Dark Days (Written Pictures #2)

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Dark Days (Written Pictures #2) Page 5

by H. A. Kotys

  As the first drops dripped onto her tongue, an image started to form on a newly translucent tile immediately in front of her. The precious liquid was trickling into her mouth and down her throat and her sex was a volcano, ready to erupt with an inferno of its own.

  The image projected was the smiling face of Alexei. Relief and arousal fused into one. He was watching her. She was watching him. Raven ground ever harder on the intrusion she now so willingly held between her legs. Water was flowing. Arousal was flowing. Her sex was on fire while sweet liquid trickled down her throat. Both met in a spitting, hissing fury and as she looked into her tormentor’s face, the satisfaction and lust on her own was perfectly picked out by the camera carefully positioned behind the tile.

  CHAPTER XI – Reset & Restore

  Pulsing, panting, Raven clenched around the violation, unable to stop herself from biting down on the cock in her mouth as she growled aloud to scare away her on-going climax. Threats were not something it would heed, however, and wave after luxurious wave smoothed over her until she could do nothing more than go with it and enjoy.

  “So good, so so good,” she panted as she tried to quell the shuddering that wracked through her, squeezing the lower intruder to milk it for all it would give while resting her head more heavily on the cock her tongue now swirled lazily around.

  “Watering complete. System cycle reset in 30 minutes.” The disembodied Dominatrix crashed Raven’s party of pleasure. Instantly, her eyes widened.

  “No! You fucking bitch!” cried Raven, lapping and sucking fruitlessly as the water oozed back down the tubing and filtered away into the security of the first tank. “Fuck no,” she wailed. Her mouth was still parched having only enjoyed a few droplets of reviving liquid before her body had greedily chased other priorities.

  “No.” This time it was more a hoarse whisper of resignation. So there she squatted rocking gently back and forth, part to soothe, part to feel the security of pressure on her cervix.

  Slowly Raven raised her eyes, hunting in vain for some sign, some countdown clock that would mark the passage of time. Half an hour. Thirty minutes before she would have to start afresh and fuck herself to the mantra of the woman and the smiling satisfaction of the projected face. It was the face of the man who was demonstrating his creeping control of her just as she had to that bitch, Katarina.

  == ~ ==

  It had seemed an age. Desperately, Raven had fought fatigue to stay as alert as she could. She couldn’t afford to miss another chance to slake the thirst which gnawed at her body and mind. She needed sleep but giving in to it would have an even more dire consequence than the mistake of relenting to her lust – it could be the death of her.

  Curled up in a corner, Raven fought the conflicting needs. Twice, maybe three times she had to wrench herself back as her head had nodded as if in the aftermath of one of her regular nights of wild excess.

  It was precisely on the mark of thirty minutes that Raven stiffened to that familiar feminine voice, registering it for the first time as odd – all the other impositions had been male. “System cycle reset complete.” With an eagerness she expected of her own slaves in her previous life, Raven scrambled to impale herself again on the dildo that had driven her body wild and threatened to drive her mind half mad.

  She quickly positioned hands and feet and drove down on the phallus, easily sliding onto it, natural lubrication only adding to her humiliation.

  “Incorrect weight distribution. System reset. Restore in two minutes.” It was a reprimand she was growing to hate and she shot panicked eyes down to readjust her hands ready, squarely on the pads, waiting to be allowed to continue. Clumsy bitch.

  ‘Too bloody eager to get fucking’ Raven’s inner voice said, wagging a metaphorical finger at her. “Come on, come on!” she beseeched through gritted teeth, hips rolling back and forth already on the phallus as if she needed practice for what she knew was soon to come.

  Eventually the familiar countdown droned toward her launch. “Come on you fucking bitch, let me have it.” Raven wasn’t entirely sure though what ‘it’ was.

  “System restore complete. Reset successful,” stated Raven’s metallic Mistress. “Position correct. Pump activated. System engaged.” Her tormentor was met with a growl and a hard thrust back on the dildo to stir the liquid into life.

  As Raven ground her hips, the water wasn’t the only thing stirred into life. Shuddering with the assault of sensations, she ground hard, hips rolling as they restarted their own rollercoaster. Sucking, lapping, then sucking again, the liquid slowly eased through the system as something else stampeded toward her.

  “No! Not a-fucking-gain!” Her body was deaf to the chastisement, fucking itself frenetically as if her life was dependent on the pursuit of orgasm rather than water.

  With a rabid need she suckled and lapped, pursing her lips to form the perfect seal to draw the water up the tubing as best she could. Water had to win the race. It was self-preservation but as she felt the first drops of liquid caress her tongue and smooth down her throat it was the last rational thought she had. Her body once again devoured itself in a torrent of fulfilment.

  Raven shook with the intensity of a climax that burst through the weakened walls of her defences. Shuddering with the force, her injured shoulder gouged its own reminder and she collapsed, only to be admonished. “Incorrect weight distribution. System reset. Restore in two minutes.”

  The phrase catapulted her from the peak of fulfilled pleasure to the abyss of despair. She needed more water but the body she was trying to keep alive was wantonly conspiring against her each time.

  “No. No.” Her whisper was weak and sinking back off the phallus a tear formed. The watching eyes of Alexei sparkled in triumph, the captive woman starting to come apart as the process continued.

  CHAPTER XII – Intervals

  The broken woman curled into a protective ball, hugging latex clad knees to her chest on the white-tiled floor. The remains of the catsuit offered scant insulation from the chill but she was beyond caring that the full curve of her naked ass was exposed through the torn rear of the tight garment. In all her trials, in all her struggles, Raven had relied on herself to pull through. Sex and allure had been her sword and shield, potent in their promise, certain in their success but here they had let her down.

  She had been unable to melt the ice of captors whose hatred had inoculated them against anything she could offer, and in her moment of deepest need, her own body had fucked her as surely as it had fucked itself.

  It was twenty minutes this time before the system reset announced itself to a dozing Raven, the duration deliberately varied to distort her sense of time and mess with her mind. “System restore complete. Reset successful,” declared the woman’s voice to suddenly shock Raven back to instant full consciousness.

  Something, somehow was wrong but her blurred mind couldn’t quite grasp what it was. She leapt forward, eager to please the machine and win her water reward. Moving almost automatically, Raven guided the insert into place, positioning feet, knees and hands, and pursing cracked lips ready to serve and in turn be served with what she craved.

  Her own programming was fast synchronising with the programming of the machine and with a now practised technique, Raven was soon rewarded with the sight of water being drawn first into the second cylinder before she vacuumed it up the tube to her waiting mouth.

  As the first drops slithered over her tongue, she couldn’t help but groan, loins ablaze and seemingly negating any dowsing the drops of liquid could give. It was slower coming this time, as if she was finally managing to get her libido to at least think about taking a back seat, and through sheer force of will and the burning desire to survive, even when she came she managed to keep sucking for water.

  == ~ ==

  The programming of the computer determined that her next thirty minute interval actually lasted fifty. Determined not to doze off again and risk missing the chance to take on more water, Raven constantly remin
ded herself to stay awake, pinching herself when needed, slapping if really needed, pushing her breaking body to the edge of its endurance and then tipping it beyond.

  On and on the thirty minutes dragged until Raven was sure time had frozen in a nadir of despair. She yearned to hear the woman’s abrupt tones once again and to do what she must. She knew what was happening to her, knew precisely how she was being thoroughly deconstructed but didn’t care. Right then, it didn’t matter, water and survival did. The voice of a woman was what she craved and in that moment a twinge of regret poked her conscience, remembering how she had sought to reshape Katarina.

  “System restore complete. Reset successful.” The former dominatrix scrabbled to impale herself afresh and fuck herself for the machine’s approval, ignoring the pungent stench of her own arousal that now hung heavily in the room.

  == ~ ==

  It seemed unreal. Thirty minutes? Can it really have been that? She felt so alone; so lacking in a foundation of being; so lost. Raven’s every heartbeat seemed to distance her from what she once was. She had tried to count time to the metronome of her heartbeat but even that was lost as her focus drifted so readily to matters more important.

  Was she drifting in and out of consciousness? It was so hard to tell now and as her mind retreated to protect itself, the woman that was Raven stopped thinking forward, preferring to focus only on what was now and nothing beyond.

  Water. The word swirled in her head. Another cycle over, she stared at the wall where water lay so close, thankful that at least her body hadn’t betrayed her this time.

  Sometimes, in eureka moments, all becomes clear. Slowly unfurling her legs, Raven shakily stood and with a deep breath, gathered herself. Backing against the far wall with head bowed, framed by her lank black hair, she breathed deeply again, let out an adrenalin-fuelled scream of anguish and what remained of Raven launched herself in full fury at the wall.

  CHAPTER XIII – Day out

  It was a decision Raven would regret. When her good shoulder struck the wall, a thousand volts and more discharged, catapulting her across the room. As the higher functions of her broken body shut down, her captors finally re-entered the room to retrieve the limp woman who was nothing but their toy.

  == ~ ==

  “You were thirsty girl.” The clipped tones of Alexei poked into Raven’s world. Sleep smeared back, rousing the woman from her troubled slumber as the waves swung her gently from the end of the pier. “But you fuck good,” he added in the same drab monotone, stating a simple irrefutable truth.

  Closing his eyes, Alexei raised his head to bathe in the warmth of a perfect day, slowly inhaling the salt air. In his mind, the image of the woman swaying beside him played constantly, back and forth, back and forth, and he knew the unrelenting motion alone would be more than enough to eventually erode even the strongest mental defences.

  Her defences were already few. She was tired, sore, still so thirsty and battered by a litany of techniques to first bruise, then batter, before finally blowing away anything in its path. It was a cocktail of techniques where a single ingredient would succeed given time. Blended in the destructive combination as they had been though, that cocktail would debase even the strongest of minds.

  And debased she was. Nudged first forward, then softly dragged back, the sun beat down in its summer fury, prickling the woman’s bare breasts. She could only try to last out - there was simply nothing left beyond that to aspire to.

  “Alexei see you later, girl.” As his muscular legs withdrew from her peripheral vision, the woman could not raise her head to see, let alone her voice to protest. Once again she was left to the eternal dragging of the tide. She needed water and yet water tortured her. Back.…forth….back….forth and her mind disengaged as her body simply hung.

  == ~ ==

  The leg of the pier just to her left cleaved each wave that dared assault it, constantly speckling Raven with spray. It left a salty crust as it dried, slowly covering her from head to toe until she could escape neither the smell nor the taste.

  Back and forth, to and fro, she was constantly twisted and swayed and there was no shutting out the unrelenting sounds of the surge and settling of the sea. They allowed her water, but only just enough and only if she fucked herself for it and sucked to his image. The food meanwhile was bland both in texture and taste, sufficient to keep her from starving, insufficient to keep her from despair.

  It seemed that none of her senses were allowed immunity to her plight and with hour after lengthy hour, Raven found herself yearning for the respite anything even slightly different would bring.

  It was for that reason she so looked forward to his visits. She could no longer tell which day was which, whether she was dozing or just hypnotised by the waves, but when a smell wafted across her nostrils the realisation that it was different shifted her mind back out of neutral. Raven had raised her head and breathed deeply on the aroma which was unmistakably male.

  Sometimes Alexei’s well-muscled legs were the first thing she noticed, other times it was his scent weaving its way into her soporific state. Either way though, she was growing to cherish those moments when his presence punctuated the trudging monotony, particularly when he sat close enough for his leg to touch.

  == ~ ==

  “Is beautiful sunset, girl.” Alexei’s abrupt accent intruded on her stupor for the fifth time that day. Slowly the woman peeled open her eyes, finding the reward for her efforts in the company of a pair of sun-kissed legs. “Is it not finest you see, girl?” he continued, demanding an answer he knew she would struggle to give as the tide continued to ebb and flow, ebb and flow.

  Her croaked affirmation was barely louder than a whisper of wind, the effort it took draining already near depleted batteries still further and all the while her body swayed to and fro, to and fro.

  The kick to her injured shoulder tore what was left from her. With a plaintive wail, the woman that had been Raven cried out the words that Alexei had been longing to hear, without pausing to even think that they were somehow wrong.

  Just before the world melted to the white heat in her shoulder and shrouded back to an inky unconscious blackness, Raven uttered words that her body fully subscribed to, “Yes…Master…” Swinging. A metronome; ebb and flow, to and fro.

  CHAPTER XIV – Subroutine

  Day after day the process continued. As she slipped deeper and deeper into the blackness of Alexei’s control, even attempting to count those days was a sore challenge for an increasingly delicate mind. Time after time, she managed to gather shattered shards of her former self and shepherd them into a sheltered corner of her mind, but daily the shards became fewer and harder to sweep safely to one side.

  Yet slowly she adapted; the natural rhythms of her body adjusted to a harsh new reality. Nights were dazzled in bright lights. They were a time for fucking, sucking and taking what her body craved. Even as the liquid she took in became more saline, she sucked it in with an eagerness that belied both its origin and her former self.

  Days were as drawn out as she was, swinging perpetually from the ornate latticework pier in the relentless sun. It was too much even for her skin, which, with her Mediterranean ancestry, had never failed before to bronze rather than burn. It failed now, scorching, sizzling with only the occasional cloud scudding past or the wheeling of a seabird offering any fleeting, but scant, respite.

  Her sole human contact came when she saw those finely muscled and tanned legs, accompanied by occasional words, always so matter of fact, so normal. Normality was all around her - a normal seascape, normal conversation and the ‘normality’ of the routine she slithered into with increasing acceptance.

  It became normal to view him at that level. ‘Normal,’ her inner voice mused. Being this way was normal. It was nothing but simple logic; a logic that was flawless to her fragmented mind and as she settled into the security that acceptance offered, she drew an unusual comfort from her normal days.

  As she lay there, looking up int
o the inky black of the room that would be better described as a cell, Raven’s jaded mind struggled to make sense of it all. For a brief time, she had got everything she had wanted. Taking the manor from Immelmann had promised safety, comfort and more than anything else, the security that she would never have to depend on a man again.

  Her frustrations had always found an outlet with a whip to Mela’s back and while each occasion was a thrill, it had grown less satisfying over time. Perhaps she had been growing, evolving away from the needs that had sustained her through formative years. Immelmann had prized open that door initially and she had started to hang her hopes on him - at least until he had had his eye turned by another challenge.

  She had drawn in the girl to feed his ego but got caught up in it herself as the narcotic thrill of power snagged and bundled her along. The girl, Katarina, had fractured the hope but Raven couldn’t blame her – she was just a victim of ego’s excess after all. Immelmann’s eye had wandered but then that was just men wasn’t it? Hunt. Acquire. Move on.


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