The Truth in Lies: A TALE OF MANN

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The Truth in Lies: A TALE OF MANN Page 10

by Amelia Wilson

  “Get the Acolytes to activate the teleport pads in the temples.”

  “There is no power! Our runes no longer work,” Iman wrung her hands.

  “It will. In a while.”

  A few people screamed out in the darkness. Iman looked at the sky in terror at the silhouette of a great big beast flying over their heads.

  “Go, Iman! Tell the Acolytes to get everyone out of here!”

  “But Maan… Maan will help us!”

  Shera did not have the heart to tell Iman what she knew. There was no time to explain to the religiously fanatical Young Acolyte that the god they all prayed to was a victim. Sedayval, the High Priestess, even Shera – they were all parasites leeching from a living, magical being.

  The street was plunged in darkness. Most of the power source that had ran the city was now gone. All that was left was the last final wire still looped around the Jewel of Maan’s front leg. That was the only power that kept Sedayval from crashing down.

  Vahren inched closer to her, exhausted. He could move no more.

  Just when all hope was lost, a great dark figure loomed in the sky. The Jewel of Maan flew down, and looked at Shera and Vahren. Iman screamed out profanities and cowered, begging for Maan to spare her. The Jewel of Maan ignored her and spoke to Shera.

  “Leave it to me,” it said.

  And it sent out a telepathic wave towards everyone in Sedayval.

  “The city will crumble and fall in an hour. This will give everyone enough time to evacuate this place. Go to the Temple of Maan, and walk through the teleportation pads. They will transport you to the nearest cities.”

  The runes on its body was evidence enough to be the runes derived from the words of Maan. The cable still stuck on its body was proof of its exact nature. Others may not know, but the important people in Sedyaval did. And it was enough.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Shera said to Vahren.

  The Jewel of Maan blinked at them, and let out a small string of fire through its mouth. Shera gasped, but the fire did not burn them. Instead, it swirled around them like butterflies, replenishing her energy. She was enamored once more, invigorated by the immense energy within her.

  “Go with my last blessings.”

  “Aren’t you leaving with us?”

  “I… we… made this city. If it is to die, we are to die with it.”

  “You don’t have to,” Vahren said.

  “Oh, but we do,” the dragon explained. “We have been fused for so long, we have forgotten what it is like to disassociate anymore. We may be made of hundreds of people, but now our minds are melded into one. It is who we are, and we have to accept it.”

  “Why are you choosing to spare us?” Shera could not help but ask.

  “For three hundred years, we have seen the smiles and sadness of the Sedayvalian. We love them with all our heart. From the wail of a newborn child to the last breath of the centenarian in Sedayval, we have been there all the way.”

  Shera looked at the beast. Though it wasn’t the truth she had expected, she had finally found some closure. There was nothing else left to be said. People were beginning to evacuate around them, heading to the Central Square or the temples.

  Chapter 9: Epilogue

  They were teleported to a distant Cliffside on lower Earth, about seventy miles away from the floating city. There, they could see the floating city of Sedayval. But it now seemed bare. The greeneries that once littered its surface were now brown or red. The obsidian underbelly was rusty. The water from the Vahana river that flowed against gravity into the city now ceased to exist. Sedayval was slowly dying with the Jewel of Maan.

  The one hour given to them by the Jewel of Maan finally came to an end. Even from a distance, Shera and Vahren could hear the Jewel of Maan give out a great roar. There was a flash of light as the dragon imploded within itself. With nothing to keep it afloat, the great rock that was Sedayval came crashing to the earth. A cloud of dust and a great rumble of the earth were felt from where Shera and Vahren stood. The dust would not dissipate for weeks. People from far and wide would soon learn that the floating city of Sedayval is no more.

  Shera thought that she would cry at the destruction of her homeland. But, as she looked at the thick smog formed at the crash site, all she could feel was relief.

  “Everything in my life has been a lie. I don’t know what to believe in anymore, Vahren.”

  “There are things in life that you don’t have to believe sometimes. And it is fine to say that you don’t know, and you don’t want to know. Curiosity is a kind of dangerous drug.”

  “But what if I wanted something more to life? What if I wanted to believe that there was something great?”

  “Then when it isn’t, you would be disappointed. But if it is, you would then be happy. But let me ask you this. Wouldn’t it be better sometimes, to just not know?”

  Shera pondered long and hard at Vahren’s question. They stood at the edge of the cliff, arms clasped into each other’s.

  “Tell me something that is true then. Make me believe in something.”

  Vahren smiled wanly. The sadness was still evident in his face. He had come to Sedayval to free the Jewel of Maan. Instead, he had to accept that it too, just wanted to die.

  “Believe in me, Shera. We have a saying in Shando. A dragon is made from two things; love and belief.”

  She smiled at him..

  Satisfied, Shera jumped off the cliff, hands still clasped in his. The surprise on his face was not unpleasant. He had anticipated her move. The duo held hands midair, the loud whooshing sound in their ear deafening to all the other sounds in the worlds. The bright light from the seemed so incandescent when viewed from the perspective of a falling body. Shera could only squint, unable to take in the rush of air coursing through her as she plummeted to the ground below.

  There was a time to anchor one’s beliefs on the ground, and there was a time to take it up. A good ship knew how to do both.

  As the brown dragon took to the sky, it flew not with a sense of purpose, but one that was of accomplishment. The body was encompassed of calmness and emotional turmoil, balance in imbalance, and truth in a sea of lies.

  When Shera and Vahren flew together as one, they did so, not because they knew they were in love; but because they were curious enough to search within themselves, and admit that they would not know where this relationship would head to.

  The fusion gave out one roar into the sky, and flew towards the eastern region of Shando.




  Amelia Wilson has dedicated her life to writing. She is a firm believer in the power of love to conquer all, and her works reflect this belief. Her paranormal romances are known for their love stories, action and suspense. She creates immersive worlds that are rich in detail and full of emotion.

  Amelia can be contacted at her Facebook page or through her newsletter.

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  Note From the Author

  Hello Reader

  Hope you enjoyed this book.The reason I'm asking for reviews: reader reviews are the lifeblood of any author's career. For a humble t
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  And if you'd like me to send you a personal thank-you email, just reply to this address and let me know.I'll be staying up late to thank each and every person who leaves a review - because you rock.Once again, thank you for your support - and enjoy what's left of the weekend!


  Amelia Wilson


  Wicked Vampire 2:

  A Dark Truth


  Amelia Wilson















  Copyright  2016 by Amelia Wilson

  All rights reserved.

  In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited, and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.

  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.


  The Start of a Beginning

  It was dark and the air felt humid. An endless wall of red bricks was on her side as she ran. The pavement was uneven and made her trip on her own feet but she continued her long strides, looking back from time to time.

  There was no moon and the illumination was close to nil. There was barely any source of light save for the lamp post meters away from her. She felt for the bricks to guide her and she panted as she slowed down with her pace while using the wall as leverage.

  When she reached the end of the street, she stopped and leaned back on the wall, tilted her head up and heaved deep breaths. It was dead silent but she was aware that someone was coming near. No sounds of footsteps were heard yet her heart thrummed in anticipation.

  A minute did not last when what little lighting she had was blocked. Her eyes were still shut but the world seemed to have become darker.

  Her heart started to pound harder; she can feel the blood rushing through her veins. There was someone in front of her and it excited yet scared her. There was anticipation and dread enveloping her being.

  The figure came closer and she could hear the loud breathing coming from a mouth, the air lightly hitting her face and making her knees buckle.

  A hand rested on her shoulder before it traced to the dips of her collarbone and then her neck. Her blood was rushing and it was dizzying. The touch brought a pleasant sensation, it felt heavenly and she almost mewled in desire.

  She tilted her head up in invitation and lips pressed down against hers, firm but not prodding. Her hands shook in anticipation and moved blindly to rest on broad shoulders.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” The whisper sent tingles down her spine and she shook her head vehemently.

  “You won’t.” She protested, hooking her hands around the neck and pulling the other down.

  There was a lick down her throat and she gasped.

  Madison stared blankly at the ceiling as she woke up gasping for air while sweat misted her face. She felt a lick and that was when she registered that a man’s body was hovering over hers, sucking on her neck softly.

  She groaned at the feeling.

  “You’re awake?” The teasing voice made her smile despite still being perturbed by the dream.

  She rested her hand on Easton’s head and tugged his hair lightly. “What are you doing here? It’s…” She glanced at the clock on her bedside table. “Four AM, why are you here?” Despite her question, she carded her fingers through his hair, enjoying the soft moans he let out whenever she barely pressed on the scalp.

  “I missed you.” She shivered. She had known him for months but his deep, raspy voice still had the same effect on her. It was calming yet at the same time, it spiked feelings she could not explain.

  He pulled back and dropped a soft peck on her lips. He cupped her cheeks and kissed her again, gently and loving.

  “I dreamed of something weird.” Madison turned to her side and Easton followed, setting behind her and wrapping his hands around her.

  “What dream?” He nestled his face on her neck comfortably, snuggling as closely as possible.

  “I…” Madison’s brows furrowed. “I can’t remember. It just feels weird.”

  Easton hummed and rubbed his hand down her arms. “Go back to sleep. I’ll be here.”

  She felt her lids drooping and she managed to tell Easton to make sure to leave early so her aunt, Courtney, would not see him. She was off to dreamland as soon as she mumbled out those words, not bothering to wait for his reply.


  Let’s Ignore the Questions and Bask in the Bliss

  Madison collected her things from the desk and slung her bag on her shoulders before trudging out of the room. The hallways were filled with students on their way to their next classes and she slowed down her steps. She did not want to stumble against someone, not when she was a minute away from falling asleep.

  She blinked and fought down a loud yawn. With the way she was echoed by the other students, she supposed she was not the only one who had a hard time waking up early again after a short break from school.

  Her eyes felt heavy so she shut them for a while in an attempt to gain back normal consciousness. She walked in small steps but she did not get far before let out an “Oomph,” and took steps back when she crashed into someone.

  “Oh! I’m sor--” The rest of her apology was left unheard because of a chuckle. The sound was melodious and soothing to her ears. It was the voice that she always yearned to hear first thing in the morning. Sometimes, it was the only reason why she wanted to wake up and start her day.

  “I told you, you shouldn’t have stayed up too late finishing that book.” A large and heavy hand ruffled her hair affectionately and she ducked to prevent him from ruining her already unflattering hair.

  She yawned again. “Can we go to the library?”

  “Of course.” He kissed her temple lightly.

  She felt an arm wrap around her waist and he started to walk slowly, guiding her and shielding her from the students loitering the hallways. She leaned on him, basking in the security he always gave her when they are together.

  She chanced a glance on their way every now and then, checking if he was indeed leading her to the library. The next time she felt conscious was when he let her sit on a chair gently. Madison immediately folded her hands on the table and settled her head, yearning to take the nap she had been daydreaming of while she was in her class.

  It was an hour later when Madison woke up. She could hear the faint shrills of ringing bells and she searched for her phone frantically, sighing in relief when she confirmed that she did not oversleep to be late for next class.

  “Morning sleepyhead.” She turned around, smiling at the sight of Easton, with his face propped up on his palm while he rested his elbow on the table. It seemed to be one of his favorite poses whenever there is a table nearby. He tended to just keep silent and brood about whatever he was thinking while his head was rested against his hand.

  The action makes Madison sigh dreamily. With his dark eyes, prominent jawline, and sensual lips, it was hard not to regard him as a gorgeous being. Sometimes, Madison pondered why would he even be attracted to her when she was far from having ideal traits, though she always jokingly credited it to the weird preferences of a vampire guy. He was probably fed up with beautiful girls of his caliber with how long he had lived that he just settled on mediocre choices.

  Easton winked at her and she felt the heat creep up her cheeks.

  “I haven’t seen you blush like this for a while.” He pinched a che
ek as he chuckled. Even the sound of his laughter attracted Madison like no other. She was smitten with Easton and apparently, he was extremely attracted to her, too, enough to even risk dying in the hands of a vampire hunter.

  It had been a month since the fight between Easton and Richmond. Back then, Madison’s normal, dull days became days when she had to be in the midst of the tension between a vampire and a vampire hunter. It was unnerving to be the witness of how much they detested each other until it broke up into a real fight that rendered Easton injured for a week.


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