan let go of him and got to his feet. Kai would have followed, but Tynan reached down and picked him up, slinging him over his shoulder just like their first inauspicious meeting. “Bed,” he said. And that was where he went.

  Kai hit the soft mattress with less care than he’d be afforded when Tynan had bundled him into his cart. He bounced slightly and looked up, expecting Tynan to come crashing down on top of him.

  But Tynan was undressing, first losing the shirt, then his breeches and underwear. He moved quickly, however, helped himself to the oil from Kai’s bag, and when he did get on the bed, he was pulling down Kai’s trousers and pushing up his shirt.

  Kai was more interested in Tynan’s cock than his own disrobing. Tynan was within groping distance now, and Kai took full advantage, giving him a few swift strokes.

  “Not too much,” Tynan muttered, pulling back slightly. “I don’t want to come early.”

  “Then get in me now. I don’t need any prep.”

  Tynan hesitated. “I want in you, but I’m not about to hurt you for it.”

  “As I said before, I am a sex demon. The laws of human asses don’t apply. Fuck me.” Kai
raised his hips and shoved a pillow underneath his lower back. When Tynan still didn’t move, Kai brought his knees up to his shoulders and let him get a good look. “Any time now.”

  Approximately twelve seconds later, Tynan was oiled up and buried within Kai to the hilt.

  This was much more like it, Kai thought, just as the unbearable need overtook his body again. Beyond that, there was nothing coherent, only the joy of having a lover inside him. Burning, stretching, slamming repeatedly into the sweet spot.

  If Tynan spoke, Kai didn’t hear. Everything was on fire now: his ass, his balls, his aching cock, all of it too distracting. The only thing he knew about Tynan was that he was getting close too and when they both came, he would have more sweet relief than a simple fuck could provide.

  Time passed. Probably only minutes but Kai was on the edge and felt every second of it. Then finally the explosion, jerking warmth deep inside him, moisture on his belly and Tynan bent down over him for a final kiss.

  Kai took, and he took, and he took.

  Chapter Twelve

  “So this is what it feels like not to be hungry all the time,” Kai said as Tynan withdrew.

  Tynan flopped down onto the bed next to him, catching his breath. “And this is what it feels like to fuck an incubus. No wonder men risk it.”

  Kai rolled over and wormed his way into Tynan’s armpit. “You liked it?”

  “It’s like being drunk.”

  “You liked it?” Kai asked again. Apparently the answer wasn’t clear enough.

  Tynan chuckled softly. “Yes. I liked it, alright.”

  “It wasn’t bad.”

  Typically teasing. Tynan pinched Kai softly. “How did you get by when you were here before? You must have been hungry then too.”

  Kai wriggled away, laying down on his front and propping his head up on his arm so he could look down at Tynan. He’d looked great before and during the fucking, but Tynan liked him best afterward. The flush he’d had last time was gone, and now he looked relaxed and confident. Feeding had done him good.

  “Sex, you mean?” Kai asked. “It was a struggle definitely, much harder than in the palace or the brothel. But there are always people in the forest. I didn’t bring anyone back here, but I often played the lonely traveler looking for a bit of comfort. It was hardly a stretch. What about you?”


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