When the Lights Went Out: Britain in the Seventies

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When the Lights Went Out: Britain in the Seventies Page 67

by Andy Beckett

Thatcher attack on, 1;

  on Thatcher becoming Conservative Party leader, 1;

  and trade unions, 1, 2;

  on Wilson, 1;

  as Wilson’s chancellor, 1, 2 ;

  and Wilson’s 1974 government, 1;

  and Winter of Discontent, 1

  Health and Safety at Work Act, 1

  health service see hospitals

  Heath, Edith, 1

  Heath, Ted: and 1970 election, 1, 2, 3;

  and 1972 miners’ strike, 4, 5;

  and 1974 (Feb) election, 1, 2 ;

  and 1974 miners’ strike, 1;

  and 1979 election, 1;

  appearance, 1, 2;

  background, 1;

  building schemes, 1;

  and CCU, 1;

  character, 1, 2, 3;

  at Colchester Oyster Feast, 1, 2;

  at Conservative Party 1975 conference, 1 ;

  and Conservative Party 1975 leadership contest, 1, 2, 3;

  early government, 1 ;

  economic measures and ‘U-turn’, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  electioneering style, 1, 2;

  elections for own seat, 1;

  and Europe, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  and feminism, 1;

  and free festivals, 1;

  and free-market ideas, 1 ;

  funeral, 1 ;

  homes, 1, 2, 3 ;

  influences on thinking, 1 ;

  interviewed by author, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9;

  IRA attack on, 1;

  and Jones, 1, 2, 3;

  and Maplin, 1, 2, 3;

  and music, 1;

  Nazi Germany visited by, 1;

  and North Sea oil, 1;

  and Northern Ireland, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  at Oxford, 1, 2, 3;

  plans for government, 1;

  political career to 1970 1, 2, 3, 4;

  political ideas, 1;

  political qualities, 1 ;

  popularity, 1, 2, 3;

  popularity over Thatcher, 1;

  relations with Neave, 1;

  rhetoric, 1;

  and sailing, 1;

  and Scottish devolution, 1;

  in Second World War, 1;

  at Selsdon conference, 1, 2;

  Selsdon’s effect on reputation, 1 ;

  and Spanish Civil War, 1 ;

  talks with Liberals, 1 ;

  and Thatcher, 1, 2, 3 ;

  and three-day week, 1, 2, 3;

  thyroid problems, 1;

  and trade unions, 1, 2;

  on unemployment, 1;

  and Winter of Discontent, 1

  Heath, William, 1

  Heathrow airport, 1

  Hell’s Angels, 1

  Hendrix, Jimi, 1

  Hennessy, Peter, 1

  Heseltine, Michael, 1

  Hickey, John, 1

  High Rise (Ballard), 1

  Highbury Fields demo, 1

  Hildyard, Nick, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Hill, Christopher, 1

  Hill, Lord, 1

  Hiro, Dilip, 1

  History Man, The (Bradbury), 1

  Hitler, Adolf, 1

  Hockney, David, 1

  Hoggart, Simon, 1

  Holdsworth, David, 1

  holidays: average paid, 1;

  increase in foreign, 2

  Hollingsworth, Mark, 1

  homosexuality see gay rights and politics

  Hornsey College of Art, 1

  Hoskyns, John, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  hospitals: strikes, 1 ;

  Westminster, 2, 3, 4

  House of Lords: abolition, 1

  houses: council-house sales, 1, 2, 3;

  prices, 4, 5, 6

  Howard, Michael, 1

  Howe, Geoffrey: and Conservative

  Party 1975 leadership contest, 1, 2;

  and free-market ideas, 1 ;

  on length of Wilson–Callaghan government, 1;

  as Opposition adviser to Thatcher, 1, 2;

  and Sherman, 1, 2;

  in Thatcher’s government, 1;

  and Tory Opposition pay policy, 1;

  and trade unions, 1

  Huckfield, Leslie, 1

  Hudd, Roy, 1

  Huddle, Roger, 1, 2

  Hull, 1, 2, 3

  Hurd, Douglas: on 1970 election, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;

  on 1972 miners’ strike, 6, 7;

  on Heath and Europe, 1, 2;

  at Heath’s funeral, 1;

  on Heath’s press conferences, 1

  Hutber, Patrick, 1, 2

  Hutton, Graham, 1

  I’m All Right, Jack (film), 1

  Ice Age, The (Drabble), 1, 2

  IEA see Institute of Economic Affairs

  IMF see International Monetary Fund

  immigration see race issues

  Imperial Typewriters, 1, 2

  ‘In Place of Strife’, 1, 2, 3

  India, 1

  Indian Workers’ Associations, 1

  industrial relations: oil industry, 1 ;

  see also strikes;

  trade unions

  Industrial Relations Act (1971), 1, 2

  inflation: under Callaghan, 1, 2, 3;

  and EEC, 4;

  under Heath, 1, 2, 3;

  stagflation, 1, 2;

  under Thatcher, 1;

  under Wilson, 1, 2, 3

  Ink magazine, 1, 2

  Institute of Contemporary Arts, 1

  Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  interest rates, 1, 2

  International Marxist Group, 1

  International Monetary Fund (IMF): creation, 1, 2;

  loans to Britain, 3, 4

  International Socialists see Socialist Workers Party

  internment, 1

  ‘Into the Eighties’, 1

  investment, foreign, 1

  IRA, Official, 1, 2, 3

  IRA, Provisional: in eighties, 1;

  foundation, 2 ;

  Heath government talks, 1 ;

  internment, 1 ;

  late seventies, 1, 2;

  and Ross McWhirter’s death, 1;

  mainland campaign, 1, 2;

  strategy, 1

  Iranian Revolution, 1

  Irish National Liberation Army, 1

  Isle of Wight festival, 1, 2

  Italy, 1, 2

  J. H. Richards (company), 1, 2

  Japan, 1

  Jarman, Derek, 1

  Jay, Anthony, 1

  Jay, Douglas, 1, 2

  Jay, Margaret, 1

  Jay, Peggy, 1

  Jay, Peter: appearance and background, 1;

  on Callaghan and trade unions, 2;

  and Callaghan’s 1976 Labour Party conference speech, 1, 2, 3;

  on Callaghan’s view of self, 1;

  family, 1, 2 ;

  and monetarism, 1 ;

  on Wilson, 1, 2;

  on Winter of Discontent, 1

  Jenkin, Patrick, 1

  Jenkins, Peter, 1

  Jenkins, Roy: Blair on, 1;

  on Economist cover, 2;

  and free festivals, 1, 2, 3;

  and Grunwick, 1;

  and IMF, 1;

  and Labour Party 1976 leadership contest, 1;

  Labour plots to replace Wilson with, 1 ;

  and Northern Ireland, 1;

  at Oxford, 1;

  in Wilson’s sixties governments, 1

  Jesus College, Oxford, 1

  Jimmy Young Programme (radio), 1

  Johnson, Boris, 1

  Johnson, Paul, 1, 2

  Jonathan Cape (company), 1

  Jones, Bob, 1, 2

  Jones, Evelyn, 1

  Jones, Jack: appearance and character, 1, 2, 3 ;

  background, 4 ;

  Blair on, 1;

  and Callaghan, 1;

  and CP, 1;

  and Grunwick, 1;

  and Heath, 1, 2, 3;

  and IMF cuts, 1;

  influence, 1, 2 ;

  lifestyle, 1, 2;

  media and Establishment attitude to, 1;
  retirement, 1 ;

  and the social contract, 1, 2 ;

  and Spanish Civil War, 1, 2;

  and TGWU Centre, 1

  Jones, Michael, 1

  Joseph, Keith: background and character, 1 ;

  and Conservative Party 1975 leadership contest, 2, 3;

  ‘eugenics’ speech, 1, 2;

  and free-market ideas, 1, 2, 3, 4 ;

  in Heath’s government, 1;

  and NAFF, 1;

  as Opposition adviser to Thatcher, 1;

  Sherman on, 1;

  and speech making, 1;

  in Thatcher’s government, 1

  Jubilee (film), 1

  Kagan, Joseph, 1

  Kaufman, Gerald, 1

  Kavanagh, Dennis, 1, 2

  Keele University, 1

  Kemp, Professor Alex, 1

  Kennedy, John F., 1

  Keynes, John Maynard, 1, 2, 3

  Khmer Rouge, 1

  Kinnock, Neil, 1, 2, 3

  Kissinger, Henry, 1, 2

  Kitson, Alex, 1

  Kneath, D. N., 1

  Koestler, Arthur, 1

  ‘Labour Isn’t Working’ campaign, 1

  Labour Party: 1976 conference, 1, 2, 3 ;

  1976 leadership contest, 4 ;

  1979 manifesto, 1;

  changes in traditional Labour movement, 1, 2 ;

  Lib–Lab pact, 1, 2;

  New Labour foreshadowings, 1, 2, 3;

  nowadays, 1;

  opinion poll ratings in 1978, 1;

  relations with unions, 1;

  and Scottish devolution, 1, 2, 3, 4 ;

  and trade union vote, 1;

  and Transport House, 1;

  TUC–Labour Party Liaison Committee, 1, 2, 3;

  vote in 1979 election, 1

  Laker, Freddie, 1

  Lally, Jack, 1, 2

  Lamb, Larry, 1

  Lambert, Gavin, 1

  Lancaster University, 1

  Larkin, Philip, 1

  Laura Ashley (company), 1

  Law, Andrew Bonar, 1

  Law, Roger, 1

  Lawson, Nigel, 1

  Led Zeppelin, 1

  Leicester University, 1

  Leigh-on-Sea, 1

  leisure, 1

  Leninism Under Lenin (Liebman), 1

  Lennon, John, 1, 2, 3

  Lerwick, 1, 2

  Lessing, Doris, 1

  Liberal Democratic Party, 1

  Liberal Party: and 1974 (Feb) election, 1 ;

  and fall of Callaghan government, 2, 3;

  Heath invites to join government, 1;

  Lib–Lab pact, 1, 2;

  and Scottish devolution, 1

  Liberty and Property Defence League, 1

  Liebman, Marcel, 1

  Limits to Growth, The, 1

  Lindsay, A. D., 1, 2

  Linklater, Peter, 1

  literature, 1

  Little Red Struggler, The, 1

  living standards, 1, 2

  Lloyd George, David, 1, 2

  London: Brent, 1, 2;

  Brent Cross shopping centre, 3;

  Brick Lane, 1 ;

  Brown’s hotel, 1 ;

  Camden Lock, 1;

  Covent Garden: Middle Earth, 1;

  docklands regeneration, 1;

  East End, 1;

  IRA attacks and sympathizers, 1, 2;

  King’s Cross station, 1;

  Ladbroke Grove, 1, 2, 3;

  Nossiter on habitability, 1;

  Notting Hill, 1, 2 ;

  Portobello market, 1 ;

  Smith Square: Transport House, 1, 2;

  squats, 1;

  Stoke Newington, 1;

  Thames Barrier, 1;

  Victoria Park, 1 ;

  Westminster Hospital, 1, 2, 3;

  Willesden, 1

  London Gay Switchboard, 1

  London School of Economics (LSE), 1, 2, 3

  London Women’s Liberation Workshop, 1, 2

  Londonderry, 1, 2;

  Bloody Sunday, 3 ;

  Bogside, 1, 2 ;

  Operation Motorman, 1

  lorry drivers see road hauliers

  Los Angeles, 1

  LSE see London School of Economics

  Lumsden, Andrew, 1

  Lydon, John (Johnny Rotten), 1

  McCaffrey, Tom, 1

  McCartney, Paul, 1

  McCusker, Harold, 1

  MacDonald, Ramsay, 1

  McEwan, Ian, 1

  McGahey, Mick, 1, 2, 3

  McGrandle, Leith, 1

  McGuinness, Martin, 1

  McHugh, Peter, 1

  McIntosh, Ronald: on North Sea oil production, 1, 2;

  seventies pessimism, 3, 4;

  on Thatcher becoming Conservative Party leader, 1;

  on Wilson, 1

  MacKeown, Brendon, 1

  McKie, David, 1

  McLaren, Charlie, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

  Macleod, Iain, 1, 2

  Macmillan, Harold, 1, 2, 3

  McNally, Tom: and 1979 election, 1;

  Callaghan cautions about bawdy stories, 2;

  on Callaghan’s Barbados visit, 1;

  and Callaghan’s decision to postpone election, 1, 2, 3;

  and Callaghan’s economic measures, 1, 2, 3;

  on Guadeloupe summit, 1;

  on seventies industry, 1;

  and Winter of Discontent, 1, 2

  Mac Stíofáin, Seán, 1, 2, 3, 4

  McSweeney, Richard, 1

  McWhirter, Norris, 1, 2, 3

  McWhirter, Ross, 1

  Maidstone, 1

  Mailer, Norman, 1

  Major, John, 1

  Majority news-sheet, 1

  Manchester: Arndale centre, 1

  Manifesto for a Sustainable Society, 1

  Mansfield Hosiery Mills, 1

  Maplin, 1

  Maplin Movement, 1

  Marxism: campus radicalism, 1

  Mason, Angela (Angie Weir), 1, 2

  Mason, Roy, 1

  materialism see consumerism

  maternity leave, 1

  Maudling, Reginald: and 1972 miners’ strike, 1, 2, 3 ;

  and Northern Ireland, 4, 5, 6;

  on picketing law, 1

  Measure of Domestic Progress (MDP), 1

  media: newspaper coverage of Winter of Discontent, 1 ;

  newspaper problems, 2;

  Northern Ireland coverage, 1 ;

  publishers and left-wing radicalism, 1

  Melchett, Lord Peter, 1

  MI5, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Middle Class Association, 1, 2

  Middle Way, The (Macmillan), 1

  Middlemas, Keith, 1, 2

  Middlesex Polytechnic, 1

  Miliband, Ralph, 1

  Millar, Ronald, 1

  Miller, Henry, 1

  Millett, Kate, 1

  Milligan, Stephen, 1, 2

  Mills, John Platts, 1

  Milton Keynes, 1 ;

  Heelands, 2 ;

  Netherfield, 1 ;

  shopping centre, 1

  mining and miners: comparative pay, 1;

  history of, 1;

  see also National Union of Mineworkers

  Mises, Ludwig von, 1

  Miss World contest, 1

  Monday Club, 1

  Money Programme, The (TV series), 1

  money supply and monetarism, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  moral values: Callaghan on, 1

  Morgan, Kenneth O., 1, 2, 3

  Morris, Jamie, 1

  Moss, Robert, 1

  Mountfield, Peter, 1

  Movement for Survival, 1

  Moyle, Roland, 1

  Murdoch, Rupert, 1, 2, 3

  Murray, Len, 1, 2

  music, 1

  Mussolini, Benito, 1

  Nabokov, Vladimir, 1

  NAFF see National Association for Freedom

  Nairn, Tom, 1

  National Association for Freedom (NAFF), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  National Coal Board: and 1972 miners’
strike, 1, 2;

  1973 negotiations with miners, 3 ;

  and 1981 miners’ dispute, 1;

  under Robens, 1

  National Economic Development Council: creation, 1

  National Front (NF), 1, 2, 3, 4

  National Pensioners Convention, 1


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