Touch of Decadence (The Magic Mirror #1)

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Touch of Decadence (The Magic Mirror #1) Page 7

by Sylvia McDaniel

  His mother straightened, her posture more regal. "Go to Daisy and don't let her take that pill. I don't know if the medication is poison or not, but I don't want to take a chance. I'm going to send the royal guards to bring the healer to me for questioning."

  Orion nodded, thankful that Daisy had not taken the pill the healer prescribed. Since the medication was stocked in the infirmary on the ship it was probably not poison, but what if it could harm her just the same. What if the pill he recommended was not an air sickness antidote, but rather something that destroyed her somehow. He didn't know if witches had remedies for certain illnesses, but he was no longer willing to take the chance.

  He had to get to her and throw away the pill.

  Daisy had never been so sick in all her life. She had bounced around in his bed like a fish flopping on the riverbank. While the ship jerked and spun with what sounded like bombs going off, she'd laid there frightened beyond peeing in her pants. She held on and tried to make her queasy stomach relax using all the tricks she knew for motion sickness and even a small spell, but the constant rolling was just too much.

  Now she lay curled in the middle of the bed, her stomach empty, wishing she could just go to sleep. Maybe then she would wake up and this would all be over. The ship seemed to have stabilized and the bombs no longer exploded. It had been quiet for at least thirty minutes and yet her body just didn't want to calm down.

  Maybe the medication would calm her stomach and help her sleep. She rose up, looking around the cabin, and saw the pill lying on a table at the foot of the bed. She scooted down the bed and poured herself a glass of water from a pitcher. Picking up the pill, she gazed at it unsure of what type of drug it was, but hoping it would make her drowsy enough to sleep. She had taken many pills for motion sickness and most of them made you sleepy.

  The pill was to her lips when the doors swished open and Orion knocked the medication from her hand.

  "Hey, why did you do that."

  He ran his hand through his hair and gazed at her, fear radiated from his eyes. "Because we were under attack by one of our own ships and I'm not certain that the healer can be trusted. It's my duty to keep you safe. You will remain in my chambers or by my side at all times. I can't trust anyone with your safety."

  It was odd that the first strike had started not long after he'd contacted the healer.

  Grabbing her, he pulled her into his arms and held her tight against his chest. It felt so good to be in his arms again, like this was where she belonged.

  Leaning back, she glanced at him, her heart pounding in her chest. "Why would they want to hurt me? Because I'm a witch?"

  She knew the answer. She wasn't stupid, but she wanted to hear what he would tell her.

  "Because they know you are coming to break the spell and if Lyra lives, so does our Queen."

  "And if I die...your sister and your mother would die?"

  "Yes," he said softly.

  "And so it begins," she said quietly with a sigh. "What in Merlin's name have I gotten myself into?" she said, resting her forehead against his shoulder. She felt like her world was coming apart, but she knew with certainty that he would protect her.


  Later that evening, Daisy lay in Orion's bed, with him holding her in his arms. The motion sickness had finally eased.

  "I'm sorry, I got you into this," he said softly brushing back her hair. He'd been massaging her shoulders to help her relax. The ship had been stable for the last two hours and it seemed like her stomach had finally begun to settle.

  "Do you love your sister?" she asked.

  "Of course," he responded. "And my mother as well."

  "Then I would have done the same thing," she said. "I love my sisters and I had one that passed on to the next realm."

  He pulled his arms around her tightly, pressing her against his chest. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. Tell me about your sisters. Are they witches too?"

  She smiled in the darkness. Orion had turned off the lights, hoping she would fall asleep. "My two sisters Zinnia and Petunia, I love and miss them so very much. They live in Santa Fe near my grandmother Astor."

  Grinning, she said, "Zinnia has problems controlling her anger, which gets her into all kinds of trouble. And Petunia is a blonde ditz that believes in fairies and happily ever-afters. She thinks world peace is possible, and is so naive and vulnerable that the family worries about her safety."

  Years ago, there had been another sister, a precious young girl, Ianthe, that had fallen under an evil spell which killed both her and their mother Rose. A spell very much like the sleeping spell that she believed Orion's sister was under.

  "Ianthe, my third sister, Ianthe, was so fair, so celestial that I often wondered if she was from this world. One day she took ill and my mother fought so bravely to save her, but the spell she was under was too much and it killed not only Ianthe, but my mother Rose as well."

  "Almost like the spell that grips my sister."

  "Yes," she whispered, turning her head against his chest.

  She didn't know how to warn him that she was uncertain she could break this bond that held his loved one hostage. She would do her best to stop the terrible spell, but there were witches in this world whose magic was much stronger than hers.

  From the time she cast her first spell, she determined that she would never use her magic in an evil way and only as either a warning or to do good. Thus Touch of Decadence had been created. A place where she could bake and also practice her magic. And she refused to get rid of the bakery in the town she'd come to call home. It was her magical place.

  "Can you break the spell?"

  "I don't know for certain, but I'll do my best," she said not wanting his family to suffer the loss the way hers did. Losing a loved one was the most gut- wrenching indescribable pain she had ever endured. Nothing in life could have ever prepared her for the death of her sister and mother at the same time. Nothing.

  "How old was your sister?"

  "She was barely eighteen, so full of life, love and joy that seemed to bubble up from within." Daisy closed her eyes, picturing Ianthe. Her sisters image fluttered in her brain. She blew Daisy a kiss and her body warmed from a swish of air that swept through the room teasing her hair. Daisy smiled. "She likes you."

  "How do you know?"

  "Because when I thought of Ianthe, I conjured up her spirit. She flitted through the room to let me know she was happy. Still the same delightful Ianthe that we loved."

  He shuddered. "But she's a ghost."

  "So?" Daisy said. "She's gone, but occasionally she comes by to check on me and if I'm troubled, she'll give me a hug and send me her love. She can't stay long, but it's enough to let me know she's here. It's a comfort."

  Ianthe was never far from her and if she needed to spend time with her, Daisy always found a way. Their bond was precious and she was close even if she was a ghost.

  Squeezing her to him, he sighed. "If it makes you feel at peace, I'm glad."

  They lay there until Daisy could feel herself becoming drowsy. "The ship doesn't feel like its moving."

  "Or maybe you're getting used to the speed we're traveling. You shouldn't have any more problems unless we encounter another pirate ship. We'll reach Tesceanus in four days."

  Four days to prepare to fight stronger magic than she has ever experienced before. But she was a good witch and good overpowered evil more often than not.

  If it didn't work, it wouldn't matter because the spell could kill her.

  Four long days later, Orion had never seen a more beautiful sight than the blue rings surrounding Tesceanus. He had only been away for fifteen days, but in that time he met Daisy and enjoyed being with her. The feel of her witchy body wrapped around his would be the one thing he'd miss most.

  He wanted to have sex with her from the day he'd eaten her decadent chocolate dessert. Traveling in the close confines of a ship with other people made it even more difficult. Once they landed, he couldn't wait to get her to his cham
bers. When he took her, he wanted her all to himself. For he had every intention of taking the witch in every conceivable way.

  When the right moment arrived, she would be his. He had many concubines, but he never wanted any of them like he wanted Daisy. The intensity of his need for her was a little frightening. They were from different worlds and yet he wanted her more than the next moonrise.

  As his ship started its descent, he only hoped that Daisy was all right. He had to leave her to help with the landing, but just as soon as he could, he would return to her side. The little witch had the worst case of motion sickness he had ever seen. The stolen ship trying to destroy them, made her illness even worse.

  When they docked, he noticed soldiers surrounded the spacecraft. He prayed that his sister and mother were still alive. Even with the sun shining brightly in the one hundred and twenty degree heat, the patrol unit was there to make certain they were protected.

  Pulling to a stop. He shut down the engines and turned to his crew. "Thank you for the safe journey. Enjoy your days off. We will be returning to Earth again soon."

  Rising, he went in search of Daisy. When he walked into the chambers she was heaving into an airsickness bag. She glanced up at him and shook her head.

  "I hate traveling. I'm never leaving Earth again."

  "We're here."

  She rose from the bed, rinsed out her mouth and glanced out the window at the barren landscape of his planet. One of the qualities he loved about Earth was all the different vegetation and even the different types of food there.

  "It's beautiful in a desert kind of way," she said. "And this is your night time."

  "Yes, so we will sleep now and then later, we'll see the Queen."

  He picked up her suitcase and she turned towards him. "I guess I'm a little nervous about meeting your family."

  "Don't be, you'll do just fine," he said and took her by the arm. "Let's go. I want to get you settled so you can rest."

  She glanced at him. "Tomorrow is my birthday. I'd like to rest and be strong before I remove the spell."

  He nodded in understanding. "I'll share that with the Queen."

  "Come on. You'll sleep in my chambers, where I can be assured of your safety."

  As they walked off the ship, he took a deep breath of the Tesceanus air. It felt so good to be home. They walked through the heat to the safety of an air- conditioned glider that whisked them away to the palace.

  His mother's top advisor met him at the door of the palace. "Your mother wants to see you in her chambers as soon as possible."

  He nodded. "Let me get our guest settled and then I will visit. Tell her I will see her in ten minutes."

  The advisor hurried off to tell his mother and Orion guided Daisy through the palace.

  "This is quite impressive," she said, gazing at the royal artwork.

  Lush rugs and tapestries told the history of Tesceanus. But the latest tapestry was his favorite. It showed all the different species on the planet, embracing each other with symbols of the planet's prosperity in front of them. His mother's reign was the most peaceful and the most prosperous. Their crops had flourished and their people lived in harmony and have done so twenty years. If only they could continue this reign of abundance and wealth for the people.

  They walked down the long hall to his chambers and he gave the signal for the guards to let them through. Orion never considered them necessary until now. Now he would give them strict instructions regarding Daisy.

  When they entered, Daisy gazed around at the cushy couches scattered throughout the room, surrounded by windows with curtains drawn to shield them from the hot sun. Tonight Orion would open them to show her the moon and stars of Tesceanus. They could even sit out on a private balcony if the guards thought it was safe.

  As they walked into his bedroom, his concubine was there to greet him wearing a soft silken dress that flowed around her. "My Lord, you've returned."

  Daisy turned and stared at him, her brows raised to express she was not happy.

  "Giselle, have you prepared my bath?"

  "Yes, sir," she said. "It's waiting for you just the way you like it after a long journey."

  "Thank you. That's all that I need."

  Daisy laid her hand on Orion. "Giselle, do all the women here wear that outfit?"

  Giselle looked confused. She glanced at Orion for confirmation before she spoke. "Yes, this is the appropriate attire for the palace concubines."

  "What do the other women on this planet wear?"

  She looked over again at Orion, who nodded his head.

  He'd never thought about the way that Daisy dressed. She would never fit in dressed as an Earth woman. Wearing Tesceanus clothing, she would blend in better. It would make her less noticeable, though her blonde curls and green eyes would draw attention. There were no blondes on Tesceanus.

  "Bring the dressmaker to my chambers and let them prepare her a royal dress."

  "Yes, my Lord," she said and quietly disappeared.

  Daisy turned to him. "Your concubine, as in your sex slave? She's here in your apartment?"

  "Not slave. We have no slaves on this planet. She was assigned to me when I was eighteen. She takes care of my clothes and cleans my apartment. She took care of all my needs until now," he said, pulling her into his arms. "That was before, this is now."

  His mouth layered over hers, his lips claiming her in a manner that showed Daisy that he wanted her, not his concubine.

  She grasped his head, pulling him even closer, before she released him. "Alien, your Queen is waiting for you. I'll still be here when you return."

  He smiled. "I'm glad you're here in my chambers. The bath is for you."


  Orion didn't want to leave Daisy. They were on his planet, he knew how weak the motion sickness made her and she needed to be powerful when she tried to break the spell, so he had to let her rest. His need for her was stronger than ever. He had waited this long, but he would have to bide his time a little longer, so she could rest.

  Daisy fit him in all the right places and she made him feel things he never felt before. He liked the witch and he wanted to spend time in her arms.

  Her birthday started at midnight and while she'd told him very little about her mating process, his need and her need seemed to be the same. At midnight, he would make her his witch.

  Once she broke the spell gripping his sister and mother, he would kill any person who got between them. He'd been a patient man, but now his patience was gone. He would have her again and again. Once they ended this demonic spell that was holding his family hostage.

  Yes, Daisy was a witch, but there was goodness in her and she gave up a lot to come to his planet.

  He pressed his palm on the door of his mother's chambers and it allowed him to enter. She sat in bed, her hair down, the bed coverlet covering her.

  "My son," she said, holding out her hands. She pulled him to her and kissed him on the cheek. "I'm so glad you've returned safely."

  He dragged a chair close to her bed. "How are you feeling mother?"

  "Weary and getting weaker every day. How did we miss the signs with your sister?" she asked.

  Shaking his head, he gazed at her seeing black shadows beneath her eyes. She looked exhausted and he wondered at her words. How had they missed Lyra's illness before she fell into slumber? "I don't know, mother. I haven't been to see her. How is she doing?"

  "She won't last much longer. Did the witch return with you?"

  "Yes, she's resting in my chambers."

  His mother's brows rose.

  "I fear for her life and I didn't want anyone to harm her. It's the safest place for her," he said. He considered disobeying his mother for the first time ever if she demanded Daisy's removal to her own quarters.

  She nodded. "Very wise."

  "How is Father?"

  "He's in his chambers resting. He's fine."

  "How does he feel about the witch's arrival?"

  She shook her head. "
Not happy, but he wants to try anything that would save Lyra."


  Orion glanced down at his hands and then he stood and walked about his mother's chambers. He gazed at the woman who had given him birth, who had always been there for him, who protected and loved him. But it was time he became his own man.

  He straightened and faced her. "My Queen, I have come to care about Daisy. I know it's forbidden, but she's honest and loyal and loves her family as much as I do mine. She makes me laugh and she gives me pleasure."

  Silence filled the room and his mother twisted the coverlet between her fingers, while Orion waited for her response.

  "Are you certain she hasn't cast a spell on you?"

  He laughed. "Oh, she tried. But her spells don't work on me."

  He watched as her eyes grew large and knew what she was thinking. "Son, how do you know they will work on your sister if they don't work on you."

  It was his biggest fear. But somehow he hoped that it was only with him that Daisy's magic was ineffective.

  "I don't. But she's a powerful witch and she's from the family you sent me after. If she can't break the spell, then I fear no one can. We have no choice. We have to trust that she will awaken Lyra and break the hold on you."

  Sighing, she reached out her hand to him. "I pray that you are right, because we are out of time. I checked to see which of our pilots were missing, thinking that one of them had betrayed us, but all of them are here. My team is going through the records trying to find out who knew how to power one of our ships well enough to attack. So far they've found nothing. They will continue to search through the night." She leaned her head back and bit her lip, then sat back up. "There are rumors of groups gathering in the desert to fight once I'm gone, but so far we've been unable to catch them. I'm at a loss of where to look next."

  Sadness welled up inside him at the sight of his mother mourning for her kingdom. She had made the land a peaceful place, until now. He wondered what went wrong, or had this evil been simmering since she'd ascended the throne. "What about the healer? Did you have him investigated?"


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