Lisa Wells - Dib

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Lisa Wells - Dib Page 14

by Lisa Wells

  “Lacey, how far is it?” he repeated the question in a neutral voice.

  Keeping here eyes closed, she let her legs fall slowly open. “Not far,” she purred. She waited for a reaction.


  Helloooooo. I’m naked. My legs are freakin’ spread open here. You think you might bother with words?


  Lacey counted to three. Perhaps he was speechless. Perhaps the sight sent him into cardiac arrest and he couldn’t talk. She opened her eyes. Neither scenario was the problem. He hadn’t even seen her yet. He was busy paddling the damn boat. He was looking over her and down the river.

  She was royally pissed until she noticed the look of fear on his face. This hunk with an attitude wasn’t comfortable in a boat. You’ve got to be kidding. Her river rescuing hero wasn’t supposed to be afraid.

  It was her own fault. She shouldn’t be shocked. She’d picked a freakin’ Mr. Wrong to play her hero. What did she expect? Perfection? She could expect all she wanted, she hadn’t gotten it. Damn.

  “Covey,” she said, trying to draw his attention to her pose.

  Everything would be okay. She could work with this flaw. Stay in character.

  “What?” he barked.

  Ouch. That wasn’t a pretty tone of voice. “Nothing.” She started a lethargic exploration of her body.

  The boat jerked.

  Covey shifted on his seat and the boat shifted with him. He grabbed for the sides.

  Lacey was on arousal overload. One touch in the right spot, and it was quite possible she’d have her orgasm back.

  She didn’t want it back this way; she wanted him to give it to her. But then again, could beggars be choosy?

  She held her hand steady and stared at Covey between shuttered lashes. Should she wait for him?

  With horror, she watched him let go of his death grip and make a move to stand.

  “Don’t sta…” Before she could finish the warning, the boat tipped. She tried to lean against the tip, but so did he. They were tossed into the river before they had time to shut their mouths. So, much for an orgasm, she thought as water rushed into her open mouth.

  Lacey came up sputtering and grabbed for the side of the canoe. Her arousal was cooled. “That was not part of the script,” she managed to say with a laugh.

  Covey gave her what could only be described as an evil eye. His wet cowboy hat was clutched in one fist.

  She eyed the hat with wary concern.

  “I’m sorry about your hat.” Why was she apologizing? He just took away her chance at an orgasm. Damn fool.

  He gave the hat a dismissive look. “It’s lucky for you we’re in shallow water. Are you okay?”

  Oh yeah. I feel really lucky right now. “I’m fine.”

  She held onto his shoulder while he flipped the canoe upright.

  “I’ll hold it while you get in,” he said.

  Lacey let go and immediately went under. Shallow? Maybe for you. Not for me. She swam to the top.

  “Get in,” he said.

  She held onto the side of the canoe and thought about what he was asking of her. She was to grab a rocking boat and use her arm strength to pull her wet butt into the canoe. She couldn’t even do a pushup without cheating.

  She wanted no part of him watching her trying to pull herself into the canoe in all her naked glory. “I’ll just hang on and float down the river to the next gravel bar. It’ll be easier there,” she countered.

  He tossed his soggy hat into the canoe and grabbed her waist. “I’ll help you in. I don’t want that pretty body of yours to get all bruised up from floating debris in the river.”

  “No, really. I’ll be fine,” she stammered.

  “Lacey, don’t argue with me,” he ordered.

  Lacey placed her feet on his bent legs. She felt ten shades of humiliation seep out of her pores. Hopefully, the darkness would help take the sting out of what he was about to view.

  If she could stay in character, this wouldn’t be so bad. She couldn’t stay in character. The real Lacey was forced to deal with the situation.

  She raised her butt out of the water, only to have her feet slip off his thighs. She plunked back down into the water. “Let’s just float down the river until I can touch the bottom,” she pleaded, while dog paddling.

  Without warning, he grabbed her around the waist, lifted her, and gave a hearty push. She plopped down on the cold metal floor of the canoe.

  I’m laying here like a trophy size fish out of water. Where would this fantasy go from here?

  She shuddered and pushed up to all fours. Her ass was facing him. Could there possibly be a more unromantic pose than this?

  She did a turn. Before she could say anything, Covey spoke.

  “Why in the hell didn’t you ask me if I could operate one of these things?” He smacked the side of the canoe with his hand, causing her to sit up quickly.

  Lacey glared. He has the audacity to act the injured party here. “I thought everyone knew how to paddle a canoe. Don’t they teach that in Texas schools?”

  “No. They don’t.”

  “Well, they did where I went to school. We did it in P.E.”

  “You went to a school that taught rivers and guns and said no to math and science, right?” His voice was thick with sarcasm.

  Was he implying she was the hick, not him? “You don’t have to be nasty. I said I was sorry.” Lacey pushed her wet hair out of her eyes. Her finger tangled in her hair and she started twirling. It was a habit she’d picked up as a child whenever she was unsure of herself.

  Covey tilted his head and sighed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to push so hard. We just weren’t getting anywhere with your attempts to do it lady like. I don’t like rivers. I’ve had a bad experience on one.”

  She ignored his apology. She couldn’t ignore his other words. What kind of bad experience? She should ask. But, then she’d find out something about him. All she wanted was a no strings attached weekend.

  His bad experience was none of her business and she was going to keep it that away. “There’s a sandbar. We can pull over and trade spots. I’ll take the back seat, you take the front,” Lacey suggested.

  “Why would we do that?” Covey asked.

  “Because, I have no desire to be dumped out of the canoe again,” she said between clenched teeth. “I know how to handle a damn canoe.”

  He laughed. A hard, cynical laugh. “I didn’t come this far down the river to turn the driving over to a woman.”

  A woman. “You’ve got to be kidding.” Did he really just say that? “You’re a lousy driver. I’m not,” she pointed out.

  “I drive. I don’t ride,” he said stubbornly.

  Lacey shook her head in disbelief. “Are you afraid you’ll loose your dude’s card if you let a woman drive?”

  He didn’t respond; unless you count the message his eyes were shouting. It went something like, fuck you.

  Lacey sniffed and stuck her nose into the air. She made her way to the front of the boat. “You’re ruining this fantasy for me,” she muttered.

  Covey surprised her by laughing. It was a delicious sound that brought up thoughts of puppies and hot fudge brownies. Her thoughts, of the hot oil torture he deserved, disappeared.

  “Fantasy? This is your idea of a fantasy?” he questioned. Sarcasm laced each of his clipped off words.

  How could he laugh and then speak so nastily? Lacey took a deep breath. Thoughts of hot oil torture came back. She’d tie him up to a stake, fill water guns with hot oil, and take target practice.

  “Why don’t we try enjoying the moonlight?” she said. So much for a romantic float. Lacey refused to let the threatening tears flow. She could do nothing about the sniffling noises she made.

  Covey let out an exasperated sigh. “Are you crying?” he asked, accusingly.

  Asshole. “No, I’m paddling a canoe. Try and help.”

  She felt the tip of his paddle pushing at her back. “Lacey, I didn’t mea
n to ruin one of your fantasies. Why don’t you put your paddle down and continue where you were earlier? I did enjoy what you were showing me. I promise not to stand up this time.”

  Lacey scowled and knocked the paddle away. “The mood is gone.”

  “That’s my fault. What can I say to help you get it back?”

  She turned in her seat to face him. “Nothing.”

  “Masturbate for me,” he ordered, placing the tip of his paddle back in the water.

  “Oh, like that is going to happen.” She scooped up water with her hand and splashed it his way.

  “Please.” His dimple showed in the moonlight.

  The sight caused her to soften like butter left out overnight. And just like butter, it went right to her inner-thighs. She closed her eyes and tried to guide her thoughts into the sexual moment she was in before he flipped the boat.

  After several seconds of deep breathing, she opened her eyes. “Sorry, it’s no use. The moment is gone. Let’s just get to the campsite and take it from there.”

  “Pretty please,” he pleaded.

  “Why?” He was kind of cute when he was begging.

  “You’re naked and you’re beautiful.”

  “Why did you go on the Dibs Dating Show?” Lacey asked.

  “To find a beautiful woman to have sex with.”

  Lacey knew a line when she heard it. “I don’t believe you. I think you can have sex with beautiful women any time you want to.”

  He gave her a speculative look. “Does that mean I can have sex with you anytime I want? I can just call you up and ask you to meet me at the nearest hotel?”

  She turned around in the canoe so that her back was to him. “Our camp is just around this bend. Perhaps, you can get me in the mood for sex when we get there.” Did he really think she was beautiful?

  There was no way in hell she was meeting him for sex when their weekend was over. He was her Mr. Wrong.

  Chapter 15

  They floated in silence. Lacey watched for signs of their campsite and contemplated the situation.

  She doubted they’d be able to continue with her fantasy theme. Covey was too pissed-off by the river part.

  She had no one to blame but herself. She should have shared her fantasy ideas with him and asked if he was up for the challenge of a river escapade?

  She needed to make it up to him. This was his weekend as well as hers. She was behaving selfishly. She wasn’t normally a selfish person.

  She had her reasons for being here, but surely, he had his reasons as well. He deserved to realize his desires for the weekend.

  Lacey knew her next step would set the tone for the rest of their weekend. She was going to have to tread softly.

  Tonight, they’d be camping on a riverbank. The clouds were beginning to cover the moon and it would be dangerous to keep going in total darkness. The exit point from the river, where she arranged to have a car waiting on them, was too far away to risk in darkness. Tomorrow, they could float on down the river and then go their separate ways.

  Is that what Covey wanted? If so, she’d honor his wish. She could give him the remaining cash from their fantasy package and he could spend the rest of the weekend the way he chose.

  He could probably use the money.

  What did she want? Did she want to try again to set the stage for a weekend of audacious fantasies? They were really good fantasies.

  Selfish or not, she wanted more of Covey James, more of her fantasies. She wanted him to give her an orgasm.

  With the decision made on her part, she depicted an ease she didn’t necessarily feel and said, “My camp is over there.” She pointed to a gravel bar with a large tent setting squarely in the middle of it.

  Outside the tent was a woodpile ready for a fire and an oversize lawn chair. A lantern hung in a tree branch. Everything appeared to be set up exactly as she ordered it done. “I hope you will let me repay you for rescuing me? Did you ever tell me your name?” she asked.

  Her next question was going to set him on edge. But, it was part of the fantasy. “Is it Tom? You look like a Tom.” Her voice died away when she saw the change in his face.

  “It’s Covey.” The two words rang out loud and clear over the river. “Who in the hell is Tom?” he asked. There was a silken thread of warning in his voice.

  Lacey wanted to play out her fantasy. She ignored the warning tone. “Covey? I like your name.”

  She was determined not to allow any shadows to cross her heart tonight. Tonight was operation fun rescue. It was all make believe.

  Covey didn’t respond. He hopped out and pulled the canoe to shore.

  Lacey carefully got out and watched Covey shove the canoe onto the riverbank. He turned abruptly, grabbed her, and hauled her into his arms. His movements were laced with a maddening hint of arrogance and they were damn sexy as a result. Lacey’s knees wobbled and a shudder of excitement swept through her. Struggling for control, she placed her hands on his chest and pushed. Her character was supposed to play coy, she was supposed to play coy.

  He let her pull back about two inches while leaving his hands around her waist. His eyes devoured her. “Were do you think you’re going?” he whispered, before he applied pressure to the small of her back and closed the space between them. His lips touched hers softly. She touched his lips with the tip of her tongue. He growled and the kiss turned into a universe-rocking, adventure ride.

  Lacey’s world swayed and fell on its ass, smashing one whole side of it. The earth might not have been flat before, but it was now.

  Lacey had no trouble deciding her character playing could wait. “Nowhere,” she managed to say.

  His tongue invaded her open mouth, and she groaned from the sheer pleasure of it. Her insides were clattering with anticipation of what was still to come. If a kiss could be this erotic, just think what the rest of the night would bring.

  His hands wound feverishly in her hair. His level of desire met hers. Feverish kisses were showered all over her face and neck.

  Lacey groaned. “More, please more.”

  The pressure changed. His kisses changed. The sudden contrast of gentle caresses along her body set her on fire.

  “Hard, I want hard,” she whispered.

  “Be patient,” he said. His hands slowly explored the line of her back, her hips. She let her hands roam freely. His were calm. Hers were shaking and impatient.

  Without warning, his hands dropped away and he took a step away from her.

  She wobbled and grabbed at his chest for support. He wasn’t supposed to let her go. Letting go gave her time to think. She didn’t really want to think.

  The sound of water gurgling filled the silence but did nothing to fill the void she felt inside. Her breasts tingled in the moist, night air. She forced her eyes to open. “What happened?” she asked. Passion radiated from the center of her body and begged for more action.

  Was it her imagination or was he taking an eternity to answer?

  His tormented groan was a heady reassurance.

  They were both feeling the fireworks. She opened her mouth to say she agreed and was surprised when no sound came out. She tried again. Nothing.

  “I’m not sure,” he said. “It just seemed like I should stop before something bad happened.” He ran his hands through his hair.

  “Bad?” she questioned. What could be bad about the sensations they were exploring? “I don’t understand,” she said, with a shake of her head.

  He ran a hand down his face. “Neither do I. My gut’s telling me to slow this down, but I can’t think of anything bad that could come from kissing you,” he admitted, before dragging her back to him.

  She didn’t care what he was rambling about as long as she was locked once again against his warm pulsing body.

  This time when he raised his lips from her bruised ones, he whispered, “And, I’m not sure I would want to know if there is.”

  Lacey smiled into his eyes. Her body greedily begged for the velvet stroke of
his tongue. This wasn’t the fantasy she’d planned. It was better. It was impromptu.

  Her body arched into his. She didn’t want even the slightest bit of air to find the space between them. Her tent wasn’t far from where they stood, but it seemed like miles away.

  “Let’s find some blankets to cuddle up in,” he suggested. Instead of leading her toward the tent, he nibbled on her right earlobe.

  Out of nowhere, Lacey heard her inner voice shouting something absurd into her left ear. Her inner voice was telling her to quit being real. She blocked the voice out. She didn’t want to keep to the fantasy script. This was a pretty damn good fantasy just as it was.

  Her inner voice wouldn’t be silenced. It freakin’ shouted the warning with a bullhorn causing her to jump in alarm. Going with reality means letting him see the real you, it said.

  Lacey allowed the warning to filter into the edges of her brain. Would letting Covey see the real her be a bad thing? Probably. “Who cares? Stop talking to me,” she told her inner voice.

  The voice wouldn’t be silenced. “Men are pigs, remember?”

  With a moan of regret, Lacey forced her palms to Covey’s chest and pushed. “No.”


  Her sex starved body shouted YES, and she bit her lip until it hurt. It was a struggle to slip into the character she intended to play tonight. But, she needed to do it. The charade was her emotional safety blanket. Besides, her charade would eventually lead to them having sex. Just not right at this moment.

  Covey wasn’t aware of her inner battle. He laughed and leaned forward. “You don’t mean no,” he teased. His lips captured hers again, and she indulged in the sensation for a moment.

  When his lips shifted to her neck, she forced words out. “What are you doing? Why do you keep kissing me?” The words were spoken in a desperate tone.

  “Because you’re driving me crazy with this fantasy stuff,” he whispered the words against her neck. He pulled her firmly against his hips.

  I’m driving myself crazy with it. Was the protection of her heart worth the payoff? Her hips nestled willingly against his.


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