by Tot Taylor
Cornwall, Climate, Tides & Environment
Galileo and the Theory of the Tides, Eric J. Aiton, (Isis 56) 1965
Vanishing Cornwall, Daphne Du Maurier (Victor Gollancz) London, 1967
The Climate of London, Luke Howard (unbound) 1818
The Shell Guide to Cornwall, John Betjeman, John Piper, (Faber & Faber) 1964
The Cornish Smuggling Industry, Paul White (Tor Mark Press), 1997
Birds of Sea and Coast, Lars Jonsson (Wahlstrom & Widstrand/Penguin Nature Guides) 1977
Seabirds, J.Fisher and R.M. Lockley (Collins) 1954
Shipwrecks around Land’s End (Richard & Bridget Larn (Tor Mark Press) 1989
A New Dictionary of Birds, A.L.Thomson (Nelson) 1960
Woodland Management for Birds (RSPB Management Guides) paperback 2004
That Must Be Julian, N.R. Syme (Peter Lunn) 1947
The Handbook of British Birds, H.F. Witherby, F.C.R. Jourdain, N.F. Ticehurst and B.W. Tucker (H.F. and G. Witherby) 1938-1941
John Speed’s Atlas of England & Wales (King Penguin) 1951
Circular Coast Walks of Cornwall, Charles Adams (Moor, Dale & Mountain Press) 1997
A History of Cornish Methodism, Thomas Shaw (D. Bradford Barton) 1967
The Wesleys in Cornwall, ed. John Pearce (D.Bradford Barton) 1964
Gardens of Cornwall, Douglas Ellory Pett (Alison Hodge) 2003
The National Trust, Coast of Cornwall (Des Hannigan, John Dyke)
Researches about Atmospheric Phenomena, Thomas Forster (Cornish Local History)
From Our Cambridge Correspondent: Mark Weatherall (Varsity Publications) 1995
The English Town in the Last Hundred Years, Rede Lecture Pamphlet (Cambridge University Press) 1956
John Milton, Kenneth Muir (Longmans, Green, and Co. Ltd) 1965.
Down Your Street, Cambridge Past and Present, Sara Payne, (the Pevensey Press) 1983
Coroners’ Records in England and Wales Second Edition by Jeremy Gibson and Colin Rogers (Federation of Family History Societies)
Prospect of Cambridge, Edwin Smith & Olive Cook (B.T.Batsford) 1965
The Kings College Choir Book, ed. Jonathan Rippon & Penny Cleobury (Phillimore & Co) 1997
Kelly’s Directory of Bedfordshire 1898
National Index of Parish Registers (Vol 9, Pt 1: Bedfordshire and Huntingdonshire) compiled by Cliff Webb (The Society of Genealogists)
England: on Five Dollars a Day, Stanley Mills Haggart (Arthur B. Frommer Inc) 1964
Botany & Gardening
John Ray, Naturalist: His Life and Works, C.E. Raven (Cambridge) 1942
Memorials of John Ray, W.Derham (London) 1946
Makers of British Botany, S.H. Vines, Robert Morison, 1620-1683 and John Ray, 1627-1688, edited by F.W. Oliver (Cambridge) 1913
John Ray, a Bibliography, G.L.Keynes, (London) 1951
Historical and Biographical Sketches of the Progress of Botany in England, Richard Pulteney (London) 1790
The Spoure Book
John Gerard: The Herball or General Historie of Plants, Imprinted Facsimile, (John Norton) London 1957.
Observer's Book of British Grasses, Sedges and Rushes, compiled by W.J. Stokoe, (Frederick Warne & Co Ltd)
The Handbook of British Flora (Bentham & Hooker) 1949
Annual and Biennial Flowers, A.P.Balfour (Penguin) 1959
British Wild Flowers, John Sowerby (Schmidlin) 1948
The Flowering Plants of Great Britain, Anne Pratt (loose binding) 1825
Syme’s English Botany (unknown binding) 1863
Roses F.Fairbrother (Penguin Handbooks) 1958
Wildflowers of the Cornish hedgerows, Trevor & Endymion Beer (Tor Mark Press) 2000
The Enemies of the Rose, John Ramsbottom and G.Fox Wilson (National Rose Society) 1957
Gardening The Modern Way, Roy Hay (Penguin) 1962
Lawns, R.B.Dawson (Royal Horticultural Society/Penguin) 1960
Hardy Herbaceous Plants ( Royal Horticultural Society/Penguin) 1960
Dahlias, Stuart Ogg (Royal Horticultural Society/Penguin)1961
Chrysanthemums, Edward T. Thistlethwaite (Penguin) 1960
The London Gardener (London Historic Parks and Gardens Trust) 2000
The City Gardener, Thomas Fairchild (Unknown) 1722
Astronomy, Astrology, Space Adventure, Science & Architecture
The Observer’s Book of Astronomy, Patrick Moore (Frederick Warne & Co Ltd) 1962
Guide To The Sky, E.A. Beet (Cambridge University Press) 1933
Instructions to Young Astronomers, H.P.Wilkins (Museum Press) 1957
Through My Telescope, Will Hay (Reed) 1935
Outline Of The Universe, Vol 1, J.G. Crowther (Pelican Library) 1931
The Nautical Almanac, 1829, Her Majesty’s Nautical Almanac Office (HMNAO)
Catalogue of 1112 Stars, John Pond, 1833
Alchemy, Astrology and Ovid: A Love Poem by Tycho Brahe (P.Zeeberg)
The Star Almanac For Land Surveyors 2003 (RAL)
The Astronomical Almanac (US Navel Observatory/Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) 2004
The Lord of Uraniborg: A Biography of Tycho Brahe, Victor E. Thoren (Cambridge University Press) 1990
Astrology: Evolution & Revolution, Alan Oken (Bantam) 1976
The Correspondence of John Flamsteed, the first Astronomer Royal, Vol 1 & 2, Eric G. Forbes, Lesley Murdin and Frances Willmoth, (Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol and Philadelphia) 1995 & 1997
Sphaera Mundi: Astronomy Books in the Whipple Museum 1478-1600, J. Bennett & D. Bertoloni Meli, Cambridge 1994
Black Holes, John A. Wheeler, Phi Beta Kappa Society Journal: The American Scholar (Vol. 37, no 2, spring) 1998
Black Hole Physics: Basic Concepts and New Developments, V.P. Frolov and I.D. Novikov (Kluwer, Dordrecht) 1998
Rotation, Nut charge and Anti de sitter space, Sdr. Stephen Hawking, Feburary 1999
Black Holes & Baby Universes, Dr. Stephen Hawking (Dove) 1999
The Cambridge Lectures, Dr. Stephen Hawking (Bantam) 2000
The Large-Scale Structure of Space-Time, Dr. Stephen Hawking & G F R Ellis, (Cambridge University Press) 1973
Introducing Stephen Hawking, J.P.McEvoy, Oscar Zarate (Totem Books) 1995
Stephen Hawking, A Life In Science, Michael White & John Gribbin (Viking) 1992
Music To Move The Stars – A Life With Stephen Hawking, Jane Hawking (Macmillan) 1999
The Charters & Statutes of the Royal Society of London (London) 1717
The Science of Musical Sound, J.R.Pierce (Scientific American Library) 1983
The Whipple Museum of the History of Science. Catalogue 6. Sundials and Related Instruments, D.J.Bryden, 1988
The Sun in the Church: Cathedrals As Solar Observatories, J.L.Heilbron (Harvard University Press) 1999
The Forgotten Star Atlas: John Bevis’s Uranographia Britannica, Kevin J. Kilburn
The Mysteries of Art & Nature, John Bate (Thomas Harper/Ralph Mab) 1635
M. Pasachoff, and Owen Gingerich (Williams College) Williamstown, Mass, USA
Flamsteed’s Stars: New Perspectives on the Life and Work of the first Astronomer Royal, ed: Frances Willmoth, (Boydell and Brewer) Woodbridge, 1997
An Account of the Revd John Flamsteed, Frances Bailey (London 1835)
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica: Sir Isaac Newton, 1687
Sir Isaac Newton, E.N. da’Andrade, (William Collins & Sons) 1954
The Library of Isaac Newton, J. Harrison (Cambridge) 1978
Sir I. Newton, Correspondence, ed. H. Turnball (Cambridge 1959-1977)
The Role of Music in Galileo’s Experiments, Scientific American, 232 (Jan-June 1975)
Telescopes, Tides, and Tactics: A Galilean Dialogue about the Starry Messenger and Systems of the World. Chicago (University of Chicago Press) 1983
Compendious Rehearsal, John Dee (1592)
Perfect Arte of Navigation, John Dee (1577)
John Dee: th
e World of an Elizabethan Magus, Peter J. French (London 1972)
Tudor Georgraphy, E.G.R. Taylor (London 1930)
Mathematical Practitioners of Tudor and Stuart England (Cambridge 1954)
My Head is a Map: Essays & Memoirs in Honour of R.V. Tooley (London 1973)
Results of Astronomical Observations made during the years 1834, 5, 6, 7, 8 at the Cape of Good Hope. J.F.W.Herschel, London, 1847.
Neville Maskelyne - The Seaman's Astronomer, Derek Howse (Cambridge University Press) 1989
Joannis Kepleri Astronomi Opera Omnia. 8 vols. Johannes Kepler, Edited by C. Frisch, (Frankfurt and Erlangen) 1858-1871
Gesammelte Werke, Johannes Kepler, edited by Max Caspar, Munich (Beck 1937)
Mysterium Cosmographicum -The Secret of the Universe, translated by A. M. Duncan, New York (Abaris Books) 1981.
New Astronomy, translated by William H. Donahue.Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 1992
Kepler's Conversation with Galileo's Sidereal Messenger. translated by Edward Rosen, New York (Johnson Reprint) 1965
The Six-Cornered Snowflake, translated by Colin Hardie, Oxford (Clarendon Press) 1966
Somnium: the Dream, or Posthumous Work on Lunar Astronomy, translated by Edward Rosen, Madison (University of Wisconsin Press) 1967
The Harmonies of the World [Book V], translated by Charles Glenn Wallis. Great Books of the Western World. Vol. 16. Chicago (Encyclopaedia Britannica) 1955
The History of the Telescope, Henry C. King, London (Charles Griffin) 1955 New York (Dover) 1985
The Watershed: a Biography of Johannes Kepler, Arthur Koestler (Garden City: Doubleday) 1960
The Copernican Revolution, Thomas S. Kuhn, Cambridge (Harvard University Press) 1957
Space in the Sixties, Patrick Moore, Pelican 1963
Tycho Brahe’s Nose, Joseph Ashbrook, ‘Sky & Telescope’ issue 29, #6, 1965
The Conquerors: Space, Leonard G. Rule (Max Parrish & co Ltd) 1966
Flat and Curved Space Times, G F R Ellis & R W Williams (Oxford University Press) 2000
Brief Lives, John Aubrey (ed. R.Barber, (Boydell Press) 1982
John Dee, Charlotte Fell-Smith (Constable & Company) 1909
Radio Round The World, A.W. Haslett (Cambridge University Press) 1934
Norton's Star Atlas, A.P. Norton (Gall & Inglis) 1910
Signpost To The Stars, F.E. Butler (George Philip & Son) London, 1945
NASA, 50 Years of Space Exploration! (Madacy Entertainment Group Ltd) DVD 2003
National Geographic Magazine, ‘Exploring Space’ (National Geographic Society) Washington DC, PO Box 98/99
John Lautner, Alan Hess (Thames & Hudson) 1999
An Introduction to Information Theory, Symbols, Signals and Noise, J.R.Pierce, Dover paperback (1980 revised)
Chambers Biographical Encyclopaedia of Scientists (1983)
Observation of a Rapidly Pulsating Radio Source, Antony Hewish, Jocelyn Bell Burnell, J. D. H. Pilkington, P. F. Scott, and R. A. Collins (Nature) February 24, 1968
Discovery of Pulsars: A Graduate Student's Story, Nicholas Wade ( News and Comment -Science ) August 1, 1975
The Sidereal Messenger of Galileo Galilei (translation by Edward Stafford Carlos, MA)
A Discussion with the Sidereal Messenger (Florence, 1610) Johannes Kepler
Narrative, Johannes Kepler (Florence, 1611)
A Discussion with the Sidereal Messenger (Florence, 1610)
Kepler’s Works, ed. C. Frisch. Frankfurt a. M. (1858-71)
Prodromus dissertationum mathematicarum continens Mysterium Cosmographicum de admirabili proportione orbium cœlestium. Tübingen (1596)
Astronomia nova (Commentaria de motibus stellæ Martis) [Prague] (1609)
History, Philosophy, Psychology
The Life of John Locke, Peter King, Bristol (Thoemmes) 1991
John Locke: Problems and Perspectives, John Yolton (Cambridge University Press) 1969
John Locke and the Compass of Human Understanding, John Yolton (Cambridge University Press) 1970
Freud & The Post-Freudians, J.A.C. Brown (Pelican Books) 1961
Uber Psychoanalyse, Sigmund Freud (Vienna) 1920
Two Short Accounts of Psycho-analysis, Sigmund Freud, trans/ed. James Strachey (1962)
The Divided Self, R. D. Laing (Tavistock Publications) 1960
Self and Others, R.D. Laing (Tavistock Publications) 1961
Sanity, Madness & The Family (The Families of Schizophrenics) R.D. Laing & A. Esterson (Tavistock) 1964
The Politics of Experience, R. D. Laing (Harmondsworth) 1967
Knots, R.D. Laing (Penguin) 1969
Do You Love Me, R.D. Laing (Pantheon Books) 1976
Laing & Anti-Psychiatry (Penguin) 1972
The Child, The Family, and the Outside World, D.W. Winnicott (Pelican) 1964
Bishop Trevor Huddleston: ‘Naught For Your Comfort (Doubleday) 1955
Macroguide No 6: The George Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation (San Francisco) 1970
The Psychology of Moral Behaviour, Derek Wright (Pelican Books) 1972
On The Bhagavad-Gita, translated by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (SRM Publications) 1967 (J.G.Bennett)
Everyman, David Jones, engraving, 152 x 178mm, Golden Cockerel Press, 1929. courtesy of the David Jones Society
Golding Constable’s Flower Garden John Constable, oil on canvas (13 x 20ins) 1815 Ipswich Borough Council Museums and Galleries, Suffolk
Corner of Carnaby Street and Foubert’s Place, 1967 (Eric Wadsworth/The Guardian)
The Planets, London Symphony Orchestra, Sir Adrian Boult (HMV ED290 7251) 1948
Gustav Holst conducts the Planets (Pearl GEMM CD 9437)
Imogen Holst conducts Gustav Holst, English Chamber Orchestra (Lyrita SRCD 223)
L’Oiseau de la Feu (The Firebird), Igor Stravinsky, original 1910 Edition (Eulenburg)
The Firebird Igor Stravinsky, New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Leonard Bernstein (Columbia Masterworks 5182) 1972
Piano Concerto 1, Edvard Grieg Clifford Curzon (Decca SXl 2173) 1959
Piano Concerto 1, John Ireland (Chester Music, score) 1930
Concerto pour Piano en Sol Majeur, Ravel, Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli, Philharmonia, conducted Ettore Gracis (EMI CDC7b 49326 2) 1957
The Composer and his Orchestra, Howard Hanson, The Eastman-Rochester Orchestra (Mercury Living Presence 434 370-2) 1957
Hanson Conducts Hanson, Symphonies 1 & 2, The Eastman-Rochester Orchestra,
The Eastman School of Music Chorus (Mercury Living Presence 475 6181) 1958
Piano Concerto 3 Sergei Rachmaninoff, Jorge Bolet (Decca LDR71) 1988
More Rounds & Canons, compiled Christopher Le Fleming (Mills Music Ltd) 1964
Bobby Shaftoe, Shirley Collins, (Library of Congress 900762) 1959
We Plough the Fields and Scatter, John & Charles Wesley, from ‘A Collection of Hymns’ (London Wesleyan-Methodist Book-Room) 1780
Then Play On, Fleetwood Mac (Reprise RSLP 9000) 1969
Telstar, The Tornados (Decca F11494) 1962
Rosalyn, the Pretty Things (Fontana TF469) 1966
London Social Degree, from the LP ‘Would You Believe’ Billy Nicholls (Immediate IMCP009) 1968
A Whiter Shade of Pale, Procul Harum (Deram 13) 1967
Excerpt From A Teenage Opera, Keith West (Parlophone R5623) 1967
Man Of The World, Fleetwood Mac (Immediate IM 080) 1969
Matthew & Son, Cat Stevens (Deram DM 110) 1966
Cinderella Rockefeller, Esther & Abi Ofarim (Phillips BF 1640) 1967
Classical Gas, Mason Williams, Warner Bros (WB7190) 1968
Eloise, Barry Ryan, composed by Paul Ryan (MGM1442) 1968
The 59th Bridge Street Song (Feelin’ Groovy) Simon & Garfunkel (Columbia US) 1966
Feeling Good, Anthony Newley, Newley/Bricusse (Concord Music) 1965
Jesus Was A Cross Maker, Judee Sill,
(Asylum AYM502) 1971
A Wizard, A True Star, Todd Rundgren, Bearsville (BR2133) 1973
Todd, Todd Rundgren (Bearsville BR85501) 1974
Friday On My Mind, the Easybeats (UA UP1157) 1966
Shapes Of Things To Come, the Yardbirds (Columbia DB7848)
The Five Bridges Suite, the Nice (Charisma CAS1014) 1970
Sorrow, The Merseys (Fontana TF694) 1966
Baby You’ve Got It, the Action (Parlophone R5474) 1966
Pet Sounds, the Beach Boys (Capitol T-2458) 1966
Surf’s Up, the Beach Boys (Reprise REP1058) 1971
Surf’s Up, the Beach Boys (Brother-Reprise US RS6453) 1971
Lonely Woman, Modern Jazz Quartet (Atlantic 8122-75361-2) 1972
Revolver, the Beatles (Parlophone PMC 7009) 1966
Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band, the Beatles (Parlophone PMC 7027) 1967
The Beatles, the Beatles (Apple PMC 7067) 1968
Abbey Road, the Beatles (Apple PCS 7088) 1969
Free As A Bird, The Beatles (Apple 7243-8-825787-2-2) 1995
American Crucifixion Resurrection, the Four Seasons, from the album ‘Imitation Life Gazette’ (Phillips PHS 600-290) 1969
Sonny plays Alfie, Sonny Rollins, HMV (CLP3529) 1966
Star’s End: for two Rock Guitarists & Orchestra, David Bedford (Virgin V2020) 197
Mikrophonie 1, Karlheinz Stockhausen (CBS 32 11 0044) 1964
Beat Music ’71 for Orchestra & Electric Instruments, Roger Smalley (Faber) score, 1971
The Whale, John Taverner, Apple (Sapcor 15) 1968
Sunshine Superman, Donovan (Pye 7N 17241) 1966
Goin’ Back, Carole King & Gerry Goffin, (ODE EK34 944) 1970
Wuthering Heights, original soundtrack by Alfred Newman (score) 1939
Concerto De Aranuez, Rodrigo, Angel Romero, Victory Allssandro & the San Antonio Symphony (Mercury Living Presence, Mercury 475 6184)
Rachmaninov, Piano Concertos 2 & 3, Byron Janis, Antal Dorati, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra (Mercury Living Presence 470 6392)
Vertigo, Bernard Herrmann (original soundtrack) 1958
Silver Treetop School For Boys, the Beatstalkers (CBS 3105) 1967
Apache, the Shadows, composed by Jerry Lordan (Columbia 45-DB 4484) 1963
Cinderella Rockerfeller, Esther & Abi Ofarim (Phillips BF1640) 1967