Touch of Decadence (The Magic Mirror #1)

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Touch of Decadence (The Magic Mirror #1) Page 5

by Sylvia McDaniel

  Tomorrow was the last day they could leave and make it safely back to Tesceanus. He really wanted her to go of her own accord, but if he needed to he would make the decision for her. He hoped today he could convince her to travel with him. First, he had to find her.

  Sitting on the edge of town, a big old house sat with a wooden porch circling the structure. An iron weather vane sat on the roof, spinning around and around even when there was no wind.

  She was in there. He knew it, but there was also a force field around the house that kept him from climbing the steps. He leaned against the fence and waited. He would be here for her when she came out.

  Two twin boys went zooming by on a motorized contraption with spoke wheels. Orion shook his head at the recklessness of youth. Of course, on his planet they played until dawn and then they would scamper into the house to stay out of the harsh sunlight. He missed seeing the young ones on his planet.

  Wiping the sweat off his brow, he longed for a cool moonbeam.

  The boys made a sharp turn with the vehicle, that his communicator told him was a motorized bicycle and came to a stop. Jumping off the contraption, giggling and smiling, they stood off to the side and transformed before his eyes. One moment they were twin boys and now they scampered along the road as mice hurrying towards him. He wasn't afraid of the little creatures, but he was in shock. Children on this planet could transform?

  One minute they were boys and the next they had four legs and were sprinting around the yard.

  He watched the rodents bolt past him, like he was invisible. Before they could reach the porch where the force field kept Orion from entering the house, a large tabby feline pounced on one of the mice. Picking up the little creature, the animal started to trot off with his prize.

  The other mouse changed back into a boy and began to scream and chase after the animal, which caused the tabby to run with the mouse in its mouth. "Stop that cat. He has my brother. He'll eat him."

  Orion ran after the small animal the boy had called a cat. The child's brother was going to be eaten alive, if he didn't stop the orange ball of fur. Racing after the tabby, he saw it dart under a bush. Zooming up to the animal, he grabbed the bit of fur by the collar.

  "Drop it," he yelled sternly as he shook the cat.

  The feline dropped the mouse.

  "Calm down," the animal said to him with a sneer, staring up at him with cool green eyes. "Now you owe me lunch."

  "You talk," Orion said, shocked that the cat was rolling its eyes at him.

  "Did you think the trees were speaking?" the animal said, licking its paw with disdain. "Oh well, if it was one of those twins, all hell would break loose if I ate him."

  What was the animal saying? Hell?

  "Hell? What is this place?"

  The cat glanced at him and shook its head. "Go back to your planet, alien, before you get into more trouble than you can handle."

  His telecommunicator told him about hell and he frowned. How could hell break loose?

  The animal slunk away, while the mouse looked terrified. Before he could race off, Orion picked him up. "Let's get you back to your brother."

  The mouse transformed into a boy. He gulped several big deep breaths and held his chest. "I was so scared, I couldn't change back. He had me in his mouth. I have bite marks on me. I'll get cat scratch fever. I'm going to die."

  It was all Orion could do to keep from smiling. The young were so dramatic.

  "Joseph, are you all right?" his brother said as he came running up to them. He glanced at Orion. "Thank you, mister. That cat was going to eat him. I'm Jonah and this is my brother Joseph."

  "I heard," Orion said. "What were you boys doing?"

  They looked at each other and grinned. "We wanted to sneak into the house and hear what the Fates were saying to Bad-Date Daisy."

  Didn't they know they couldn't go in without being invited?

  Bad Date Daisy? His Daisy?

  "I'm Jonah and this is my brother Joseph," the boy said.

  "Nice to meet you," Orion said.

  Orion glanced between the two boys. Except for Joseph's coarse, white hair they looked identical. "You could have died. That cat would have eaten you."

  "Na, I don't think so," Joseph said. "I think he would have just nibbled on me. At least I hope so."

  How can he be so calm after being so dramatic moments before? Ah, the wonders of childhood.

  "He's Fortune's cat and his name is Zeus," Jonah informed him.

  Orion squatted down to the level of the boys. "I know you have magical powers. I watched you change from boys into mice. I see you're what your planet calls twins. On Tesceanus you would be known as Ashcans or healers and would be honored among my people. But if one of you were injured or killed, or eaten, the one left behind would be devastated. Think of living without each other and how you would feel. How your parents would react to your death. Enjoy your childhood, but don't take unnecessary chances."

  Their eyes widened and he could tell he made an impression on them. "Why are you here?"

  "My sister is very ill," he told them. "I'm hoping Daisy will return with me and heal her."

  "Bad-Date Daisy?" Joseph said. "She's a powerful witch."

  Orion nodded. "I'm hoping she can break the spell on my sister and save her."

  Joseph reached out and hugged him. "I hope she'll go help you and thanks for saving me."

  Jonah nodded his head. "We better go or Mom's going to be mad at us. Thanks for saving Joseph from Zeus. I generally check before we cast the spell, but we were in a hurry to get inside to hear what the Fates told Daisy. Now we'll never know."

  Orion chuckled. "Be careful, boys."

  They turned to walk off and there stood Daisy. How much of their conversation had she heard?


  Daisy stared at the boys, anger simmering below the surface, causing her insides to clench. "Boys, were you trying to sneak in to hear my conversation with the Fates?"

  They hung their heads. "Yes, Ma'am."

  "When you become teenagers and start to date, I will be there following you around and listening to your conversations," she said. "And that's the nicest thing I can do to you. I could change your girlfriends into fairies."

  Orion reached out and touched her on the arm, sending a delicious tingle zipping through her making her feel, oh, so moist and hot. No man she'd ever dated had made her feel that way. No man had ever stood up to her. She felt her heart fluttering like a butterfly in her chest.

  Why did this happen when Orion touched her? What was wrong with her? Was this a warning from her body that she could soon die because she hadn't mated?

  "Daisy, they're twins, leave them be."

  The boy's eyes widened. No one in town stood up to Daisy. No one, and yet, her heart warmed at the alien standing before her. There was something about him that made all her girl parts warm.

  "But..." she protested.

  "They are Ashcans or healers, and they'll be more careful in the future, won't you boys?"

  "Yes, sir," they said together, their eyes large and wide as they backed up staring at the alien like they had just witnessed a miracle. "We gotta get home."

  They turned and fled to their cycle that was leaning against a large rock across the street.

  "You let them go," she said, staring at him.

  "Yes, they're kids," he said and took her by the arm. "We will return to your shop."

  She shook her head, letting him lead her away from the Fates. She turned and glanced back at the old house and saw the three women gazing out the window. What had she learned today? Nothing, except that Destiny had faith that she would make the right decision.

  What is the right decision? She wanted a family. She wanted children. She had to mate on her birthday or she would forever be lost and it had to be with the right male. If she chose the wrong man, she would die and was reluctant to do anything until she was certain of her mate.

  "I want to go home," she said softly.

bsp; Walking along the streets of Magic she couldn't imagine living anywhere else. This little town was her home, but her mate wasn't here. Time had run out. She feared that she would never have the family, she dreamed of.

  As they neared her house, she released the spell that kept her home safe from intruders. They walked inside just as something buzzed on his belt. She frowned and watched as he hit a switch and then his mother appeared right before her eyes. Daisy stepped away from him, not wanting to intrude.

  "How are you, my Queen?"

  "The spell is starting to work. I can feel the life force draining from me," she said weakly. "That's why I was calling to make certain you were on your way back with the witch."

  "We're leaving tomorrow," he said.

  Daisy stepped towards him. She hadn't agreed to return with him. But how could she not? How could she let two people die because of her dreams?

  "How is Lyra?"

  "She's gravely ill and her pulse is weaker. I fear she will soon die," she said, a hitch in her voice.

  Orion closed his eyes.

  In disbelief, Daisy watched the woman hand the telecommunicator to a man standing nearby.

  "Uncle Corgi is she okay?"

  "Greetings, my boy, our Queen is weak. The princess is dying and I fear for the life of my daughter. Please give me good news and say you are on your way home with the cure?"

  Orion sighed heavily. "I'm leaving tomorrow and I pray that what I bring back will break this evil spell and all will be right with our kingdom once again."

  "Great. It will take you five days to return. Send me your coordinates and we'll have the fighters escort you in," he promised.

  A frown appeared on Orion's face and his eyes narrowed. She didn't know what he was thinking, but it wasn't good.

  "No," Orion replied. "I would rather take all security precautions until I arrive. If there is someone trying to eliminate our leaders, they will not allow me to return with a solution. We will be in stealth mode. Once we've landed safely, then I'll contact you."

  "Smart thinking," his uncle said.

  "Don't tell anyone I'm bringing back a cure," Orion warned trusting his uncle, knowing time was running out. He had to return.

  His mother came back into the picture. "Yes, take every precaution. Someone will want her dead. Safe travels, my son. You are our only hope."

  The image disappeared, leaving the room empty.

  Anger rose like hot lava inside Daisy. When she glanced at Orion, who stood dejected, his head slumped on his shoulders, his eyes wet with unshed tears, her heart ached for him. The fury she felt moments before seemed to dissipate into thin air. The alien was possibly losing his sister, and his mother and the kingdom they ruled.

  "If I return with you, to your planet, I could possibly die. If someone is trying to kill your sister and your mother, they will come after me to keep me from breaking the spell. And if your Queen dies, then her successor, your cousin, would kill me."

  He looked and moved towards her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and drew her to him. She watched as his mouth descended, his lips caressed hers. Her body went limp, her arms wrapping around his neck as he kissed her like he was her lifeboat to keep from drowning. The passion in his lips all but seared her as his own.

  Orion claimed her mouth, ravaging her lips with his. Leaving her knees weak, and her breath coming in short gasps. She wanted to do more than just kiss, but knew that was impossible.

  Her hands moved down his shoulders. She felt the most incredible urge to caress his skin. She needed to feel those muscled abs that she glimpsed, but never touched. She wanted to explore his alien body and...

  She broke apart from the kiss, staring at him. Her body went cold and she gasped at the thought that slammed into her, leaving her rocking.

  No, he couldn't be. He couldn't be her mate could he?

  "I will defend you with my life," he said. "No one will harm you without going through me. I will die protecting you."

  She stared at him, her heart pounding in her chest, how could she let his kingdom collapse if she could save his mother and sister? Why did her mating ritual seem so unimportant and his need seemed so great now?

  With a sigh, she said, "I'll go with you. Let me pack a bag and call my sister. Then I'll be ready to leave."

  He pulled her to him and kissed her soundly on the lips once again. She liked the way his kisses made her feel. She liked the way his body filled the empty hollows of her own.

  They broke apart. "As soon as you're ready, we'll leave."

  Daisy didn't know what to expect on his planet, but she quickly packed a bag, throwing in her clothes, toiletries and a book to occupy her while she was traveling.

  She glanced at the hand held mirror that her grandmother had told her would reflect her mate. She didn't really believe that a mirror could answer her dilemma, but it had been passed down for generations from one woman to the next and even a few men. Sure, she was a witch, but the thought of a mirror showing her the man to claim her heart was ludicrous. It was crazy.

  She picked up the phone and called her sister Zinnia.


  Music blasted in the background. "What are you doing?"

  "Dancing," she said breathlessly. "It's my latest routine to calm my anger and not send a spell of bad luck to some deserving person."

  "Is it working," Daisy asked.

  "No," she said out of breath as she turned off the music. "What's up? Are you calling about the birthday celebration Grandmother Astor is planning for you?"

  Daisy stopped. Her grandmother was planning a birthday celebration? Of course, to celebrate her mating ritual. "No. In fact, I haven't found a mate." Her voice choked. "I don't think the mirror is going to work for me. I haven't found anyone."

  Orion's image came to mind and she stopped. That was twice she had thought of him today, but he was an alien. A handsome man whose lips had set fires, no man had ever stoked before.

  "Surely there is someone," her sister said. "Have you met any men at all?"

  "There's one, but he's not from Magic," she said her hands trembling.

  Laughter came over the phone as her sister cackled loudly. "Honey, the men in that town are all kinds of weird. I doubt any girl finds the man of her dreams there."

  "You're right. But the man I met is from out of town. Way out of town, like another planet."

  "Oh," Zinnia said. "Well have you checked the mirror?"

  What if Orion was her mate, or even worse, what if he wasn't? She liked the man. He was gentle and kind. He stood up to her and wasn't afraid. But was she in love with him?

  "No," she said suddenly afraid. "I've checked it at least twenty other times and it showed me nothing."

  "You have to check the mirror."

  Daisy swallowed picking up the mirror and staring into it. "I never considered him until now. Well, he's just not what I expected."

  "Do you like him?"

  "Yes," she said, knowing that she did. "But I'm also afraid."

  "Of what?"

  "What if he is the right one and he doesn't want me or what if he's not my mate? What do I do then?"

  How could she explain to her sister that it had taken her until just before this phone call to start questioning that Orion could be the man she was to choose? She never considered him until an hour ago.

  "You get on your broom and fly out to see me. We'll have some drinks and bash men."

  Daisy smiled. "I love you, Zinnia, but I called to tell you that I'm going with him to the planet Tesceanus. I've got to help him break a spell and I don't know how long I'll be gone."

  The phone went silent. She could hear her sister breathing and not saying anything. Finally, she spoke and her words voiced Daisy's fears.

  "You can't go there. You know as well as I do that they killed the witches or ran them off. That planet is off limits to our kind."

  Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm her younger sister. "I know, but Orion says it's changed since his mo
ther became Queen. She has taught her people learn to accept everyone as they are. If anyone tries to harm me, he promised to protect me and I think he will."

  With startling clarity Daisy realized she trusted him. She knew he wouldn't let anything hurt her if he could prevent it. He would protect her. Warmth radiated through her at the very thought of Orion, keeping her safe and her chest clenched at the memory of his kiss. The big alien was growing on her.

  "Are you sure about this? This is so unlike you to run off with a man to a planet that kills our kind. I could see Petunia thinking love and peace would solve everything. I just can't see my level-headed sister chasing a man to a planet that hates witches."

  "I'm not chasing him. His sister is under a sleeping spell and I'm doing this for Ianthe and mom. She and mother didn't deserve to die the way they did."

  At the memory her heart ached with pain for her mother and sister.

  "But your birthday? You'll miss your mating ritual?"

  This was her biggest fear. This damn expiration date she had. She didn't want to be fertilizer for the next generation of witches.

  "Maybe," she said. "As long as I have sex with my mate, by midnight on my birthday, then I'm good."

  "Are you in love with this man? Could he be your mate?"

  How ironic if he fell in love with her. His family would probably not approve of their son, the royal prince being mated with a witch.

  "I'm not certain. I'm not sure he is my mate, but my biggest fear is, what if he doesn't love me back? What happens to me then?"

  There was silence on the phone. "I don't know, Daisy, I haven't reached twenty-five yet. I can't answer that and mother, well she died with Ianthe."

  "I could call grandmother, but she's already in bed by now," Daisy said and then it struck her. "Topper would know. I'll ask Topper on my way out of town."

  "Be careful, Daisy. I want you to fall in love and be happy, but be careful going to his planet. I don't want to lose another sister."

  "Love you, Zinnia," Daisy said her heart swelling with emotion. If she didn't make it back, this would be the last time she heard her sister's voice.


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