Prime Medic (Katieran Prime Series)

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Prime Medic (Katieran Prime Series) Page 13

by KD Jones

  “It must have been hard for you growing up, being different.” Kat sympathized with him. She knew what it was like to grow up different from other kids. As a child genius, she was expected to behave like an adult because she was smarter than most adults, but she was still just a child. She wanted to have friends her own age and play dolls with them.

  Commander TylOR hesitated before answering, “It wasn’t easy. I had to prove myself a worthy warrior.”

  “Your father was one of the leaders of the Colony, was he not?” SydEL asked.

  “The Colony began with five leaders. My father was one of them. They established a High Council, much like on Katiera. The last that I heard, the original leaders have all passed from this world, my father included. Two children of the original leaders are now in charge of the Colony. One is a male named Leader LarIS. The second is Leader AshOR, my younger brother.”

  “We need samples from the Colony, Commander. It will help with our research. Is there a way you can contact your brother?” SydEL asked.

  Commander TylOR stood up, effectively ending the dinner. “I will think about it.”

  “Thank you for having us over.” Kat gave him a friendly smile. Couldn’t hurt to be as nice as possible. She noticed Syd frown.

  They started down the corridor. “Is something wrong?” she asked him.

  He pushed her up against the wall and leaned into her. “Do not be overly friendly to other males.”

  Kat smiled. He was jealous. “I was just being nice. I am not interested in any other males. Just one prickly one.”

  He nibbled her lips, causing her to moan. “Wait until we get back to our room. I will show you prickly.”

  Kat giggled. “Promises, promises.”

  It seemed to her that the transport reached Kiljor a lot quicker this time. What time they did have, though, Kat and Syd spent together, reforming their bond, building it stronger than ever.

  They traveled with the medic team, Commander TylOR, and Katiera’s Second Commander JarOD on the shuttle down to Kiljor. The Second Commander was taking Kyd’s place so that he could spend a little quality time with Jaxon.

  When the shuttle door opened and Kat got out, she saw AriELa waiting impatiently for them. On either side of her stood Lindsey and Security Liaison TarAK. She smiled when AriELa threw her arms around SydEL and hugged him tightly.

  “I am fine. We are all fine.” Syd reassured her.

  “I heard about the battle. Kyd was injured?” AriELa inquired anxiously.

  “It is true. But we have Dr. Morris to thank. If not for her skills, we would have lost him.” Syd told her giving Kat an appreciative look.

  Kat blushed. The next thing she knew AriELa was hugging her tightly.

  “Thank you, Kat, for saving my cousin,” AriELa said.

  “It was nothing really. I was just glad to be of help,” Kat told her. AriELa squeezed her again and Kat thought she heard her sniff deeply.

  AriELa squealed, “You are mated!” She turned to give Syd another hug and verify his scent.

  “We must celebrate. I shall ask Prime Leader KadEN to throw a banquet on your behalf,” AriELa stated.

  “Easy cousin. It is not official yet.” He looked apologetically at Kat.

  What was she waiting for? This was the man she loved and she didn’t want to deny their mating any longer. “Syd is my mate. But let’s wait until we get back to Katiera before we have a banquet. That way, the whole family will be there.” A family! Kat was going to have a real family for once.

  “Okay,” AriELa said. “Where are Kyd and Jaxon?”

  “Let’s go to my suite and I will fill you in on all that has happened,” Syd said, kissing her cheek. He grabbed Kat’s hand and led the way. He was thrilled. Kat had admitted to witnesses that they were mated. And she had agreed to a banquet. He couldn’t be happier.

  Lindsey and TarAK said their goodbyes so AriELa could be alone with Syd and Kat. AriELa was thrilled to hear the details of Kyd and Jaxon’s mating. She would have preferred if they had had a banquet, but it really wasn’t Jaxon’s style. It made AriELa determined to give Kat the best banquet ever.

  “When can we go home to Katiera?” AriELa asked.

  Syd laughed. “We haven’t been gone a full month yet. The research process is still only in the middle stages. I thought you were enjoying yourself. Aren’t you and Prime Leader KadEN getting along?”

  AriELa shrugged. “It’s been fine here. But it’s not home. I miss Aunt SandELa, Ren, Cassie, and the babies.”

  “I take it there won’t be a political mating between you and the Prime Leader?” Syd asked.

  AriELa turned serious. “I have told KadEN that I will consider mating him. I just need some time. I think he needs some time as well, to make sure mating me is the right thing for him.”

  “He would be a fool to want to mate anyone else,” Syd snorted.

  AriELa kissed him on his cheek and hugged Kat. “I’ll leave the two of you alone. I’ll expect you at Morning Meal. I want to hear your plans for the research.”

  Kat watched the young woman leave with a sad look on her face. “Did something seem off with her?” Kat asked.

  “What do you mean?” Syd started removing his shirt.

  “When you asked about the political mating, she seemed resigned. Not at all like a woman swept off her feet and ready to marry the man she loves.” Kat smiled, seeing that Syd was now lying on the bed completely naked. He worked fast when motivated.

  “A political mating is not a love mating. AriELa understands this. She is using her intelligence and not letting her heart dictate to her. It will be a good match. KadEN is a fine male and this will unite the Kiljorns and Katierans.”

  Kat started to take her clothes off. “What if one of them falls in love with someone else?”

  “A mating is till death. They both know this. Of course I would wish for her a love match. Maybe they will come to love one another in time. My parents were not true mates, but a political mating. They learned to love one another deeply.”

  Syd patted the space beside him. She walked to the bed, swinging her hips. The last of her clothing, including her bra and panties, hit the floor. She leaned down with her hands and started to crawl towards him on her hands and knees. He growled. She loved it when he did that. It made her hot all over. She straddled him.

  She massaged his member, making him moan with need. She was soaking wet. She moved to place his tip at her entrance and slowly lowered herself onto him. This is where she belonged. This was home.

  Chapter 19

  “I want you to stay with me at all times while we are on the planet. Do you understand me?” Syd looked tense.

  “Yes, I understand. Do you expect trouble?” she asked.

  “I don’t know what to expect. No one has stepped foot on the Colonial Planet in close to twenty-five years. That is when they barred outsiders. I just want to keep you safe.” Syd cupped her face lovingly.

  She nodded her head. She wasn’t going to argue with him. She was extremely tense about what they were going to do. Commander TylOR had been able to arrange an awkward communication with the two leaders of the Colony. Leader LarIS seemed enthusiastic about the medic team coming but Leader AshOR did not. In fact, he was rude and antisocial.

  So, with tensions high and animosity directed towards them, Syd and the medic team prepared for their trip down to the Colonial Planet. Kat rubbed her stomach. She had not been feeling her best the last few days. She hadn’t able to eat lately. Food just didn’t smell right to her. She was tired all the time and moody. She hadn’t mentioned it to Syd because she didn’t want him to overreact. Instead, she headed to the Medic Wing to have one of the other medics examine her. Maybe she just needed an injection of nanos to set everything to rights.

  Twenty minutes later, Kat sat stunned into silence on the examination table. Her whole life was suddenly turned upside down. She was . . . that couldn’t be right. What was she going to do now?

Morris, are you okay? You haven’t spoken a word since I pronounced you breeding,” Medic LokEY said with concern.

  “I . . . fine. I’m fine.” She sat up and rubbed her belly. She was pregnant . . . with Syd’s baby.

  “Prime Medic SydEL will be ecstatic.” The medic gave her a reassuring smile.

  “Uh, let me tell him, okay?”

  “Of course. He will be very protective of you now. I know you were looking forward to traveling to the Colonial Planet. I am sure he will fill you in when he returns.” The medic patted her on her shoulder and left her alone.

  Shit. Syd was not going to let her go with him now. Damn it! She had worked too hard for this. They had come so far with their relationship. He was finally treating her like his equal. She rubbed her belly, still unclear on how she felt about all this. A baby? Her and Syd’s baby? She decided she would tell him after they got down to the Colonial Planet. Then it would be too late for him to send her back to the transport ship.

  She was shaking when she reached the docking bay. Syd was waiting for her at the shuttle. She tried to smile at him, but it must have been strained.

  “Are you okay?” Syd asked with concern. Kat looked very pale.

  “Fine. Just . . . nervous.” She rubbed her forehead and found she was sweating.

  They boarded the shuttle and waited for the docking bay doors to open. It was a short flight down, but it was one of the longest flights of her life. She regretted not telling Syd before leaving. She had to come clean.

  “Syd, there’s something I need to tell you.”

  “We’re here. Can this wait until later?” Syd stood up.

  “Yeah, it can wait a little while longer. But I have something to tell you that is really important to the both of us. Vital, in fact,” she said as she stood up, too.

  They walked out of the shuttle after the Second Commander ensured that it was safe. Her initial impression was that the Colonial Planet looked like a combination of Katiera and Kiljorn, with a mixture of metal and brick buildings. The trees were tall, with huge trunks bigger than several people put together. All of her attention was quickly pulled to the group of men waiting for them, though. They all wore what looked like brown uniforms. The group parted to allow two tall men to approach. One had shoulder-length, dark red hair. The other man was completely bald. It was a momentous occasion. For the first time in twenty-five years, the Kiljorns, Katierans, and Colonists were meeting together.

  Commander TylOR approached the two colonists with SydEL by his side. “Thank you for allowing this visit.”

  Leader LarIS reached out to grip TylOR’s forearm. “It has been a long time coming.” He then clasped arms with SydEL. “It is good to meet you, Prime Medic SydEL.”

  Leader AshOR did not greet either man. He glared daggers at TylOR. Kat could feel the tension all the way from where she stood with the Second Commander guarding her. There were a few gasps and all eyes turned her way. Shit.

  Syd signaled the Second Commander to bring her to him. As she walked closer, she got the usual stares at her very short hair. Maybe she should just grow it out.

  “What is she?” Leader AshOR asked, his eyes trailing down Kat’s body with interest.

  “She is human, from a planet called Earth. She is also my mate.” The last bit was said with a thread of warning.

  “Why would you bring your mate somewhere that could be dangerous?” Leader AshOR asked.

  “She is a medic with valuable skills and is part of my research team.” Syd put his arm around Kat protectively.

  Leader AshOR continued to stare at her. She rubbed her stomach. She should have told Syd about the baby. She should have stayed on board the transport ship. Why did she have to be stubborn all the time?

  They were shown to a meeting room with a big table. The men all seemed to hover around her. It was a little unsettling to be the focus of so many good-looking men. So far, she hadn’t really noticed any people with the extreme the side effects described in the medical logs. The only difference she could see was TylOR and his brother’s baldness, which she viewed as sexy, not a bad side effect at all.

  Leader LarIS chuckled as he looked at her. “Not all of our side effects are physical, some are mental. I am sure that Leader AshOR and Commander TylOR will be glad to know that you believe their hairless state to be sexy.”

  Holy shit! He could read her mind. “You’re telepathic?”

  He smiled at her warmly. “If telepathic in your language means that I can read your mind, then yes, I am.”

  “Were you born with the ability or did it develop later?” She had gone completely in doctor mode. She glanced at Syd to find him frowning at her. Did she ask an inappropriate question? “What?”

  “You find them sexy,” he accused.

  “Not as sexy as you, of course.” Come on, she was having his baby for goodness sakes. Shit! She glanced at Leader LarIS anxiously. She wondered if he heard that. He nodded that he did. She tried to direct her thoughts to him. Please don’t say anything about the baby. I just found out and haven’t had a chance to tell Syd yet.

  She heard a male’s voice inside her head. You should have told him! You should never have put yourself or your young in danger!

  You can talk to me in my head? That is so amazing. She smiled at him.

  “Your people are welcome here. We will have a lieutenant show you to your sleeping quarters. Tomorrow our lead medics will meet with you, Prime Medic SydEL, alone,” Leader LarIS said as he stood up. Then he looked at Syd directly and sent his thoughts. Your mate will explain why she will remain protected in your suite while you are shown around, and congratulations.

  Syd stared at the male, then looked back at his mate, who looked guilty. What was going on here? And how was it that he heard Leader LarIS’ voice in his head?

  “You’re what?” SydEL yelled at Kat.

  “Pregnant,” she whispered while clutching her stomach.

  He looked at her small flat stomach. “How long have you known?”

  “I just found out before we came down to the Colonial Planet.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me before we left?”

  “I . . . didn’t think you would let me come if you knew I was pregnant.”

  “No, I would not have. I would have insisted that you have stay on the transport where you would be safer. I should send you back up right now.” Syd paced the room, back and forth.

  “You’re right. I should have told you sooner. I should have even stayed on board the transport ship. You have every right to be angry with me,” she agreed with him.

  “Don’t placate me. I’m furious with you!” Syd went to the door. He didn’t look at her. “I need to calm myself down. Stay in this suite.” Then he stormed out of the room.

  Kat sat on the bed devastated. She wondered if she had ruined their relationship. By keeping things from him, she might have. She laid down on the bed and cried herself to sleep.

  When she woke, he still hadn’t come back to the room, at least not while she was awake. She thought she saw signs that he had come in for a change of clothes. She didn’t blame him for being angry with her. She just missed him. She rubbed her stomach. He had to speak to her sometime. She was carrying his child. Their child.

  A knock brought her out of her dark musings. She opened the door to find the Second Commander standing on the other side of the door with a lieutenant beside him holding several plates of food.

  “You must eat now that you are breeding,” he said to her.

  Great. Did everyone know now? “Thanks. That’s not all for me, is it?” She stepped back so that the men could bring the food in.

  “We were not sure what you would want to eat. Prima Cassie seemed to eat everything during her breeding period.”

  “Do you know where Prime Medic SydEL is?” she asked.

  “I believe he is in a briefing with the lead medics of the Colony.” The two men left quickly.

  “Well, baby, it’s just you and me.” She actually tho
ught she felt a fluttering response inside her belly. As a doctor, she knew it was probably just gas. But it was comforting to know she was no longer alone.

  She was really tired even though she hadn’t done anything. She decided that the fatigue was due to the pregnancy. She laid down on the bed to take a nap. She hoped Syd would come back soon. She needed him.

  When she woke, the room was very dark. Kat tried to get her eyes to focus. Someone was in the room with her. She knew it was not Syd, although she didn’t know how she knew. The person just didn’t smell right.

  A hand came over her mouth. It didn’t prevent her from breathing, but did keep her screaming. She was lifted up into a pair of really strong arms. Something was put over her eyes. She felt herself begin to panic right before she passed out.

  Syd was standing before the Colony medics, explaining in detail everything he had discovered so far and what he planned to do with the samples he wanted to collect from them. Things were going smoothly. He expected them to finish up early. Then he could go back to his mate and have some serious discussions. But mostly he wanted to hold her in his arms and make things right. She was his life. And now, by the blessings of the Goddess, she carried his young. It couldn’t get any better.

  “Prime Medic SydEL, we have a security breach. Doctor Morris has been taken.”

  Chapter 20

  Syd’s heart stopped beating. His mate, who was breeding, had been taken from their room. From their bed. He finally understood how Ren had felt when Cassie was taken. He felt his control slipping as he tried to slow his transition into protective mode. He would tear this place apart until he found her.

  “Easy, Prime Medic. We will find her,” Leader LarIS said, trying to calm the angry male down. He turned to one of his lieutenants. “Tell MalIC that we need him immediately.”

  “Yes, Leader,” the lieutenant said, running out of the room.

  A few minutes later a tall, brown-haired male came into the room. Immediately, Syd felt himself calm down and begin to think rationally. He looked at the other male.


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