Scrupulous (An Affliction of Falling Novel Book 1)

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Scrupulous (An Affliction of Falling Novel Book 1) Page 2

by Canady, Kristina

  “You can call me whatever you want.”

  I pull him back into me, which he allows, and he doesn’t push the question further. There are three rules I uphold with these encounters: I don’t divulge my real name, there are no exchanges of phone numbers or other personal information, and they must be staying in a hotel.

  Before long, our clothes lay in a heap as he generously lavishes my glistening skin with his fingertips as we bask in the afterglow of heated, passionate sex.

  “Well, that was mind blowing. Thank you kindly, cowboy.” I peck him on the cheek and move to get up.

  “You aren’t going to stay?” He truly sounds disappointed, which is odd.

  “Honey, you must not do this often. No, I am not going to stay, unless you are up for another round,” I purr, leaning back into his muscled frame.

  “Only if you tell me your name and consider giving me your phone number,” he wagers.

  “Ah, hun. The name is L, and you already know where I work. That is the most you need to know. I hope you understand that this is just a one-night stand, nothing more than two people having some fun together.” My heart momentarily sinks at the thought of him already getting attached.

  “You mean to tell me that you just used me for my body?” He attempts to sound exasperated but ends on a light, playful note as he sprawls into the tossed, white linen sheets.

  “Yes, yes I did. May I use it one more time before I leave?” I pout as I attempt to turn the tables back to the fun.

  He laughs. “Well, you drive a mighty hard bargain, I will concede.” Tobias playfully pulls me back to him and slips another condom into my hand. “My body is at your command.”

  After another frisky session, I finally depart in a taxi. Gently licking my swollen lips, I recall my assessment of him from the bar, pleased to find that I was once again right on the money in my choice. Gauging people was a gift. Sure, one takes a risk engaging in this type of behavior. I’ve had to mace and nut-kick a few and flee into the night, but that rarely ever happens. If you pass my initial assessment and pique my interest, I am a sure thing. As Samuel accused me, I do have high standards and am willing to wait it out long periods until I find I want.

  As the sun creeps up in the sky, I unlock my tiny flats door, stripping as I make my way to the bathroom to quickly clean up and ready for bed. I was due to meet some friends later for our traditional Sunday “linner” or whatever you like to call that meal between lunch and dinner. After working out a month’s worth of sexual tension with the cowboy, my body needed some R&R.


  The young sub shivers under the crack of my whip, her body slack and malleable in my chains. Sweet drops of sweat bead on her writhing form as her need builds. Her moans of pleasure and whimpers from pain course through me, but they don’t quite touch me in the ways that I need. She is the third I have worked over tonight and still, it isn’t enough. My cock just can’t get with the program and my underlying stress won’t relent. Granted, I don’t have sex with all of these eager subs, but I do like to take one at the end of the night to the back and recover us both just right. It’s been weeks since I have had the drive to fuck one of these birds senseless. And even the last one who got me close enough ended up being less than thrilling. Fuck, her eyes had teared up so pretty under my deliverance. What the hell is happening to me? This has never been an issue. Sex is sex. A glorious act that brings balance and stress relief to my life. Maybe the boss has had me working too hard. No, ya dip shit, that’s not it!

  Let’s be real, I am fucking bored out of my mind. Coming back to the states five years ago to start over was a good decision, but it has become blatantly obvious that something is missing from my life. Work, fitness, the dungeon mixed with the random outing with a bloke from the team or the club is becoming repetitive. Even my sadistic edge has seemed to wane, impatient with my life-induced funk.

  Thank God the boss lets me work as much as I want and prefers that I keep to my tried-and-true methods of blurring the lines of legality to get the job done. It allows me to elevate my growing reputation to the next level and keep up a semi-honest paycheck. There is not an ounce of desire within me to go back to the work that I used to do, but have to admit, boredom was never an issue at that time. Back then, there was always something about a piece of shit soul begging for their life that breathed fire into my veins.

  “All right, girl. Desiree will see to you in the recovery suite.” I lift the lanky, glazed-eyed blonde from the cross and carry her to the group suite where Desiree is eagerly waiting to please.

  “Master Gavin, right this way.” The raven-haired beauty keeps her eyes downcast and motions to a chaise, remaining a step back. I follow her thick, swaying hips and set my armload down. Fuck, something must be wrong with me. Desiree’s perfect submission used to get me hard and she is always happy to help me with my own needs, but it’s been months since I’ve even had the heart for that.

  “You’ve done a fine job once again, Master. Will there be anything else that I can do for you?” She hits me with those chocolate-brown eyes and licks her sweet pink lips in anticipation of an invitation back to my personal room. There was a time not too long ago that she was one of my favorite, vinyl-clad subs to finish my night off with.

  “Not tonight. Thanks for looking after my girls, pet.” The grit in my tone is harsh and resolute. She quickly gathers herself in a shaking fashion and backs off, displeasure with a hint of distress laced within her features. It’s no secret around these parts that I’m not only lusted after, but also feared by most. The fear part baffles me. It’s not like I walk around and rip heads off left and right. However, life choices to run with the wrong crowds, no matter how long ago that was, has hardened me to an irreparable degree.

  “The pleasure is all mine, sir.” Desiree does a little curtsy, her full breasts spilling forward in greeting. And… the blatant attempt to bait my manhood does nothing but irritate the piss out of me. I sneer at her attempt and quickly exit before I yank her out to the platform by her hair and strap her to the horse for the sheer pleasure of watching her suffer. She knows better than to act like that and for a pain slut of her degree, humiliation is the only form of punishment that will get through that thick skull.

  Heading back to the bar, I grab a nightcap and take up residence at a corner table to view the stage. A nice little performance of Master Rock working over his male submissive on the suspension rack is taking place. Cries of pain and pleasure fill my ears as I sip down the amber whiskey. Breathing in deep the scents of sex around me, a sense of contentment fills my hallowed bones. Shit, I am still right at home even if my cock has lost the will.

  Chapter 2


  Ducking into our favorite 50’s diner and out of the rainy San Francisco weather, I spot my friends huddled in a booth around various steaming cups of hot beverages. Their cheeks are pinked from the heat of their drinks combined with the chastising that no doubt is taking place.

  “Sor, over here.” My sister Breonna waves earnestly from across the diner. The harmony of clinking spoons against ceramic mugs mixed with murmurings of regulars and the sound of the grill makes me smile. A lazy late afternoon meal with some of my favorite people is the finishing cherry atop my last twenty-four hours. Ben, Molly, Jade and Samuel occupy our usual large, round booth.

  “Well, well, well… you look refreshed,” Samuel says, gloating as he mirrors my satisfaction and I slide in next to Jade for a quick hug.

  “I had a fantastic night,” I admit as I lean my head on Jade’s shoulder.

  “Uh-huh. Let me guess, you rode that cowboy hard and hung him up to dry?” Samuel boldly asks, causing all to chuckle.

  “He was a mighty fine steed indeed.” Instinctively, my teeth graze my lip as memories flicker.

  “My lord, Sor. When are you going to stop and get serious?” Breonna asks incredulously, killing the mood. She has been after me a long while about my extracurricular behaviors.

t all of us want the white picket fence, big sis. And, honestly, the idea of having sex with the same man for the rest of my life is not a pill I can swallow at this point in time.” My nose scrunches distastefully at the thought as I pour some black gold into the nearest waiting mug.

  Samuel holds up his coffee cup and taps my glass in a wordless ‘cheers.’

  “Honestly, Sam, you don’t help the situation. She needs to start getting serious about her life. When are you going to finish your residency?” Breonna is a typical, overbearing big sister, always pushing me to do more.

  “Can we skip this? You know my answer. Moving on. Molly, how are things?” Molly has recently begun to explore some new lifestyle choices of her own, and she has been radiating a happiness I have never seen from her.

  “Fantastic. We are having a ‘bring a guest mixer.’ Wish you would come.” Her eyes sparkle in invitation as she tosses her red curls over her pale shoulder, which peeks out from her blue sweater dress.

  “Hmm. I don’t even know where to begin with that one, let alone where to end.” I huff as I take Jade’s hand in mine. She has been so quiet, yet, no one can blame her. Her husband has not been responding well to treatment. We have been bonded at the hip since my family moved here when I was four. It kills me to see her this sad.

  “Easy-peasy. Stop by the club later today to fill out an application, they will do their background checks, then I can bring you as a guest Thursday night. Oh, do you work?”

  “Nah, Daz has me pulling two long shifts Friday and Saturday for some big events happening.” Breonna and Jade look at each other in angst, knowing where this is probably going.

  “Great! Will you come?”

  “Molly, I haven’t the first clue on the lifestyle or the rules and etiquette, aside from what I read in my smutty books. Last thing I want is to accidentally offend someone and end up chained to that cross thing with endless spankings headed my way. Actually, the chance of me offending someone is pretty big, you know,” I chuckle. Delicate flower my ass.

  “They are very forgiving on guest night. I can give you the basics. Good heavens, your work buddy here should have been prepping you all this time. I have someone I really want you to meet. Please say you will come!” Her waves bounce around her in anticipation.

  “Someone to meet, eh?” Ben inquisitively asks, speaking up for the first time since I had sat down. His enthusiasm over the matter warms me as distant memories tickle from our undergrad days. The two of us met in a bio-chem study group and took to commiserating over drinks to survive; which quickly led to prowling bars the next town over to let off some steam with the local boys. That lasted up until I went to med school and had to slow down. It worked well as that is when he also met Steve in grad school; putting an end to our escapades. We had a lot of fun but I am glad he found his husband; those two were made for each other.

  “He’s my new Dom; we’ve hit it off fantastically!” Molly squeaks.

  “That was fast,” Breonna says in shocked disbelief. “I thought it took a long time to even find one willing to take on a new filly.” Breonna’s fascination is evident. Too bad she is married to an intensely conservative man. Jeff is lovely, accepting of many things, but quite set in his ways.

  “That explains the change in you,” Ben scoffs before smiling at her.

  “It has been an amazing adventure. I am so glad you suggested it, Sam. I had no idea what I was missing out on.”

  “The club has a way of helping lost little lambs find their way, pet,” Samuel laughs as he addresses Molly with a term of endearment used for those in the lifestyle. He has been a Dom for quite some time and teaches classes to newbies on his nights off from bartending. Molly and he have unsuccessfully been attempting to talk me into visiting and sampling for the last year. It’s never sounded like my cup of tea. Too many rules for my liking and I’ve always had a problem with authority.

  “How do you know if you are a Dom or a sub? You know I don’t take orders very well; I am too much of a free spirit who likes to play by her own rules. That will not go over well. Jesus, Sam, you know that!”

  Taking a defensive stance to cover my piquing interest, I quickly ignore them as the waitress comes over to take my order as they already ordered right before my arrival. After reciting my weekly request, I glance back to find all of their smiling eyes burning into me, even Breonna’s.

  “What?” I ask, suddenly uncomfortable. Very little makes me uneasy, having your best chums all the way from childhood until present staring at you mischievously in between exchanging knowing glances back and forth amongst themselves has a way of edging uncertainty under your skin.

  “You know, Molly, I think we should all go. What a great way to bond and support our sister from another mister,” Breonna chides with a hint of something else. She is up to something.

  “Yeah, Jeff will totally go for you coming, let alone marching out of the house in a bustier.” I can’t believe what she is suggesting. She has always loved and supported me, even if my decisions were lost on her, but I am definitely the wild sister in comparison, having turned my back on our strict Irish-Catholic upbringing the moment eighteen candles graced my birthday cake.

  “Well, I will run it by him regardless.” Jeff will most likely say no, but it wouldn’t stop her from trying. Jeff has loosened up a lot since falling in love with my sister. She has been just as good for him as he has been for her.

  “I’m down. Steve has been asking me if we could explore it as a couple anyway. The newbie mixer sounds like a great way to see how comfortable we are with it,” Ben chimes, his longish, dark hair falling into his warm brown eyes.

  “Really? How come you never mentioned your darling husband has such a dirty side?” I joke with Ben. He and Steve married a few years ago.

  “Well, Sor, everyone else is on board. You coming? If not, I may have to ball gag, handcuff, and drag you anyway,” Samuel playfully threatens, but his eyes flicker dangerously. He may not like women, but he likes a challenge. There was no doubt in my mind that he is perfectly capable of following through with the threat. The dry toast I am attempting to swallow quickly catches, forcing me to sputter and gulp water.

  “Well, not everyone. You know I can’t,” Jade adds with clouded melancholy.

  “That’s okay, Jade. You have the free pass of a lifetime. Aye─ fuck it. Why the hell not?” My accent barely peeks through my carefree mood as I throw caution to the wind.

  “That a girl.” Samuel winks his devilish blues.

  “I guess that means we are all swinging by the dungeon after linner?” My question is met with excited bobs of their heads. This ought to be interesting. Never thought I’d see the day where I would agree to this.


  Velvet Rope is an exclusive BDSM club located a hop, skip and a jump from the bar Samuel and I work at. Membership is selective and easily revoked if one gets too big for their britches and chooses not to follow the rules. Mistress Diamond, the face of the club, has a reputation for running a tight ship. I may not know much, but occasionally, after a few beers together, Sam would dish the gossip on the drama that sporadically unfolds. Hence, my fear of being a walking disaster in there. Molly, Samuel, Ben, and I share a cab after linner, racing to get to the Rope before the last class ended and the members began to show up. It is the small window that we have to fill out our applications. Once business hours begin, the bouncer will only allow members to pass through the first entrance. From what Samuel has told us, there are three doors one had to gain entrance through to get into the main club. We won’t make it past the second today. Breonna opted to take Jade back to the hospital and decided she should talk to her husband before volunteering to be vetted by this very private club.

  There is no guard posted on the outside door, but as soon as we enter the long hall, a bodyguard that makes Hank looks small glances up at us from over the top of his newspaper. He nods to Samuel before returning to his reading and doesn’t bother to stand from his lounging chair

  We follow Samuel past the second door and approach a large desk that is raised about a foot off the ground. Another bodyguard and a pretty young thing in business casual with a cute pixie cut greets us.

  “Master Z, Rose, it is nice to see the two of you. Who do you have here?” the bubbly blond asks.

  “Good evening, Sapphire. We have two new possible recruits who are interested in Thursday’s event.”

  “Fantastic. Fill these out, please.” Sapphire hands Ben and me each a tablet with a digital form to input our information. So high tech these days. “Now, it is also required that you attend a class prior to arrival, one that covers the basics. Here is a class schedule as well as our membership fees should your application be accepted and you find yourself interested after Thursday’s event,” Sapphire chirps.

  Holy shit, this place is no joke. The list of questions is a mile long! And…personal.

  “Also, there is a strict dress code. Please read this when you are done. It goes over what is accepted as appropriate attire. No one is permitted if not dressed accordingly.”

  “Sapphire, is it alright if I take responsibility for their first 101 class?”

  “Absolutely, Master Z,” Sapphire responds, looking up through her lashes and blushing.

  Oh, honey, you are barking up the wrong tree there.

  “Excellent, pet. You two free tomorrow night?” Samuel asks, subconsciously rising to his full height as his dominant status here is recognized.

  “Um, I’ll be at the studio until eight.” I won’t budge on my rented studio time for anyone, Samuel knew that. The only other thing I am as passionate about as sex is my art.

  “We could meet at my place when you are done.” Samuel pins me with an unyielding gaze, daring me to try to back out now.


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