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Timber Page 6

by Remy Blake

  “Mhm.” She raises her leg, sliding onto the stool. I like the way she looks sitting across the island from me.

  “I hope you like Pot Roast.” Grabbing two mitts, I open the oven and remove the pan that contains all we need. Setting it down on the stovetop, I drop the pot holders to the counter and hip check the oven door closed with a loud bang. I make short order of dishing out a sizeable portion of each item onto two plates, grab forks and knives and set it all down on the counter in front of Lucy. “Would you like some wine?”

  “Yes, please,” she replies eagerly. Maybe she’s as nervous as I am?

  I pour us each a glass, handing one off before sitting on the vacant stool to her right. “Dig in. I’m really casual about this stuff. If we knew each other better, we’d be eating off paper plates and the wine would be in a plastic cup.”

  She arches a dark brown brow. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No, absolutely not. If it wasn’t for my personal assistant, Cam, I might have used them tonight.”

  “You have a personal assistant?”

  “Yeah, I kind of have to in order to keep everything organized.”

  She spears a carrot with her fork. “Our lives are worlds apart. It’s a good thing this is only about sex because I can’t imagine you wanting to be with someone like me.” She slips the carrot between her lips and stares down at her plate.

  “Lucy, don’t be fooled by what you see around you.”

  “How can I be fooled by it when it’s right here for me to see? What do you expect me to think?”

  “I built this house four years ago when I started to be in demand as a fitness model. I’d never had extra money before that and then unexpectedly I had it to burn. I’d always dreamed about living in a home like this and I figured it was a good way to invest in my future.”

  “So you got your dream house. That’s good.” She continues to eat small bites of her meal, avoiding any eye contact with me.

  “Yes I did and I also got the boat that goes along with living on a lake and the trucks and all the tools that are needed to run a tree removal service.”

  “Good for you.” She cuts in, raising her wine glass and flicking a side eye glance at me. I can sense the veiled sarcasm in her tone.

  “You didn’t let me finish.” Slipping the glass between my lips, I take a large sip of the cool wine and make her wait to hear the rest of what I have to say. “All of those things are possessions that don’t make me any happier than I was before I had them. I could give all of this up,” I wave my hand to encompass the space, “tomorrow and I’d be fine.”

  “That’s easier said than done,” she replies skeptically.

  “No, it’s really not. I’m a simple guy at heart. Am I sometimes put into situations through my work that I’d never imagined before? Absolutely.” I take a bite of beef and enjoy the rich flavors exploding in my mouth. “I never imagined rubbing elbows with elite athletes or movie stars, but sometimes it’s part of my job. And it happens to be my least favorite part.”

  “For real?” Her eyes meet mine.

  “Yes, for real. I told you, I’m a simple guy. I also said I don’t lie and I meant it, but you’ll learn that in time.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not.”

  I chuckle at her candidness. “You’ll see.”



  “Here let me clean up,” I offer.

  “No chance. I’ll quickly stack the dishwasher and you just sit there and look pretty.” He winks and I lower my head, hiding my blush.

  We spent dinner talking about all the assets he’s accumulated over time. While he insists they’re just worldly possessions, I can’t help but be equally intrigued and intimidated in his presence. My life as a single mom is so far removed from the money and the man Magnus appears to be. But there’s always an air of awkwardness surrounding him, and that is the reason I can’t seem to walk away. He’s at his most honest and most vulnerable in these small moments, and even though I repeat over and over that it’s just sex, I’m not likely to forget any piece of information he throws my way. He just doesn’t need to know that.

  Tilting my head to the side, I watch Magnus bend down and line up the plates in the dishwasher. The position has his khaki’s tighten around his ass. Round, firm and muscular; it’s a reminder that there isn’t one inch of this man’s body that I don’t want to touch. Getting lost in the moment, I almost miss the ink peeking out from the bottom of his shirt.

  “What’s that?” Curiosity getting the better of me, I jump up off the stool and walk toward him.


  “That,” I point to his back. “Do you have a tattoo?”

  “Oh. You mean this?” Sliding the shirt over his head, he turns around so I have a full view of the enormous tattoo piece that covers his entire back.

  “Magnus,” I say, with a breathy sigh. “This is fucking gorgeous.” Stepping closer, I get lost in a trance, as my eyes pour over every detail. Large and centred sits a black bear, on the backdrop of the West Virginia mountain range. Every element of his tattoo shows well thought out precision by him and his tattoo artist. “Tell me what it means.”

  My fingertips trace the patterns, and his body shivers slightly under my touch.

  “The compass a reminder to be, and feel centred, always. No matter what good or bad things life throws my way.”

  “And the bear?”

  “Bears are just fucking badass, baby.” We laugh at the turn in conversation. Covering his body up, Magnus indirectly puts a stop to the ogling.

  “So, are you done checking me out?” he jokes.

  “I kinda didn’t have a choice.”

  “Oh is that right?” With a smirk, he continues to stack the remaining dishes. Closing the door, he presses a few buttons until you can hear the flow of water rush through the machine. “Want to watch a movie?” My face must giveaway my surprise, because he immediately retracts his statement. “Is that a no?”

  “No, not at all. I just can’t work out why you want me here if you don’t want to get in my pants.”

  “You think I don’t want to get into your pants?”

  “Well, you haven’t tried anything,” I say.

  A loud chuckle leaves his mouth, and I’m cursing at my inability to keep my thoughts to myself. “If we have sex straight away, you’ll leave right after. Whereas this way, I get to keep you around for a little longer.”

  My face heats up at his admission, and I quickly open my mouth to remind him it’s just sex, but he beats me to it. “I know the rules, Lucy. Nothing but sex.”

  “So why do you keep trying to turn it into something else?”

  “I told you; I don’t lie. So, for a few hours we can play pretend.” His tone is even and so full of certainty, there’s no real point of arguing.

  “Do you have any movies with Charlie Hunnam in them?” Hopping off the stool, I stand and wait for him to lead the way.

  “Is that a requirement?” he asks, taking my hand.

  “A little Charlie never hurt anyone.”

  “Well, I’ll see what I can do.”

  It takes us a little under fifteen minutes to agree on a movie, and by agree I mean Magnus just waited till I picked out what I wanted. Settling on something older, we sit down and watch The Proposal. Because with Ryan Reynolds, Sandra Bullock and Betty White you are guaranteed some laughs.

  “Have you seen this before?” he asks, lowering a platter of cheese, crab dip and crackers on the coffee table. I feel guilty he’s pulled out all the stops, I know it’s the thought that counts, but I’m really a corn chips and salsa type of girl.

  “Yes, it’s one of my favorites. Cheesy romcom goodness. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Nope. That’s why I let you choose. Now, make yourself comfortable. This couch is unlike anything you’ve ever sat on.” His voice is full of pride, almost like he’s talking about his own child. Taking up a whole lot of room, the gray suede piece of furniture is huge. Sized to fit
the exact space, it’s u-shaped with a chaise on either end. He begins pushing all the throw pillows to one side. “These things are unnecessary, but Cam insists I need them.”

  “Cam, the personal assistant, right?”

  “Yep. The one and only.” He sweeps his hand across the empty couch, inviting me to sit down.

  “He seems fun.” I awkwardly sit in the middle, with my back straight and my palms resting on my thighs.

  “Among other things.” He grabs the tray of snacks, “want some?” Picking up a cracker, I scoop up the smallest portion of crab dip and put it in my mouth. Smiling through clenched teeth, I hope to god my face doesn’t look as disgusting as this tastes. “Cam said this is the best out there.”

  Swallowing, I reach for my glass of wine and wash down the taste. “Cam set this up?”

  “Yeah.” His face looks like I just caught him with his hand in the cookie jar.

  Smacking my hands on my legs, I jump up enthusiastically and head to the kitchen. Standing near a row of cupboards, I wait for him to meet me. “Where do you keep all your snacks?”

  I follow his eyes and open up two doors in the corner of the kitchen. “Yes. This is what I’m talking about.” Looking over my shoulder, I smile at Magnus’ confused expression. “Don’t just stand there. Get me something to serve these in,” I order. Picking a few of my favorites from his pantry, I meet him at the counter, where he has a dish of every size lined up. Silently I hand him the bag of Fritos and he pours the contents in. I fill the other two bowls with M&M’s and Skittles and sigh in satisfaction when I’m done. “You don’t need Cam to impress me. You do just fine being you.” His silence is worrying, it’s not my intention to be rude, I just want him to be comfortable in his own home. The effort it takes for him to be relaxed around me doesn’t go unnoticed, and if there’s any way I can help him with that, I will. “Say something,” I whisper. The look of incredulity on his face, makes me think I’ve unintentionally overstepped my bounds. Opening his mouth, he thinks better of it and closes it, leaving me panicked. “Shit, I’m sorry Magnus. I just wanted you to know you didn’t need to go to so much effort for me.”

  Placing his hands on my hips, he twists me away from the counter to face him. “S-s-ss-orry.”

  My hands find his chest, hoping to soothe him, “for what?”

  “I can’t seem to get a handle on this stutter around you.”

  “That better not be what you’re apologizing for,” I scold.

  “Well, that and for letting Cam help me. I thought it would be a good idea.”

  “If the dinner was him, then it was a great idea. Snacks just might not be his forte.” His deep chuckle, immediately lightens up the mood and I’m glad it didn’t spoil the evening.

  “I want you to know I did, I can and I will keep putting effort in for you.” He leans in and kisses my forehead softly. “I’ll just do it on my own next time.”

  I close my eyes and inhale a combination of his masculinity and cologne. Reminding myself over and over, it’s just sex.

  Feeling movement at my feet, I yelp loudly, “what was that?”

  “Oh this? This is Sybil.” He lowers himself to the ground and picks up a white ball of fluff, also known as a cat.

  “You have a cat?” If everything else leading up to this moment hasn’t taught me not to judge a sexy man by his body, his choice of pet has surely sealed the deal.

  “You’re not allergic to them are you?”

  “No, but she might be allergic to me. Can cats give you dirty looks?”

  “No way. She loves everyone.” There’s no way that cat is a fan of me, I lean forward to give her a little pat, and she hisses.

  “Hate to break it to you Magnus, but that isn’t love.”

  “I don’t have people around often.” I bite my tongue, stopping myself from insulting Magnus, and telling him she’s probably the reason people don’t want to come over. “She just needs time to get used to you.” He places her on the floor, and she saunters off with her tail in the air, knowing she’s won this round.

  “Yes. Time. I’m sure that’s all it is.”

  Laying down on the couch, my head rests on a cushion in Magnus’ lap. He’s stretched out along the chaise, his legs crossed at his ankles, and his hands combing through my hair. I’m not sure when or how it moved into comfort and familiarity, but I don’t really know how to stop it. I keep telling myself I don’t want to hurt his feelings, but the truth is I’m really enjoying this feeling.

  Time stands still here, my mind switches off and I’m the most relaxed I’ve ever been. And I haven’t even had an orgasm. Yet.

  Sitting up, I choose this moment to unleash my seductive side. I need to snap out of this carefree, casual mood and get what I came for.

  Noticing my abrupt movement, he raises his eyebrows, waiting for me to explain.

  I lower one knee to the couch and swing my other leg over his body, kneeling over him. I grip his shoulders to steady myself, the width of both his thighs proving straddling him is no easy feat. From his head to his toes, every inch of him is like a magnificently carved tree.

  He looks up at me, curiosity and eagerness swirling around in his eyes. “What are you doing?”

  “If you need to ask, I’m clearly not doing it properly.” Embarrassment washes over me as I attempt to stand upright. My insecurities run deep, being cheated on never leaves you. Blaming yourself and questioning where it went wrong, mixed with the constant self imposed comparisons to every other woman out there, makes sexy uncomfortable and awkward. Especially when the man in front of you oozes sex like it’s his job.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” He grabs my waist to keep me still, but with one leg in the air, the pressure on my other knee is too much and I slip. The whole weight of my body lands on Magnus’ lap and a grunt in pain bursts from his mouth. “Fuuucccck.”

  “Shit. Fuck. Are you okay? What the fuck Lucy?” I say berating myself for being so clumsy.

  I quickly prop myself up to take the pressure off his dick. “What about now; are you okay now?” A loud laugh echoes through the room, catching me off guard. “What’s so funny?”

  He continues to laugh, unable to catch his breath. “Obviously, I can’t be sexy,” I huff, my frustration growing at the possibility he’s amused by me. “I’m just going to head home and save myself further humiliation.”

  “Wait. Please, wait.” He manages in between chuckles. “I promise I’m not laughing at you.”

  My eyes look everywhere but him, unable to taper down my irritation. “Hey,” he says, grabbing my chin. “I was laughing because I thought I was the only clumsy one, but it seems I’ve met my match.”

  “Really?” I’m being petulant.

  “Yes, really.” He traces the length of my legs with his fingers, until both hands cup my ass. “Now sit.” I position myself over him, until I feel his his hard length directly under me.

  “You’re hard?”

  “It doesn’t take much with you in front of me.” His thumb runs across my bottom lip, as his hand cups the back of my neck. “All you have to do is stand there and I’m going to think you’re sexy. Unmistakably sexy.”

  He pulls me toward him, and any resistance is futile. We collide in a hurried move of desperation, eager to share in something different and new. The way his tongue strokes the inside of my mouth, has me gripping the back of his head, hungry for more. With his hands guiding my hips, my body slowly finds a rhythm. Grinding on him, his thick cock hardens with every move, while my body trembles with every taste. If kissing Magnus is like this, I can’t wait to fuck him. Better yet, I can’t wait till he fucks me.

  The lustful cloud surrounding us makes it almost impossible for me to realize my cell is ringing. But after the third round, I realize it’s got to be an emergency.

  “Shit,” I hiss, interrupting our kiss.


  “That’s my phone. I’m sorry I can’t ignore it,” I explain.

Of course not.” He stands with me in his grip, and I lower my legs until he sets me firmly on my feet. “Go get it.”

  Running to my bag, I see Wes’ name on the screen and immediately panic. “Is Jeremiah okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah, he’s just running a fever and I know how you get if I don’t tell you. You don’t need to come home. Ave and him are together now, he’s okay.”

  “You know that makes no difference, I can’t be out knowing he’s unwell. Tell him I’ll be there soon, yeah?”

  “Yeah, mama bear I got it.”

  I end the call and feel strong arms wrap around my torso. Magnus’ beard and breath tickle my neck, “Is everything okay?”

  “Jeremiah has a fever, I have to go.” Tucking my cell in my bag, I turn around and face an empathetic Magnus.

  “Of course. I wouldn’t expect you to be anywhere else.”

  “I’m so-.” He kisses me quickly, shutting me up.

  “Don’t you dare. I’ll see you again soon, right?”

  “Of course.”

  “Then I’ll see you soon. Text me when you get home, or call me when everything with Jeremiah settles. I’ll be here.”

  Forcefully pressing my lips to his, I kiss him harder than necessary. I kiss him for being surprisingly better than I could’ve ever expected. I kiss him, with all my heart, while my head repeats my new mantra. It’s just sex.

  Who are you fucking kidding Lucy?



  Baking pies has always been my go to task when I’m stressed or happy. Whatever’s on my mind can be forgotten, replaced with anticipation of tasting the finished product.

  Lucy and I haven’t been able to get together since our last date when Jeremiah got sick, but after talking to her on the phone today, I’m feeling keyed up. Rather than sitting around wasting time, I’m going to put this energy to use.

  My grandmother had me in the kitchen with her as a young boy, rolling out the crust with her mother’s rolling pin. It was made of wood and heavy for my small hands. I can remember the green handles on both ends with the paint flecked off from age and use. I don’t know what became of that rolling pin, but I can still remember the way the smooth handles felt in my grasp as I carefully moved back and forth over the dough. Gram, was relentless about the crust being just the way she wanted and my arms would be fatigued by the time she was satisfied.


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