Dark Days (Written Pictures #2)

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Dark Days (Written Pictures #2) Page 26

by H. A. Kotys

  It could be the Jester of course. He was the one most likely to offer a chance so covering bases she slipped a hand down beside the bed, making sure a boot was close to hand.

  The door slowly swung open and a maniacally bleached white face pushed around it. “Hello, Ki-Ki,” cooed the Jester, voice whistling with nasal tones. “The Mistress of the House is going to have such fun with you today.” His bony finger pointed to her as, with one eye shut, he looked down it as if sighting a rifle.

  Raven offered a moan and raised her head further to look at him through intentionally hooded eyes. Her fingers slid slowly across the sheet, taking his attention with them, as other fingers rested on leather.

  Safe in the knowledge she was still securely chained, the Jester bounded into the room, brimming with chaotic confidence.

  His hands started to roam the moment he reached her, groping and squeezing unchecked. She forced herself to let him roam, to not push him off in disgust. Let him explore, let his cock rise and his guard fall.

  Face, breasts, crotch, nothing was safe from the skinny hands that slithered over her. The only brief respite was the occasional retreat to touch his own growing hardness. “No arena for you today, Ki-Ki,” the strange man sneered. “Mistress has personal plans for you.” He clicked open the lock to her ankle.

  It was just what she had hoped and waited for. Gripping the shaft of her high heeled boot, she swung it and swung it hard. Despite the pull on her shoulder, her aim was as true as it needed to be. The pointed toe of the boot connected squarely with the Jester’s jaw, a sickening crunch telling of the weight of the blow.

  He dropped like he had been shot, unconscious before he even landed across her. Scrabbling as her flesh crept with feeling his vile body against hers, Raven heaved the scrawny man off. She wanted to just run, but common sense stopped her - if she got outside she would not get far with nothing on her feet.

  As quickly as she could, she pushed on the boots, yanking up each zip to close them on her legs. She wouldn’t win a sprint in them but she could run and up on her toes, run she did, out the open door in a wide-eyed bid for freedom.

  CHAPTER LXII – Stable Door

  Raven ran like she never had before. Fast clearing the door to her room, she ran through the mansion ignoring anyone that came to see the cause of the noise from her heels. If anyone tried to stop her, she had the element of surprise but nobody did, the anonymous house staff knowing better than to get in the way.

  Sprinting down the long corridor, she burst into the light of the empty arena and with a leap and no small amount of scrambling, flung herself into the lowest rows of seats. For once Raven was glad she wasn’t clad in a corset as her chest pounded, clearing two steps at a time until burning in her thighs shortened her stride.

  Plunging down an access way, Raven spotted an emergency exit sign and increased her pace – there could be no greater emergency than was hers right now. She plunged the metal bar down and while the door stuck initially, her good shoulder ensured it soon opened.

  It wouldn’t be long before the alarm was raised, if it hadn’t been already. The emergency exit was almost certainly linked to a system. Once she had passed through it, she made herself to stop and take stock, breathing heavily. She was in unfamiliar territory now, and there was no room for mistakes, not if she was going to get clear.

  She was in a courtyard, fairly bland, nothing sinister, no threats. It was an area clearly meant to be hidden away behind the scenes. To the right was an arch and crossing the open area quickly, she plunged into the relative safety of shadows.

  Heart thumping, Raven pressed her body tight against the wall. If truth be told she was already surprised she had got this far but still in the compound, she was far from free yet. She had hit the bizarre little man hard and while not being the biggest blow, it had been enough to knock him cold. There had been no time to check on him though, no time to think to crack his head a second time, just to make sure. So she had to push on, get out while she could, get free.

  At the back of the archway was a wide wooden door. She heaved on the cross brace to lift it from its rests, cringing at the squeaking of wood against wood as it showed a reluctance to budge. The whinnying of horses in an adjacent stable added to the threat of the noise giving her away.

  The door clearly hadn’t been used in a while but that was perhaps in her favour. She hadn’t the time to go all the way across to the main exit she had noticed and anyway, maybe they wouldn’t be expecting her to go out of the old door. Out of use, out of the way, out of mind. Christ, she hoped that was the case at least.

  Another heave saw the heavy timber move properly and a second lifted it out of the brackets. Wits razor sharp now, she resisted the urge to throw the beam and propped it carefully against the wall instead. A series of tugs moved the door ajar on rusty hinges and after squeezing through the narrow gap, she sprinted across an ornamental garden and into open country beyond.

  CHAPTER LXIII – Close Run Thing

  Horses bucked and neighed in their stalls, swept up in the excitement of the moment. Countless people seethed in the courtyard and the sounding of horns added to a cacophony of shouts and the relentless clatter of hooves. There were no tracker dogs, that wouldn’t have been sport and as Alexei swung his leg to mount his prized chestnut stallion, he promised himself that, whatever happened, he would be the first to find her.

  He couldn’t lose her like this. Looking over to his younger sister on her excitable grey mare, the withering glare she shot back would have floored many a man. Alexei’s knuckles whitened as he gripped the reigns, shuffling his feet in the stirrups as horses jostled behind him, eager to run.

  Their eyes met again across the sea of people. Brother and sister in competition, each knowing they had to be first to find the escaped woman, each knowing exactly what they would do when they did.

  Alexei broke the deadlock, looking away while Natalia still watched him. The Jester, who claimed to have some skill in tracking, emerged from the recessed ancient arch, his grotesque face twisted into a triumphant grin. “She headed out the old door. East. About half an hour ago.” He rubbed his tender jaw, knowing precisely what he would do if he found her first. With a grunt, he turned and rushed through the now fully open door, leaping onto a motorbike and gunning the accelerator to speed in pursuit as a servant flung himself back out of the way.

  Hauling his steed around, Alexei thudded his heels in to its side, flicked the reigns and yelled to spur him forward. They charged through the old arch, Alexei ducking under the lintel of the door, Natalia close behind and the rest of the party hurrying to follow in their wake.

  == ~ ==

  Blinking to try to cope with the swelling, Raven watched the motorcycle tear away from the stables, across the gardens and into the field beyond. Gaudy clothing and the wild flop of hair that was reddened by the morning sun gave away its rider, even from this distance. Occasionally, he slowed, one leg out to steady himself, peering down at the grass before wrenching the handle grip back to propel the bike forward again.

  The horses weren’t far behind but it was difficult to make out who the riders were. There looked to be a dozen in the echelon, no more than that, and Raven thought the burly frame on the horse in the lead looked to be Alexei.

  From her position up behind rocks, she watched them cross the field, wheel left then jag quickly back in her direction just as she had run not an hour before. She had been headed for the obvious path along a river, but had changed her mind and veered away up into sparse woods that flanked the hillside instead.

  She had been lucky. Nobody had seen her escape and none of the staff had dared to raise the alarm and wake the house so she had got into the country at least before stopping to catch her breath. Now, from her high vantage point she could see if they were following and how.

  They were coming closer and clearer to see. When the Jester stopped again, he was close enough that Raven could see him rubbing his jaw in some discomfort right where her
boot had struck. Hope it hurts you creepy little fuck.

  He made her skin crawl. It was gratifying to see him suffering but with the way he craned his neck down to examine the ground, Raven knew it was he who was the biggest threat to her now. His grasping, grabbing hands had been disgusting but for once he seemed to have more than just sex on his mind. He had made a mistake and there wouldn’t be much tolerance for that kind of error here. Now he had a point to prove and she guessed he was just the type to make sure he proved it, and proved it on her.

  They were no more than a few hundred yards away and Raven crouched lower between the rocks that shielded her from view, pressing her black clad body deeper into their shadow. She could almost see his expression. Watching him, she felt a cold shot of terror as he stretched up and seemed to sniff the air, turning to look in her direction.

  Raven held her breath, more on instinct than the thought that it might actually help, as petrified as the stones that flanked her. He was looking at her, right at her and as his hand moved away she thought she could make out the bluish smudge of a bruise already decorating his jaw. Good, the bastard deserved at least that.

  With a curdling cry, the strange man twisted back the accelerator, strangling it in his eagerness and urged the party forward along the stony path via a sweep of his thin arm. Raven breathed again, keeping it carefully controlled, though at that moment the thunder of hooves would drown it out, and much more.

  In a flash of inspiration, she had removed her boots when she had reached the rocky path, hoping any pursuer would assume she had headed off along it when in fact she had tiptoed barefoot across the grass beyond to the shelter of the rocks. The rain had been unwelcome at the time but it was the break she had needed to help hide any flattening of grass by her feet. God knows she needed a break and it seemed to have worked – the Jester bumped his bike along the path.

  The rocks though offered only temporary respite and no more. She still had to get fully away and clear and, watching the horses flash past as they followed the bike, what they carried only confirmed that need.

  Alexei was indeed on the lead horse and in the blur of the stampede she also picked out Natalia. Dangling from the saddle of her horse were heavy-looking manacles that clanked as she thundered past, striking against other metal objects that Raven couldn’t make out, and probably wouldn’t want to anyway.

  == ~ ==

  She would enjoy keeping the woman. No doubt Alexei would object but he had shown himself to be weak when the woman was near and that would never do, not at all. Not with the pipeline deal so close. Fuck Alexei. She didn’t need him now. She would delight in every scream, every plea she managed to rip from the bitch, yes yes.

  Perhaps she would be the Ballerinatrix again, just to see the taller woman break and beg. Maybe she wouldn’t even have to strike her next time, the memory of her blows might be enough to bring her straight to her knees. Enjoyable would be an understatement. If this was what power felt like, then bring it on, she needed more, and flailing the reigns against the side of her horse, Natalia lurched forward to hunt her pleasure.

  == ~ ==

  Raven could barely hear the motorbike now and steeling herself, she dared to lean forward to peer out. She had bought a little time but how to use it?

  For a start the rise behind her was rocky all the way up, so she pushed her feet back into the boots, necessity impelling her rather than vanity for once.

  Creeping her hands up the granite boulders, Raven braced herself and carefully squeezed out of the crevice until she could stand. She could see down the path. They had made it over the next hill already. That was good. With a push off the rocks, Raven ran diagonally up the slope, adding breathing space with every stride, startling a bird that winged and wheeled overhead.

  CHAPTER LXIV – Threats Everywhere

  A lazy evening followed a lazy afternoon and an even lazier morning. The little cat dozed in blissful half-sleep, content with the achievements of her day. Breakfast had been an exertion that warranted full focus on a nap, while the herculean effort of waking from it called for another one.

  Six naps down, two to go, she was right on track; her day had been a day of sweeping success. The legs had delivered her food right on cue and they had prepared chicken, which was always worth a little extra attention to clean every last morsel from her whiskers. They had even kept the pill out today. Well, at least she thought they had - it was difficult to tell. That gravy had been so delicious she had rushed it more than was ideal for pill-hunting purposes.

  The legs had been rewarded with a nuzzle. They deserved that for their obedience. If her dinner was on time too and was fish, which she always preferred after chicken, they may get laid across as well. Now though, there were other priorities and so with a high-arching stretch, the little cat slipped off the king size bed to her manicure station, satisfied to have left enough fur behind to let them know she had visited.

  Reaching up, she anchored extended claws and hunkered back. It was so thoughtful of them to locate her manicure point right below her bed and the little cat started to pull her claws on the upholstered divan. Ears back, she concentrated hard.

  Two sharp claps came from the legs as they entered the room and she was almost embarrassed by the applause she was receiving. The shout was a little too much for sensitive ears though and so, letting go of her pull on the furniture, the little cat shot between legs and out into the lounge, drifting at full speed around the corner of armchair.

  They could be noisy things sometimes these legs. Clearly they liked it that way. The little cat resolved to surprise them with noise of her own later, right when they were at their quietest, when they were asleep just so they could appreciate it the most.

  Screeching to a halt, the little cat froze in disgust. There, directly in front of her was her most hated rival. It often came to visit her empire, audaciously watching her without fear. It was always in the same place and she had never once managed to scare it away. Today though, she was on nap-track and so really on her game. To be polite, the little cat warned it with an agitated flick of her tail, only to be answered with a flick of its own.

  She had never known such audacity. It was a true affront and even with her finest tail flicking, it flicked right back. Narrowing her eyes, she cocked her head yet it did the same, mocking her with its mimicry. There was only one thing for it and with a growl in her throat, the little cat cranked up the arms race another notch.

  There was no growl back, no answer to match this time. Only her growl could be heard and the little cat smiled inside at the fulfilment of her inevitable victory. After all, there was nothing that could withstand her fury – they all bowed to her will in the end.

  == ~ ==

  Amber curled her legs under her and snuggled back into the waiting arms of Kat. “I’m sure she thinks she’s looking at another cat you know honey,” she observed casually, watching the little cat eyeing the reflection of herself in the mirror.

  Kat’s attention though was miles away, thousands of miles away to be precise and enveloping Amber in her arms, she kissed the top of her head, forcing a weak smile. Sensing tension, Amber looked up, twisting to look her lover in the eyes. “She’ll be alright sweetie, she’s stronger than she looks you know.”

  And as silence wrapped them and they held on to each other for mutual reassurance, their thoughts were on Mela and her mission.

  CHAPTER LXV – Farmed Out

  The rise of the hill protected her from sight and working round its flank, Raven could move more freely in its lee. Picking a way between loose rocks, a process made more difficult by her swollen and partially closed eye, each stride took her further away from the threat of the hunt. As she scrabbled through the scree, she was buoyed by the realisation that she would become increasingly difficult to track.

  It has hard. With each step the loose top of the surface slithered downhill and threatened both to steal her footing and betray Raven with tell-tale puffs of dust, despite the brief rain sh
ower earlier. Her progress slowed and even though the spikey heels threatened to break her neck should she make a careless step, she was glad of the boots, a protective layer between her feet and the sharp stones.

  Her pace was barely above a crawl now but it was nevertheless a crawl away from them, from her. Though the Jester was maniacally unpredictable and dangerous, the more she thought about it, the more confident she was that she could handle him. He was a man after all and with a pop of the hips and lick of the lips he would be putty in her hands, begging to fuck her like they all did. Even the most stubborn cracked in the end.

  Natalia though was a vastly different proposition. There was no sex there, nothing to work with and Raven’s ultimate weapon was therefore completely neutered. All she saw was hatred and Raven suspected that hatred had deep foundations. In all the times they had faced each other, she had seen nothing beyond it, not even a flicker.

  Unadulterated hatred with nothing to temper it bred a fear Raven hadn’t felt before. She liked pain, indeed she positively thrilled to the sexual potential of it. Giving it, taking it, so intertwined was it in her head that the merest caress of a whip fired a physical arousal within her. Pain without a sexual frisson though was just, well, pain and it scared her that Natalia spelt just that.


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