Boundless Fate

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Boundless Fate Page 16

by Alicia Rae

  I glanced away from him, feeling ashamed. “Like I’m damn near starting over.”

  “Paige, everyone suffers a setback at one point or another.” He casually set his hand on the elliptical. “Don’t let it discourage you. You’ve come way too far.”

  I stepped down to the ground, and I couldn’t help but wince as pain trickled from the back of my knee and curved to the inside of my thigh, mirroring my scar. “Thank you,” I choked out. “Where to?”

  My hindered movement didn’t go undetected by Derek. “Paige, I think we should stretch you to see where your leg is with its range of motion and call it a day.”

  “But I drove all this way,” I protested. “Surely, I can handle a few exercises.”

  “Not today.” He shook his head with finality. “We don’t want to overdo it.”

  I wanted to argue with him and tell him that I could hold my own, but the office was starting to clear out for lunch, so I didn’t want to keep him long. Plus, my leg agreed that he was right.

  “Which room?” I grumbled softly.

  “Room A.”

  I walked toward the far wall of the building that was closest to the waiting room and lifted the curtain. The faster he forced my scar tissue to stretch, the faster I would be on my way home to a warm bath.

  Thank God the waiting room is empty, I thought to myself.

  I clenched my fists into tight balls in my lap when I heard Paige softly crying out. It was a tormenting strangled sound of someone in pain.

  It took everything I had not to rip the curtain off the wall and kick Derek’s ass.

  He’s helping her. He’s helping her, I repeated to myself while I kept my ass planted in the chair.

  She’d be ticked off if I barged in and invaded her space.

  She whimpered again.


  That one had been louder than the last, and I didn’t know how much more I could take. I hunched over on my elbows and put my face in my hands.

  It was no wonder why Paige had never let me come here with her. I felt downright fucking violent at hearing her sounds of agony.

  My anger was fed by knowing she’d intentionally kept this part of her recovery from me.

  Why is it such a secret? Why did she never speak of it?

  I’d known all along that a crush on Derek wasn’t the answer. Paige only had eyes for me, and I, her. I had only said it in hopes of her explaining this part of herself to me, so I could understand.

  At her third cry, I kicked up out of my chair and roared, “Jesus, that’s enough!” I closed the distance to the curtain and ripped it out of my way. I gave Derek a purposeful lethal stare. “Get your fucking hands off of her before I break them.”

  “Oh my god,” Paige breathed as she rose from the cot and turned to gaze at me. Her eyes were mortified and accusing. “Colton, what are you doing here?”

  I truly felt bad for intruding on Paige and Derek’s session, but I’d reached my breaking point. I had questions, and I needed answers. “I’m taking you home.”

  Paige blinked, looking as if she were praying for patience. Then, she directed her attention to Derek. “I sincerely apologize. I have to go.” She stood on her feet, and her brows drew together, but she appeared to be hiding the reason behind it. “See you on Wednesday? Same time?” she called over her shoulder, halfway toward the curtain.

  Derek shifted on his feet and glanced between Paige and me. He finally paused on Paige, looking nervous. “Uh, sure, if that still works for you.” He lifted his hands in front of himself. “You don’t need to confirm your appointment at this moment. You can call later today or tomorrow.”

  “Consider me confirmed now.” She unleashed a sassy, defiant smirk at me. “And I’ll be coming alone.”

  Paige stormed forward and whipped the curtain open the rest of the way. I pivoted to take off after her.

  “I sincerely apologize for the misunderstanding, sir,” Derek said, causing my strides to falter.

  I let out a heavy breath at the shitstorm I’d just put myself in with my girl while also perceiving deep down that the guy had done nothing to intentionally hurt her. He was only trying to aid her well-being.

  Either way, I had torn feelings slicing me down the center of my heart. I wanted to be here by Paige’s side and help her every step of the way, and at the same time, I never wanted to hear her haunting cries again. They were unbearable to witness. Coming here today gave me some insight as to why Paige had kept me away all this time.

  I wished more than anything that I could go back in time and prevent us from ever crossing the river, so she would never have to be here in the first place.

  “Me, too,” I murmured before leaving the room.

  Paige was flying through the exit door as I finally reached her.

  “Paige, hold on.” I caught the door before it closed and continued after her in the parking lot.

  “Don’t you dare talk to me,” she seethed, striding in the direction of her car. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

  Fuck, she was really pissed.

  It didn’t stop me from gently clasping her wrist and spinning her to face me though. Taking in her tears, I murmured, “I’m sorry,” with sincerity.

  She used her free hand to reach into her pocket to grab her keys. “I don’t want your apology.” She clicked her keyless entry to unlock the driver’s door.

  Fucking hell, she was really, really pissed.

  I flattened my palm over the door, so it wouldn’t budge. I softly demanded, “Paige, look at me.”

  “What?” she snapped, whirling to face me.

  “I didn’t mean to interfere today.” I remorsefully shook my head and explained, “I planned to quietly stay in the waiting room until you finished.”

  She laughed humorlessly, and I detected her embarrassment.

  “Why? So, you could eavesdrop on me and make sure I wasn’t batting my eyelashes at Derek?”

  “No,” I answered honestly as I tugged her against me and settled my hands on her hips. It killed me when she leaned away from me.

  “Then, what reason brought you here to humiliate me?”

  “I promise, that wasn’t my intention in the slightest.” I lifted one hand, flipped it over, and caressed my knuckles down the length of her cheek. “I wanted to understand why you are so determined to keep this part of your life from me.”

  “Because it’s private!” she cried. Her voice rang through the parking lot.

  I glided my hand to her nape and pressed our foreheads together, relieved when she didn’t fight me. “I’m so sorry it took me so long to see where you are coming from, but I get it now.” I rubbed my nose along hers and kissed the corner of her mouth. “And as much as it hurts me inside that you won’t let me be here to support you, I understand. It killed me to see what you’ve physically endured this past year.”

  Paige sighed in relief, and she let her forehead rest against mine. I felt her anger deflate.

  “Well, as bad as it sounds, that’s why I don’t want you here with me.” Her arms banded around my center, hugging me. “After I’ve had a bad day at therapy, coming home to you is something positive for me to look forward to. I need to see you happy and smiling. It keeps me going and lifts my spirits. I don’t want you tainted with that part of my life.”

  I wasn’t sure I agreed with her reasoning for closing me off from her time here. I was conflicted, to say the least. I wasn’t sure if I could handle watching Paige being forced to push past the pain to get to recovery without losing my mind either. So, knowing I’d support Paige either way, I focused on the good.

  My mouth curved up into a boyish grin. “So, I’m your happy place then?”

  Paige reached up on her toes and leaned into me. My eyes zoned in on her luscious lips only half an inch from mine. She was just hovering and tempting me until I went solid in my jeans.

  “Exactly,” she breathed. She withdrew her position as though she were leaving.

  I was on her
in an instant, pressing her torso against the door with my hips, so she could feel my hardness.

  I murmured, “And where do you think you’re going?”

  Her eyes darted from left to right, making sure no one was watching. “Colton, people are staring. You can’t just maul me in the parking lot!”

  I grinned at the combination of humor and nervousness etched in her voice.

  I rested my arms on either side of her head to block the view of her stunning face from others. Sneaking my tongue out and running it along her bottom lip, I savored the taste of her as I returned the favor of teasing her. “Then, I suggest you kiss me,” I said in a gruff low tone.

  She released a shaky breath and shivered against me.

  Knowing I had Paige right where I wanted her, I sealed my lips over hers and kissed her. She caved to my demands and moaned into my mouth as I tentatively continued to explore hers. There wasn’t anything better than this.

  I finally pulled back and grinned down at her, taking in her flush cheeks. “Nothing will keep me from kissing you whenever and wherever I please, baby.”

  She lifted a sassy brow at my vow. “That’s because you’re a stubborn cowboy.”

  “Only with you.” I winked as I unglued her back from the car. “Are you heading straight home?”


  I opened the driver’s door and guided her lax body into her seat. I fucking loved that I affected her so because she did the same thing to me.

  Leaning inside, I kissed her cheek. “All right, I’ll follow you home,” I said before closing her door.

  Following Paige, I pulled into my driveway where we both parked our cars in our designated spots in the grass to the left of the concrete patio.

  After I exited the car, my attention was locked on my tractor dumping a load of fresh gravel—that I had yet to schedule to be delivered—in the location of where my new horse barn would soon reside. From there, the heavy machinery made tracks back and forth to level it out.

  Sure enough, to my right, there was a large white dump truck filled with gravel.

  There was only one person who could have arranged this.

  Paige came to stand at my side, glancing between my tractor and me as it lifted another bucketful of gravel from the dump truck.

  Kyle spun the tractor around, facing me, as he headed back to his work site. When he saw me, he gave me a cocky grin before returning his attention to pouring the gravel down on the ground, seemingly unaffected by my shocked expression at finding him still in town.

  “Ruh-roh.” She laughed, and her eyes landed on me. “I thought you said he was going home.”

  “He is supposed to be in Lake Tahoe by now, but apparently, he changed his mind about leaving.”

  “Go easy on him. He just wants to help.” Paige stretched up to kiss my cheek. “I’ll be by the horses if you need me.”

  I spun my head to face her. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” At her glare, I elaborated, “You had a long day, Paige. You must be feeling tired and sore. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

  Paige set her jaw, looking irritated. “Yes, I’m fine, and you questioning me is exactly why I don’t want you to go with me. I’m not incompetent. I know my own limits.”

  I lifted my hands in front of myself. “Whoa, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “Then, trust me.”

  I pulled her into me to nuzzle my nose against hers. “I do. I’m sorry.” Using my index finger, I tilted her head up. “Now, kiss me.”

  Her lips parted as her eyes dropped to my mouth, lingering. “You’re forgiven,” was all she said before briefly kissing me.

  She broke free and then started taking backward steps, away from me.

  “Where are you going?” I challenged, watching the distance between us increase.

  “Get to work, cowboy,” she told me. She spun around on her feet and sauntered off.

  Once Paige was out of sight, I came to stand in front of Kyle’s path with my arms crossed over my chest, and I gave him my best you’re-in-a shitload-of-trouble look.

  Kyle didn’t appear fazed as he hopped down from the cab.

  I stifled my urge to laugh at the smirk on his face. Instead, I asked, “What are you still doing here? You were supposed to be on a plane hours ago.”

  He shrugged, going for innocence. “I missed my plane.”

  That was a line of bullshit if I’d ever heard one. “You did not.”

  “Did so,” he disputed. “Besides, the airline company was extremely accommodating and let me change my flight to another day.”

  “No, they didn’t—at least, not without you forking over more money.”

  Kyle’s eyes were full of mirth. “I didn’t say it was free.”

  I appreciated what he was doing for me, but it still bothered me that he was making more sacrifices for me.

  “You know, you really are a stubborn ass,” I said. It wouldn’t do me any good to argue with him.

  He cocked his head to the side. “I prefer the term persistent…or dedicated.” He stepped around me while motioning his hand in the air. “Follow me. I want to show you what I’ve been working on.”

  I did as Kyle had asked, and he led me up to the new site where he gestured between the dump truck and gravel. “I ordered four dump trucks of gravel. Spread out evenly, that should make it four inches thick before we pour the concrete.”

  I perused the area. Two aisles of horse stalls would run the length of either side of the building with a training arena in the center where recyclable rubber mulch would provide a soft ground for the horses’ hooves. In addition, Paige and I could work with the horses regardless of the weather or time of day.

  It was going to be magnificent.

  Since Dave’s tractor was still here for me to use, Kyle and I could work side by side.

  “All right.” I smiled over at Kyle. “Let’s get the rest of this gravel down.”

  Over the course of the afternoon, Kyle and I finished laying down all the gravel and smoothing it out. Paige had taken a break to bring us food before going back over to the horses.

  It was nearly dark by the time Kyle and I finished. We said our good-byes, so Kyle could leave and get some rest at his hotel.

  Then, for the second night in a row, I went in search of my girl. A smile filled my features. If this were how I would end every single day from this point forward, I’d live a happy, content life.

  This time, Paige was in the round pen with Foster. I curiously drew my brows together at the sight unfolding before me.

  Foster was slightly rocked back on his hind legs with his head lowered between his front legs, as though he were trying to sniff his stomach.

  But he wasn’t because Paige was bent over at his side with a carrot dangling from her hand underneath his belly.

  “Come on, sweet boy,” she cooed. “Back,” she instructed in a firmer tone.

  She followed up on her command with a gentle tug of the reins attached to his bridle. He lowered and bent his front knees at an angle, bowing to reach his favorite treat.

  Fascinated, I leaned on the gate and continued to peruse them.

  When Foster reached Paige’s desired angle, she gave him the carrot. Then, maintaining her grip on the reins, she stood up and faced Foster’s side where she bent her knees. In one quick movement, she jumped up onto Foster’s back. Her legs were in the air, and her elbows were braced on the gelding’s withers and flank. She slowly wiggled herself up into a sitting position and straddled her legs on either side of him.

  My heart beat unevenly at the sight of her. Paige loved to ride bareback more than anything. I recalled how Paige had tried to jump on Missy, but she could never make it without my assistance. She’d always talked about teaching Missy how to bow, but she’d never had the chance.

  Paige suddenly threw her hands up in the air, victorious, while tipping her head back, and she smiled the most beautiful heart-stopping smile. The sun began to set behind the tree line and
bounced across her features, making her brown hair glisten in the light. My knees nearly gave out from her beauty.

  She closed her eyes and let her body fall forward over Foster’s neck where she tightly hugged him, nuzzling her nose into his long mane.

  “We did it,” she cried in awe.

  Foster turned his head to sniff at her leg, which was his version of a hug since Paige was out of his reach.

  Paige laughed a sweet sound, causing my knees to feel weak. Then, she opened her eyes and saw me for the first time.

  “Hi,” she murmured at me.

  I had no words for how happy and proud of her I was. She never ceased to amaze me. All I could do was mirror her expression because that was how I felt inside, so I simply said, “Hi,” back.

  Paige sat upright and cued Foster toward the gate. Standing tall, I opened it for her, so she could pass through and proceed to the pasture. I trailed behind her and watched her ride atop of Foster with sheer confidence. It was a gratifying moment to witness, and I was so thankful I hadn’t missed it.

  Once by the gate to the pasture, Paige came to a halt and maneuvered both of her legs to Foster’s right side. I raised my hands to her waist and lowered her to the ground.

  As she straightened her jeans, I guided Foster inside the gate and removed his bridle before setting it on the fence and returning to Paige.

  She threw her arms around my nape and linked her fingers together. “Did you see that?” she asked in awe, clearly knowing the answer. “I got on Foster’s back all by myself. I can’t believe it.”

  My hands came to her back, and I stroked my palms up and down the length of her. “You did,” I replied, mirroring her excitement.

  “I thought for sure I was going to land flat on my ass.” She chuckled.

  “There was a slight second where I thought you were going to,” I teased, earning myself a slight nudge on my shoulders.

  “Hey, there was not,” she huffed jokingly.

  “No, there wasn’t,” I admitted in a laugh.

  I smiled and bent forward to rest my lips on her forehead to kiss her. “You looked so beautiful up on him. I was enraptured, watching the two of you together.”


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