by Wilson, Bee
lack of dietary vegetables and fruit and, xxvii
malnutrition and, 156–157
only children and, 136
overfeeding and, 105–109
breakfast clubs for, 157–159
childhood food memories, 54–57
chili and hedonic shift in, 252–253
“clean plate” eating and, 109–112
Davis self-selection diet experiments, 5–10
dislike of vegetables, xv–xvi, 23
Duncker experiments on food preferences, 29–33
eating disorders and, 188–189
family and acquisition of eating habits, xxv–xxvii
feeding techniques, 98–101, 257–258
flavor window, 24–25, 26
food fixations and, 1–2
grandparents feeding, 104–109
incidence of anorexia in younger, 203
introducing new foods to, 19–23
milk consumption and, 63–64
parental feeding style and health of, 117, 120–121
rewarding with food, 103–109
Sapere education and, 243–251
satiation and, 170–172
teaching to eat well, x–xi, xxi
teaching to respond to internal fullness, 180–181
treatment of acute malnutrition in, 165–169
weaning onto solid food, 24–27, 122–124
Children’s and Household Tales (Grimm), 134
Children’s food
breakfast cereals, 86, 88, 183–184
family food, 72, 79, 90–91
history of, 73–78
kid food, 72, 84–91, 92–94
lunchbox, 125–126
nursery food, 72, 78–84, 91–92
rice pudding, 65–71
taboos and, 73
See also Breast milk; Formula; School meals
Chili, 17, 252–253
adolescent iron deficiency in, 145
breakfast cereal consumption in, 183
grandparents feeding children in, 104–109
Japanese food and, 220, 221, 223, 224
obesity in, 107–108
One-Child Policy, 136
brain and cravings for, 51
childhood nostalgia and, 54–55
dark, 17
milk flavored with, 46–47
women and, 153–154
Cinderella, 133–134
“Clean plate,” 109–112, 256
Coercive feeding techniques, 112–116
Coffee, 14, 15, 16, 17, 39, 40, 63, 64, 92, 108, 145
Cognitive behavior therapy, for selective eating, 195–196
Coi: Stories and Recipes (Patterson), 58–59
Comfort food, 144, 193, 232
Commercial baby food, 88–89
Congenital anosmia, 37–38
Contagion, disgust and, 14
Context, food preferences and, 2–3
Continuous milk intake, 63
Control, kid food and, 88
Cooke, Lucy, 23–27
Crabbe, Matthew, 107
Crispiness, 216–217
Crowley, Ralph, 69–70, 71, 74
Cuff, Marion E., 70
Culpeper, Nicholas, 72–73
anorexia and, 203–204
as barrier to changing eating habits, 236–237
female relationship with chocolate and, 153–154
flavor principles and, 226–227
food memory and, 56, 58–59
learning what to eat and, xiv
Plumpy’Nut and, 167–169
vegetables and, 34
See also National food culture
Daily Mail (newspaper), 67
David, Elizabeth, 82, 92
Davies, Marvin, 158
Davis, Clara, 5–10, 122
Denmark, 67, 145, 243
Depression, anorexia and, 203, 205
Deprivation, 76, 91, 135, 141, 165, 239, 257
Desensitization, 60
Desserts, 59–60, 67–68
Diarrhea, 81, 168–169
Dietary advice, xviii–xxi, 229–235
motivational interviewing and, 230–235
Dietary guidelines, women and compliance with, 149–150
Disabilities, eating difficulties and, 27–29
Disgust, 13–14, 165, 256
Disordered eating. See Eating disorders
Distractions, eating and, 178–179
Dopamine, xxiv, 153, 238
Dopamine blockers, 42
Drewnowski, Adam, 240
Druckerman, Pamela, 96
Dukes, Clement, 69
Duncker, Karl, 29–33
Duncker, Wolfgang, 31
Dutch Hunger Winter, 168
Dutton, Thomas, 64, 78
default patterns of, 98–101
emotional, 121, 130–131, 176
gender differences in brain in response to, 143
heritable aspects of, 12
as learned behavior, xiii–xv, xxiii–xxv
“likes” and, 3
limited patterns of, 194
memory and, 41–43
pleasure and, xi, xx, xxvii, xxx, 30, 51, 57, 124, 240, 242, 244
self-regulation of, 175–182
social aspects of, xxiv, 13, 158–159
Eating disorders
adult anorexia, 211–212
anorexia (see Anorexia)
bulimia, xvii, 188, 191, 212–213
EDNOS, 188
family-based treatment, 207–211
feeding disorders vs., 189–190
incidence of, xvii
in Kuwait, 151
misconceptions regarding, 186–187
picky eaters, 185–186, 189, 193–194, 199, 200
potato chips and, 216
relearning eating habits, 187–188
restructuring family meals and, 214–215
selective eating, 190–200
treatment of, 187–188, 190, 191, 195–200, 207–213
Eating habits
family and acquisition of, xxv–xxvii
gender and, 258
relearning, xviii, 187–188
siblings’ influence on, 152
of weight maintainers, 238–240
See also Changing eating habits
EAT-26 test, 151
The Economist (magazine), 142
EDNOS (Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified), 188
Eggs, 80, 226
Egypt, 220
Eko, 111
Elderly, food education and, 249–250
Emotional eating, 121, 130–131, 176
Endorphins, 257
Engen, Trygg, 48
Epigenetics, food and weight and, 4–5
Evening News (newspaper), 71
Exercise, xix, 107, 136–137, 140, 146, 205, 232–233, 238, 257
Failure to thrive, 99
“Fairy bread,” 135
Fairy tales, of sibling competition for food, 133–135
Family, acquisition of eating habits and, xxv–xxvii, 55–57. See also Mothers; Parents; Siblings
Family-based treatment (FBT), 207–211
Family food, 72, 79, 90–91
Family meals
restructuring to fit modern life, 214–215
treating eating disorders and, 190, 207–211
Famine, eating habits and, 106, 134–135
dietary advice on, xviii–xix
in kid food, 86
SFS palate, 93
Fat China (French & Crabbe), 107
FBT. See Family-based treatment (FBT)
F100 (dried milk mixture), 166
Feeding America, 156
Feeding disorders, 189–190
Feeding techniques, xxv, 257–258
Baby Led Weaning, 122–124
“clean plate,” 109–112
division of responsibility in, 121
“forced consumption,” 112–116
parenting styles and, 116–121
parents and, 98–101
rewards and, 97–98
“Tiny Tastes,” 26–27
traditional, 112
Female body dysmorphia, 149
Feta cheese, 55–56
Fifth Sense support group, 38, 40
Finland, Sapere movement in, 243, 245–249
First-order preferences, xxviii, xxx
Fish, satiety and, 172
Fish sticks, 83
“Five Color Rice,” 225
female sensitivity to, 143
number of different, 49–50
Flavor memory
infant feeding and, 43–47
smell and, 47–52
Flavor patterns, 50–52
Flavor principles, 226–227
Flavor window, 24–25, 26
associated with/appropriate to one’s sex, 139, 142–147
experience of in utero, 43–44
introducing new, 19–23
openness to variety of, xxxi
palatable, xxii–xxiii
relating to, ix–x
as reward, 103–109
sibling competition for, 127–129, 132–135
superfoods, 257
teaching children to eat well, x–xi
See also Children’s food; Family food; Nursery food
Food access, xxviii, 17
Food aversion, forced consumption and, 112
Food deserts, xxviii
Food education, Sapere method, 243–251
Food environment
food preferences and, 9–10
interaction with genetics, 17–18
reengineering, 179
Food favoritism, gender and, 129–130, 131–134
Food insecure households, 156–157
Food memory
anosmia and, 37–41
childhood, 54–57
group, 56–57
prisoners of war and, 52–54
processed foods and, 60–62
restaurant cooking and, 57–60
Food nostalgia, 52–54, 60–62
Food phobia, xvii, 189, 192–193
Food preferences, xxviii, xxx
boy-food/girl-food and, 144
context and, 2–3
Davis self-selection diet experiment and, 5–10
disgust and, 13–14
Duncker experiments on children’s, 29–33
exposure to new foods and, 19–23
genetics and epigenetics and, 4–5, 11–13
origins of, xxi–xxii
social suggestion and, 30–33
supertasters and, 15–18
twin studies and, 11–12
“wisdom of the body” view, 10–11
Food products, branding of, 143
Food Revolution (television series), 241
Food supply, unhealthy choices in, xvi
Food taboos, 73, 165
Forced consumption, 112–116, 118
Formula, xiv
flavor of, 45–47
Fourier, Charles, 109–110
Fourier, Lubine, 110
Cantines Scolaires, 67
dislike of turnips in, 34
food education in, 244
French, Paul, 107
French fries, 84–85
French Institute of Taste, 244
Fruit, gender and consumption of, 149–150
Fruit phobia, 76–78
Fullness, 170, 171–172. See also Satiety
“The Garden Party” (Mansfield), 95–96
chocolate and, 153–154
comfort food and, 144
consumption of fruits and vegetables and, 149–150
eating habits and, 258
food preferences and food favoritism and, 129–130, 131–134
foods appropriate to one’s sex and, 139, 142–147
weight expectations/pressures and, 137–141
See also Boys; Girls; Men; Women
Gendercide, 132
Generosity, food and, 109
of anorexia, 201–203
food preferences and, 4, 11–13
interaction with food environment, 17–18
thrifty genes, 106
Geosmin, 34
Ghrelin, hunger and, 162–163
Gigliotti, Luis, 101–103
body self-image and, 149
iron deficiency of, 145–147
nutritional neglect of, 132–133
red meat and adolescent, 144–147
rules of food for adolescent, 92
See also Gender
Global diet, changes in, 93
Globus hystericus, 193
Glomeruli, 49
Glucostatic theory, 161
Glutamates, 50–51
Glycemic index, 172
Gold, Rich, 125
The Golden Cage (Bruch), 208–209
Goodnight Moon (Brown), 80
Gopnik, Adam, 214
Grandparents, feeding children, 104–109
Grave of the Fireflies (film), 134–135
food nostalgia of expats, 55–56
obesity in, 107
Greens, bitterness of, 16
Greer, Germaine, 114
Grimm’s Fairy Tales, 134
Group food memories, 56–57
Guilt, eating and, xxv, 144, 151, 179, 186, 209, 229, 248, 251
Haldane, J. S., 135
Hales, C. Nicholas, 4, 106
Hansel and Gretel, 134
Hara hachi bu, 170
Hardyment, Christina, 78
Hare, Caspar, xxi
Health, parental feeding style and children’s, 117, 120–121
Hearst, George, 136
Hearst, William Randolph, 136
Hedonic shift, xxvii, 241–242, 252–253
Henry, Diana, 228
“Her Chee-To Heart” (McCorkle), 60
Hidden hunger, 157
High-fiber foods, satiety and, 172–173
Hitler, Adolf, 31
Hoban, Russell, 19–20
Holt, Luther Emmet, 79–80, 90, 112–113
Home cooking
as answer to making healthier eating choices, xvi–xvii, 228, 256, 258
food memory and, 57–60
Honey, xiv
Hostess Snowballs/Twinkies, 60, 61
Humble, Nicola, 95
Humes, Michele, 18
Hunger, 258
child, 155–159
food favoritism and, 132–133
food insecure households and, 156–157
managing response to, 156
measuring, 159–165
No Kid Hungry initiative, 155–156
in postwar Japan, 225
regulating, 176–177
satiation vs. satiety, 169–174
self-regulation of eating, xxxi, 175–182
subjective reports of, 1
symptoms of long-term, 158
treating, 165–169
Hydrolysate formula, 45–46
Ice cream, 64, 80, 84, 95
Identity, sense of taste and, 3–4, 41
Images of desire, 51
Imprinting, 45
baby food in, 90–91
breakfast cereal consumption in, 183
dislike of Plumpy’Nut in, 167–169
gender and food favoritism in, 132–133
Indulgent parenting style, 117
feeding style and, 118–119
Insula, anorexia and, 202
International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, 169
In utero experience of food, 43–45
Iron deficiency. See Anemia
Ishige, Naomiche, 225–226
Itard, Jean-Marc-Gaspard, 244
Itoh, Makiko, 126
Jackson, James Caleb, 183
bento, 126
Chinese food and, 220, 221, 223, 224
cooking techniques, 221–223
obesity in, 219–220, 227
relationship with food, 219–227
Johnson, Susan L., 180–181
Juncker, Karl, 251
Junk food, food nostalgia and, 60–62
Just Bento (Itoh), 126
Kalymnos feasts, 56
Katz, David L., xix
Kawash, Samira, 86
Kayman, Susan, 239–240
Ketchup, 21, 47, 84, 87, 88, 200
Kid food, 72, 84–91, 92–94
Kids’ menus, 84–85, 89
Kiss-feeding, xiv
Korea, 221, 223
Köster, E. P., xxx, 35, 54–55, 247
Kraft Foods, 87
Kushner, Barak, 221–223
Kuwait, adolescent obesity in, 150–152
Langbourne Rust, 89
Leach, Penelope, 83–84
Learning difficulties, eating difficulties and, 27
Lebanon, 150
Le Grange, Daniel, 208
Leigh, Rowley, 71
Lemon thief game, 246
Leptin, hunger and, 162–163
“Let’s Move” program, 89
Levi, Primo, 52
Lewis, Morris, 53
Liking, wanting vs., 2–3
Little House on the Prairie (Wilder), 103–104
Lock, James, 208, 210
Lowinsky, Ruth, 66
Lumpy foods, fear of, 192–193
“Lunchables,” 87–88
Lunchbox, 125–126
Lustig, Robert, xxiii
Lyytiikäïnen, Arja, 246, 248–249
Magic Breakfast program, 157–159
Malnutrition, xx, 156–157
treatment of acute child, 165–169
Manary, Mark, 166
Mansfield, Katherine, 95–96
Mao Tse-Tung, 106
Marshmallows, 59, 86, 154