Scrupulous (An Affliction of Falling Novel Book 1)

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Scrupulous (An Affliction of Falling Novel Book 1) Page 5

by Canady, Kristina

  “I think you care to play with me, L. It is just one night; let me show you what you need,” he purrs deeply.

  That little slip of his tongue is the cold water on my hard-on. Leaning in to let my lips brush his lobe, I let my hot breath run over his skin, feeling him shudder ever so slightly under the onslaught. “I know what I need. I am quite efficient at managing my needs. I need you to remove your hands and be on your way,” I grit out in a low rumble, doing nothing to hide my anger. He promptly complies but remains too close. Good boy.

  Quickly downing my drink, I drop a fifty on the bar and turn on my stool away from him. Remembering my friends, I quickly move to lean back over to the bartender, making the crucial mistake of forgetting my large breasts. The ladies accidentally rub along Gavin’s granite chest on my mission, hardening my nipples on impact as they went. My breasts totally betrayed me in a moment of subconscious weakness. Shaking his influence from my alcohol-infused brain, I motion for the bartender, who looks nervously back and forth between Gavin and me before leaning forward to hear me over the blaring background noise of deep bass and groans.

  “Would you please tell Master Z that I went home for the evening?” He nods in understanding, his deep blue eyes gleaming momentarily at the mention of Samuel. “Thank you; keep the change.” My breast is still fused to the unwavering, marble chest that was taking full advantage. I begrudgingly separate myself from the soft, silk-shrouded sculpture and ease off the stool. “Master Gavin.” I tip my chin to him and make for the coatroom before I come any closer to breaking one of my rules.

  Don’t shit where you eat, as in, don’t have affairs with locals you could easily run into again.

  It doesn’t matter that he perfectly fit all of my check boxes and probably had a point score off the charts. Samuel and Molly live this lifestyle and occasionally socialize with members outside of the club, which makes this too close to home.

  It is easy to see how many fall for his bad-boy edge. There is definitely something dark and sexy about him. Probably one big farce. Looks like I will be scoping hard at work tomorrow night to find someone to relieve this overwhelming frustration with.

  As I gather my coat and personal effects from the attendant, a familiar hand comes to rest on the small of my back before I can back away from the counter. Desire and heat pool in my belly at the contact and my breath hitches in pleasant surprise. The hard-edged figure bends his lips to my ear from behind.

  “Come with me.” It is not a courteous question or invitation. It is a demand─ an order─ one my body complies with despite my rational mind screaming at the top of its lungs.

  He quickly leads me through a door off to the side, which makes me think this area is situated over what would be the dungeon. No one questions him and every staff member or dungeon monitor we pass doesn’t bat an eye. This tells me he is a regular here. Another warning sounds out in my head, my rational mind attempting to protect me and my carefully constructed life from my lustful self. Why do I have to be such a horny bitch? It must be genetic or something.

  As we hastily continue down a corridor lined with doors, driven by pounding need, it dawns on me where we are headed─ a private suite. Samuel has told me of these. He said he never personally rented one and chose the group facilities downstairs to play and recover his lovers. Abruptly, Gavin pulls out a key and opens one of the doors.

  “In, now.” His voice growls with a commanding force as well as drips with sin. But my heels remain planted.

  As I look into the fancy little corridor, his heated hand waits patiently on the curve just above my ass. There is a door to the left and one to the right. Both are open, one leads into a dark viewing room and another to a playroom.

  “No─” He cuts me off by quickly turning my body into his and searing me with a kiss that put an end to any contest. My hands find their way up and into his wavy, light brown hair that perfectly matches his eyes and pull him closer. Inhibitions scatter as I let my sexual nature out of the cage of control that I keep her carefully locked away in. He backs me into the corridor with his looming heft and closes the outer door without breaking our kiss. Thick fingers rake up my ass, back, and settle into my hair before pulling my head gently backwards, away from his lips.

  “I didn’t give you permission to touch me. Your lack of manners will be forgiven for now, but you will soon learn a sub’s proper mannerisms,” he informs me, bringing his skilled tongue down to my neck before I can tell him to fuck off. A shutter rips through my body. Interchanging light kisses with tortuous drags of his tongue down the column of my neck, he ends at my breasts and sinks his devious tongue down between the fabric of the corset and my skin, teasing my excited nipples resting just below the top seam.

  A groan of pleasure escapes my throat as his hands make quick work of the grommets barely containing my curves within the brocaded, steel-boned device. Cool air breezes across my heightened skin as he flings my top across the room and continues to drive me with hungry hands deeper into the belly of the playroom. Despite the speed at which we are traveling, I couldn’t give a damn beyond my throbbing clit, which aches for attention. This, this magnetic pull of raw chemistry on a primal level, is everything. I want to get lost in it.

  A soft surface brushes against the back of my legs and in the ambient light, I can see that it is a bed. I nervously look over to where the viewing window would be based on the layout and breathe a sigh of relief to see that there is a curtain drawn over it. Gavin’s large hands grip my bottom tightly as his wicked lips find mine. His nimble fingers move to release the fasten on my skirt, dropping it to my feet in an instant.

  Jesus, how many hours has this one spent plotting the removal and demise of female apparel?

  Wrapping his thick arms around my waist, he pulls me close and off my feet as he kicks my skirt over and leans me back on to the bed. Allowing my knees to fold over together and hide his view, I prop up on my elbows to observe the specimen before me. Lord have mercy on my very soul, he is beautiful. As he undresses for me, I watch with breathless pleasure as he slowly unbuttons his flowing dress shirt.

  He reveals a lightly tanned, sculpted chest and well defined abs as he goes. An impressive tattoo begins on his chest, extending to his shoulder and down his arm into a full sleeve. The artwork is a stunning mix of a few different styles, mainly Polynesian with a touch of Celtic knot work. Not what I would expect, but this girl is not complaining. Put it all together and it is my own personal show that would receive an Oscar if I had anything to do with it. The moment of space between our bodies allows my brain to run away with me, battering back my sexual nature, trying to lock her back into her cage.

  This is so wrong, and not in any moral respects; more that I am breaking my own rules, it screams in reminder.

  His hands come to rest on his belt buckle as he cocks his head to the side in regards to me. “You are thinking too hard. What is it, girl?”

  There, there it is, a term of affection in this community, but I can’t stand it. “First off, you offend me by calling me ‘girl.’ Second, why do you bother inquiring on my thoughts? An intellectual or deep exchange is far from the set mood. That is not what we are here for.”

  “You have been offending me all night─ consider it an even exchange. An inquiry into your thoughts is a way for me to find a way to lift the burden from you. I want you to shut it off and enjoy yourself.” Something I can’t comprehend flickers behind his eyes as he quickly drops his pants and reveals washboard abs V-ing down to an impressive, thick erection free of any constricting undergarments. The man apparently likes to go commando. Momentarily, my eyes can’t decide where to settle as they feast on the sight before them, finally coming to rest on what is aimed directly at me.

  “My pleasure is my concern; one I have no problem attending too,” I gasp, trying not to stare at it, questioning how the hell that thing fits anywhere.

  “From this point on, it is now my concern,” he growls and eases his unyielding flesh down to ho
ver over me. “Hmmm, someone hasn’t been wearing any panties under that tight little skirt,” he hums as he lifts my leg and runs his mouth down my thigh highs. Leaving my heels and stockings in place, he pulls my ass closer and spreads me wide open for his viewing pleasure. “So pretty,” he breathes as he promptly sinks his mouth down to my southern lips, drawing my hips higher and forcing an embarrassingly loud groan of pleasure from me. All of my nerve endings go on high alert as my body gives into the pleasure. His tongue begins to flick back and forth over my clit in a speed that imitated a low setting on a vibrator. How is it possible for a man to do it that perfectly?

  Fuck me, who cares? I think as he slips one long finger into me and continues to draw me up into the heavens. White-hot impulses fire off down my thighs and through my core. My mind sloughs off all worry and becomes enraptured with the impossible rhythm that he is setting. As a tingling sensation burns through my clit, signaling that I am close, I feel another digit come to rest on the rosette of my bottom.

  Immediately, I tense and try to pull away, my pleasure-intoxicated brain straining through the haze. No one has ever breeched that opening, and I don’t plan to start now. My bottom half is locked tight by his overpowering arms, nowhere to go. Sudden curiosity over his directness has me relaxing against my better judgment, and into his capable hands. This man is an expert, right?

  He grunts in approval as he quickly slips in, not giving me a chance to make heads or tails of it, resuming his devilish rhythm of lavishing the nerve bundle between my lips while pulsing his fingers inside of me. The mix of slight burning and discomfort somehow increase the overwhelming exquisite feeling of pleasure, both consuming me in ecstasy. Vision and hearing disappear in a fuzz of static as I ascend higher than I have ever been taken. My body quivers and before I know it, pleasure has taken me to the brink.

  “a Dhia!” I scream in Gaelic as my body clenches down around him and is ripped apart by orgasm, unaware my native tongue has taken over, all forms of restraint willingly lost to this stranger’s hands. Never have I forgotten myself so completely and let my carefully constructed exterior that was constructed for all encounters with men slip away.

  As the waves of trembling begin to subside, he quickly jumps up and I hear a sink running. Assuming he is washing his hands, I lie unblinking up at the ceiling, reveling in what I had just experienced. The moment doesn’t last long as his weight shifts the mattress. He settles back over me and quickly owns my mouth once more. The taste of myself on his lips is more erotic than I ever thought it could be. That simple addition causes me to forget myself completely and hungrily pull him closer, unhinged and aching to be closer than I can seem to get.

  Gavin seems to hesitate at first, briefly pulling back to look me in the eye. Staring up at him from under my lashes in confusion, he gives into the moment and meets my starved state, head on. It is as if we cannot touch, taste, or feel one another enough; every bit of contact surged our desires even more.

  We quickly reach a crescendo, deafened by passion, panting breaths robbing us of words. I need him inside of me with an urgency that can’t be explained. But he seems to slip away from me again, lost in his own thoughts, the event laden with one set of intentions quickly getting away from us as something beyond words starts to forge.

  “Please, Gavin, I need to feel you,” I beg, on the verge of tears that had been solicited by the intense emotions I have never known to exist, and he is the cause. Everything aches simultaneously with need and pleasure, encouraging my madness. Dropping his mouth to my nipple, he pointedly ignores my plea.

  “Gavin! Please, put me out of my misery,” I whimper helplessly, drawing his gaze to mine, eliciting another odd expression from him. What is he internally battling with? Why the hell am I begging to be fucked? More importantly, when have I ever had to beg to be fucked? Before my inquisitions can continue, a tender kiss falls upon my lips and the head of his erection teasingly presses at my entrance but does not enter.

  The ache to be filled by him causes my hips to sway. Gavin stills my wayward attempt with his strong grip and promptly sheaths himself in one quick and painful movement. The pain does not hurt as one might expect; it is delicious and contenting. He lays inside of me, unmoving, tracing kisses down the column of my neck, allowing me to adjust to his size. It doesn’t take long before my hips buck again, attempting to take control. Gavin surprisingly bites my flesh in soft warning, aware of what I am up to. Whining in protest, I huff and pull away, the madness threatening me once more. Not getting far, he slips a forearm under my neck and a heavy palm under my rear.

  “Patience, girl,” he bites out and rests his forehead tenderly on mine.

  Gently pulling out a bit, he pauses before thrusting back in. Gavin continues on in this slow and torturing pace. He is filling me to the brim in one moment, teasing me the next, and the friction only makes it that much more exasperating. Desire, sensory overload, and satiation with bits of discomfort amplify everything else, quickly driving me into a new high.

  Gavin’s fingers continue to dig into my ass as he holds it perfectly in place to accept his length. Unable to practice restraint anymore, he quickly picks up speed, taking me along to another peak in no time. What started as calculated and controlled intentions unravel in minutes into a lusty, passion-filled rage where no one is in control.

  In perfect harmony, we shatter for one another, he inside of me. The intensity wipes us out and crumbles any traces of barriers that may have been left, leaving me raw and unadulterated, bare before him. Beads of sweat run off his brow and fall upon me as he remains locked in our embrace, unable to detangle himself─ like the light drizzle at the end of a rain storm that ensnares those lucky enough to be enjoying it. Our hot, heavy breaths graze over one another as we struggle to calm and make sense of what has just taken place.

  After a long while, Gavin eases out and pulls a cover over us as we lay in the post-coital effect. I feel him adjust something under the covers and with a low thud, drop it into what sounds like a trash can at the side of the bed. Oh thank goodness, I had completely forgotten to make sure he had a condom on. I can’t believe I forgot myself like that! Who is this wanton woman?

  He pulls me close and wraps his welcoming warmth around me. Neither of us are capable of words for quite some time. As my eyes grow heavy, I snap them open and remember myself.

  “I should get going.” Quickly sitting up, my need to leave dampens the heady atmosphere we had set.

  “Already?” he asks, taken aback.

  “Aye─ yes.” The accent I try to keep hidden peeks through again. Damn it, Sorcha, get it together!

  “I am assuming you will not be giving me your name or phone number?”

  “Correct. Don’t pretend you would actually want it.” Why does it suddenly hurt to say that? A well-rehearsed line that has gotten a lot of play suddenly stings.

  “What if I am not done with you?” He wickedly attempts to entice me once more, his fingers hungrily scraping down my back.

  A puzzled look takes residence over my face. I don’t want this to be over either, but it has to. “Doesn’t matter. Let’s not ruin a beautiful memory with useless pillow talk.” I attempt to rebuild the barriers he so easily ripped down.

  Scrambling up on legs that are still puttied, I find my skirt and pull it on. Spotting my corset on the floor by the door, I bend to pick it up but find myself up against the wall, pinned by Gavin, who is all male in a viral moment. My skirt is hitched up by wild hands that clearly haven’t had enough as he presses his erect length against me.

  Fuck, yes! Screw your rules, Sorcha! Rules were made to be broken, right?

  Ripping open another foil packet, he rolls on the condom and lifts me up against the wall, forcing my legs to wrap tightly around his waist as he eases into me. He holds me up as if I weigh nothing, pinning my hips to the wall, demanding more of what I am all too happy to give. And here, against the wall of the Velvet Rope, I let him take me one more glorious time, knowing th
is will be the last.

  As sad as it makes me to know this is it, I also know that it can be no other way. Sex this good comes with a price. A price tied with emotions and inevitable commitment. Or devastating heartache. There is no in between when it is this hot. Maybe I will want those things in a few years, but I am nowhere near a state of mind to want to invest an ounce into anyone on that level.

  Friends are one thing─ anyone who could possibly turn into something more, no thank you. Gavin doesn’t seem like the type to do friends with benefits. Plus, I am young, have an overbearing sex drive, and enjoy being selfish, I own that. Someday, I know I will want more, just no time soon. Even if the sex is this good… God, this sex is the best I have ever had. I groan to myself as I am swept up into his strong hold once more.


  Never has the need for any one person been so overwhelming. She is not one to bow down to anyone, a challenge a man like me can’t help but fall prey to. I saw my very undoing take place when I actually chased after her for some ridiculous, unknown reason. There was no way in hell that I was going to let her walk out. The minute she hit me with those glaring green eyes, my cock kicked out harder than it ever has. Something took over my being when she opened her mouth and proved to be the level of brat I thought she might be.

  That delectable creature is a pistol. I’ve never cared too much for brats, but that fucking rack and thick ass she sports made me rethink things. All I had planned to do was go to the bar and grab a stiff one to take back to my room. The boss has had me working such shitty long days and I hadn’t had the desire to do much else, but I still liked to come to the club to be surrounded by my like-minded family of sorts to unwind. I zeroed in on her from across the bar and like a moth to a flame, chose her side to squeeze past on a mission to grab a drink.


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