The Broken Girl (Lonely Girl Book 2)

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The Broken Girl (Lonely Girl Book 2) Page 15

by Wilson, Gracie

  Sarah rushes over. “Jake, are you okay?” She says actually sounding like she cares. If I didn’t know her, I’d think she did. I turn to head out and wait for everyone, away from this woman, and I stop dead in my tracks.

  “Rebecca.” Standing in front of me is that last person I’d ever expect to be there.

  “Professor Hunt.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Standing there, I’m shocked at the sight before me.

  “Rebecca, I haven’t been your teacher for a very long time. What happened to you calling me Trevor?”

  Giving him a shy smile, I look around at everyone watching us. “Trevor, sorry you just surprised me.” Standing before me, he’s tall and dressed in a pair of grey dress pants and a white button up shirt, with the top buttons undone. He has the most penetrating grey eyes. With his blonde hair, saying he’s attractive would be an understatement.

  “Sorry, Rebecca, I didn’t mean to sneak up on you,” he says. And the sound of his voice is enough to give every girl shivers.

  “Becca.” Alec is staring at me and I realize I haven’t introduced him formally.

  “Everyone, this is Trevor Hunt. He’s the artist that did my portrait in Paris this summer.” Jake and Keegan are watching Trevor very closely.

  “Your professor,” Jake states.

  “That’s actually why I’m here. The painting is being showcased in Toronto and, well, I want you to join me.” Just like that, six jaws drop, but not mine.

  “Really, you want me to go to the showcase?”

  He laughs, sweetly nodding.

  “I’d love to go, Trevor. I’ve been to so many in Europe and I’d love to see the workings of one locally.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that, Rebecca. I was hoping we could also disclose that you are in fact the model.” This makes me tense. I hadn’t really thought about that part of it. People might notice the resemblance.

  “I don’t know, Trevor. You know how I am in a crowd, and I don’t like the attention being on me.” I shift nervously.

  “How many times do I have to tell you that beauty can’t be hidden, amazement can’t be dulled, and love can’t be demolished?” His words are something I’d grown to enjoy while I was away. Hearing them now, in front of everyone, was something I wasn’t ready to deal with.

  “If you don’t want people to know, Rebecca, I would never tell anyone of course. But you are doing the world an incredible injustice by taking yourself away from them. You should be shown, displayed, celebrated.”

  “Sorry to interrupt but aren’t you not allowed to date students?” Jake says rudely.

  “Actually, it’s a program, not a university. It’s not exactly something they’d like to see but it isn’t disapproved of. Besides all that, I’m no longer a professor there and Rebecca will never again be a student. She’s incredible gifted and has an amazing future ahead of her. One she won’t be able to fulfill here.” You’ve got to give it to Trevor. He can handle whatever is thrown at him with ease.

  “I think we are well aware of what her future entails. We’ve known her for much longer,” Jake snipes back.

  “You look very young to be a professor?” Alec says.

  “Trevor is only twenty-six.” I say. “He graduated early with a double major of Marketing and Art, followed by a Masters, of course.”

  Jake chuckles. “Starving artist, eh?”

  I glare at Jake. “Jacob, really?”

  Trevor just grabs my hand softly then lets go. “Hardly. Rebecca doesn’t like to brag, however, I will have no issues with that. Along with being thoroughly educated, I also own my own marketing firm that just went global. So, starving? Never. I also wouldn’t be asking Rebecca to come work for me if I didn’t think it would be profitable for her, along with working at the Gallery, of course.” Jake is speechless at Trevor’s words.

  “Jake, if Trevor decided to retire today, his family wouldn’t have to worry about money for generations,” I add, usually I wouldn’t play this sort of game but the looks I’m getting are frustrating me to no end.

  “Rebecca, I just got in but I was hoping to see some of the work you’ve been doing. Can I go check in at the hotel and then meet you at your place, unless you would like to come to my place?” he asks.

  The group is watching hanging on every word, looking for me to flinch or run. “Actually, that would be perfect, so why don’t you check in and I will text you my address. I live in the dorms, and I hope that won’t be an issue. It will be easier than dealing with bringing my paintings to you.”

  Trevor smiles at me and waves his phone at me. “Not a problem, I’ll go get checked in and wait for your message. Nice to see you again, Charlotte and Drake.” With that, Trevor leaves me unknowingly to deal with this. Is it too late to run off with him? Turning around, I see everyone watching me closely.

  “Okay, so before I discuss anything, I don’t believe it’s any of your business but it definitely isn’t Sarah’s. So if you want to ask me anything, the incubator has to leave.”

  She glares at me but then just laughs it off. “You two idiots were fighting over her in a hockey game and in comes Mister rich Professor. Guess it’s not just the two of you competing for ‘Rebecca’ any more. Becca, take my advice. I can’t steal him from you, so he’s the safe bet.” With that, she hobbles off, leaving me to deal with her words.

  “Okay what do you want to know?”

  “So, you’re letting a stranger come to your dorm room and what? Hang out?” Jake snaps.

  “Actually, he isn’t so different from you, Jacob. We spent the summer together so since you had no issue with you being in there, I think your point is moot.”

  Keegan chuckles. “She’s got a point there, and I don’t even remember that shit and it made sense to me.” Everyone other than Jake laughs.

  “If this is the road you want to go down, let’s hope you know what you are doing, Rebecca.” He drags out my name to mimic Trevor.

  “What I’m doing? Don’t act like you care about what I’m doing. You’re just scared to see that maybe I’m better of without you. The job offer, the life away from here, it’s tempting and I just might take it to get away from this freak show.” I snap at Jake.

  “Damn, I don’t even know who you are any more, Becca?”

  “I don’t think you ever knew who I was, because you wouldn’t have hurt me like you did. I can say this for certain; I don’t think I ever really knew you, Jacob Kelso, because that person would have been happy that someone was expressing interest in my work, and my intelligence. You tell me how gifted I am yet you don’t understand how others could think the same.”

  He laughs in a hateful tone. “Don’t kid yourself. The only thing he’s interested in is what’s between your legs, and maybe you’ve already given him what he wants.” He turns and starts to walk.

  “What the hell is wrong with you, Jake?” Alec yells, causing him to stop. I put my hand on Alec, stopping him. “No, Jake, the one who gets down and dirty with anyone is clearly not me. I’m not the one who’s storming off because he can’t deal with the drama he caused by putting his parts in a woman he didn’t love.”

  Turning away, I walk back into the arena area and sit down on the seat in front of the empty rink, which is now being cleaned by the Zamboni. I put my head in my hands, trying to calm my rage. Jake just has this way of getting under my skin and staying there. He’s never been this hateful or hurtful towards me. It’s giving me a whole new side to Jake. An arm goes over me and I look up expecting Jake. Don’t ask me why, but hope was all I had.

  “Bec, are you okay? That got pretty nasty back there.” Keegan just looks at me and his eyes are so bright that I forget for a minute why my heart feels trampled.

  “Oh, that. Jake’s never going to be okay with anything I do. I’m never going to be okay with him and Sarah. So that doesn’t really leave much to talk about, does it?” Keegan looks uncomfortable and I realize he can take what I said about Jake to mean the same for h

  “No, Keegan, you never lied to me. You didn’t protect her over me. You don’t ask me to be pleasant or to have to deal with her like he expects me to. You understand my hurt, you feel my pain.” I try to convey how much it all means to me.

  “Of course, I do. When will you understand that your pain is my pain too, Bec,” he replies and I rest my head on his shoulder. “Everyone is going to try and talk you out of going to the showcase, Bec, but I think you need to do this. Show him your work, step into the light, be the girl I know and love. You can’t hide forever. I won’t let you. The world deserves to know you,” Keegan adds.

  “But with everything going on, it just is bad timing,” I respond.

  “This mess will still be here when you get back, and so will everything with Jake. You need to see it through. Don’t leave it unfinished. Whoever you may end up with, Bec, as long as they know how good they have it, and you are happy, then it will have all been worth it.” I turn, seeing the pain it is giving him to say this. Why did I ever believe we could only be friends? If that’s what he wants and needs, I will do anything. Keegan has lost everything, so I will give him this. If that means dealing with Jake, I will do that too.

  “Please tell me that one day my life won’t be filled with all this uncertainty and chaos.” He lets out a long sigh and I know he’s thinking about this day too.

  “Trevor isn’t bad. If anything, he gets you, which is exactly what you need right now. He’s right though, Bec. You deserve everything and if you are not happy here…well, I’d never ask you to stay. Never sacrifice your happiness, for my gain.”

  My heart is racing at his words because, for a minute, I feel like he’s saying goodbye and that he doesn’t need me like I need him. “Wherever you go, Bec, that doesn’t change us. It never will.”


  Standing in my dorm room, waiting for Trevor to show up, is unnerving. I’ve never had another man in here. Keegan was amazing as per his usual. Seeing him handle Trevor the way he did was a new experience. Prior to the accident, he would have acted like Jake. The irony that they have switched places is apparent. Keegan walked me home, hugged me tightly, and left so that Trevor could come over. All he said was ‘call me if you need me and don’t be a stranger.’ Saying that it breaks my heart a bit that he handles this so well would be an understatement. Placing my art out along the walls, there is a knock at the door.

  Opening it, I don’t have a chance to react before I’m being kissed. The door closes behind me and I’m kissing him back. My mind is spinning, feeling every touch and every movement. My shirt is over my head and on the floor next to me; I’m struggling to undo his pants as he unhooks my bra. Sliding his pants off, I grab him, pulling him to me. Grabbing the hem of his shirt, I lift it over his head and his lips find my again. He takes my bottom lip in between his teeth, biting softly, causing me to moan unexpectedly. He begins undoing my jeans and I shimmy them down my legs.

  He brings his hand around to the back of my neck and places his other one just above my bottom, holding me to him. Guiding me back, we find the bed, falling into it. Slowly I bring my fingers to the top of his boxers and begin pulling them down. He kicks them off and then does the same thing to my panties, bringing them down around my ankles. I slide them off and bring my hands up and along his back. The sexual tension is finally having an outlet. He closes the space between us, not even leaving an inch. I feel him press against me and I allow him, pulling myself closer to his body. He continues looking right into my eyes, making sure this is everything I’ve wanted. Right now, I can’t think of anything I’d want more than to be doing this with him.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “What does this mean?” He asks as we rush putting our clothes back on. “Becca, what does this mean?” Looking at him, I wish I had the answers he wants but I just can’t figure this out.

  “I don’t know, Jake.” I feel the emotions of what just happened set in.

  “Becca.” Frustration builds up.

  “JAKE! I don’t know, okay? I have no idea what any of this means.” My phone beeps and I rush to it.

  ‘I’ll be there in fifteen minutes-Trevor’

  “Was that him?” Jake asks quietly.

  “If by him you mean Trevor, then yes. He will be here in fifteen minutes.

  “Becca, please just talk to me.” Turning from Jake, I find myself torn between what just happened and what should be happening. This wasn’t what I planned.

  “Jake, I don’t know what to say any more. You just get angry. You were horrible to me tonight. The things you said. Then you show up here and you are just asking me ‘what does this mean?’ Why can’t you tell me that? My brain is tired of trying to think through this mess.” Turning back to Jake, I can see him working through everything I’ve just said.

  “It means you have a choice. You can stand by me; deal with the fact that Sarah might be having my child. Not give up on us. You could choose to love me unconditionally. The way I love you. But the choice is yours, Becca, it always has been.”

  “Am I allowed to say I don’t know? Is that wrong?” I whisper, in response.

  “No, the only wrong was how I treated you tonight. I was jealous, seeing him connect with you over art. To top it off, I didn’t know anything about him. I know that’s my fault because I was so distant from you this summer. It’s no excuse.” Jake’s words sink in and I find myself wishing someone other than me were making this choice.

  “Becca, I have to leave. I won’t make this worse for you by having him show up with me here.” I’m thankful for this because if my life got any more complicated I’d be finding the first plane out of this city. “That being said, I am jealous. Jealous of the way he gets you. Of what he wants from you, of all the things he can give you that I can’t. But know this. He can’t love you like me. Nobody can.” Jake kisses me, pressing his lips firmly against mine, and just like he appeared, he’s gone.

  Standing in the middle of my room, I am in a state of shock. What did I just do? Jake was right. What does this mean? Before I have time to react to anything, my door is being knocked on and I open it cautiously.


  I open it wide waving Trevor in. “Find it alright?”

  He nods. “The girls down the hall were helpful. Nicky and Lily say hello.” Of course they do. I mentally make a note to tell them of the newest drama I’ve added to my life.

  Trevor begins pacing around, looking at my walls that are currently papered in my art. “Rebecca, I’m glad I came. I was right about you.”

  “What are you talking about?” I ask him quietly. “Rebecca, you are an amazing artist. You have a keen eye, with attention to detail. All the things that will make you very successful and I wouldn’t be much of a business man if I didn’t try to grasp that talent when I have the chance.” I’m still lost as to his thoughts. My work is okay but I’m just starting out. “My offer at the firm is very much true. I’d like you to take a few weeks to talk about it with your family, and any friends you feel would benefit you from their wisdom. I’m opening an art-dealing firm. My first task is to talk this artist into commissioning a few pieces.”

  “Trevor, I’m not ready to negotiate and do dealings. I’m just starting my second year of schooling and it’s not in art or marketing.”

  He chuckles, looking closely at my piece I’d painted before coming to visit here almost two years ago. During the summer, I’d worked on it more closely and defined some things. I’d labeled it ‘The Broken Girl.’

  “Rebecca, I’m afraid I need your help. The only person who can get this artist is you.” Walking to Trevor’s side, I look, trying to see what he’s seeing that is causing him to have this huge smile. “That artist is you, Rebecca.”

  Wait, me? “You want me to help with the firm and paint?”

  He nods.

  “That seems a little good to be true, so what else would you expect of me?” I’ve had too many things go wrong on me. I’m not jumping into this.<
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  “Rebecca, as much as I wish you were ready, you are not. Right now, all you can offer me is your talent, your knowledge, and your appreciation of art. I understand that more than you know. So think about it. I’ve also made the option of showing one of your pieces. I’d like to borrow this one for the occasion.” Looking around at my paintings I try and imagine them covering the walls of a gallery, although it’s hard. I’d never thought I’d have this chance, or this type of future. He’s pointing to the painting I’d been working on so hard this summer and I’m happy that it’s one of my better pieces.

  “Trevor, I will definitely think about this. As for the painting…what the heck, right? If you say it’s good, who am I to say otherwise?” He claps his hands together as if he’s already succeeded in getting me to work for him. Agreeing to let him take my painting already has my body in a panic.

  “Lovely, now I’ve already had my assistant pick up a dress for you. Your flight leaves at seven in the morning, so you’d better start packing. You leave in seven hours. It’s time for Rebecca Potts to stop hiding.”


  There are cameras flashing and I haven’t even stepped out of the limo yet. Trevor looks at me and puts his hand over mine, trying to help my nerves. It only further panics me. It pulls me back to reality. In a few minutes, I will be stepping out of this car and I’m going to be out there for the world to see.

  “Trevor, this wasn’t such a good idea.” I am hoping he will agree and let me go home.

  “Rebecca, if I didn’t think you could handle this I would never have brought you. Not only are you an amazing model but an exceptionally gifted artist.” The doors to the limo open, Trevor gets out, and holds out a hand for me to grab. I emerge from the limo and the flashes start. Trevor puts his arm around my waist and guides me through and into the gallery.

  This place is enormous; there are paintings everywhere, and people covering every spot, looking at the art. Trevor continues bringing us through the crowd and eventually lands in front of the portrait he painted of me. People are looking at it and saying how beautiful it is. If only they knew how broken that person really is. How confusing her life has gotten.


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