First Bite: How We Learn to Eat
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Action Against Hunger, 167, 168
Acute child malnutrition, treatment of, 165–169
anorexia and, 206–207
changes in food rules and, 91–92
parental behavior regarding meals and, 140–141
anorexia in, 211–212
kid food and, 92–94
neophobic, 21–22
picky eaters, 185–186, 189, 193–194, 199, 200
Sapere movement and, 249–251
Africa, Plumpy’Nut and, 167
Air, as preload for satiety, 173
Allen, John S., 217
Álvarez Morán, Jose Luis, 167, 169
Amniotic fluid, effect on taste, 43–45
Anandamide, 153
Anderson, James, 237–238
in adolescent girls, 145–147
milk consumption and, 63–64
Anise, 44
Anorexia, 191, 200–207
adult, 211–212
causes of, 201–206
defined, 189
family-based treatment of, 207–211
hunger and, 160
incidence of, xvii, 203, 206–207
mortality rates, 188
puberty and, 206–207
Anorexia athletica, 204–205
Anosmia, 37–41, 52
Anxiety, anorexia and, 203
Appetite, 13, 159, 228–229
Appetite test, 160
Applebee’s, 151
Arnold, Carrie, 202–203
Ashputtel, 133–134
Asperger syndrome, 199
Athletics, anorexia and, 204–205
Authoritarian parenting style, 117
feeding style and, 118
Authoritative parenting style, 117
feeding style and, 119–121
Autism spectrum/autism
anorexic brain and, 201–202
eating difficulties and, 27–29
feeding disorders and, 193
selective eating and, 191
Axel, Richard, 48
Baby and Child-Care (Spock), 10, 242
Baby and Child (Leach), 83–84
Baby food
commercial, 88–89
Indian, 90–91
See also Breast milk; Formula
Baby Led Weaning (BLW), 122–124
Bangladesh, dislike of Plumpy’Nut in, 167–169
Barker, David J. P., 4, 106
Baron-Cohen, Simon, 201–202
Bartoshuk, Linda, 15
Bauer, Katherine, 140
Baumeister, Roy, xxviii–xxix
Beat (eating disorders charity), 206
Beauchamp, Gary, 44–45
Beef, 6, 30, 67, 82, 94, 204, 224, 226
Beer, 14, 16, 17
Beets, 19, 34–35
Bento, 126
Benzaldehyde, 58
Berridge, Kent, 2–3
Binge eating, 3, 141, 151, 163, 171, 176, 188, 213, 238
Biomarkers, measuring hunger via, 161–163
Birch, Leann, 111–112, 115–116, 120
Birthday cake, 95–96
Birthday cake ice cream, 95
The Bitter Cry of Children (Spargo), 74–75
Bitterness, 4, 14–15, 16, 17, 43
Bittman, Mark, 62
Blood glucose
hunger and, 161–162
satiety and, 172
Bloomberg, Michael, 221
Blumenthal, Heston, 57–58
BMI. See Body mass index (BMI)
Boak, Duncan, 40
Body composition, heritability of, 12
Body mass index (BMI)
classifying childhood obesity and, 148
genetics and, 12
motivational interviewing and lowering, 234
onset of puberty and, 206
PROP tasters and, 17–18
rates of obesity and, 107
self-regulation of eating and, 181
Body scans, 181
Bottomless soup experiment, 177
Boucher, François, 138
Bourdieu, Pierre, 138, 139
body self-image and, 149
obesity in adolescent Kuwaiti, 150–152
parents and eating habits of, 137–140
See also Gender
Braddon, Russell, 54
anorexia and, 201–202
flavor and, 48–51
gender differences in response to eating and, 143
hedonic shift and, 241–242
liking vs. wanting and, 3
Brave Girl Eating (Brown), 210–211
Brazil, 34, 183
Bread, as main food for children, 76
Bread and Jam for Frances (Hoban), 19–20
Breakfast cereal, 86, 88, 183–184
Breakfast clubs, 157–159
Breast milk
composition and flavor of, xiv, 44–45
historic view of, 72–73
weaning from, 2
4–25, 122–124
See also Formula
Breslin, Paul, 58
Briend, André, 166
Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme, 138–139
Broccoli, 16, 17, 240–241
“Brothers and Sisters” (Grimm), 135
Brown, Harriet, 210–211
Brown, Margaret Wise, 80
Bruch, Hilde, 208–209
Brussels sprouts, xxii, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 35, 92
Bryant, Louise Stevens, 75
Buck, Linda, 48, 49
Bulimia, xvii, 191
recovery rates, 188
treatment of, 212–213
Caffeine, 153
Cake, 95–96
Cake (Humble), 95
Canada, food education of elderly in, 249
Candy: A Century of Panic and Pleasure (Kawash), 86
Candy, as reward, 103–104
Cantines Scolaires, 67
Capsaicin, 252
Carafoli, John F., 56
Carlson, Anton J., 160
Carnitine, 146
Carolina Population Center, 175
Carrot juice experiment, 44–45
Cauliflower, 16, 17, 25, 35, 217, 241
CCK (cholecystokinin), hunger and, 162
Celebrations, eating and, 95–96, 176
Cereal milk, 92
Cereals, kids’ breakfast, 86, 88, 183–184
Chaga tribe, 73
Chang, David, 92
Changing eating habits, xxviii–xxxii, 255–258
barriers to, 325–237
dietary advice and, 227–229
hedonic shift and, 241–242, 252–253
Japanese example, 219–227
motivational interviewing and, 229–235
public health campaigns and, 235, 240–241
Sapere movement and, 243–251
sensory exploration and, 242–251
weight maintainers and, 237–239
weight relapsers and, 239–240
Chewing, learning, 122–123
Chicken nuggets, 85, 86
Chicken soup, 173
Child obesity
cultural attitudes toward, 106–107
failure to recognize, 147–152
feeding techniques and, 112
girls and, 138–139, 141
indulgent parenting style and risk of, 118–119
in Kuwait, 150–152