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Timber Page 11

by Remy Blake

“Jeremiah, that was amazing.” Lucy claps her hands.

  “Mommy, will you jump with me?” He swims toward the side of the dock.

  Lucy’s smile freezes and she looks like she wants to say no.

  “Yeah, Lucy, why don’t you give it a try. Unless you’re a giant party pooper.”

  Jer, giggles. “Come on Mommy. Don’t be a party pooper.” He quickly scurries up the ladder.

  Lucy gazes at me pointedly. “Thanks for that.”

  I flash a quick grin. “Don’t mention it.”

  She rolls her lips inward and rises to her feet, tugging off the red tank top and cutoffs. She drops both articles of clothing on the lounger before striding toward the dock in her sexy black one piece. Her chocolate brown hair is up exposing the straight lines of her collarbones and smooth skin of her shoulders. She’s stunning.

  “Hurry mommy.” Jeremiah bounces on the balls of his feet with excitement. When she reaches him, he takes her hand. “Don’t be scared mommy. I’ve got you.”

  She leans down, kissing the top of his head. “You’re such a brave boy to look out for me.”

  “Ready. Set. Go,” Jer, yells and they both start running. The joy on both their faces is overwhelming to me. My chest squeezes tight with love and admiration for Lucy. She’s a wonderful mother. It’s no surprise he’s such a great kid. I’ve only spent a few hours with him and I’m already crazy about him.

  Lucy screams when they push off the dock. They crash into the water side by side. She breaks the surface spitting water from between her lips. “It’s freezing.” Her teeth immediately chatter.

  Reaching out, I tug her back into my arms, and continue wading water. “I’ll warm you up, Luce.” My lips press against the skin behind her ear and she shivers in reaction. “You’re giving me the chills even more.”

  “Different kind of chills,” I mention, tightening the arm around her waist while my other hand slides down the outside of her thigh. “I like you wet and slippery.” I press my hard cock into the crease of her ass.

  “I can’t tell,” she jests, teasingly rubbing her ass over me.

  “Mommy, now watch me do it by myself.” Jeremiah interrupts, reminding us where we are.

  “To be continued,” I growl in her ear.

  “Jer, come on out here and eat your dinner,” Lucy calls, placing his plate with a cheeseburger, salad and chips down on the long rectangular table on my back deck.

  “I’m glad he likes Sybil so much,” I mention as I man the grill.

  “Yeah, he loves cats and dogs, but we’ve never had the time to devote to caring for one.”

  “Maybe that won’t always be the case,” I say. If things continue to progress with us, then I have every intention of them coming to live with me. I’m keeping that hope close to the vest for now, though. If Lucy knows I’m thinking about such things, she might get spooked.

  Jeremiah slips out the French door and takes a seat at the table, immediately digging into his meal.

  Closing the grill, I turn to Lucy and pull her into my arms. “I’m having such a great time with you both.” I place a kiss on the side of her forehead.

  “Me too. Thanks for being so great with Jer. He likes you, I can tell.”

  “He’s a great kid. You should be proud of the job you’ve done raising him. I”m sure it’s been much harder than you’ve let on.”

  “There have been some tough times for sure. My mom’s stroke was devastating to us all, but we made it through.”

  “And now you have me to lean on.”

  “Do I have you?” She questions, resting her chin on my chest.

  “Do you really have to ask? I’m pretty sure you knew from day one it was never just about the sex for me.”

  “Yeah, I think I was trying to convince myself more than you.”

  “I think you’re right. I knew right away how this was going to play out.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I had a feeling deep in my gut from day one about us.”

  “What kind of feeling?” she inquires with curiosity.

  “The loving kind.”

  “Why are you being so cryptic? Spit it out.”

  “Each day I fall more in love with you.” I take in her surprised expression. “How’s that for blunt?”

  “Do you really mean that?”

  “Of course I do.” Cupping her cheeks between my hands, I gaze lovingly down at her. “Lucy, I’m head over heels in love with you.”

  She rakes her teeth over her bottom lip and her eyes fill with tears. “I love you, too,” she whispers with a jubilant smile. “I can’t believe I’m in love with Magnus Fucking Andersen.”



  “Mom, Magnus is here.” Jeremiah’s voice travels through the whole house alerting me of his presence.

  “Can you tell him to come to my room for a second,” I call out. In less than two minutes I hear large feet thumping towards my room.

  “Are you sure I can be in here? I feel like a teenager sneaking up to my girlfriend’s room and breaking all the rules.”

  “My mom said you can come up here as long as you look only, but don’t touch.”

  “Is that so?” He struts toward me, with a mischievous look in his eyes, eagerly playing along. “Is there a reason you’re up here wearing a bathrobe, when we have somewhere to be?”

  “Well, I couldn’t decide between wearing this?” I hold up a violet, knee length, sleeveless dress. “Or this?” Loosening the tie around my waist, the bathrobe drops and I show off the new set of lingerie I bought just to match.

  “Fuck, Lucy. Do you hate me?”

  “No. Why?”

  “You know damn well, I can’t throw you on this bed and fuck you while everybody’s downstairs.”

  Biting my bottom lip, an innocent smile spreads across my face, “I just needed your help on what to wear.” Grabbing the purple dress, he hands it to me.

  “Wear all of it, every layer. Just so I can have fun peeling it all off you.”

  Adjusting his hard on in his pants, he takes a few steps backward to the door, “I gotta get out of here, before your family hears how much I really fucking love you.”

  “See you soon,” I tease, waving my fingers at him.

  Being with Magnus is like having the best of both worlds. The sex is everything I’ve been missing, but his heart is everything I didn’t know I needed.

  He’s selfless in all the right ways, giving me every piece of himself with no hesitation. His relationship with Jeremiah is better than I could ever imagined, and time and time again he shows me that my son has a place and priority in his life.

  Avery and mom are smitten with him, and let’s say Wes’ shoulders are a little less tense every time they’re in a room together. I don’t ask Magnus how he feels about and around Wes, I figured if it’s a big enough deal he’s going to let me know.

  Tonight is date night, and like unofficial parents everything is on a schedule and Magnus has effortlessly slipped himself into mine. Wanting to surprise him, I told him to meet me here at seven. He thinks we’re going out to dinner at a fancy restaurant, but I have a better plan.

  Slipping on my dress, and stepping into my heels, I take one last look in my full length mirror before meeting my man downstairs.

  “You look pretty, mama, doesn’t she Magnus?” he exclaims proudly.

  “She sure does, J. She sure does.”

  With two very different expressions of love beaming at me, my heart struggles to contain the happiness inside of me.

  “Jeremiah, baby, can you get my bag off the dining table, and then come and kiss mommy goodnight?” Mom follows behind him, as Wes and Avery waltz through in the house.

  “Okay, great, everyone is here. Night J,” I say kissing him on the forehead, “we’ve got to go.” Grabbing Magnus’s hand I drag him to the front door. “Don’t wait up.”

  “Where are we off to?” Magnus asks.

  “Can we just stop by the shop first? I hav
e to pick up something for mom,” I lie.

  “Of course.”

  Pulling up in front of the entrance, the street is almost empty and curbside parking is in abundance. A lone figure peering through my shop window, has me and Magnus both on edge.

  “Who’s that?” He unfastens his seatbelt, ready to jump out.

  “Wait,” I shout, holding him back. “It’s David.”

  “Douchebag David? How do you know?”

  “Unfortunately, there are some things you can’t forget and the back of him is one of them.”

  “I wonder what he wants?” I ask rhetorically.

  I hear Magnus on the phone, but the cloud of rage begins to build around me, making it impossible to focus on any one thing. How dare he come back here.

  Losing track of time, I don’t realise what’s going on till I see Wes in my peripheral vision, ready to pounce.

  “Lucy, baby, Avery’s going to jump in the car with you. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  Watching him leave the car and Avery slide in, feels like I’m watching my life on slow motion, “What is he doing? How did you get here so fast?”

  “Magnus texted Wes, he said it was fucking grind time.”

  “Grind time? Ave, I’ve got to stop them from doing something stupid. He isn’t worth that.”

  “But remember how hot they look when they’re mad as hell.”

  I smile at her attempt to find the humor in this situation but it falls on deaf ears. I’m the one he wants to talk to. I’m the one that has to fix this myself.

  Coming up behind Wes and Magnus, David’s eyes find mine, “Thank God. Lucy, you’re here. You want to get your guard dogs off me?”

  “Still a dick I see,” Avery spits out at him.

  “Hey, it’s Anal Avery, I didn’t know you were back in town.” Wes launches himself at David, just as Magnus steps in.

  “He isn’t worth it.”

  “One more thing out of your mouth David, and I’m coming for you,” Wes warns.

  “What are you here for David?”

  “I’ve been trying to call you for weeks,”

  “That was you?” Magnus intercepts.

  “Yeah, I’m guessing you’re her boyfriend.”

  “Why didn’t you leave a message? Couldn’t you send a text.” Confused, I sift through every other avenue of communication he had before showing up here.

  “It’s pretty obvious, you wouldn’t have responded.” His eyes bounce in fear between the four of us, and it brings me so much satisfaction to know that whatever he’s going to say next, has him anxious and uncomfortable. “I want to see Jeremiah.”

  “Over my dead body.”

  “Luce, he’s my son,” he pleads.

  “How many times do I have to remind you it’s Lucy. And he’s not. Your. Son.”

  “What if he wants to meet me, he deserves to know his dad.” He tries to argue with me and an eerie sense of calmness settles over me.

  “He deserves to know a man that is good, honest and hardworking. A man that respects women, and who stays true to his responsibilities, no matter how hard it gets. He deserves to know a man, that’s excited to know him and have him in his life. He deserves to be someone’s first thought not his last. And you are not that man.”

  I look up at Magnus, and see everything I have to look forward to staring right back at me. He is that man. I throw myself into Magnus’ arms and he catches me,smoothly. My grip tightens, as my the adrenaline finally leaves my body.

  “Go home, man,” Wes says to David. “The lady has spoken.”

  “This isn’t the end of this,” he shouts, while storming off to his car.

  “Give me a few minutes, just wait inside the shop with Avery.” His grip is swapped out for Avery’s hand on the small of back. On board with whatever happens next, she pushes me into the shop, pulls back the drawn curtains and peers outside.

  “Come look.”

  We watch Magnus and Wes ensure David gets in his car, and leaves town. I don’t know what they say to him before he drives away, but there’s no denying the new formed bond between our men, is all thanks to the love they have for my little boy.

  Tears pool in my eyes, and Avery throws her arm around my shoulder. “This is what family’s all about,” she whispers.

  After Avery and Wes leave, Magnus finally glances around the inside of the shop.

  “Was this your surprise?” His eyes light up in amazement at all the intricate flower arrangements around us. “Lucy, these are beautiful.”

  “Thank you. I had plans to feed you and teach you about flowers.”

  “Teach me about flowers?

  “Yes.” I lead him to the back room and pull out my mini arrangement out of the cooler fridge. “Every flower means something different, and when you know which ones are which, you know which ones to get for every occasion.”

  “So which one is perfect for tonight?” He queries.

  Lifting the singular red rose out of the styrofoam square, I hand it to him. “Roses are the perfect flower to say I love you, and god do I love you.” Looking up at him, I lose myself in his eyes, “ and what you did for me tonight. I can’t find the words to explain how much it means to me. How much it means to Jeremiah.”

  His index finger touches my lips, silencing me. “I protect what’s mine, Lucy. And that’s what you both are. Mine.”


  Christmas Eve - Five Months Later

  The flames blazing in the ten foot long fireplace cast a golden glow about the large, open space. My eyes travel around the room, taking in the sight of Lucy and her entire family spread out on the large couch. Chase and Cameron are also here. Having all the people I’ve come to care about with me makes this the best Christmas since my grandmother passed away. I smile as I think of how much she would’ve loved Lucy. She would have fit right in with Gram and her propensity for brutal honesty.

  Raising the glass of whiskey to my lips, I finish off the final sip before placing it down on an end table. Catching Lucy’s gaze, my stomach rolls when her emerald eyes meet mine. Crooking my index finger, I call her over. Rising to her feet, she excuses herself from the ongoing conversation.

  My heart thumps harder with each step she takes in my direction. When she reaches me, I clasp her hand and I’m convinced she must be able to hear the pounding beats.

  “What’s wrong?” Her expression is filled with concern.

  I smile and squeeze her hand reassuringly. “Nothing at all. I want to show you something in my bedroom.”

  She snorts and pokes me in the stomach. “I’ve heard that one before, Mister.”

  I chuckle and we move toward the back of the house where my bedroom is located. “I really do want you to see something, but I like the way you think. I’ll ‘show’ you whatever you want after everyone’s left.” Her answering giggle tells me she’s on board.

  Once we step inside my room, I close the door behind us. She raises a brow, looking from the door to me. “Are you sure you didn’t bring me in here for nefarious purposes?”

  I grin. “No come here,” I direct as I lead her across to the other side of the room. We step inside my large walk in closet.

  “Are we going to have sex in the closet?”

  “Nope.” I smirk. “What do you think?” I question, gesturing at the empty shelves and racks on one side.

  “Wow, what happened to the rest of your things?”

  “I cleared it out and donated it to charity.”

  “That’s really great, Magnus. Now you have all this space to fill up with the stuff you get from photo shoots.”

  “Actually, I have something else in mind for these shelves.”

  “You do?”

  “Mhm. What do you think of filling them up with your clothes?” Her eyes open wide with surprise. “You didn’t expect me to say that, did you?”

  She shakes her head. “What are you saying?”

  “I want you and Jeremiah to move in with me.”

gnus, I know you love me and J, but having us around twenty-four-seven is a huge step.”

  Releasing her hand, my palms raise to cup her cheeks. “Lucy, I’ve been thinking about this for months now. Do you want to move in with me?” Please say yes.

  A large smile creeps across her face. “Yes, I do.”

  A whoop of celebration slips out of me as my arms go around her back and I draw her tight against my chest. “I love you and Jeremiah more than anything. Thank you for saying yes.”

  “As if there was any other option. You were my go to celebrity crush that I used to fantasize about and now your mine. I’m never letting you go.”

  “Tell me more about these fantasies you had about me.” I wiggle my eyebrows and she giggles. “There is one more thing I have to show you.”

  “I’ve already seen it,” she jests.

  “Get your mind out of the gutter, woman. Well, get it out of there for now and come with me.” With my hand between her shoulder blades, I lead her back to the hallway. We retrace our steps toward the front of the house and I stop when we’re two doors down at what used to be one of the guestrooms. I flip the light switch as we step inside and Lucy gasps.

  “You did this?” she asks, her voice hoarse with a combination of surprise and happiness.

  “I did. Do you think he’ll like it?” I question, wondering if Jer will approve of his new superheros themed room.

  “He’s going to love it.” Her gaze darts around taking in all the details. There are large green hands that look like they’re busting out of the wall and a bat symbol that lights up the ceiling.

  “I hired a designer to come in and add everything he could want.” The two overflowing toyboxes and the large television mounted to the wall, might be overkill in Lucy’s eyes. “Is it too much?”

  She spins to face me and I notice the tears in her eyes. “No, it’s perfect.”

  “Can we show him now?” I question, keyed up with anxiety.

  “Yeah, let me go get him.”

  My fingers rake through my hair as I pace, nervously. If Jer doesn’t want to move in then I know Lucy won’t try to convince him. But it won’t matter to me because I’m never letting them go. Hell, I’d sell this place tomorrow and show up on her doorstep with a suitcase full of clothes in one hand and Sybil in the other. One way or another we’re going to be together as a family.


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