Prime Medic (Katieran Prime Series)

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Prime Medic (Katieran Prime Series) Page 3

by KD Jones

  “The bond mating thing is fascinating.” It suddenly occurred to her that they were still sitting in the darkened room. She looked at JadEN and he licked his lips. She licked hers in response. That was all it took before he reached for her. Yes!

  Jaden couldn’t take it anymore. He needed to get his hands on the small female. The room was filled with the scent of her arousal. The moment his lips touched hers, he knew they would share sex. He reached for the back of her head and held her in place. Her hair was so soft and silky.

  She moaned his name, “JadEN.” Their tongues dueled inside their mouths. Soon their bodies would be joined. She couldn’t wait. He took her breath away.

  He lifted her in his arms and carried her over to the bed used for examining patients. He placed her on the bed and lifted up her dress hem to push aside her panties. He kept kissing her as he fingered her sex. She was so wet. He gently inserted one of his digits. Tight, so warm and tight.

  “Please JadEN. I can’t wait any longer,” Kat pleaded. It had been way too long since the last time she had sex. It wasn’t going to take much to get her off.

  He couldn’t either. He ripped her panties from her body, causing her to gasp with surprise. He fumbled with the hooks to his pants and released himself. He pushed her further up the bed and crawled on top of her. In one quick thrust he was inside her fully.

  “Oh Goddess, you feel good,” JadEN moaned. He started to move slowly, gently, deliberately. He did not want to hurt her. She was much smaller and more fragile than their females.

  “Harder . . . faster!” Kat demanded. She could feel it building inside of her. She needed him to move more, give her more.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he groaned, keeping his slow, gentle pace.

  Kat reached down to grab his exposed backside and squeezed, bringing him into her deeper. “Yes! More like that; you won’t hurt me. Please, JadEN.”

  JadEN let go of his control and started to slam in and out of her. This small female with the short pale hair was driving him crazy. He felt his release building. He needed her to release before he did. He reached down with his right hand and teased her clitoris. She moaned with pleasure.

  Kat could take it no longer her. She arched her back as she climaxed. “Yes!”

  JadEN pulled out of her and released his seed onto the bed. He buried his head against her still covered breasts. “That was . . .”

  “Amazing,” she finished for him.

  Chapter 3

  Kat decided that the first thing that needed to go was the “mating documentaries.” Next, they needed to educate both the Katierans and the humans. JadEN had asked her to attend what the Katierans referred to as strategy sessions. These were basically classes to teach the Katieran men about Earth women. They covered everything from politics and religion, to sexual preferences. It eventually became uncomfortable for Kat to be in these sessions. The men wouldn’t take their eyes off of her. There was a lot of growling going on. She was also becoming worried for JadEN’s safety. Every time a Katieran growled at her, JadEN looked ready to tear the man’s head off. Not good.

  Kat asked for permission to organize classes for the human women. She enlisted the help of the women on board the transport. A lot of the women who had had full careers on Earth in fields such as education, science, and medicine had become bored with nothing to do. Together with the information JadEN supplied them with; the women developed their own Culture Classes for the human women on board the transport to prepare them for life on Katiera. It covered many of the same things the Katieran Strategy Sessions covered, but also offered a Q & A session so that the women could ask specific questions they had about the Katierans.

  Kat and a professor from Columbia were leading many of the classes together. Kat cleared her throat to get everyone’s attention. “I want to thank everyone for coming tonight. In case this is your first class, my name is Dr. Katrina Morris. I am a surgical doctor with ten years of experience in the ER.” She pointed to her right at a short, slightly chubby strawberry blond woman with sky blue eyes.

  “This is Dr. Elizabeth Connell. She has PhDs in linguistics, foreign languages, and another in social cultures.”

  The short little woman waved shyly at everyone. “Ya’ll can call me Lizzie,” she said with a sweet Southern accent.

  “We are going to open up the first ten minutes for questions or requests of things you would like us to cover. If we don’t have the answers for you tonight, we’ll make a note to cover it in the next session in two days. For those of you who do not already have one, we will be handing out digital tablets at the end of the class. These are very similar to the tablet computers that we use on Earth, but with a lot more functionality. If you can’t come to a class, they’re all being recorded and you can watch it on your tablet at your convenience. Okay . . . let’s open this up to questions.” Kat moved to stand by Lizzie.

  “Can I access my personal email with that tablet thingy?” one woman asked.

  “Yes, you can access it, but it will be in view mode only. It’s not safe to send out unfiltered communications while we are in transit. Once we reach Katiera, you should have full access again,” Kat explained.

  There were a lot of questions about the digital tablets. It took up a good twenty minutes of the class. The other questions were about sex and mating. Kat tried to explain it the best she could based off of what JadEN told her and from her own personal experience.

  “What does it mean when they growl at us?” one woman asked shyly.

  “The Katierans don’t have words to express everything that they feel. Some emotions, especially sexual emotions, are beyond words for them. Then they will growl,” explained Lizzie.

  “So when they growl, it means that they are turned on big time?” another woman asked for clarification.

  “Yes, pretty much,” Kat said.

  One subject Prime Leader RendEL wanted to make sure that the human women understood was the Katierans’ core beliefs. Kat relayed the information that had been given to her. The Katierans believed in a mated pair of Gods. KatieRI was the female Goddess and KiljOR was the male God. Their religious belief in a mated pair of Gods was the foundation of their entire culture. The Katieran people believed firmly in mating for life. There was no such thing as divorce. Mating was always until death.

  Some of women in the Culture Class panicked in the middle of the talk on mating. They had recently engaged in sexual relations with a few of the Katieran men. Lizzie took the lead and explained that sex was different from mating. A mating involved mutual consent, the exchange of scent markings, sexual intercourse, and an official ceremony with words exchanged.

  Another interesting fact about the Katierans was their names. They only used one name unless they had a title. According to JadEN, centuries ago the Katierans’ first and last names had become combined. JadEN’s own name reflected this. Jad was the part of his first name and EN was the part of his last name, which were then squeezed together to form JadEN.

  There were five primary laws of Katiera that everyone was expected to adhere to:

  First Law was to protect all females and young.

  Second Law was to protect the Prime families.

  Third Law was to serve the people of Katiera.

  Fourth Law was to honor the mated pair of Gods.

  Fifth Law was to protect all natural resources.

  Anyone who did not adhere to the laws was subject to banishment or, in some cases, death.

  “Is the Prime Leader like Hitler or something?” asked a bold, auburn-haired woman.

  Kat discussed the Katieran political system. According to the information Kat had been given, the members of the Katieran High Council were elected by the Katieran people. However, the Prime Leader was the ultimate ruler. His position was inherited by birth and he made all final decisions.

  The women seemed fascinated when they got to the part of the of class discussion regarding the differences in the Katierans’ senses. All their senses w
ere extremely enhanced. Their sense of sight, hearing, smell, and taste were five times what humans had. They, also, had a much higher sex drive. This was something that some of the women present, including Kat herself, already discovered firsthand.

  Kat smiled a secret smile, remembering the fantastic bout of sex that she had shared with JadEN in the Medic Wing. It happened just once so far, but she would never forget it. He made her feel feminine and beautiful, something she hadn’t felt in a very long time. He wanted to go another round right away. She was all for it. She just wished she felt more deeply for him. They clearly enjoyed each other’s company, and they seemed to be able talk to each other about anything. He hadn’t asked her about mating with him, so maybe he didn’t feel as strongly towards her either. Shame, really. They were perfect for one another.

  At the end of each Culture Class, refreshments were served. Sometimes it was cupcakes and other times it was sweets like cannolis. Several pastry chefs from Earth prepared them for the classes. When word got around about the sweet desserts, some of the Katieran men started showing up right at the end of the class to help themselves to the treats as well.

  This evening, Kat decided not stay for refreshments, leaving instead to go back to her sleeping quarters and change her clothes. She had been badgering poor JadEN to let her do more than just assist with simple procedures. He said that the final decision had to come from the Prime Leader. After a lot of begging on her part, JadEN requested a time for them to meet with Prime Leader RendEL so that Kat could present her request in person. Tonight she would be having the Evening Meal with JadEN, Prime Leader RendEL, and Prime Commander KydEL. The two Primes were very intimidating. She needed to make a good impression. Her future as a doctor was on the line. No pressure.

  There was a knock at Kat’s door. She went to answer it. Medic JadEN stood on the other side wearing a more formal military uniform in dark blue. It made him look like a male model. For the millionth time, Kat wondered why they were not together as a couple. It made no sense for them not to be.

  “You look lovely, Dr. Morris,” JadEN said, looking her over with interest in his eyes.

  “I think that we have gotten to the point where you can call me Kat,” she suggested. “And you look very handsome yourself this evening.” She licked her lips, which caused him to growl. She blushed.

  “Shall we go?” He offered his arm. She nodded. They walked down a corridor in a different direction than she expected. Kat looked around confused. “Are we not going to the Meal Room?”

  “No, we will be dining privately with the Prime Leader and Prime Commander this evening. Are you nervous?” He felt her shiver.

  “A little. The Primes are very powerful men. I don’t want to embarrass myself or you.”

  “Just be yourself. You are always respectful to everyone you meet. You should have no problems. I will be with you the whole time.”

  “I am very grateful to you for that. I’m grateful to you for everything,” she told him quietly while ducking her head. She was blushing again.

  JadEN looked at the pretty female and felt himself becoming aroused. She would make a wonderful mate. She was kind, caring, intelligent, and pleasing to him sexually. They have not known each other very long, but it would be foolish not to see the benefits from a union with the female. “I would like to speak to you about a personal matter after our Evening Meal.”

  Kat tilted her head in question, but simply replied, “Of course.”

  They arrived at the sleeping quarters of Prime Leader RendEL. He greeted them himself as he showed them into his room. It was a large suite set up with a dining table and couches in the sitting area. Kat could see an open door that led to the actual bedroom. Nice.

  “Please take a seat. We’re just waiting for my brother, Prime Commander KydEL, to show.” He pointed to the table that was already set with food. There was a blond Earth woman already sitting there fiddling with her hair. “Let me introduce you. Medic JadEN and Dr. Morris, this is my companion for the evening, Erica Rowe.”

  The blond, Erica, looked up briefly and gave them a fake smile. “How do you do?” Her blue eyes showed no sincerity. “Can we eat now, RendEL? I am simply ravenous.”

  The Prime Leader frowned at the woman. “We will as soon as my brother arrives.”

  The woman pouted and then whined, “But the food will be cold. I don’t like to eat cold things.”

  The Prime Leader sighed with frustration. It was clear he didn’t appreciate the woman’s rudeness. “Very well, go ahead.”

  She was the only one who reached for the food. The rest of them waited for the Prime Commander, who showed up five minutes later. The other woman looked put out because she had to stop shoveling food into her mouth for the introductions to be made.

  “Dr. Morris, I would like to introduce you to Prime Commander KydEL. Prime Commander, this is the female medic from Earth, Dr. Katrina Morris.” JadEN offered the introductions.

  “We met briefly once before, but it is a pleasure to meet you again, Dr. Morris. I am glad that it is in much better circumstances.” Kyd reached out and shook her hand, which he knew was Earth’s custom, putting her at ease.

  “Much better circumstances, Commander,” Kat smiled at him. “I’m surprised that you remember me. So much was happening that day.”

  KydEL looked at the small female and gave her a wink. “You are hard to forget, Doctor.”

  JadEN emitted a low growl of warning to the Commander. The Commander shrugged and took his seat at the table. Kat looked at JadEN, wondering what all that was about. She would have to ask him later.

  They ate their dinner with an exchange of light pleasantries. Kat asked some questions about the Katieran High Council and the Prime’s political position. She wanted to keep the Culture Classes up to date. She found it all fascinating, personally.

  Erica looked bored and barely spoke to anyone but the Prime Leader. The only time she joined in the conversation was to compliment RendEL on his powerful position. She made a point of touching him a lot throughout the dinner. She touched him on his hand, his arm, and if Kat wasn’t mistaken by the Prime Leader’s sudden shift in his seat, on his thigh under the table. It made everyone uncomfortable. From what she observed, it didn’t seem as though the Prime Leader was very into the fake blond.

  “I hear that you have a request that you would like to make, Dr. Morris,” the Prime Leader finally prompted.

  Here we go. “Yes, sir. I am thrilled to be allowed to assist the other medics with simple procedures. However, I would like to do more. Possibly research some of your people’s medical history.”

  The Katieran men all gave each other strange looks. “I appreciate that, Dr. Morris. However, my younger brother, Prime Medic SydEL, will need to assess your abilities and give the approval for your medical clearance. I will have him meet with you and Medic JadEN once we reach Katiera.”

  Kat wondered if she was getting the runaround, but said merely, “I look forward to meeting with him, Prime Leader.”

  Kat and JadEN said their goodbyes. She was glad to be leaving. One more minute with that Erica woman and Kat would not be held responsible for her actions. As they walked together, she could feel JadEN’s eyes on her. She wondered what he wanted to talk to her about. He refused to say until they reached her sleeping quarters.

  “I am sorry that you were not given the clearance that you wanted.”

  “Me too. I hope that this Prime Medic will be more forthcoming,” Kat said, even though she couldn’t help but feel skeptical.

  They didn’t say anything else as they walked the rest of the way. It was nice to be with someone that she didn’t have to try to fill in the quiet moments with talk. She could just be with him and say nothing at all. Kat had never had that with anyone before. It was special. Did she really want to let this go?

  When they reached Kat’s sleeping quarters, she invited him inside. Her roommates were fortunately all out. She loved every moment she spent with him and was gratefu
l to have him all to herself. She found it annoying when they drooled every time they saw JadEN.

  “Would you like some Katieran Juice?” Kat asked as she went to the small corner kitchenette.

  “Yes, thank you.” JadEN sat down on a chair by a small table. His palms were slightly sweaty.

  “What did you want to talk to me about?” Kat handed him a glass and sat down across from him. She took a sip from her own glass.

  “I want to share sex with you again,” JadEN blurted out. He frowned. That wasn’t what he wanted to ask. Why was everything coming out wrong?

  “I . . . um.” Child prodigy stunned stupid. What should she say? Yes, please. “Okay.” Was he supposed to make the first move or should she just start taking her clothes off?

  “Wait, that’s not what I planned to ask you.” JadEN wiped the sweat from his palms onto his pants.

  Kat frowned with disappointment. He didn’t want to have sex with her again? Was she that bad? Her ego was taking a major hit. Her thoughts must have been apparent because JadEN answered her silent question anxiously.

  “I absolutely want to share sex with you again! Within the next few minutes would be great. But what I had planned to ask you was will you agree to mate with me?” There, he got it all out.

  “Mate? Like marriage? Permanent?” She knew the answer already, but she needed him to say it out loud.

  “Yes, but it would be different from what you have explained about your human marriages. We have no divorce option. It would be till death. So you must be absolutely sure this is what you want.” JadEN stood and started pacing the small sleeping quarters. He ran a hand through his short brown hair. He had never felt more vulnerable.


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