The Best Of LK Vol. 1

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The Best Of LK Vol. 1 Page 91

by LK Collins

  “Where do you even start?” he asks me, and I shake my head, not having a clue. Then I spot something that I have to have. It is a small white onesie with a lei printed around the neckline. I remove it from the rack, and Parks reads the words as I show it to him. “Aloha, Baby!”

  “Isn’t it cute?”

  “Yeah, for a girl. But what if it’s a boy?”

  “He’d look cute in it, too. All the babies would love him in it.”

  He rolls his eyes, and I hang on to it, definitely buying it, and ask, “Do you think it’s a boy?”

  “I do.”


  “I don’t know; I just feel that way. What about you?”

  “I don’t have a feeling one way or the other. Is that strange?”

  “No, not at all.” He drapes his arm over my shoulder and looks down at the onesie I’m clutching.

  “So, you’re really buying this?”


  “All right.” He walks us to the register and pays for the item. On the way out, he checks his watch and says to me, “We need to get going.”

  “Do we have to?” I complain.

  “Yes, we absolutely do.”

  I huff like a spoiled child not getting her way. I don’t want to go, but he opens the door to the rental car, ushering me inside without leaving me much of a choice.

  “Don’t get like that,” he says, but I just pout harder, making sure to stick my lower lip out a bit more. He mumbles something to me and then closes the door.

  When he gets in on the driver’s side, I ask, “What did you say?”

  “That I hope it’s a boy.”


  “Because I can’t deal with you and a little girl, too much estrogen.”

  “Whatever.” I slap him across the shoulder, and he flinches as if I’ve really hurt him. Like testosterone is any better?

  “Wake up, baby,” Parks says to me standing at the door to his truck. It’s night out, and as I take in the sights around us, I realize we’re home.

  “Did I sleep the entire drive?”

  “Yup, you were snoring before we left the airport.”

  “I don’t snore.”

  “Yeah, yeah, okay,” he says mockingly. “I must’ve been hearing things.”

  “Probably.” He leans in and kisses my forehead before scooping me out of the truck and cradling my body against his hard chest. “I can walk,” I tell him.

  “I know you can.”

  Clearly, he doesn’t want me to, and the serenity that surrounds me as he holds me like this makes me never want to walk on my own two feet again.

  Parks locks the truck, the alarm beeping as we head inside. My eyes are on his face, and there is a huge grin on my lips when he glances down at me.


  “Nothing. I’m just admiring the view, that’s all.”

  The house is dark and quiet. He flips a few lights on, and I assume he’s going to lay me on the bed, but he continues through to the bathroom, finally setting me down on the countertop.

  “Why are we in here?” I ask, and he pulls his T-shirt over his head, leaning to the side to start the shower. His eyes are seductive, telling me just what he wants, and even though I’m tired, I can’t resist him . . . I never can.

  “So we can shower, airplanes are germ-filled, and I don’t want my baby getting sick.”

  “Oh . . . really, that’s all?” A coy smile plays over my mouth.

  “Why? Do you want something else?” he asks and drops his pants. His bare, rock-hard shaft has my mouth watering.

  Popping off the counter, I pull my shirt over my head and step out of my pants. When Parks sees that I haven’t been wearing anything else all day, he stalks right up to me and possessively holds me tightly in his grip. His fingers dig into my ass cheeks, and his attention isn’t on my face; it’s on my body.

  “I can’t believe you were naked like this all day, and I had no clue.”

  I shrug, acting as if it’s no big deal, and he lifts me off my feet. I grip on to his tight back muscles as he walks us into the shower. The water cascading down our bodies is the perfect temperature.

  Parks closes the glass door, and the instant it latches, I’m helpless. He already has his cock inside me and the cold tile wall that he’s holding me against sends a shiver throughout my system.

  “Fuck!” He pushes inside me so deeply that I can’t breathe around the pleasure. It courses through my body—wanting—waiting for the second that he moves.

  And as he does, giving me forceful, long thrusts, I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything quite like this connection we share.

  I moan each time he moves. His hands are around my ass, holding me in place, and as he works my body, the hedonism becomes too great. My grip on reality is loosening. I try to hold on to it, not wanting to let go so quickly.

  However, I’m left without a choice as Parks shifts, pushing deeper, slamming me fiercely as he comes. His thrusts are so fast and so fucking good. I grip onto the back of his neck. My breathing is ragged, too fast—a million miles a minute as I fall from the world. Giving myself over to another earth-shattering orgasm that only Parks can give to me.



  Fallon’s knee is bouncing up and down, which is making my stomach churn as we drive to my parents’ house. Softly, I place my hand over top of it to hold it in place and make her stop.

  “I’m nervous.”

  “Don’t be,” I tell her, but I can feel her clammy skin beneath my hand, and know my words won’t help much.

  “Your mom is gonna be so upset.”

  “She’ll be okay. She’s a lot like you and very understanding.”

  “But we lied. I lied . . . it was my idea, and I don’t want us to break this news to her.”

  “It’s the right thing to do, trust me.”

  She nods and looks out her window as I pull into the neighborhood. I can’t deny that I’m a little anxious myself, but I know my mom, and she’ll understand. She’ll love this baby just as much as I do.

  I turn onto my parents’ street, then into their driveway and glance at Fallon, but she’s too busy chewing on her fingernail to notice. I reach for her hand, forcing her to look at me and stop what she’s doing. She looks at me, and her green eyes melt my heart. I love everything about her, but her eyes . . . fuck, they are the key to my soul.

  “I love you,” I tell her and kiss her affectionately.

  “Love you,” I assure her one more time that everything will be okay and we get out of the vehicle and head toward the house.

  “Mom? Dad?” I call out.

  “In here,” my mom says from the family room.

  Fallon has a death grip on my hand, and I give her a little squeeze of reassurance as we greet my parents.

  “What a nice surprise,” my mom says and reaches to hug us. My dad mutes the television, waiting for us to join him in the living room before standing.

  “Thanks for doing this, son.” It’s a whisper, but he still looks at my mom to make sure she didn’t hear him. Judging by the huge smile on her face as she takes a seat, it’s safe to say she didn’t.

  “So what are you kids up to today?”

  “Not much, we wanted to talk to you about the baby.”

  My mom’s expression beams when I say the word “baby.” “Can I first just say how truly happy I am that the two of you are together and giving me my first grandchild? I always had a feeling it would happen. I saw the way you always looked at her, Parks.”

  I give my dad a suspicious glance, and he looks away. He obviously told my mom about how I felt about Fallon, even though he said he wouldn’t. Traitor.

  “Well, I couldn’t be happier that he finally told me,” Fallon adds, which makes us all laugh.

  “What? I was scared. She’s everything to me.”

  “You did what you felt was right, and it all worked out in the end, son.” Fallon inhales, clearly agreeing with my dad. However, I
’m sure all this chitchat is just making her more nervous.

  “So, Mom, Dad, we need to tell you something.”

  “Okay.” My mom’s expression become serious, and as I search for the words, Fallon takes my hand and places it in her lap, close to her stomach, reminding me of what I told her. Sometimes as a parent, you have to do hard things that you don’t want to. But this is what’s right for the baby.

  “The baby is not biologically mine.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Fallon got pregnant before she and I started dating, but I’ve made the decision to raise the child as my own. We hope you both will love the baby as your own, too.”

  “Who’s is it?” My mom looks to my dad, who is doing a good job looking shocked but supportive, and then she turns to Fallon.

  “My ex-boyfriend, Leo’s.”

  “Oh God!” My mom’s hand flies over her mouth. “That boy who was on the news?” Fallon nods. “Your mother was so upset when she saw the story. We were all so grateful that he didn’t hurt you.”

  “So were we,” I tell them.

  “Does he know?” she curiously looks at us.

  “No,” I answer, and she doesn’t pry any further.

  “Well, regardless of the DNA, that baby is our grandchild.” She pats Fallon’s knee. And I feel ridiculous for thinking my mother would have ever had a different reaction.

  “Really?” Fallon asks in a non-believing tone.

  “Yeah, really,” my parents both agree, settling her reservations.

  “Do your parents know?”

  “No, I don’t think I wanna tell them, either.”

  “They’ll understand.” And they would. I hope them planting the seed will push Fallon to tell her parents, too. Mine were so understanding, and I’m sure hers will be the same way.

  “Everything looks perfect,” Dr. Cornelius tells us as she finishes the exam and ultrasound on Fallon and the baby.

  “Thank you,” she says and sits up on the exam table.

  “You’re most welcome.” The doctor hands Fallon the new pictures she took and a sealed envelope with the sex of the baby inside. We couldn’t decide if we wanted to know or be surprised, so she wrote it down for us to look at when or if we were ready.

  “See you next month,” Dr. Cornelius gives us a final smile and a small wave as she collects Fallon’s chart and heads out into the hallway. Fallon hands me the envelope and pictures, before getting dressed.

  “I kind of want to know.” I look between Fallon and the envelope in my hand.

  “You do?”

  “Yeah. Don’t you?”

  “I don’t really know. I go back and forth.”

  She smiles at me, not giving in, but then she wraps her fingers around the envelope and slides it from my grasp. The decision about the sex of the baby is right here.

  “Are you sure?”

  I give her a nod, and without saying anything else, she tears it open, and I couldn’t be more thankful that this is the biggest dilemma in our life.

  I’m like an overactive child on Christmas morning as I wait for her to read the paper. Eternity passes in the span of few seconds, and then a smile stretches her lips before she hands the paper to me. God, I don’t think I could be more ecstatic to be having a baby girl with her.

  Looking back on things, from where we began, sometimes it’s unreal to me that being with Fallon is my reality and now we’ll have a little girl to show the world to as well.

  “Are you happy?” I ask, pulling her in close and she exhales then says, “God, yes.”

  Looking at her, as gorgeous as ever. Not only the most beautiful woman in the entire world but the most stunning pregnant woman, I couldn’t be more grateful to have her as my partner, my lover, the mother of my daughter—my everything.



  To say fate works in mysterious ways is an understatement. Fate controls everything around us, the course of our lives. Everything we’ll ever do is already predetermined, along with the decisions we make along the way. Those decisions aren’t really ours at all, they are fate and fate alone, steering us where we’re meant to be.

  When I stressed out about telling my parents about the baby being Leo’s and went back and forth over the decision it was pointless. The decision was already made. When we told them, they understood everything.

  Or when we were supposed to leave the house at eleven fifteen this morning but didn’t leave until noon, which put us in this restaurant at the same time as Leo. This moment was already decided.

  “I can see if they have a back entrance,” Parks offers, but it’s too late. Leo has his eyes on me from across the room, which is unnerving. I actually feel more unsettled than the day I caught him cheating on me. This is the exact moment I’ve been dreading since I heard the news, the girl Leo assaulted had dropped the charges, and he was free.

  We thought today would be relaxing. Lunch and then a walk around the park. Work has been crazy lately; the photography business is booked out a few months, so these days where it’s just the three of us seem so far and few between.

  “No, I need to do this.” It’s the truth. Something in my gut is telling me not to bail, not to run and to finally face my fears. Parks kisses me again, his soft fingers trailing up and down my arm, almost as if he’s sending a message to Leo. I close my eyes, the simple touch and attention from Parks that normally settles all my worries isn’t helping right now.

  Leo’s eyes move between Parks and me, but they never stray to Chloe, who is sleeping peacefully in her car seat, beside us.

  Parks tenses, his firm grip tightening around me as Leo heads toward us. “Stay calm,” I whisper under my breath.

  “What’s up, guys?” Leo asks casually, but his voice is slurred from the alcohol. Clearly, he is still living life as if it’s a joke. His eyes are glazed over like he’s been on a weeklong bender as he stands across from us.

  I have no clue why I was ever with him or what I saw in him. I take in a deep breath, knowing I have two options: lie or tell the truth.

  A waitress comes over and hands Leo the drink he must’ve just ordered from the bar. His eyes are on her ass as she walks away without even getting so much as a thank you from him.

  “So, you two are a thing now?” he asks.

  “Yup,” Parks responds dryly, clearly not wanting Leo here any longer than necessary. But all at once, it hits me. We ran into him for a reason. I need to tell him about Chloe. As much as it has always scared me, something is pushing me forward.

  “Can you sit?” Parks is still stone cold as I gesture for Leo to sit in the empty seat across for me.

  “Sure.” He pulls the chair out and then falters. “Shit, I didn’t see you had a kid, too.” He blurts out, obviously just noticing her as he takes in a huge gulp of his stiff drink. It’s so strong I can smell it.

  “We do. Her name is Chloe.” I look at her as I speak. The perfection of her plump lips and tiny nose are some of my favorite traits about her. She’s so much like me, but I can see part of Leo in her, too. And I think it’s that resemblance that’s pushing me forward, “I found out I was pregnant after you and I broke up.” Speaking the truth feels right, but I still brace myself, knowing he is a loose cannon.

  “So, you we were cheating on me with him?” Leo asks, and I shake my head, wishing he’d just put two and two together. I mean, if he’d look at her for more than half a second, he’d see the resemblance.

  He takes another guzzle of alcohol, the apparent need for it is clear, and then glances at Chloe when I don’t respond. She is so magnificent in the Hawaiian onesie that Parks and I got for her on our vacation. God, what I’d do to be there instead of here is unreal . . . but I can’t.

  “She’s yours,” I whisper, and Parks’ hold is so tight around me that my arm burns.

  “Fuck that, that baby is not mine.” Leo’s voice is an echo in the restaurant, and I’m thankful that it isn’t a quiet place we are in.

sp; “Yes, she is biologically yours.”

  He shakes his head, disgust filling his eyes. You’d think I just told him he’s dying. But that look is one I know far too well. “No, I don’t give a shit what you say—that baby is not mine. I don’t want a fuckin’ kid.” His reaction takes me by surprise. He doesn’t even consider what we are saying. After all the times I imagined how this would play out, I never thought he would just disown her.

  “This is the only shot you’ll fucking get, bro” Parks snarls. His voice is more serious than I’ve ever heard him before.

  “Good, then we’re all on the same page here.”

  “Think about this, please?” I give him one last shot even though he doesn’t deserve it. Something inside me needs to extend this one last offer in order to be okay with things and move forward.

  “Have a nice fuckin’ life,” Leo says and gets up, leaving the restaurant without so much as a backward glance. I should’ve expected him to act just like this. He’s a callous person, always has been. He never really cared about me, and it was no one’s fault but my own for staying with him as long as I did. The only good thing that ever came out of being with him was Chloe.

  “Are you okay?” Parks asks me.

  “Yeah. Surprisingly, I am.” Parks is Chloe’s father. He always has been and always will be. And there is not a thing that could change that. Even if Leo had wanted to be involved, nothing with Parks would have changed, and I love that. God, I love him and our life . . . immensely.

  “Did you want to order?” the waitress asks us, and we both shake our heads. Parks pulls out a twenty for the drinks we ordered and hands it to her before she turns back to another waiting table.

  “I wasn’t excited about this restaurant anyway,” he tells me, lifting Chloe’s car seat and taking my hand with his other one. I smirk and feel free of the weight that had been pressing on my shoulders.

  Fate took me by surprise today, but I’m grateful in the end for how things played out. The last of the summer air hits us, causing Chloe to wiggle and wake up. I pull the shade down on her seat and ask Parks, “You want to head home?”


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