The Best Of LK Vol. 1

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The Best Of LK Vol. 1 Page 106

by LK Collins

  As always, my Prezident, I love you more than any words can ever say. You are the king of my world. I am completely and utterly blessed to have you by my side as we complete another book. I have to give you props for 3 Breaths, so much of the storyline you helped me with and like usual, you read the book more than I did. Thanks, baby, for everything, from the bottom of my heart. I am the luckiest damn girl in the whole entire world.

  Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, the amazing and remarkable Lisa! I’m not really sure how to sum up my gratitude, but I’ll try. You are simply a genius with words, you are fast and accurate as hell. You catch so many errors and always make the editing process fun. Thank you for always working with me. I love you, woman.

  Letica and Janice, you two are the greatest proofreaders! Between the two of you, you make my life so easy. Thank you for going through 3 Breaths in minute detail and catching all those final errors. I know I always give you like a day to read the entire book and not on purpose, but you come through and always amaze me. I couldn’t do what I do without the two of you, that’s for damn sure. Thank you for always having my back!

  To the bloggers, I once thought that maybe I would start a blog. Then I realized everything that goes into it and knew I wasn’t cut out for it. You have an extremely hard job that helps so many authors. Thank you for helping me, from signing up for the cover reveal to the release day blitz and blog tour. And for those of you that read the ARC and gave me feedback, your kind words have truly touched me. You know who you are -- I am indebted to you always.

  For my readers, like I said in the dedication page, this one is for you. So many of you have stuck by me since Fatalism and Every Soul. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read Krane and Ivy’s story. I know this was a hard one! There were a lot of tears shed by the advanced readers, as there were by me as I wrote this story. But if you learned anything from Krane and Ivy, tomorrow is not guaranteed.

  Take each breath as though it could be your last.

  The Prezident and I read every single review, so we’d love to hear your thoughts. To stay up to date on the latest information regarding all of my books, please make sure that you sign up to stalk me on my website – .


  by LK Collins

  A Life. Destiny. Fate stand-alone novel

  The Story of Cara and Abel

  Cover Design by Allie Brennan, B Designs

  Edited by Lisa Christman, Adept Edits

  Formatting by Prezidential Visions

  Photography by George Mayer

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owner.



  As I pull my Harley in the underground parking garage of my building, I cut the engine just as my cell phone rings. Still straddling my bike, I pull it out of my back pocket to see it’s my brother calling.

  I hit the answer button. “What’s up, bro?”

  “Hey, not much. How are you?”

  “Dude, I’m fucking beat. We trained all week in a building that was hot as hell, and I carried more hose on my back than I knew was possible.”

  “Well, you are the new fire chief, so you gotta show those guys how to get shit done.”

  I laugh, “I guess. Anyways, what’s up?”

  “I’m sorry, I know this is last minute, but I told Lex that I invited you to the movies with us tonight, so she invited her friend, Cara. I don’t want to look like an ass because I forgot to call you earlier. So, can you meet us there in an hour?”

  Fuck, I hate the movies. I’m not a fan of crowds and this is the last thing I want to do tonight. But for my brother, I’ll do anything. “Is Cara hot?”


  “Fine, text me where to meet you guys and I’ll be there. She better be fucking smoking for me to see a movie at the theater.”

  “Don’t worry, she is,” he says and hangs up.

  I get off my bike and walk to the elevator. I can’t wait to get into the hot shower. My body is exhausted; every one of my muscles feels tense from work. I wish I could just chill tonight. But who knows? Maybe it won’t be a waste, and I’ll end up banging this chick. It’s been weeks since I’ve gotten laid and I’m tired of the same bar flies that always flock to me because of my tattoos.

  The elevator finally arrives and I press the button for the eighteenth floor. Living in the heart of downtown affords me a killer view. I just moved into this place and it’s insane. Entering my spacious loft, the sun is bright and shining in all of the windows. Puss, my needy ass cat, runs up to me and winds in and out of my legs. She’s a vocal, little bitch, but the only one I want.

  I set my helmet on the counter, along with my keys, and grab a beer from the fridge. Cracking it open, I walk to the expansive wall of windows that is the back of my loft. I look out onto the city and take a pull of my beer.

  Fuck, I’m tired.

  Heading into the bathroom, I turn the shower on and strip out of my clothes. As much as I love being a firefighter, the stench from the smoke is brutal. I take my time washing to ensure I’m clean. It’s crazy how the faintest scent will drive you nuts. But who am I to complain? I’m doing my dream job and loving it. I’ve always had a passion for helping others. Plus the pay is awesome -- fighting wildfires for twenty hours straight for a few months in the summer pays my bills for a year.

  Stepping out of the shower, I wrap a towel around my waist and grab my toothbrush. My phone chimes while I brush my teeth. I walk back into the kitchen and grab it. It’s Vincent, and of course we are meeting at a theater way across town. I dress quickly in jeans and a t-shirt, and grab a hat on my way out the door. I take my truck instead of my bike. The adrenaline rush I get from my bike can be a lot to handle, and I don’t need any of that tonight.

  I pull up to the theater right on time and park far away like I always do, taking my time as I walk up to the building. I approach and there are lots of people all around. I look for Alexa and Vincent, but don’t spot them.

  I lean up against the hard, brick wall and put my hands in my pockets. Looking down, I kick the loose gravel with my boots. Just two hours, and then I’ll be home. If I weren’t so tired it wouldn’t be so bad. I check my phone noticing that those fuckers are late. I hate it when people aren’t on time; I sure as hell can’t show up late to a fire. Why does everyone else not give a shit about running on time?

  When I take my eyes off of the ground, I look up and am immediately connected to a cute blonde. I watch her as she gets out of an Audi A4. Her red flats hit the pavement, and she slings a huge purse over her shoulder. She walks and I swear she is heading right towards me. I get a sense of déjà vu, like I’ve seen her before. My eyes scan down her perfectly built body -- man, she’s ridiculous. Her boobs are about to pop out of the top of her dress and those long, tan legs make my dick stir. Fuck.

  My daydream is interrupted by my brother and Alexa as they approach her. Alexa hugs her and they continue towards me. Shit, this is the girl Vincent was telling me about. I fidget with the bill of my hat and then push myself off the wall.

  “Come on, you know how cold theaters get, and you’re barely wearing any clothes,” Alexa says.

  That’s right, she is barely wearing any clothes, and I want to see her in even less. “I’ll keep her warm,” I say and ca
n’t help the smirk that’s on my face.

  She laughs at me. Ouch.

  “I’ll be just fine, thank you very much,” she says in a mocking tone.

  What the hell? I try again, giving her my best smile. “Are you sure? I’m happy to do the job.”

  She rolls her eyes at me and Vincent interjects. “All right, guys, let’s not start the night off fighting. Cara, this is my brother, Abel. Abel, this is Cara, Alexa’s best friend.”

  Suddenly I feel nervous reaching for her hand to kiss the top of it; this has to get her to warm up to me and stop being so cold. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Cara.” I say and notice a small tattoo on the inside of her wrist. That’s where I know her from -- she’s a nurse at University Hospital. I knew I had seen her before. I rode in with a patient once during transport while providing care. How could I forget her -- not to mention how gorgeous she is -- and those eyes? Yeah, this is definitely her. She has the most alluring aqua-colored eyes I’ve ever seen.

  She pulls her hand back and wipes it on my shoulder. Everyone laughs at her gesture, and we head inside the theater. I tag along still in a fog; I could never forget the color of her eyes.


  Why will my hair never cooperate? Not that it matters, but still, I don’t want to look like garbage. I try again to pull my brush through my thick blond hair. I look over my shoulder at the clock on my nightstand. Damn it. I’m running late -- again. I finish ripping the brush through my tangled strands. God, it needs a cut; it’s almost to my ass. I slide on my red, patent leather flats and leave my room.

  I have ten minutes to make it to the theater to meet my best friend, Alexa, and her new boyfriend, Vincent. Alexa said Vincent’s brother is going to be there. She also told me he’s covered in tattoos, which is my typical MO, but I’ve turned over a new leaf. I know it’s going to be hard to resist, but that was the old Cara. The new Cara has sworn off tattooed bad boys.

  Sliding behind the wheel of my Audi A4, I toss my purse on the passenger seat and fly out of the neighborhood. Of course traffic sucks; it’s always bad in Denver this time of day. I roll along, wishing I could go faster, but I can’t. You know what, who cares? It’s not like I care what this guy thinks, and Alexa is always late.

  I pull up to the theater and it takes forever to find a parking spot close to the entrance. Once I do, I’m out and heading towards the front. I look for Alexa and Vincent, but don’t see them. Ahh, there they are.

  “Hey, girl. You look cute. I hope you brought a sweater,” Alexa says.

  “Thanks, and no, I didn’t. Why would I need a sweater in August?”

  “Come on, you know how cold theaters get, and you’re barely wearing any clothes.”

  Before I can answer I look up and see a tattooed god. Shit. Is that Vincent’s brother? As we walk towards him, his eyes are glued to mine, and my heart starts to race. His hat is low, just how I like. He has his hands tucked into his pockets, making his forearms flex and his tattoos that much more visible. I look away from his hazel eyes. Pull your shit together, Cara. You’re done with guys like this.

  “I’ll keep her warm,” he says.

  The hell you will.

  It’s time to be a bitch. I laugh at him, “I’ll be just fine, thank you very much.”

  “Are you sure? I’m happy to do the job,” he says looking deep into my eyes. His intensity makes me instantly wet between my legs. It takes all of my willpower to not play right into his game. Then he grabs my hand and kisses the top of it. My body tingles from his touch, and instantly I want more.

  Fuck. I need more.

  As I snap out of it, I pull my hand away from his and wipe it on his shoulder. I will not be hurt by another asshole with tattoos. Quickly I walk ahead of him and latch onto Alexa, leaving Abel behind and pushing away the emotions he has coursing through my body.

  Chapter 1


  I hit the pavement hard, running in my Nikes. I push myself to try and clear my head as the music blasts through my earbuds. These last eight months have been frustrating to say the least. I’ve made it my mission to avoid Abel, but for some reason, everywhere I turn…there he is. He is determined to win me over by any means necessary, and I’m not going to give in. I’m focusing on myself, plain and simple. Or at least that’s what I keep saying to convince my own mind that he’s out to hurt me, like all the douchebags from my past. I’ve tried to be a bitch, but it just makes him push that much more. His determination drives me mad with sexual energy. He does things to me; my body reacts to his intensity and grit like nothing I’ve ever known. He makes my heart pound and I instantly lose focus. All I can think about are his hands on my body…and that mouth.

  I come up to a streetlight and have to stop. I lean over to catch my breath, resting my hands on my knees, breathing in rigidly until the light changes, and then I mentally whip myself to keep going. I feel winded, but it doesn’t matter. I can’t clear my head. By the time my iPod stops the playlist I set it on, I look down and realize I’ve been running for over an hour. Turning around, I head back and keep a steady pace. Feeling parched from being unprepared and bolting out of the house without a water bottle, I spot a smoothie shop and head towards it.

  When I walk in, there’s a small line but it allows me to mull over the menu. I decide on my order right as I’m called. While I wait for my drink, I look out at the beautiful Cherry Creek District that is my home. The snow has all melted and spring is in full effect. The trees are blooming and the grass is almost green. The door chimes open and I look to see a guy I recognize from the hospital come in. He looks right at me and smiles. If I remember correctly, I think he works in Radiation.

  “Cara, is that you?” he asks.

  “Yup. It’s Ben, right?”

  “Yeah. What are you doing here?” he asks tilting his head to the side.

  “I’m on my way home from a run and thought I would grab a smoothie. What about you?”

  “I just got done with a yoga class. I usually come here afterwards.”

  They call my drink and he grabs it, handing it to me with the straw.

  I smile at him. “Thanks. Are you going to order?”

  He bobs his head and we get in line together. Ben is a little taller than me, probably five ten. His hair is blonde and his eyes are blue. He’s not the kind of guy I would typically be interested in, but this is the new Cara, so I force myself to see if there’s any chemistry. I need to let go of all thoughts of Abel.

  Ben orders and once his drink is ready he asks, “Do you want to sit outside?”

  “Sure,” I say. Following him as he opens the door for me, we find a tiny table in the sun.

  “So, Cara, tell me about yourself,” he says with a straight expression on his face. He is completely open about wanting to get to know me. I shrug my shoulders not sure where to start. He laughs at me. “Okay, I’ll start then. I’ll tell you one thing about me and you have to tell me the same thing about yourself.” I nod my head, liking this game already. It makes him have to come up with the questions.

  “My favorite food is Italian.”

  “My favorite food is anything seafood.”

  He cocks an eyebrow at me, “See? That wasn’t so hard.”

  I laugh and take a sip of my smoothie.

  “I have a dog.”

  “I don’t have any pets.”

  “I’m single.”

  “I’m single too.”

  He smiles, “I work today.”

  “I work today too.”

  “Will you have lunch with me then?” he asks.

  I smile and nod my head, unsure of how to respond to his brazenness.

  “Good, I’ll swing by and grab you.” He looks down at his watch, “I gotta run. I have another yoga class to teach.” He gets up and pulls his sunglasses down over his eyes. “I’ll see you later.”


  He turns around and walks off, his shorts hugging his ass in just the right way. While I watch him, I wonder, could I
be attracted to someone like him? He seems genuine and has a fun personality. I guess at lunch I’ll find out more. If anything he will help keep my mind off Abel and stick to the new Cara.

  I finish my smoothie and throw the cup away. Then I sprint home, shower, and head to work. I hate working swing shifts, and I’ve had to work a lot of them lately. As soon as I get to work and head to check on my first patient, I hear my name called over the intercom.

  “Cara Savannah to reception, Cara Savannah to reception.” Damn it, I bet there’s another walk-in to the ER demanding that I have them seen quicker than the two-hour wait they’ve been quoted. I place the clipboard on the slot of Mr. Parson’s door and head out.

  “Hey, Margaret, you paged me?”

  “Yes, dear, you have a visitor.”

  I give her a surprised look. Who would be visiting me here at work? She points into the waiting area of the ER, and leaning up against the wall is Abel. As soon as I look at him, he smirks at me, and I swallow hard. What is he doing here? He’s clearly working, dressed in his Denver Fire gear. I exit and head towards him, a mixture of butterflies and sexual frenzy flowing through my system. I mask that by putting on my angry face.

  “What are you doing here?” I snap.

  “Well, hello to you as well,” he says giving me that panty-dropping smile and continues, “We’re doing our monthly inspection and I thought I would say hi.”

  I cross my arms over my chest in my pink scrubs, pretending to have a dislike for him, when really I want exactly what he is pushing for. “Hi,” I sarcastically quip back.

  “Really, you’re going to act like that?”

  “Like what? You came to say hi, so I returned the gesture. Do you need anything else?”


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