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Darkness Surrendered (Primal Heat Trilogy #3) (Order of the Blade)

Page 21

by Stephanie` Rowe

  Vaughn? What’s wrong? Aren’t you going to get me out of here?

  Shit. Was he? What was the right choice?


  Ana had been sleeping for several hours by the time Quinn knocked and walked in, followed by Gideon. Both of them were wearing the black leather they wore on runs, and they were both sporting fresh injuries, making it clear where they’d been since Elijah had called them.

  Gideon grinned, flipping some mud off his forehead. “You looked like hell when we brought you back here. Good to see you up.”

  Elijah nodded and dialed right to the issue. “Ezekiel’s fast. Far faster than any of us are.”

  Quinn grimaced. “So, you weren’t as fast as he was? You didn’t let him go because of some error of judgment?”

  Elijah had to work to keep from reacting to Quinn’s casual comment, hoping it wasn’t a sign that Quinn was probing, that he’d sensed Elijah’s love and devotion to the mass murderer. “Hell, no. He’s just faster than I am.” Elijah shifted his weight to tuck Ana more securely against his side. She felt so amazing nestled against him. She was so relaxed, trusting him completely to keep her safe, and he loved being given that job. It was what he was meant to do, taking control to protect his woman.

  “How much faster?” Gideon asked as he walked into the bathroom and started washing the blood off his hands.

  “He threatened my sheva and even when I moved in defense of her, he was still faster.” They all knew that a Calydon defending his mate was at his most deadly. The fact he’d gotten his ass kicked when he was defending her spoke volumes.

  Quinn cursed and ran his hand through his hair. “I’d really believed you would be faster than he was.”

  “Whatever my secret weapon is, being speedy isn’t going to be it.” Elijah stretched out on the bed, sinking more deeply into the mattress. It was sort of strange, actually, that he could be discussing something so dire, and yet feel so at peace. Having Ana draped across him, her breath warm on his throat, her entire soul given into his safekeeping felt so right that nothing could shake it. It was perfection, giving him the complete serenity of his mind that was so necessary for a warrior to be focused and precise. “I can’t beat Ezekiel in hand to hand.”

  Gideon walked back into the room, flicking water on the carpet as he shook it off his hands. “So what the hell is it, then? What’s your special talent that’s going to save the world?”

  “Well, he doesn’t want to kill me, so that helps. He wants me to stand by his side and rule with him.” Elijah filled them in on what Ezekiel had said, including the bit about Ana being his suspected sheva, which did manage to tweak his restful mentality more than a little bit. After getting the information out, Elijah quickly switched to Drew and his concerns about letting him out of the prison, using the kid to distract himself from the not-so-constructive obsession about another man trying to claim his woman.

  “I’ll send someone to the prison to keep an eye on Drew…” Quinn rubbed a tired hand over his brow. “We’re getting spread too thin, and I think Ezekiel’s doing it on purpose. Weakening us.” He met Elijah’s gaze. “Tell me you have some idea how to kill him.”

  “The best I can think of is that my strength lies in his hesitation to kill me.” Elijah’s hand tightened in Ana’s hair. “But if he thinks I’m claiming his sheva, then it’s entirely possible that he won’t give a shit about keeping me alive anymore.”

  Quinn frowned. “A sheva belongs to one Calydon only. Not two. That’s impossible.”

  Gideon snorted. “So are a lot of other things when it comes to shevas. Things that have already come true.”

  Elijah had to agree with Gideon. “His reaction was too strong. I think there’s a distinct possibility she really is his sheva.” The words grated in his chest as he said them, but he needed to face the truth and deal with it. Deal with it as a warrior, not some jealousy-driven Calydon who’d make an asinine, impulsive move in defense of his sheva and pay for it, like by getting a sai to the lung or something stupid like that. He needed to figure out how to acknowledge it and move forward in a precise strike, or he was no good to anyone, especially Ana.

  Quinn’s gaze went to Ana. “So, she’s drawn to him then?” There was sympathy in his voice that had Elijah twitching to leap to his feet and slam his fist into Quinn’s face, in a quick reversal of his state of supreme mental control.

  Ana shifted on his lap, her hands slipping under his shirt and hooking over the waistband of his jeans, as if she’d sensed his need for her touch even in sleep. It worked, and his anger toward Quinn subsided. Crap. This was not the challenge he needed right now. “Ana felt nothing for Ezekiel. She’s mine.” But even as he said it, Elijah realized he hadn’t checked with her. He’d assumed…shit. What if she did feel something for him? Anger coursed through him, but also a gaping assault of loneliness and fear, his soul in agony at the idea of losing her—

  “You know that’s not true.” Gideon started pacing again. “If Ana is his sheva, she’ll be drawn to him. I’m going to check with Lily on this and see if she knows anything.” He walked to the window and fell silent, and Elijah knew Gideon was communicating with his sheva.

  Elijah dug his fingers into Ana’s hair, pulling his sleeping mate more tightly against his chest. Gideon was right. If she truly was Ezekiel’s sheva, there would be a bond between them, same as there was between Elijah and her. To see her bond with another male…something dark and malevolent began to stir inside him.

  “Elijah. Keep it together. You know she’s yours.” Quinn’s voice penetrated his mind.

  He jerked his gaze toward his teammate, grim truth beating at him, threatening his control. “Is she mine? The bond is what’s pulling us together, and it’ll pull her toward Ezekiel.” He ground his teeth, fighting against the darkness, against the fury rising hard and fast. “I can’t let her go to another male. I can’t.”

  The door opened and Lily stuck her head in. “Hey.”

  Elijah let his head fall back against the headboard, tightening his grip on Ana. Chill out, he ordered himself. Bonding with her is a bad idea, so get over yourself. This could be a good thing, easing the tightness of the bond between you and her. Then he caught the faint scent of roses and he knew it was total bullshit. He was lost to her, and there was absolutely no way he could tolerate losing her. No damn way.

  Ana touched his mind even in her sleep, and he felt a flicker of warmth, easing some of his tension. For now, she was still into him and not Ezekiel. They were good. It was good. He wasn’t going to lose her right now, and he’d be prepared to fight whatever was coming.

  Lily stepped inside and shut the door. The professor was wearing jeans and a pony tail, not the stark business suit he associated with her from the lecture circuit. She actually looked relaxed and happy. Because of the bond?

  Elijah wanted that. He wanted Ana to have that happy expression on her face. He wanted her muscles to be relaxed. He wanted her eyes to sparkle. He wanted to rescue his mate from the nightmares haunting her. I will rescue you, Ana. I give you my vow.

  She shifted against him, pressing her face more tightly against his neck, and he knew she’d heard him. He hugged her and kissed her head, wishing she was awake, needing to connect with her.

  “Gideon told me about Ana and Ezekiel, so I wanted to fill you in on what I know.” Lily leaned back against the door and looked directly at Elijah. “As you know, Caleb ignored Ezekiel’s activities until Ezekiel stole Caleb’s wife. There’s no record of her being Ezekiel’s sheva, but some of the stories tell of double brands on her forearms.”

  Elijah’s gut tightened. That was not what he wanted to hear.

  “I never quite knew what it meant, but if she was the sheva for both males, it would make sense,” Lily explained. “If they both bonded with her, it would be enough to turn the two of them against each other, even though they were so tight.”

  “She actually bonded with both of them?” Gideon asked. He looked ashen and s
omewhat horrified.

  Lily shrugged. “I don’t know, but I’ll keep looking.” She looked at Elijah. “But I wanted to come up here and warn you that I think it’s enough of a possibility that you need to prepare for it.” Her gaze flickered to Gideon. “I know how Gideon would respond if I bonded with another male, and we can’t afford to have you go rogue.”

  Elijah cursed and tightened his grip on Ana. “The thought of his brands on her—”

  The three males exchanged hard looks, and Elijah saw his friends envision their mates marked by another male’s brand.

  Gideon swore softly and strode over to Lily, hauling her into his arms and slamming a possessive kiss on her. Her arms went around him instantly and she melted against him. His kiss was about total possession and ownership, and Elijah felt a thundering need rise inside him to do the same to Ana. To cement her as his.

  Their arousal filled the air with a tangy scent that made Elijah go hard. Quinn cursed and stood up. He yanked open the door and shoved Gideon and Lily out in the hall, then slammed the door shut and leaned against it, his breathing hard. “Seal Ana as yours, Elijah. Make her yours all the way through so she’s not vulnerable to him.”

  Elijah tensed, as much from his antipathy for the suggestion as from his entire soul screaming to do exactly as Quinn had suggested. “You and Gideon managed to avoid the destruction of the bond, but you’re the only two who have made it in two thousand years. You really want me to risk that?” Elijah knew damn well he didn’t have his shit together enough to keep from going rogue from the sheva bond. Hell, he could barely keep himself together as it was. “I’m not the one who’s going to make number three.”

  Quinn’s jaw ticked, and he nodded in acknowledgment. “Then turn her over to Ezekiel so he stops feeling threatened by you. Once he’s all cozy with her, you can go in there and kill him when he’s not paying attention. Do whatever you have to do to beat him.” Quinn’s face got hard. “Stopping Ezekiel is all that matters.”

  Elijah narrowed his eyes, his heart starting to pound. “You’re telling me to sacrifice Ana to him? Are you out of your mind?”

  “I sure as hell couldn’t do it with Grace, not even for Order business, but you’re something special, right? You’re our magic key, so maybe you can do it.”

  There was no way. No. Damn. Way. “I’ll find another weakness to use against him.”

  “Will you?” Quinn raised his brows. “Who knows what the hell you are, but you better find out. Lily’s been trying to find out, but she’s not coming up with anything.” Quinn began to pace the room, his steps urgent and measured. “Calydons are going rogue at an alarming rate right now, especially around the mansion. Six murdered their families before we could get to them, and three others were going on a rampage in Forest Park when we finally tracked them. Others have disappeared, and we think they’re aligning with Ezekiel. He’s preparing for war, Elijah. It’s coming fast, and we’re going to lose unless you shut him down.” His gaze flicked to Ana, and his expression filled with empathy. “I don’t envy you, but do what you need to do. One innocent sacrificed to save many. It’s our creed. As you know.”

  Without giving Elijah a chance to argue, Quinn turned and walked out, slamming the door shut behind him.

  Elijah let his head drop back against the headboard after Quinn left the room. Jesus. He was supposed to sacrifice Ana to Ezekiel? No fucking way. There had to be another option—


  He jerked upright at the sound of Ezekiel’s voice in his mind. How the fuck are you in my head? Ana’s head snapped up and she stared at him, her eyes wide with shock.

  Ezekiel’s amusement jabbed him like a spike. We’re kin. Blood bonded by birth.

  Elijah spun around as Quinn and Gideon came charging back into the room, weapons out, clearly having sensed Ezekiel in Elijah’s mind through their blood bond.

  Elijah held up his hand and jerked it toward the windows. Quinn went to the windows to scan the property for Ezekiel, while Gideon bolted out of the room, no doubt to round up the rest of the team.

  We haven’t done a blood ritual. Elijah had thought it was bad shit when he could feel Ezekiel fishing around in his mind, but this flat-out connection? His stomach was crawling and he felt like poison was oozing into his brain. How are you talking to me like this? He tried to block the connection, but Ezekiel’s presence didn’t weaken.

  The bastard had a grip on his brain and wasn’t letting go. Elijah pulled Quinn and Gideon into his mind, letting them get a lead on Ezekiel, hoping they’d be able to track him the way they could track each other through their blood bond.

  I know. Interesting, isn’t it? But ever since I left you, we’ve been connected. Haven’t you felt it?

  Elijah cursed. No. He searched his mind to try to find where Ezekiel had connected to him, so he could drill his shields up in that location, but it felt like Ezekiel was everywhere, swamping his mind with dirt and filth.

  No? How about now?

  Elijah’s entire body was suddenly filled with a vile dampness, like a murky swamp filled with rotting vegetation, seeping through his body. Ana gasped and scrambled to get off him. He caught her wrist as she landed on the floor as he leapt up. He tugged her close to him, into the shield of his body, and called out his throwing stars.

  Ezekiel’s soft chuckle echoed through his mind. Yes, yes, you felt that. As did my sheva. You can hear me, too, my sweetness, can’t you?

  Ana’s terrified gaze met Elijah’s. Instantly, violent rage exploded in him at the look of panic on her face. She shook her head. “Don’t,” she said. “You won’t help us if you lose it.”

  Elijah tightened his grip on her. She’s mine.

  She’s ours. I’ve thought about this pretty carefully, and I don’t want to go down this road again. I want a partner, and you are the one destiny selected. We can rule together and share her. I get one end, you get the other—

  No fucking way. Selected? That was the second time Ezekiel had referenced that. How? How had he been selected? What had he said before? That Elijah had been the only one to survive? Survive what? No sharing.

  Ezekiel made a sound of frustration as shouts echoed through the house. Footsteps pounded as Order members raced outside and through the halls, searching for Ezekiel to see if he was close. Quinn remained by the window, both swords out, ready to provide Elijah backup.

  Don’t you understand, my brother? This is the only way. Our blood bond should be able to keep us from killing each other, like it did so long ago. Only this time, we’ll do it right and share instead of letting her divide us.

  It wasn’t me two thousand years ago. I’m not your brother.

  Ezekiel’s irritation rolled through Elijah like a cold winter wind. You are all that is left of my brother, and you will not shut me out. You will be mine, as will the girl.


  There was a loud crash and the house shook violently. Then suddenly Ezekiel was standing in the room, filling it with an acrid odor of rotting sulfur. His presence seemed larger than before, his aura more dominating. Even the muscles of Drew’s body were bigger.

  Elijah touched Quinn’s mind, and the two warriors attacked simultaneously. Elijah’s throwing stars hummed through the air and Quinn’s swords flew at the same time, all four weapons headed straight for Ezekiel—

  Ezekiel vanished and the weapons whizzed through the air where he’d been and lodged in the wall.

  Cursing, Elijah whirled around as he called his weapons back, sensing Ezekiel behind him.

  He wasn’t there. It was the same as in the woods, where he’d thrown the physical indicators of his presence to a spot he wasn’t in. Shit. He could relocate at will and throw off his vitals? We’re in deep shit, Quinn.

  Quinn’s fierce order rang in his mind. Kill him, Elijah. It’s your destiny.

  Elijah felt a heartbeat behind him. He spun around and saw Ezekiel standing by the bed, laughing. “You are no match for me, brother. I can kill you or our sheva at an
y point.”

  “You’d never kill her, not if she was your sheva.”

  “No? Do you forget already who I am? I am evil personified, according to the rumors.” Ezekiel whipped out a throwing star similar to Elijah’s and threw it at Ana. She yelped and ducked while Elijah cursed and threw his own star, intercepting Ezekiel’s on its way to her. Ezekiel had already thrown a second star, and Elijah intercepted that. In rapid-fire succession came more weapons. A hammer and a spear, both of which slammed into Quinn’s swords, which he’d thrown to block them. Then an iron ball hurtled right toward Ana, and they had no more weapons to defend with.

  Elijah dove in front of Ana, and it slammed into his shoulder, throwing him back into the wall. He grabbed Ana’s wrist and pulled her with him as another iron ball careened toward her. “Get down!”

  She dove behind him, and the ball followed her, dodging around Elijah and thudding into her stomach.

  She let out a gasp and went down hard on the floor.

  “Ana!” Elijah lunged for her, cradling her against his body as she groaned and pressed her hands to her belly.

  “I have twenty-one sets of weapons,” Ezekiel shouted as he hurled more weapons, unleashing them so quickly Elijah had no time to respond. “You cannot stop me! You both will be mine, or I will kill you. There is no other option. I will kill the girl before I let her divide us, but if I have to kill you, too, I will.”

  Ezekiel’s weapons came hard and fast, slamming into both Elijah and Quinn, driving them back. Elijah dragged Ana with him, cringing at her moans as she tried to cradle her stomach. He roared with rage, called back his weapons and hurled them at Ezekiel so fast the bastard didn’t have time to dodge them this time.

  Both throwing stars sliced clean through Ezekiel’s chest and burst out the other side. Ezekiel screamed, clutching his chest as blood poured out of his wounds. “What is wrong with you, Elijah? We’re on the same team!”

  “You hurt Ana, you son of a bitch.”


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