No Quarter: A Supernatural Action Adventure Opera (War of the Damned Book 2)

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No Quarter: A Supernatural Action Adventure Opera (War of the Damned Book 2) Page 6

by Michael Todd

  All right, madam. Donuts await us.


  Katie stood at the Krispy Kreme counter gazing in wonder at all the options. The ‘hot’ sign was on, and the smell of glazed deliciousness was making Katie’s stomach growl expectantly. They watched each donut roll down the conveyer belt and come to a gentle stop in a shimmering pool of them at the end.

  Pandora gasped. Hot and Ready, just how I like my donuts—and my men, for that matter.

  The woman behind the counter gave Katie a bright smile. “Welcome to Krispy Kreme, how can I help you?”

  “Hi.” Katie smiled. “So many options. Let’s start with one dozen of your glazed, and I’ll let you know from there.”

  “Sounds good. Having a get-together?”

  Katie chuckled. “No, but you’ll be seeing me quite a lot while I’m here. I guess you could say I have a sort of donut fetish. We’re staying at the Stewart. There’s a Dunkin’ there, but they just don’t give the fix Krispy Kreme does.”

  Pandora snickered. That’s putting it nicely. Dunkin’ blows goats compared to Krispy Kreme. In fact, there is no comparison. Krispy is supreme.

  The woman winked at Katie. “Of course, they don’t. Even before I worked here, I would go out of my way not to go to Dunkin’ Donuts. I do understand those who do, though. You have to come a ways to find us.”

  “We made sure we knew exactly where you were when we were on our way here.”

  A short guy with a manager tag poked his head around the corner. “I like it. True Krispy fans—we don’t find that too often around here. There are too many options for food. You go out for a donut, you go home with spaghetti and a taco from somewhere you saw along the way.”

  Katie laughed, nodding. “There were definitely some tempting spots on the walk here, but I had my eyes on the prize.”

  The woman set the box of hot glazed donuts down in front of her and handed her one with a napkin wrapped around it. “On the house.”

  “Thanks.” Katie smiled. “I’ll also take a variety dozen. Just put whatever in there, as long as it’s not apple. I don’t like apple stuff.”

  “You got it,” the woman chirped, grabbing another box.

  Don’t just hold that donut. Let me have a bite.

  All right, all right, don’t get your panties in a twist.

  Not wearing any. Pandora snickered.

  I don’t even want to discuss how that makes me feel, since you’re squatting inside my body.

  She took a bite of the donut to shut Pandora up before she had a chance to make another comment. Pandora groaned as Katie chewed and swallowed, and Katie had to stop Pandora from vocalizing her ecstasy.

  Pandora sighed happily. At least the general understands the basic necessities of life.

  “All right, here you go.” The woman put both boxes into a large Krispy Kreme plastic bag and rang Katie up. When she was done, Katie grabbed a few extra napkins and waved at the workers.

  “Thanks, guys. See you in a day or two.”

  More like an hour or two.

  Let’s try to pace ourselves this time, please.

  The manager waved cheerfully. “We’ll be here.”

  Katie headed back to the hotel, Pandora trying to convince her that waiting wasn’t an option the whole way back.

  The cab stopped at a corner in downtown Cabo San Lucas. The driver looked at his meter and then back at Calvin. “Trescientos diez pesos, por favor.”

  Calvin nodded, pulling out some cash. “Not bad, just fifteen bucks US. I’m used to much more expensive cab rides.”

  The man held his hand out and smiled like a man who had no idea what Calvin was saying. Calvin chuckled and handed him the cash, giving him a little extra for a tip. He climbed out of the cab and stood on the corner, moving out of the way of the tourist foot traffic roving down the street. He’d gotten some sleep the night before, and now he wanted to explore the town.

  Cabo was a beautiful mixture of the past and the modern. Vibrant colors peppered the buildings, and brightly-dressed people thronged the streets. It reminded him of a West Coast city—a beach town—and exactly what he imagined a Mexican street market would look like, all at once.

  Canopies shaded almost every doorway. Some were brightly colored, and others were woven from dried palm leaves. Behind Calvin was the inlet, where the people docked their sailboats to party the days and nights away. Farther down the block was a street market where vendors had tents set up all over the place to sell fresh foods, homewares, and arts and crafts. Some even had typical touristy stuff like Cabo T-shirts and oversized beach towels. He took a deep breath of the salty ocean air, which was mixed with the coconut of suntan lotion and hints of local culinary delights.

  This is definitely going to be a good vacation.

  I concur, Calvin replied. All these years, and you’ve never been to Cabo?

  His demon sniffed the air. I was always too busy doing, you know, demon shit.

  Well, welcome to paradise, my demon.

  Calvin took a step and nearly fell ass over elbow on the uneven sidewalk. Dang, that’s a pothole from hell.

  Not really. There’s no lava.

  Calvin rolled his eyes under his dark glasses, wishing his demon wasn’t always so very literal. He glanced along the street to map out his path between the tourists and the crumbled walkways. The street itself looked as if it had been redone recently, but the sidewalks were a maze of holes and missing chunks. Someone could break an ankle real fast stumbling out drunk from one of the bars.

  Man, back at home this would be a lawyer’s dream. They could make a living just off the number of people suing after falling into one of these holes.

  Americans are weak. Other countries expect you to actually use your brains and figure out how to walk around the holes, not into them.

  Calvin wandered around the streets, mingling with the locals. He talked with them about the different goods under their tents and purchased a few things to take back with him. All along the roads were taco stands, and the aroma wafting around him was heavenly. It didn’t take long for him to hit up the first one, opting for a pulled pork taco and a regular shredded beef one. As soon as he took a bite he was in love, and so was his demon.

  Hot damn, this thing is delicious. Seriously, the best taco I’ve ever had!

  When he finished those, he stopped at the next stand and looked up at the menu. There were all types of dishes; from the typical beef and bean burrito to the California—which he wanted, but figured packing potatoes in on top of all the tacos he had planned on eating was probably not a good idea.

  Get the fish taco, the demon pleaded. I spent some time in California—San Diego to be exact—and they had the best fish tacos. I can only imagine the real deal would be even better. Get it fried.

  “I’ll have uno fish taco and uno ground beef taco. Gracias.”

  The man took Calvin’s money and handed over two steaming hot tacos wrapped in aluminum foil.

  Calvin sat down and went for the fish taco first. Dribbles of the creamy sauce dripped down his chin as he ate. He wiped his mouth and groaned. The thing was heavenly. He ate the beef one, then sat back and rested his hands on top of his stomach. He glanced at his wristband.

  I still don’t know why I’m buying all this when I can have all the free food I can eat back at the resort.

  Because it’s local cuisine, and I have decided that tacos are my new favorite food.

  Calvin lifted an eyebrow as he walked through the thoroughfare, not sure that picking tacos as a favorite food was going to work out that well in the end. He had never been a fan of anything too spicy, and some of the tacos were lighting him on fire. He had gone through four bottles of water already. They weren’t cheap, but drinking the water here was a major no-no, demon or no demon.

  Calvin continued to wander around the streets, browsing the shops. He stopped and leaned against a railing to watch for a while as the sun lowered itself toward the water. The air cooled as the sun sank, and a ge
ntle breeze caressed the city. When the sun finally disappeared below the horizon, the people began to flood the streets in their hottest nightclub wear. Calvin straightened his black shirt and checked his shoes. It was time for him to get out there and start partying. He had been looking forward to it since he’d decided to take a vacation.

  He scoped the venues laid out before him like a banquet. He knew exactly where he wanted to start his night of dancing and drinking. He was in Cabo, so there was no way he could not go to Cabo Wabo, even if it was just for a couple of drinks. The place was already beginning to fill up, so he found himself a seat at the bar and ordered a whiskey and Coke. The band was doing their sound check, and the people on the floor were ready to dance. Cabo Wabo had been started by Sammy Hagar and his Van Halen bandmates and drew a huge tourist crowd.

  People of all ages mingled. Their conversation created a buzz throughout as they chatted about the pictures on the walls or ordered some of the cantina’s noted fried foods. Some bobbed their heads to the Van Halen pumping through the speakers. It wasn’t really Calvin’s scene—or at least, it didn’t feel like it. He hadn’t been out like this in a very long time, so he was kind of rediscovering himself.

  He sipped his drink as two scantily clad women came through the front, which was open from wall to wall. They snuck a look at him and giggled as they leaned against the bar, then flirted with the bartender while they ordered their drinks. Calvin glanced at the one closest to him, checking out her ass. She turned and gave him a coy smile.

  Calvin leaned back and took a sip of his drink, watching them strut off to find a seat. He chuckled to himself; he still had it. About twenty minutes later some touring cover band who had gotten lucky enough to book themselves at Cabo Wabo got up on stage. They had the typical band look: mid-twenties, long hair, rolled jeans, and Van Halen ripped sleeve t-shirts. It was exactly what he expected.

  This is an interesting place. His demon chuckled. But I doubt you’ll get the action you’re looking for here.

  Oh, you underestimate me, my dear demon. I’m gonna get up there and show em’ what I got.

  Calvin put his empty glass down and headed to the dance floor. He sauntered over to the woman whose ass he’d scoped and held out his hand with a smoldering look. She batted her eyelashes and allowed him to pull her in, shaking her body with his groove. He looked around, a lone black man in a sea of white, and couldn’t help but laugh. He would be one of the best dancers out there, especially since there were more middle-agers than young people.

  He let go of his preconceived notions and got into the music, losing himself in the feel of the woman pressed against him. When the song was over, everyone clapped and cheered loudly. The place was so full at that point, it was standing room only. The woman’s friend came over and whispered into her ear. She leaned up to kiss Calvin on the cheek and spoke into his ear. “Bye, handsome.”

  “You leaving?” he yelled over the music.

  “Gonna test out another club. We’re headed to the Blue Marlin Ibiza. Check it out—it’s pretty hot right now.”

  Calvin smiled and bit his lip, shaking his head as she was pulled away by her friend. He chuckled and looked around him, feeling the death of the scene for him. He paid his tab and headed to the next place on his list. He would definitely check out the Ibiza. He had heard it was a poolside club, and anywhere there were hot, bikini-clad women he was down, but first, he was off to the Rooftop Lounge at the Cape.

  Calvin had seen flyers touting that night pasted everywhere, and he’d been pleased to see they had DJ Tiesto gracing the decks. Calvin had seen them filming the video for his song Red Light, which was all about Vegas. He found he really liked that rhythm and could get into it in a heartbeat. He headed over to the club and went through the line rather quickly. As soon as he emerged on the roof, the deep beats and low drops of Tiesto filled his ears.

  Calvin didn’t even grab a drink, just went right out into the crowd and began to move. Song after song the melodious tunes soothed him, creating a steady flow of energy that he hadn’t felt since before he was Damned. Sweat poured down his body, and he pulled off his wet shirt. His muscles glistened under the blue lights around the club, and women began to flock toward him, dancing all around him as he wound to the rhythm.

  He was still wearing his dark shades, but the crisscrossing stage lights kept the light just right for him. He didn’t want to raise a panic if his eyes flashed red. He was too enthralled with the women on the dance floor to fuck that up with too much demon. He was surprised to find there weren’t too many red eyes in the crowd, but at the same time, he had promised himself that unless there was trouble, he would forget all about that while he was there.

  The DJ took a set break, and house music pumped through the speakers. Calvin went to the bar and picked up a napkin to wipe the sweat from his face, then ordered a bottle of water and a whiskey and Coke and walked over to the edge of the rooftop terrace. All across the city, he could see the magic of the night scene. Some people danced through the streets on their way to the next club, others hailed cabs, and the lights on the party boats strobed wildly as people enjoyed their cocktails on the water.

  Before I leave, I definitely want to hit up one of those party boats. I’ve heard once that they pull away from shore, some really wild shit happens.

  Hey, I’m totally down, his demon replied.

  The people at the rooftop club were still dancing, and although he was having a blast, he was thinking it was about time to jam over to the Ibiza and find himself a woman for the evening. He flapped his shirt in the wind and headed out of the club, tossing a smile and a wink at several women who were watching him leave.

  When he got to the street, he saw a vendor still selling on the nearby corner. He picked up a pair of blue and gray boardshorts in his size.

  “Those would fit you well, señor.”

  “I think they would.” He smiled and handed over the cash. “Can you tell me how to get to the Ibiza?”

  The vendor grinned and pointed. “Oh, nice choice. Muy caliente. Just go down two blocks, and you’ll see the blue lights, okay?”

  Calvin nodded. “Thanks.”

  He ducked into one of the local taco shops he had visited twice that day and went into the bathroom to change into the shorts. If he was going to a poolside club, he was going to be ready for a dip.

  When he reached the place he bobbed his head and smiled, hearing the melodic beats pumping from the sound system. Once inside, he couldn’t believe his eyes. The place was filled with nearly-naked women dancing and laughing and having fun up and down the walkways around the lighted pool.

  After a few songs on the dance floor, where he got close to more than one hot chick, he headed to the bar to grab a drink. The bartender handed him the house special, a twist on the margarita, and he sat back on the stool to watch the crowd. A woman he had danced with on the floor walked over to the bar and sat down on the stool next to him, crossing her long, tanned legs. She was wearing a blue string bikini, the triangles barely large enough to cover her nipples. She leaned forward and put one hand on Calvin’s thigh.

  “I was just curious” she purred into his ear. “Just how big are black men, really?”

  Calvin raised an eyebrow and looked at her closely. “Pandora?”

  She smiled. “No, I’m Patricia. But you got so close! How did you know that?”

  He chuckled, looking at her sexy curved hips before tapping his drink to hers. “Just checking. One can never be too sure, with the friends that I have.”

  “Mmm, you sound like someone who takes risks. I like that about a man…as long as he knows how to take control too.”

  Calvin looked at her and took a big gulp of his drink. It had been a long time since he’d had a woman hit on him like this, thanks to Pandora and her tricks. He caught the bartender’s attention and indicated Patricia. The bartender brought her a martini, and she touched the glass to Calvin’s. “Thank you. Cheers, handsome.”

took his free hand in hers and tugged gently. “Come on, let’s sit in the shallow pool with our drinks.”

  Calvin couldn’t help but appreciate the little bounce Patricia’s breasts made when she skipped, which she did on purpose every time his eyes rested on her. He held her martini while she sat down in a quiet corner of the shallow pool, then got in beside her. The music beat loudly, creating a shimmer across the pool as the vibrations passed through the water.

  “So, are you here on vacation?” Calvin asked.

  “I guess you could say that.” She giggled. “I came here on vacation a year ago and just couldn’t get myself to leave. It’s too beautiful, and the people here are so hot. How about you?”

  “Yeah, I’m on vacation. I came from Vegas.”

  “Oh, I love Vegas,” she babbled. “The shows, the people… Just the wildness of it all, you know? I couldn’t imagine living there, though.”

  “I live…outside the city. But yeah, it’s definitely a wild town. I’ve grown accustomed to it. Needed to get away from the lights, though, and get something tropical into my life.”

  “Well, all of us long-timers are definitely a good dose of tropical.” She winked and giggled, going pink. “How long have you been here?”

  “I just got here yesterday. Figured, why waste any time? I just hopped right in.”

  “That’s the best way to experience this place—just dive right into it. Have you been to the beach?”

  “Not yet. I spent the day walking around Cabo, taking in the sights, and then went to Cabo Wabo, the Rooftop Bar, and then here.”

  “A man with a plan…that’s sexy. You even remembered a bathing suit.”

  “Ha, actually I bought this from a vendor on the way over. Figured if there was a pool, I should probably be prepared.”

  “You could have just come in with your boxers. We wouldn’t have minded.” She smiled and took a sip. “In fact, if you hang out long enough and enough drinks are served, bathing suits become optional around this place. It’s my favorite part of the night. So many hot bodies under the stars getting crazy. No inhibitions—just the way I like it.”


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