Sublime Vanity

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Sublime Vanity Page 2

by Dana Arden

  “Sadie.” I grit out. She takes this as an invitation to approach us, but I hold up my hand to stop her. “What do you want? As you’ve noticed, I’m getting married today and you’re interrupting it.”

  “Trigger, you don’t want to marry her.” She sneers at Razz. “I’m supposed to be your wife, not her.” She points at Razz in disgust.

  “What do you want?” I growl again.

  “I want you.” She whispers sweetly and before she left I’d have softened with those words, but not today.

  “No.” I bellow. “You’ve never wanted me. You’ve always been about you. I’m not blind anymore and I know what I want in a partner in my life. It isn’t you.”

  She shakes her head in disbelief. “No that’s not true. You’ve wanted me for nine years. You don’t know what you want. You’re just marrying her to try and get over me. I’m the one you want. I’ve always been the one you wanted and now I’m carrying your child and we can be a family. We’ve missed you so much.” She whines.

  “Really, you missed me.” She nods enthusiastically. “Doubtful.” Her face falls. “I haven’t heard from you since the day you told me you were leaving. If it wasn’t for Dani, I wouldn’t know if you were dead or alive. So no, you don’t miss me.”

  Dani steps to my side and confronts her friend. “Sadie, why are you here?”

  Sadie’s eyes blink rapidly, but not a single tear falls. “Dani, I couldn’t let him marry her. When you told me that he was going to propose, I knew I had to get back here to stop him from making the worst mistake of his life.”

  Dani huffs. “Seriously Sadie.” Sadie nods. “Razz is not a mistake and as much as I love you, I think you need to leave.”

  “I’m not leaving unless Trigger comes with me.” She yells. “We are starting a family and I know that’s the one thing Trigger has always wanted from me.” She rubs her belly. “Now we have it. Now we can be a true family.”

  The sound of Razz’s solemn voice makes Sadie pause in her rant. “How far long are you?” Sadie just stares at her. “How far long are you?” Razz repeats slowly.

  Sadie stares blankly as though she’s figuring it out in her head. “Four and a half months.” She stutters.

  Razz nods. “Who all were you sleeping with when you were with Trigger?” Her question throws me because we were exclusive.

  “No one.” Sadie screams. “It’s only been Trigger.”

  Razz searches someone out in the crowd and her eyes land on my dad. “Rudy, I’m going to need someone to hold onto Trigger for a minute.” My dad nods and gives a chin lift to Spook and Ryker. They come up behind me placing a hand on each of my shoulders. Razz glares back at Sadie. “Let’s try this again. Who all were you sleeping with when you were with Trigger?”

  “No one. I swear.” Sadie screams with her hands flailing around.

  Without taking her eyes off of Sadie, Razz speaks calmly. “Can someone please take the children into the house?” Waiting to hear the slamming of the front door, Razz pulls out her phone. She dials a number and puts it on speaker.

  “Roadie,” comes through the line.

  “Hey Roadie. It’s Razz. I have a question and I want you to answer truthfully.”

  “Sure Razz anything for you.”

  “When you were at the Georgia Chaotic’s Clubhouse who did you fuck in the garage?”

  “Shit Razz that was a while ago. Her name started with an ‘S’ and she was always with Trigger. It was Sara or Sable or something like that.”

  “Can you describe her?” I ask.

  “Sure. She was tall, blonde hair, blue eyes and she also worked at Dani’s bar.”

  My body is starting to vibrate with anger and my eyes are blazing at Sadie. “Thank you, Roadie.” I say behind clinched teeth.

  Sadie presses end on her cell and starts dialing again. “Mickey.” She says.

  “Hey sugar. How are you?” Mickey says in greeting.

  “I’m good thank you. Mickey, when was the last time Sadie paid you a visit.”

  “Ah, let’s see. It was a few days before she left to go back to Louisiana.”

  A venomous snarl rips through me. “Did you fuck her?”

  “Well of course. That’s what are arrangement was. She’d visit a couple of times a week and I’d pay some of her bills.”

  “Thank you, Mickey.” Razz says sweetly. “Have a good day.” Putting her phone in her pocket, she glances at me and then returns her eyes to Sadie. “Do I need to continue?”

  “No.” Sadie croaks.

  “So it’s safe to say that you have no clue who the father of your baby is and you decided to pin it on Trigger because out of all the men you spread your legs for he’s the only one that would raise your child and give you the freedom to continue to fuck around to get what you want. What you didn’t count on was me?”

  “He’ll never be completely happy with you.” Sadie screeches. “He’s always wanted me, always. You’re just a placeholder until I win him back. He loves me. He told me he loves me. NOT YOU!”

  Razz is completely calm. “Sure, Sadie, keep telling yourself that. You’re the only one that believes it. At least now you’ve showed your true colors, but I’ve seen them brightly for years. While I was standing in the shadows, you had no issues flaunting and fucking with any man who would show you the least bit of attention. When they stopped wanting to play your game, you moved on to the next and the next.”

  “You don’t know shit. You’re a stupid bitch who will never keep Trigger’s interest. He’ll come back to me and he’ll raise our baby with me. Fuck you, Razz. You aren’t shit compared to me. I’m beautiful and you’re average. I know how to please a man like Trigger and you could never give him what he needs.”

  “That’s enough!” I roar. “You need to go back to Louisiana. You’re not welcome here. When you have your baby call me and we’ll come down for a paternity test. I’ve heard enough to know that you’re nothing but a narcissistic whore.” Sadie’s eyes flash on my last words.

  “You’ll regret this, Trigger. I’m going to take you for everything you’re worth and drag your precious Razz down with you.” Sadie’s face turns beet red as she yells.

  Before I can speak Razz speaks up. “Good luck with that. You just started a battle you’ll never win. I allowed you to be a part of his life because I knew he loved you, but that all changes now. See you in five to six months, Sadie.” With that Razz turns her back on Sadie and walks towards the house.

  Sadie instantly calms and turns sad eyes on Dani. “Dani, can I stay with you tonight?”

  Dani shakes her head. “That’s not happening. I have no clue who the fuck you are anymore. Has this been your plan? I always wondered how you could afford all the expensive shit you were always buying.”

  “Dani, you’re my best friend.” Sadie cries.

  “Not anymore. Have a nice life Sadie. I hope you get everything you deserve.” When Sadie begins to speak, Dani shoots out a hand stopping her abruptly and turns on her heel heading towards the house as the rest of the women follow.

  “Trigger.” Sadie whines. “I don’t have anywhere to stay. You can’t leave a pregnant woman out on the streets.”

  My dad doesn’t allow me to speak. “Son, head into the house with Razz. I’ll handle this.” I nod and leave without a last glance at the bitch that has been filling my life with bullshit for the past nine years.

  Chapter 4


  As I drive away from Razz and Trigger’s home, I’m enraged and dejected, but not defeated. I have to hand it to the little pixie. Instead of backing down like I’m used to seeing her do, she stood up to me. She put me in my place and had the proof to back it up. But she has no clue at how good I am at getting what I want.

  She may think she’s won by turning the MC against me and even taking Dani out of the picture, but she has no clue the lengths I will go to. I’ve been this way most my life and not even the Southern Chaotic’s can stop me.

  I am thankful
that she stopped ranting off who I’d been with in Cumming. It leaves me with many more potential contributors to my destruction of Raquel Samson. The greatest thing about a small town is that everyone knows everyone else’s business. I’m sure Razz has skeletons in her closet she doesn’t want released that could destroy her and I’m going to make sure that they come out in full force.

  Losing Dani was definitely not in my plan. I could’ve guaranteed you she would’ve been on my side and not on Razz’s. If the bitch hadn’t brought out the fact that I continuously slept around with the men folk in Cumming, she probably would’ve stayed right where she’s been. Another strike against Razz. The destruction that I’m going to cause is all her fault. All she had to do is back the fuck off of Trigger and let him take care of me, but no. She had to shove her nose in my business.

  You want to know how I’m so sure I can destroy her pretty little life in Cumming. Let me start from my beginning.

  I grew up in a small town just like Cumming, except in Mansfield, Louisiana our rundown shack was on stilts. My momma left my daddy when I was ten and never looked back. She used to tell me if you aren’t happy, do something about it and that’s what she did. She left to find her happy. My dad felt bad for me because my momma left, so anything I wanted I got. Even though we lived in a house that looked like it was going to cave in, he spent every extra penny he had on me.

  I blame my father for the way I am. He’s the one that showed me that if I cried hard and long enough, I could get almost anything I asked for. He showed me that being sweet and well-mannered could get me even further.

  The first time I stole a candy bar from Mr. Girouard’s grocery store and got caught, he swore up and down he was going to call my daddy. I turned on the waterworks and a sob story about how my daddy was never home and how much I always wanted that candy bar. It worked and my conniving got better and more frequent.

  My first ‘boyfriend’ in high school, Steven, came from a wealthy family. Of course he didn’t pick me, I scoped him out. I found out his weaknesses and played on them. He’d fallen in love with the head cheerleader and was mystified as to why she’d choose a geeky boy named Thad. All I had to do was make him feel good about himself and rave about how much she was going to miss out on and he was hooked. Even then I knew boys were stupid and easily manipulated.

  Our relationship lasted about two years. He took me on extravagant trips and expensive dinners. If I wanted something, he made sure I got it. When it was time for him to go to college and I had no plans to go anywhere, I promised him I’d always be here when he came to visit. Every time he came home, I’d make sure my other boy toys were satisfied and Steven wouldn’t catch wind of my transgressions.

  Then a positive pregnancy test later and I knew that being pregnant was going to be the best and worst opportunity for me. I knew that if I told Steven I was pregnant his family would’ve made sure we married. I didn’t want to be stuck with Steven for the rest of my life, so I kept it to myself until I talked to my father.

  I tried to pull the wool over my father’s eyes, but Albin Breaux had finally realized I was just like my mother and cut off any type of support. He said I could stay in the house, get a job and raise the baby. Shit, for a normal teenage girl that would be a dream since most would kick their daughters out for being pregnant.

  I figured I’d leave and my daddy would come looking for me, but after six months and then a year with no daddy, I knew he was done. He was probably glad to be rid of the leach I’d become. He was probably able to cut his hours back from driving a rig. He probably was able to fix up the shack since he never was with me around mooching off of him.

  When I called him out of the blue months ago, he was ecstatic to hear from me and since Trigger was getting way more attached then I wanted, I decided it was time to go back to Mansfield and find another unsuspected man and see what my daddy had to offer.

  His excitement and relief to see me lasted all of a week when he realized I had no plan to get a job to support myself and Lyla. The second week he’d waited for Lyla to go to bed before he laid into me about me being old enough to support myself and he was giving me another week to get a job. Job slob. I didn’t want to fucking work anymore. I’d done enough working for the past nine years that I should be able to have someone else support me.

  I let my father’s words roll off my back until I’d been in Mansfield for a month and started getting morning sickness. Cue in déjà vu. I knew I needed to get the hell out of here and find another small town to convince to take in the helpless single mother. I siphoned money out of my dad’s floorboard safe and hit the road leaving Lyla behind. I knew my father would take care of her and I’d done enough for her since she was born. She’d be fine. She’d served her purpose for me.

  I did a search on small towns in Tennessee and decided my next destination to be Erwin, Tennessee. Just like Cumming, Erwin was full of busybodies and an old lady named Clarice who opened up her home to me and my unborn child. She cooked, cleaned and never once hassled me to get a job. She wanted me to take care of myself and the baby. I did offer to help her with her finances since she lived strictly off of Social Security. She was delighted to have the help and I was delighted to skim a little off the top each month.

  It was a shame when I got word from Dani that Trigger was happy and talking about getting engaged to Razz. Good thing I arrived when I did or my next handout would have been married and tied down to a bitch that is too curious for her own good.

  Chapter 5


  I step into the kitchen and see my mom, Greer, Dani and Lily sitting with a cup of coffee in their hands. Missing in this scenario is Razz.

  “Where’s Razz?” I ask.

  “Hey honey.” My mom says gently. “She’s in your bedroom. She said she had a phone call to make. You want a beer or coffee.”

  “No, I’m good. I just need to see Razz.”

  I walk up the stairs and notice our bedroom door is cracked. I hear Razz talking to someone. I don’t want to eavesdrop, but after having Sadie completely devastate my trust in women I find myself doing something I normally wouldn’t.

  “Jimmy, I need you to put a tail on her again. She came here today pregnant and trying to put the baby on Trigger.” Again. What the fuck is going on? “I know you got plenty of shit on her the last time, but this time she’s threatening my family.” She quiets for a few. “She said she went back to Louisiana. She just showed up here after being gone for four months. It just doesn’t add up. She gets word that Trigger’s planning to propose to me and then without a second thought she’s back in Cumming to make sure he doesn’t.” I slip through the door and she lifts her eyes to mine and puts up her index finger telling me to give her a second. “Thank you. If you need anything let me know. I don’t care what it is. I need to figure out her game plan before she does something that we can’t fix.” She ends the call and lays the phone on the bed. “We have shit to talk about but I don’t want to have to repeat myself so can you get your Dad, Ryker and Spook and meet me downstairs.”

  I wrap her up in my arms and kiss the top of her head. “Sure. I’m sorry about today, darlin’.”

  She shakes her head no. “It’s not your fault. After I finish telling you what I need to tell you, you’ll probably be pissed at me.”

  “I could never be mad at you. I love you too much to let something that involves Sadie put a wedge between us.”

  “We’ll see.” She whispers.


  Once I have everyone at the table in the kitchen, Razz comes downstairs carrying a moving box in her arms. She sets it on the table, but doesn’t lift her head before she speaks.

  “I need to get this all out before anyone speaks. I know what I’m going to say and show you will probably piss you off, but you have to understand that even if I came to you with this proof, you wouldn’t have believed me. Sadie has a way of spinning everything so that you feel sorry for her or a way of turning the truth around so that
someone else was to blame.”

  She starts unloading documents and sets them in front of Dani. “When you thought Jolene was taking from the bar, I set up a wireless camera in the office.” She hands Dani a flash drive. Dani opens her mouth, but Razz waves her off. “I wasn’t able to get any evidence to who was actually taking the money, but I got plenty of Sadie in compromising positions.”

  She pulls another flash drive from the box along with a manilla folder. She hands them to my dad. My dad scans through the paperwork and blanches. “When you all were in Blairsville dealing with everything going on with Greer, I was at the Clubhouse. Queenie wanted me to make sure that one of the rooms was cleaned and ready in case Greer and Ryland came home with ya’ll. When I was done with the room and was coming down the hall to leave, I saw Sadie coming out of your office.” My dad looks like he’s about to blow. “Please let me finish.” He nods. “I followed her to an abandon building in Milton. She took the folder in and came back out five minutes later with a smile on her face. She pulled off and I waited to see who came out.” I take Razz in. Her hands are shaking and her face is pale. “It was the leader of the Blue Enigma.” She stares at my dad for a few seconds and then lowers her head. “I approached him to get the folder back. I knew it had to be important if a gang wanted it. After about an hour of negotiating with him, he finally told me that Sadie was the one to approach him with the idea of blackmailing the club, so they could sell their product in Cumming. He paid her ten-thousand dollars for the information. I paid him twenty-five to give the information back and keep his dealings outside of Cumming.”

  “Razz.” My dad rumbles. “They could’ve killed you. Why didn’t you tell us this?”

  Razz holds up her hands. “He wasn’t going to hurt me because I helped plenty of his family when he was locked up. Let me finish and I’ll explain why I didn’t tell you.”

  She digs through the box again. She lifts another flash drive and folder from the box and hands the folder to Greer and the flash drive to Spook. “Greer, after Dimitri was taken down I hired Rose to keep an eye out for anything regarding you on the internet.” Greer nods with tears in her eyes. “About two months after you came home, Rose called and said that there had been an explosion of pictures and videos of you that hit the web. She traced everything down to a punk kid who had received it from an anonymous person. I sent Mad Dog the address and Rose wiped the pictures and videos off the internet. She, also, tracked down who had watched them or saw the pictures. Each and every computer she connected them to, she gave it a virus that couldn’t be wiped clean.”


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