The Darkest Of Light (The Kings Of Retribution MC Book 2)

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The Darkest Of Light (The Kings Of Retribution MC Book 2) Page 12

by Sandy Alvarez

  "I didn’t find out I was pregnant until I was two months along. And after Gabriel told me in not so many words I was nothing to him, I couldn’t say anything."

  She stops pacing and sits down next to me on the bed.

  "It hurts my feelings that you didn’t feel you could confide in me."

  "It’s not that I couldn’t. I chose not to. I didn’t want to disappoint you."

  "You could never disappoint me, Alba. You have to live life for yourself and make your own choices. I’m 100% behind you, no matter what. Don’t you know that?" My sister asks, "But I get the feeling something happened and that’s why you showed up here a few days earlier than expected crying. What’s going on?"

  Defeated, I tell Bella everything. Every detail leading up to what happened this evening. My sister can no longer hold back her emotions. Leaning over she holds me and I welcome it.

  "I’m going to be an auntie," she sniffles.

  Hearing Gabriel’s voice booming through the clubhouse catches our attention. It’s muffled, but I know it’s his. Oh my god, I completely forgot about Leah.

  "Bella, my friend Leah brought me. She’s down there right now and those men are probably scaring her to death."

  Wiping her eyes on her sleeve she walks out the door and ten minutes later she’s walking back in with a very freaked out Leah in tow.

  Chapter Fourteen


  On Tuesday night I’m sitting in the clubhouse surrounded by my family. I sit quietly in the corner nursing my beer listening to the conversation flow. Leyna is lounging on the sofa and across from her, Logan is kicked back with a beer in one hand and the other resting on Bella’s hip while she sits on his lap.

  The past five months have been quiet around the club. Which is a big fuckin’ change from this time last year. Getting out of gun running will do that. Logan’s father has been nothing but supportive in the club’s decision to go legit. The shop and the garage have been doing well. Are we feeling the pinch with the loss of cash flow from not running guns? Yes. But it also feels fuckin’ good to not deal with the bullshit that comes with it. Several of the older members were not entirely on board with the club’s decision. They are set in their ways as to how the club should be, but in the end the vote was unanimous.

  Then a month ago, Logan’s brother, Nikolai, came to Jake with a proposition. He wanted to start a construction business. Last year, Nikolai stayed in Polson while Demetri went back to Russia. Logan had a friend hook his brother up with a construction job. Nikolai wanted to start making his own way. He even moved into the clubhouse. He is not a King, but he is family. Turns out he has a knack for working construction and has been saving up his money. Nikolai asked Jake if the club would be interested in going into business together, 50/50. Prez brought the proposition up in church and it took all of five minutes for everyone to agree. The club will put up half the money, and Reid has volunteered to work side by side with Nikolai. As Road Captain, Reid stayed busy planning all our runs, but as of lately has been without much to do, so he jumped at the chance. I respect the hell out of Logan’s brother. He refuses to use his father’s money. He wants to pave his own way in life.

  The club even offered my sister a job. We would be in need of a receptionist for our new company. Leyna jumped at the chance. Her being able to speak both Spanish and English will come in handy since about sixty percent of the men hired so far speak Spanish. Leyna has even convinced some of the brothers to learn how to speak Spanish. Except for Quinn.

  My sister has refused to teach him anymore once she figured out, he was using the Spanish he was learning to hit on Sofia’s Spanish teacher. Explains why he had been so eager to pick her up from school most days. One day, Sofia came home from school and told Bella how Quinn was embarrassing her at school by flirting with her teacher when he came to pick her up. So, Bella went to Leyna and they hashed out a plan to get Quinn. Let’s just say the next time he picked Sofia up from school he came back to the clubhouse with a scowl and a very noticeable hand print across the left side of his face. All three girls busted out laughing.

  "Not cool Leyna, not cool at all." Quinn declared.

  Later that day I asked my sister what she had him say to the teacher, and her response was.

  "Let’s just say a woman does not like being told she has a fat ass." My baby sister is a little spitfire. Don’t ever let her looks mislead you. You fuck up and she’ll hand you your ass. She has laid into me on more than one occasion since she’s been here. Every one of those times has been about Alba. She wasn’t shy at telling me how bad I fucked up. My stomach still clenches at the thought of how I treated Alba the morning after I’d made love to her.

  "Our mother did not raise you that way, and she would be disappointed in you, hermano brother. I suggest you get your shit together and go get your woman."

  And that’s what I plan to do. Three weeks ago I found a house, made an offer and I close next week. When I do get my girl back, we won’t be staying at the clubhouse. Alba deserves a home of her own and that’s what she’s going to get. My plan was to talk to her at Thanksgiving, but Alba made up some bullshit excuse not to come home. If she doesn’t bring her ass home this weekend, I’ll be making a trip to Bozeman.

  "Hey, big guy. What are you deep in thought about over there?" Bella asks from across the room bringing me out of my thoughts.

  "Nothin’," I grunt. Giving me a warm smile, she turns her attention back to Logan. Bella is sweet and doesn’t take offense to my lack of words. A few minutes later the door to the clubhouse opens, bringing in a cold draft.

  "Alba!" Bella screeched, jumping up off Logan’s lap and rushes to her sister. Suddenly my senses go on high alert. Alba’s face is red and tears are running down her face. I quickly stride over to her. Alba looks at me over her sister’s shoulder and her face pales.

  "Cariño Sweetheart." I address her softly not taking my eyes off hers. That’s until I her Bella suck in a breath next to me and covers her mouth with her hand. Snapping my head back towards my woman, I begin to let my eyes travel over her from head to toe. And what I see has my hackles rising.

  "What the fuck?" I growl. "You sure didn’t waste any time spreading your legs for that ball player, letting him knock you up." I grind out fuming.

  I hear Bella and Alba gasp in unison before Alba reaches out and lands a powerful slap across my face. And before I can recover, Bella reaches up and takes a shot at the other cheek. Without a word Bella grabs her sister’s hand and leads her out of the room.

  The clubhouse has gone quiet and Reid is the first to speak up.

  "Someone want to tell me what the hell just happened." Quinn is the one to answer.

  "That was Gabriel’s baby momma puttin’ him in his place. I don’t think you could have put yourself in a deeper hole brother, but you sure as shit just did. I’d sleep with one eye open if I were you."

  "What the fuck is Quinn talkin’ about?" Jake booms looking directly at me.

  "Aww now, Prez, by the look on his face, I don’t think Gabriel has even fully grasped what just happened, so let’s give it a minute."

  I glare at my brother, but what he said finally clicks. My baby momma.

  "Gabriel knocked up Alba?" Reid chimes in.

  "Not only did he knock her up, but he basically just accused her of being a whore." Quinn adds.

  "Son of a bitch." I hiss, hanging my head. What the fuck have I done?

  "Wait a goddamn minute. When the hell did this happen?" Jake asks. I don’t answer. All I can think about is getting to my girl. Turning away from all my brothers, I head in the direction of the room we keep for Alba. I make it about halfway down the hallway, when a hand reaches out grabbing my bicep to stop me. It’s Logan.

  "I think you need to let Bella calm her down before you go barging in there, man."

  "You need to let me go so I can see about my woman,” I suggest evenly.

  "No. You need to calm the fuck down. Because the last thing Alba needs is
for you to upset her even more. Think about the baby, Gabriel. Let Bella get her calmed down first."

  My body tenses and my fury is building, I’m about to tell Logan to fuck off when we are interrupted by Austin.

  "Guys, there’s some chick out here asking for Alba. Said she drove her here. She looks scared as hell." Yanking my arm free of Logan’s clutch, I walk back out to the main room of the clubhouse to see who Austin is talking about.

  Rounding the corner, I see a short girl with wild curly hair and glasses. I recognize her as the girl Alba has been spending most of her time with at school. She looks nervous as fuck—wide-eyed and clutching her coat to her chest.

  "You came with Alba?" I ask as I stop in front of her.

  "" She stutters, looking up at me through her glasses. "I drove her here in her truck. Something happened and she was too upset to drive, so I insisted I’d bring her home."

  I narrow my eyes at the girl, "What do you mean something happened? Did someone hurt her?" I feel my blood heat and my body vibrate at the thought of someone hurting Alba. Prez comes up behind me and places his hand on my shoulder, silently telling me to rein it in.

  "What’s your name, sweetheart?" Jake asks.

  "Leah." She barely squeaks out. Then she starts rummaging through her purse. Pulling out an inhaler she gives it a few shakes before bringing it to her mouth. After a beat she seems to get herself under control.

  "Can you tell us what happened to Alba? What caused her to get so upset she needed you to drive her home?" Swallowing nervously, Leah answers.

  "She didn’t want you all to know, but someone has been messing with her."

  "Messing with her how?" I bark. My outburst causing this chick to shrink away.

  "Gabriel, calm your ass down." Jake warns then turns his attention back to the girl. "Alright, Leah. Go on and tell us the rest." Jake encourages her to continue.

  "Well, I only just found out a few hours ago, but she said at first she received flowers, then someone was leaving notes on her truck, things like that. Then she said she thinks whoever this person is, was in our room at the dorm we were staying in a few months ago. And tonight, we went out to eat and when we got back to our apartment it was trashed."

  Not able to stand still any longer, I begin to pace. My vision starts to blur and my fingers twitch. I need to hurt something, someone. I need to wrap my hand around the motherfucker’s throat who dare thinks they can harm my woman.

  "Is that it?" Logan breaks in.

  Shaking her head back and forth, "No."

  Just then Bella comes up behind us and walking up to Alba’s scared friend.

  "You must be Leah."

  Immediately, I notice that she’s been crying. Her face is red and her eyes are swollen. When she walks past, she completely ignores me as she grabs Leah’s hand, "Come on, my sister is asking for you." Stopping at the end of the stairs, Bella speaks quietly to Leah while pointing in the direction of Alba’s room.

  Turning around, she motions to Logan. All the men are silent as we watch Bella and Logan having an intense looking conversation. It fucking pisses me off. I want to know what the hell is going on. Logan pulls Bella into his arms and gives her a kiss before she heads back up the stairs and to her sister. My brother’s grim face has my stomach clenching.

  "We need to call church,” Logan demands. And fuck me—I know whatever he has to tell me is not going to be good.

  Five minutes later I’m sittin’ in church smokin’ a cigarette waiting for my brother to speak. Once Logan takes his seat, I watch him signal to Reid and Quinn. Both get up from their chairs and stand in front of the door, blocking the exit. Snapping my head in Logan’s direction he holds my stare refusing to waver. When he speaks, he keeps his eyes trained on me.

  “We all heard what the friend just informed us of a few minutes ago. Alba started receiving some flowers her first weeks of school. Later someone started leaving notes on her truck. The first time she realized some fucker had been in her room was the first weekend she came home to visit five months ago. Alba told Bella that the sick fuck had rummaged through her underwear drawer. She confessed there have been several more incidents since then, but this last one was her breaking point. When Alba and her friends arrived back home after going out to dinner, their apartment was torn apart. Alba’s sonogram picture was pinned to the wall of her bedroom with a pocket knife." Pausing, Logan cuts his eyes over to Jake, then over to the door where Reid and Quinn are still standing guard. My gut is telling me it’s for my benefit, because I’m about to lose my shit over what’s coming next. I feel it deep down in my bones. "Written on the wall above the pictures was the message—"Get rid of it or I will."

  Standing abruptly, my chair goes crashing into the wall behind me. In a few short strides I come toe to toe with Quinn and Reid.

  "Get the fuck out of my way,” I demand.

  Reid denies my command, causing me to see red.

  "Sorry, brother. I can’t do that."

  I clench and unclench my fists. I’ve never hit one of my brother’s but at this moment I’m seriously considering it. I get further into Reid’s face, "Step aside, now." The venom in my voice evident.

  Unflinching, he still refuses. "No."

  I go to lunge for him, but someone must have anticipated my move. Suddenly, I feel an arm wrap around my neck and I’m pulled backwards. Crashing into the table behind us and then falling to the floor, I am now being held down by Logan and Reid. With a roar, I free one of my arms and thrust my elbow backwards, catching Reid in the nose causing blood to spurt out. The next thing I know Jake is now on my back with his knee digging into my spine and his forearm across my neck and I continue to struggle against him and Logan.

  "Gabriel, you need to get your shit under control." Prez grinds out.

  "Some motherfucker is threatening to hurt my woman and my baby!" I bellow.

  "Yes, but Alba is here and she’s safe. So, you better get yourself together so we can handle the situation." Jake is right. She’s here and she’s okay, and I need a clear head.

  Taking a few deep breaths, I allow myself to calm down. Feeling my body relax, Jake and Logan release their grips on me and allow me to stand. Running my inked hand over my face, I cut my eyes over to Reid who has taken his t-shirt off and is holding it to his nose. Striding up to him, I apologize.

  "I’m sorry, brother."

  Removing his shirt from his nose, he gives me a slight smirk and slaps me on my shoulder.

  "It’s all good, man. I’ve had worse."

  Picking my chair up and taking my seat at the table along with everyone else, Prez doesn’t waste anytime getting down to business.

  "First things first," he says looking at me. "You claimin’ Alba?"

  Nodding, I reply, "Sí Yes, she’s mine."

  Chapter Fifteen


  I can’t believe he accused me of getting knocked up by someone else. Come to think of it, he specifically said a ball player. Is he referring to Sam? If so, how does he even know about him at all or the fact that he is a ball player?

  I shouldn’t even have to ask myself these questions. These men around here seem to know everything about everyone.

  Hearing the door knob turn I get up from the edge of the bed where I was sitting and meet my sister and Leah as they come walking through the door.

  "I am so sorry I deserted you down there, Leah. I was so taken aback and in the moment…I can’t believe I forgot you were with me."

  Walking into the room further she takes in her surroundings. I grab the suitcase she packed for me from her slightly shaking hands and set it down by the closet.

  "You guys really lived with all those men down there?" she asks with bewilderment as she wrings her hands together nervously. "I met Gabriel. He’s umm...big." She says giving my sister and I both a look.

  I walk her to the bed and sit down with her as I watch Bella quickly close the door before responding to Leah, "Yeah, they can be a bit rough arou
nd the edges at times, but you really wouldn’t find a better family to be a part of."

  And she’s right. Which makes me feel bad for bringing chaos back into the mix when it wasn’t very long ago we all had dealt with so much. I honestly thought whoever had been leaving notes stopped. I can’t wrap my head around someone threatening an unborn child.

  It’s unfathomable to me.

  "What I don’t understand is how someone was able to break into your dorm room there on campus. We made sure security was top notch when you first checked the place out. Someone in the building must have seen something," my sister questions as she walks over to the window, pulls back the curtain a little and gazes out into the night sky.

  Leah gives me a sympathetic look, knowing I’m about to have a heart to heart with my sister that I’ve been putting off. For far too long I’ve let it fester and it’s put a barrier between us.

  I sit straighter, "That’s because I don’t live on campus anymore. I moved a little over a month ago," I tell her.

  "What?" Bella says shockingly.

  "Yeah. Sam, Leah, and I are renting a condo about fifteen minutes from campus. I felt like I needed more space since finding out I was pregnant. I like it, Bella. It was a choice I had to make for myself."

  "I get all that, Alba, but why? Why is it you felt like you had to hide that from me?" she asks with hurt etched on her face.

  "I thought I had to. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to disappoint you. I never wanted to leave Polson. I wanted to stay here, maybe go to community college or take online classes, but you were so proud of me and so excited for my future that I wanted to make you happy. In the end I wasn’t happy, and this baby—MY baby put so much into perspective. I’m also taking online classes now instead of on campus, and I even started a small business online designing book covers for authors. It’s all coming together. I needed to make myself happy and live my life for me. I know you wanted me to have the world Bella and I do. My world just happens to be in Polson."


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