Darkness Surrendered (Primal Heat Trilogy #3) (Order of the Blade)

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Darkness Surrendered (Primal Heat Trilogy #3) (Order of the Blade) Page 35

by Stephanie` Rowe

  Before she could fight, before Ezekiel could react, Elijah kissed her. He kissed her with everything he had in his heart. I love you, Ana. He opened his mind and heart to her, as he sank his mouth onto hers, letting her feel his love, his need for her, his desperation for her. You make me whole.

  For a minute, she fought against him. Thoughts of Ezekiel were dominant in her mind, and Elijah felt Ezekiel’s satisfaction.

  No, Ana. It’s not Ezekiel you love. It’s me. Elijah. It’s always been me. He tangled his fingers in her hair and deepened the kiss as he settled between her legs, his tongue searching for hers, his body growing hard for her, for only her. I love you, Ana. He kissed her more fiercely, holding her still with the weight of his body. You know you love me. Just say it!

  “Okay, that’s enough,” Ezekiel said. “It’s clear you lost the girl. Let’s move on, brother, and—”

  I love you, Elijah. Her arms suddenly snapped around Elijah’s head and she kissed him back more fiercely than he’d been kissing her. Her legs locked around his hips and she pulled him tight against her. She clung to him with all her strength, kissing him with the same desperation he was feeling. It will never be him. Ever. It will always be you.

  Ezekiel’s scream of rage blistered through the air, and Elijah didn’t move. Didn’t turn around. He simply kept kissing Ana and moving his hips against hers. He let out a small groan of satisfaction as he slid his hand over her ribs and cupped her breast through her shirt. “You want me,” he whispered, loud enough for Ezekiel to hear. “My heart and my soul.”

  “Always,” she gasped, as she arched her back, the sweet scent of her arousal rising in the air. His body responded, and he grew even harder, knowing it was for him, only for him.

  And so did Ezekiel. “Mother fucker! You will both die!”

  Elijah continued to kiss Ana, and she continued to kiss him back, but his mind was on Ezekiel, and so was Ana’s. He’s rogue, he told her. He has gone rogue because he just realized he lost you. It’s the sheva destiny that a Calydon will meet his mate, then lose her and go rogue. He is condemned to die by his sheva’s hand. That’s you, sweetheart. Destiny has come for you both.

  Her arms tightened. I know.

  Only you can stop him. It’s your destiny. Her fate was also to die after she killed her mate but there was no fucking chance Elijah was going to let that happen—

  There was a scream of rage, the loud crack of weapons being called out, and then Ezekiel lunged for them, his eyes burning a fierce red, like the fires of hell were alive in his very soul.

  Ana called out Ezekiel’s knife and Elijah called out his throwing stars at the same instant. Together, they plunged their weapons into Ezekiel in a simultaneous strike of self-defense.

  Attacked by the weapons of those he loved, by his kin, the ultimate betrayal hurt Ezekiel as nothing else ever had. He staggered to a stunned stop, his hands on his chest as blood fountained from his chest and throat, streaming down Ana’s arm, as she stared at Ezekiel in horror, her mouth open, her face white. “Oh God, Ezekiel—”

  Elijah grabbed her hand and pried it off the handle of the knife as Ezekiel fell forward. Elijah rolled them both out of the way as Ezekiel hit the floor, screaming in agony.

  Ana struggled out of Elijah’s grip and crawled next to Ezekiel as he lay gasping on the floor. She pressed her hands to his face as tears coursed down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry,” she cried.

  Elijah fought his own grief for Ezekiel as he sank down next to her and pulled her onto his lap. Desolation ripped through him, and he set his hand on Ezekiel’s shoulder. “My brother,” he said.

  Ezekiel’s eyes were glazed with pain, with the onset of death, as he looked at them both, such betrayal in his eyes that Elijah felt his own heart shred. “My family,” he whispered. “I would have honored you forever.”

  Ana caught Ezekiel’s hand and held it to her chest. “I know. And we’ll still honor you.”

  Elijah nodded and squeezed Ezekiel’s shoulder. “We will.” And he knew he would. As evil as Ezekiel was, he was family, all the family Elijah had, and his actions had been driven by a place of such desperation, such loneliness and such isolation, all feelings that Elijah understood so well.

  As did Ana.

  Ezekiel gave a slight nod. “The chasm has been bridged. I am at peace with my family.” His eyes closed as he gave a sigh of relief, of freedom. Elijah had a split second to sense his death and then Ezekiel’s body shimmered and disappeared almost simultaneously with his death, indicating exactly how old he was.

  Ana turned and threw her arms around Elijah’s neck and pressed her face to his throat. Her body was shaking, tears were streaming down her face, and Elijah wrapped his arms around her, preparing to do whatever it took to bring her back from the precipice. She’d killed her mate, and now she was destined to die, broken and devastated by what she’d done.

  Yet she continued to cling to Elijah, holding so tight.


  She shook her head. “I feel so terrible for him. He was so lonely. Did you see the memories from his childhood right before he died? With his father beating him?”

  Elijah nodded and stroked her hair. “I saw it.”

  “His entire life was about suffering.”

  “I know.” Elijah kissed her hair, his own heart heavy with grief. “But he has peace now, because he knows we both will grieve for him, even knowing what he’s done. He touched us.”

  “It was what he wanted,” she whispered. “That was all he wanted, to be made whole again.”

  “I know.” Elijah caught her chin with his hand and lifted her face to his. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, and her eyes were bright with grief, but not devastation. He frowned and thumbed a tear. “You’re okay?”

  She blinked and then frowned. “I guess I am.” She sat up, not moving off his lap. “I mean, I’m sad for him, but I’m not losing my mind with grief. He needed to die—”

  “Yes, but you’re his sheva—”

  She looked down at her arm, and he followed her glance. Ezekiel’s mark was gone, and in its place was Elijah’s full brand. Something swelled in his chest at the sight of it, at the absolute rightness of it. “How—”

  “I saved your life at the same time I saved his.” Ana touched her arm, tracing his mark, her face glowing with disbelief and joy. “I had to save him first, so the bond completed with him first.” Ana looked at him, her eyes shining with happiness that made his heart swell in response. “Now that he’s gone, everything we’ve done came back.” Tears filled her eyes. “We’re bonded, Elijah. Truly bonded.”

  You’re mine. Forever. Elijah fisted her hair and kissed her, too overwhelmed to speak. He simply put into his kiss everything he was feeling, how badly he needed her, how much he loved her, how he breathed for her. Her arms went around his neck and she kissed him back. For the first time, there was nothing between them. Just total commitment, forever.

  After a long moment, Ana pulled back slightly, a small frown between her eyebrows. “So, how come we’re not going crazy or rogue or any of that stuff we’re destined to do once we complete the bond?”

  He grinned and hugged her tight. “I’m sure it’ll come up, but I have a theory.”

  She raised her brows. “What’s that?”

  “What happened with Ezekiel makes it pretty damn clear to me that love is more powerful than the bond or destiny.” He kissed her again, knowing he could kiss her every day for the rest of his life, and it wouldn’t be enough. “As long as I don’t piss you off too badly, I think we’ll be okay.”

  “Drew!” Vaughn crawled through the doorway, his shoulder twisted and mangled as he dragged himself along, and suddenly Elijah remembered the young warrior who was on the ground behind them.

  Drew lifted his head with a groan, and Elijah caught him under the shoulders and helped him sit up. “Vaughn?” Drew mumbled.

  “Is it you? Really you?” Vaughn’s voice broke as he neared them.

��Yeah, it’s me.” Drew’s voice was raw and harsh. “It’s all me.”

  Elijah lifted Drew into Vaughn’s arms as the man collapsed next to the youth. Sobs shook the older man’s body as Drew fell against him. “God, I love you, Drew.”

  “I love you, too, Vaughn.” But along with the exhaustion in Drew’s voice was strength and hardness that told Elijah that Drew had been changed forever by what he’d been through. He wasn’t a kid anymore. He was a man, and he had a past to overcome.

  Elijah set his hand on Drew’s shoulder. “If you ever need anything, just ask.”

  Drew gave a short nod just as a loud female shout echoed from the other room, and Ana’s panicked gaze shot to Elijah’s. “Grace.”


  Elijah leapt to his feet and sprinted for the door. Ana raced after him, her heart screaming with terror for her sister. They rounded the corner in time to see Quinn standing over Gideon, who was sprawled on his back on the ground. Quinn’s eyes were glowing rogue red, and he had his sword poised to deliver the death blow to his blood brother.

  The rest of the Order were down, but groaning, struggling to regain consciousness. They were still alive, but Gideon was immobile.

  Grace was hanging onto Quinn’s arm, trying to stop him. “Quinn! Don’t!” Her voice was desperate, a plea for him to save him from himself, to resist the call of the bond to go rogue and destroy everything that mattered to him…

  Quinn ignored her and raised his sword to plunge it into Gideon’s heart.

  “Stop!” Elijah sprinted across the room as Quinn thrust the sword downward. He called out his throwing star, but Ana could see it was too late, knew he couldn’t get there in time—

  “No!” Grace threw herself on top of Gideon, using her own body to protect Gideon from her mate.

  “Grace!” Ana screamed with horror as Quinn’s sword drove toward her sister’s heart.

  “I love you, you dumb ass,” Grace shouted. “Don’t you dare kill me!”

  Quinn suddenly dropped the sword, collapsing to his knees. He grabbed Grace with his bloodied arms and she fell into his chest, throwing her arms around him.

  Ana’s knees gave out in relief, and Elijah caught her as she fell. “They did it. Oh, God. They stopped destiny again!” How many times were they all going to have to fight that battle? How many times could they win before it was too late?

  “Gideon’s not moving.” Elijah’s fear jabbed Ana, and she jerked her gaze to Gideon, who was still immobile, covered in brutal injuries.

  “Where’s Lily?” She scanned the mass of bleeding bodies and saw Lily face down exactly where she’d done the rite. She too, was deathly still. “Lily!”

  Ana raced over to Lily, while Elijah sprinted past the few remaining Calydons of Ezekiel’s. They were still standing, but no longer fighting, their mission over now that Ezekiel was dead.

  Ana dropped beside Lily. Her friend’s face was ashen, and her skin cold. “Lily!”

  Elijah set Gideon down beside Lily. “Gideon’s still alive, but barely.” He set Lily’s hand in Gideon’s. “He needs to take her into the healing sleep, or they’ll both die.”

  Quinn knelt beside them, Grace wrapped around him tightly, using her touch to keep Quinn grounded. “I did this. I killed him.” His face was grim.

  “Not yet.” Elijah opened the mental links between himself and Quinn, sending his healing power to Gideon through their blood bond. Quinn did the same. Ana could feel the strength flowing into Gideon, but she could see from the expressions on their faces that they weren’t reaching him.

  Elijah swore. “It’s not enough. He’s too far gone. He drained Lily’s power to stay alive and there’s nothing left of either of them.”

  “Let me help.” Drew hobbled over to them, leaning heavily on Vaughn for support.

  Ana tensed, not quite able to see that familiar face as Drew and not Ezekiel…until she looked into his eyes and saw only wisdom and strength. No evil.

  Drew knelt beside Gideon. “I’m myself,” he said, his voice heavy. “But some of Ezekiel is still within me.” He braced himself on the floor, and Ana could see he carried so many brands on his arms that they were a jumbled mess. “I think I have his healing power. Let me try.” He looked at Quinn and Elijah, weariness etched on his features. “Take me into his mind through your blood bond.”

  The older Calydons didn’t argue for a second, and she felt them both reach out to Drew and connect with him, bringing him directly into Gideon’s mind, into his body, into his soul.

  Elijah felt Drew’s power the moment he touched minds with him. It was a good, strong power. He sensed Dante’s presence within him…but he also recognized Ezekiel. A darkness…a loneliness… Drew carried with him more than some of Ezekiel’s powers. He carried Ezekiel as well. Son of a bitch. How much was still in him?

  Drew closed his eyes and concentrated. Elijah felt the warmth of his healing strength flow through him and into Gideon.

  It was pulsing with life, exactly how it had felt when Ezekiel had healed him. It was good…but there was a darker element in there as well. Elijah looked around the room, and studied those Calydons of Ezekiel’s who were still standing. As Elijah watched, their faces contorted in pain, their wounds opened and more blood poured out. They went down to the ground, writhing from pain from injuries that hadn’t been there before—

  Elijah frowned and looked at Gideon. His wounds were healing, color returning to his face. His grip on Lily tightened as Gideon instinctively brought his sheva into the Calydon healing sleep to heal her as well.

  Elijah felt the moment Gideon’s healing was complete, and he jerked his gaze to Ezekiel’s Calydons in time to see them stiffen in the throes of death and then fall still. One disappeared quickly, an old Calydon, and the others simply died.

  Drew broke the connection and grinned. “It worked! Gideon healed!”

  Gideon’s body was flawlessly healed. Elijah noticed that Quinn’s was as well. He looked down at himself and saw no injuries at all. Drew had healed all three of them through the mental bond they’d been sharing while he had healed Gideon.

  Quinn looked at the newly dead Calydons, and then he raised his brows at Elijah. Those guys were fine before Drew healed us.

  Yeah. I know.

  The rest of the Order was struggling to their feet, and Ian was holding the body of the young woman he’d tried to save, the woman who had looked like the sheva Elijah had killed. The anguish on Ian’s face was devastating, and he stumbled numbly toward the door with her, not even looking at the rest of the Order, utterly consumed by his grief.

  “Ian—” Elijah reached for him, and Ian growled at him, stopping him in his tracks.

  Ian’s eyes were the deepest pits of black hell and anguish, the edges of them glowing blood red.

  Elijah slowly held up his hands in a gesture of acquiescence. “Okay. I’ll back off.”

  Ian snarled again and then stumbled out the door, the woman’s hair dragging on the ground as he disappeared down the hall with her.

  Ana slid her arm around Elijah, and he looked down at her. Her brow was furrowed with worry. Drew robbed the others of their healing power to save Gideon, didn’t he?

  Elijah nodded. His power didn’t come from himself. He harvested the power of others. That’s not how our healing power works. We heal ourselves from within.

  Drew’s smile faded and he looked at Elijah, and then Quinn. “What’s wrong?”

  He doesn’t even realize what he did to the others. Elijah set his hand on the kid’s shoulder. “You need a mentor, Drew.”

  Drew’s eyes widened. “Are you offering?”

  “The three of us are,” Quinn said. “Elijah, Gideon and myself. We’ll train you.”

  Drew whooped with delight and turned to Vaughn. “Did you hear that? I’m going to be trained by legends!”

  Vaughn’s eyes narrowed in resistance, and there was no look of pleasure on his face as he acknowledged Drew’s jubilation.

  Quinn met Elijah’s eyes. Drew is even more powerful than his father. He could be the new leader we’ve been searching for.

  Elijah nodded. Perhaps. Drew might be their future leader, but he was also…hell…who knew what he was? Or he could become the Order’s most powerful enemy. He could be the death of us all.

  Ana’s arm tightened around Elijah’s waist, and he threw his arm over her shoulder and tugged her against him. She smiled at him, linking her arms around his waist. “I think you can handle him. He’s just a kid. Easy for the male who just brought down Ezekiel and clawed his way out of hell all on his own.” There was a smile in her voice, but also complete and utter confidence in him.

  He shook his head. “No, I didn’t do it on my own. I did it for you. With you.” He cupped her chin as his smile faded. “I swear on my life, Ana, that I will stand by your side forever. Destiny can do whatever she wants to try to pull us apart, and I won’t give in.” He bent and kissed her. I believe.

  Her arms went around his neck as she kissed him back. In what?

  In how much I love you. In how much you love me. I believe in us. He knew by the rush of warmth and love from her that she did, too, before she even said the words. But he still wanted to leap for joy when she said them.

  I’ve always believed in you, Elijah. And I’ll love you forever, no matter how many other men I bond with.

  He scowled at her muted laughter in his mind. “I don’t think we need to test it again, thanks so much.”

  She grinned. “Afraid?”

  “Hell, yeah, I’m afraid.” He caught her face in his hands. “Not of hell or going insane. Been there, done that. The only thing that truly scares me now is losing you.”

  Her silver eyes filled with love and she laid her hands over his. “Then you can stop being afraid, Elijah, because I’m not going anywhere. There’s nothing left to fear.” There was a wisdom in her eyes that said she knew exactly how he’d lived the last five hundred years, living in terror of his demons, and he realized she was right.


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