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Jailed Page 40

by Daniella Wright

  “Do you like what you see before you Sire?” Kreena said in a low husky voice.

  “Very much, you are a wonderful specimen,” the king replied.

  Although he was fixated on Kreena’s olive-skinned body, he gestured towards his inner chamber, the place where his fun would start and his ending was assured.

  They entered his chamber, and what lay before them was reminiscent of the torture chamber which was located in the dungeons, but here, it was built with a little more comfort in mind. The walls were covered in various whips and paddles, tables were covered with various types of vibrators, yet these were designed with more pain in mind rather than pleasure.

  A large frame graced the center of the room, shackles had been fastened to the cross member and at the bottom, a person who was in this, surely had no means of escape. A table lay beneath the frame, this also had shackles on each corner, and to which the king gestured to Kreena to mount.

  Kreena began to climb onto the table, she lay on her back, the coldness of the leather sending shivers down her spine, her heart beating faster and faster as the king began to close the shackles around her wrists and ankles one by one.

  Kreena lay on the table, legs spread wide, the king walked around the table fondling her, his fat fingers caressing her heaving bosom and running down her stomach towards her cleanly shaven pussy. The king ran his hands over her pussy and suddenly slapped the inside of Kreena’s thigh, she let out a little squeal at the pain which suddenly filled her body.

  The king turned to the wall and was in thought of which implement to start with, he opted for a whip which had many tails, this was a good way to start, he could then gradually build up to something a little more extreme.

  “Heaven and Hell,” he muttered to Kreena, “that’s where you will be going, Heaven and Hell.”

  Raph approached the table and began to run his fingers over Kreena’s pussy, she gasped with breath, and at which point she felt a stinging pain shooting through her thigh as the king brought the whip crashing down over her silky soft skin.

  “Fuck,” Kreena yelped.

  Again, the king caressed her soft pussy, her nerves sending feelings of pleasure into her body, she lightly arched her back, the king noticing this brought the whip down again on her thigh, the pain shooting through her like a lightning bolt.

  The king continued this for a few minutes, moving from her thigh up towards her breasts, he teased her nipples before bringing the whip crashing down against her flawless skin. Kreena had to do something, it could not end like this.

  “Sire,” Kreena said, “this game is weak, I want to change the rules,” Kreena added.

  The King was taken aback, no woman had ever spoken to him words of this nature, he had only ever heard, “Please and Stop.” This was something totally new, and it confused the king without him realizing.

  “What do you have in mind young lady?” he asked.

  “I want you to meet my demands,” Kreena said, “change positions and I will show you how good it can feel.”

  The king thought for a moment, and decided it was worth trying, he had never been in this position and didn’t have a notion of what danger he was putting himself in. He unlocked the shackles and Kreena removed herself from the table.

  “Climb aboard,” she said to the king, but on all fours like a dog,” Kreena added.

  The king mounted the table on all fours, Kreena shackled him as he had done to her. She grabbed the whip and slapped the king's ass.

  “Oh, Yeah,” the king said in appreciation.

  Kreena started to massage his tiny dick, and as she started to feel it becoming hard she lashed his fat ass again. Kreena did this a few more times before the king was becoming bored.

  “I want more, this is child’s play,” he said as he shook the shackles as if to free himself.

  “Have you ever felt like you were dying as you were cumming?” Kreena asked.

  At which, she grabbed one of the thick ropes and threw the one end over the frame, the other end, she made into a noose and slipped it over the kings’ head, and secured it snuggly around his neck. Kreena fastened the rope securely, she walked back to the table and leaned towards the king's ear.

  “Sire, have you ever been fucked?” Kreena asked the king.

  “Never, why do you ask?” the king replied.

  “Well Sire, you are totally fucked now,” Kreena said, and with that, she kicked the table leg.

  The king sensed something was amiss and was shaking the shackles, the whole table shaking as Kreena again kicked the leg of the table. There was a cracking sound as the leg splayed slightly forwards, the king looking at the rope as it began to tighten around his neck. Another kick and the leg gave way, the table tilted and the shackled king had all of his weight resting on the rope.

  “Guards, Guards,” the king screamed, his face becoming red as his breath was leaving his body.

  Kreena could hear banging from the doorway, the guards were trying to break in and save their king. Kreena ran to the window and made the signal before she quickly gathered her clothes, it was only a matter of minutes before the guards would be in, would Threx be in time?

  Kreena ran back to see the king, his face had become purple, and there was no sign of life, she waited until it was safe for her to enter back into the main quarters.

  Lane pulled on the joystick, Chymeera started to rise from their position, they rose up the side of the tower, the shadow of Chymeera being cast onto the white stone. They had reached the kings quarters; the guns were armed and ready.

  “Let them have it bitch!” Lane screamed.

  Chymeera roared as her cannons exploded into life, she was spitting plasma from her scythe cannons, shards of stone began raining onto the village below. The photon cannon joined the party, the rock disintegrating at the power of the photon bullets, the stone turned to dust as the Chymeera slowly cut her way through the fortified tower.

  “Niyron guards, the ships have been deployed,” Threx said to Lane.

  “You and Poco take the cannons, fend them off for a few minutes,” Lane answered as he watched showers of sparks flying towards Chymeera.

  Threx could see three ships approaching them from over the castle wall, Poco and he let fire, with Chymeera’s cannons releasing swathes of plasma into the sky, it was like an exploding rainbow of colors, the Niyron ships stood no chance, they were too slow and too easy to hit.

  From all the mayhem, Lane shouted to Threx “I’m through, it’s clear.”

  Threx climbed from the cannon turret and looked at the tower, it was like scorched earth where Chymeera had unleashed her power, no longer was the stone glistening white, there was just a hole with charred and molten stone surrounding it. Threx looked and his heart skipped a beat.

  “There she is my friend,” Lane said to Threx, “now let’s go and get her,” he added.

  Lane steered Chymeera into position, Threx opened the door to the cabin.

  “Jump, you need to jump,” Threx shouted towards Kreena.

  “It’s too far, I will never make it,” she screamed.

  “Out of my way laddy,” Poco said, calmly pushing Threx to the side.

  And with that, he threw a cargo net towards Kreena, “Grab this.” Poco shouted.

  Kreena walked back into the room, the door behind her was creaking under the guards’ advances, it was now or never. She watched as the net swayed back under Chymeera, then she started to run. She approached the remains of what was the royal window and launched herself into the air, the cargo net, rippled as if it was blown by Chymeera’s engines, and swayed forwards towards Kreena, she hit the net and felt it wrap around her body.

  They looked back towards the tower, the door to the chamber exploded inwards, guards filled the room, and Kreena could just about hear one of them say, “The King is dead.”

  Threx and Poco pulled the net back into the ship and Lane started to steer Chymeera towards space, Poco closed the cabin door closed behind them. Chymeera w
as heading towards the edge of the atmosphere, Niyron ships just becoming specks in the distance as they failed to catch the ship.

  Kreena removed herself from the net and threw her arms around Threx, she looked at Lane and Poco and mouthed the words, “Thank you.”

  Chymeera hit space and headed off into the unknown, the only thing they knew for sure was, that there would be a new king, a rightful king. Niyros would again be the world that is used to be. But for Chymeera, her crew, and Kreena, their future was anything but certain.

  Captured By The Warriors

  ~ Bonus Story ~

  An Erotic Alien Abduction Menage

  Just what I need on a sunny Saturday afternoon: being dumped by that snake I thought was my boyfriend and my best friend is too busy with her wedding cake tasting to go out for a drink. I can’t let these circumstances spoil my life, so I head out to the state forest for a hike. Things don’t go as planned, though, when I meet two chiseled specimens at a rest stop. They start acting shifty when I hear a woman scream for help, and the next thing I know, I’m waking up in a cage on some alien planet.

  The aliens charge each other on huge, shaggy beasts and beat each other with clubs, and I’m the tournament prize. What’s going to happen to me? I expect the worst when they drag me off to the winner’s castle, but I can’t believe my ears when he suggests his brother share the spoils. How can I ever make my peace with this strange world?

  * * *

  Chapter 1

  My phone twinkles. “Hey, baby. What time are you picking me up tonight?”

  That slick willie Paul Tariq doesn’t reply right away. “About that....baby, we need to talk.”

  My blood runs cold. “What about?”

  “It’s just not working out, baby. You know how it is.”

  My scalp prickles. Then my dread turns to rage. How dare he do this over the phone? The least he can do is face me like a man, but I guess this means he’s not a man―at least, not the way I thought he was. He might have the equipment, but not the balls.

  “No, I don’t know how it is, so why don’t you explain it to me, and use small words so I’ll be sure to understand. You told me not three hours ago how much you loved me and how much you wanted to take me out for a nice dinner to treat me like a lady. Now you’re telling me it’s not working out. Which is it?”

  Paul’s voice takes on a hard edge. I’ve never heard him like this before. “Listen, Lena, you’re my boss. That’s a recipe for disaster outside of work, and besides, I never really went for dominating women.”

  “Since when did I ever dominate you? I’ve given you everything you wanted since the day we met.”

  “Come on, Lena. You know that’s not true.”

  I can’t keep still. I stand up and pace around my living room with the phone glued to my ear. “What are you talking about? I’ve bent over backwards to make you happy.”

  “You want me to give it to you straight? All right. Here it is, but just remember, you asked for this. I wanted to let you down easy, but you wouldn’t let that happen. You are the most controlling woman I have ever had anything to do with, and no man in his right mind would date you if he knew what you were really like. I fell for you in the beginning because you’re so successful and beautiful and....well, dominating. But then I got to know you, and look out! You manipulated me to wring every last drop of life out of me, and you did it all under the guise of managing me on your team. I can’t wait to get as far away from you as I can.”

  I stop pacing. I can’t be hearing this....again. “So what about work? How’s it going to be with us working together?”

  Paul regains his composure. He could be talking to my answering service. “When you get to work on Monday morning, you’ll find my letter of resignation on your desk.”

  A lump sticks in my throat, but I keep my voice calm no matter what. “Where will you go? What will you do?”

  “I didn’t want to say anything until I was sure, but I just got offered the management position at Tempo & Sons.”

  I gasp. “The competition? How could you do that? How could you stab our company in the back after all the work we’ve done together? I thought you believed in this company.”

  “That’s just like you, Lena. You think everyone is as obsessed and driven as you are. Some people aren’t, you know. I had to get away from you. That’s all there is to it, and with the experience I gained working under you, Tempo & Sons made me a very attractive offer.”

  I close my eyes, but I can’t shut the raw truth out of my mind. “Fine, then. If that’s the way it’s going to be, I’m better off without you.”

  Paul snorted. “Yeah, right.” He hangs up, and the phone goes dead.

  I stare at the screen for a second while the tragic reality sinks into my tortured soul. Then I hurl the phone across the room with a feral shriek. I spin away and stride across the room, as far away from that phone as I can get.

  I pace up and down in front of the full-length windows overlooking the central city, but when I gazed out over the park, my emotions catch up with me. I collapse on my cream leather couch, my shoulders slumped, and I sob into my hands.

  How many times have I gone through this same ordeal over the years? I can twirl these men around my little finger for so long before they break and run in the opposite direction. My luxurious condo apartment on the upper floors of an expensive building in the city’s center doesn’t hold them. I always wind up alone in the end. Will I ever be able to trust anyone enough to love them and let them love me?

  I throw my head back and blink the tears out of my eyes. I can’t let that scum drag me down. I have too much going for me in life. I rush across the room and retrieve my phone from the cushions of my recliner. At least the cushions protected it from destruction. I’ve replaced my phone four times in the past year after random outbursts of emotion, but at least I had them in the privacy of my own apartment. I never let myself lose control at work or in public.

  I tap my phone and call Tanya Reynolds. Tanya always answers right away. “Hey, girl. What’s up?”

  “I thought you might like a break from all the wedding plans to go out for a drink.”

  “What’s the occasion?”

  “Does there have to be an occasion to get together with my best friend? I want to see you. Isn’t that enough?”

  “You’re sweet, but I can’t. I’m sorry. I have to go to a cake tasting with Ron.”

  “Do you have to do that now? Can’t you postpone it?”

  “Sorry, honey. I already forgot about it once and had to reschedule it for now. If I don’t go, there’s a $500 fee. Let’s do it tomorrow.”

  I can’t exactly say, “But I need you RIGHT NOW!” I couldn’t bear the indignity of that, so I just say, “Okay. Call me when you’re ready.” Then I hang up.

  Well, I can’t sit around an empty apartment all day. I have to get out into the open air. That’s the best way I know to deal with these situations, and heaven knows, I’ve dealt with enough of them.

  I take the elevator down to the parking garage and head out to the state forest. Even the drive does me good, and by the time I park and look out over the unspoiled countryside, I can see past Mr. Slick Willie to life beyond. There are plenty of other fish in the sea, and they all want a tall, athletic woman with a decent disposable income. I’ll have another man begging to take me out before the end of the week.

  I think I might go to my favorite watering hole tonight and pick me up something nice and muscular. The idea excites me, and I head down the trail with a smile on my face.

  I enjoy pushing my limits, and I’m panting by the time I get up to the lookout. I can feel the blood rush to my cheeks, and my hair waves down into my eyes, but I’m happy again. The pure air clears my head and cheers me up no end.

  I slow down when I get to the top when I spy two guys standing next to the wooden lookout bench. I don’t mind the look of them, and they give me that knowing smile to tell me they’re thinking the same thing.

  “Do you guys come up here much?”

  “Not much.” The shorter one has beautiful blue eyes and curly hair. “We’re visiting from out of town.”

  “What brings you to town?” I ask.

  “A business meeting.” The other one is slimmer, but just as strong and square around the shoulders. He has straight dark hair and bright black eyes. Yum.

  “Too bad about that. Do you get out much when you’re not in business meetings?”

  “This is our first outing.”

  Outing? I haven’t heard that word since kindergarten. They might be foreign, but they don't have any accent. “I’m going out to a bar I know tonight. You guys should come along.”

  The tall one gives me a gorgeous smile. “We just might do that.”

  I hand him one of my business cards. “Here’s my number. Give me a call, and I’ll tell you how to get there.”

  Tall Boy pockets the card. “Great. Talk to you later.”

  I tear myself away. I’ve done everything I can do. If they don’t call, I’ve lost nothing by trying. I head downhill, but I haven’t gone more than a dozen yards when I notice clouds gathering around the hilltop. That’s strange. I didn’t notice them there before. I must have been distracted.

  I walk faster. The first raindrops patter on my cheeks, but I catch sight of the parking lot. There’s my car, and just in time. The sky opens up and pelts me with rain. I break and run for it, but just as I cross out of the trees into the open, a woman’s scream rips through the woods. It sets my hair on end, and I look back over my shoulder.

  If I don’t get into my car right now, I’ll get soaked, but I can’t ignore that scream. People don’t scream like that unless they’re in serious trouble. Whoever it is keeps screaming and yelling, “Help! Help!”

  I hesitate for a fraction of a second. I really don’t want to go back out into that storm, but I have to go back and try to help her. I race back down the path. The rain plasters my hair to my head and neck and runs down into my shirt, but I follow the sound almost all the way back up to the summit.


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