Gods & Monsters: The Gods & Monsters Trilogy Book 1

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Gods & Monsters: The Gods & Monsters Trilogy Book 1 Page 42

by Janie Marie

  The deadly look on his face dropped. “Jane.” He reached down and pulled her to him, cupping her cheek as he gazed into her eyes. “What’s happened to you?” He smoothed the sweaty hair out of her face. His eyes burned brightly as he pulled his hand back and looked at the blood coating his fingers.

  She cried as she stared into his eyes. She was exhausted and terrified, but relieved that he was holding her. He held her, but it seemed like he, too, stood on one side of the glass wall around her. She knew he was there, but it wasn’t enough.

  More tortured cries sounded around her. She tried to turn to see what was happening, but he held her face. “Don’t look,” he said softly, not looking away from her eyes.

  She nodded as he kept up his scrutinizing search of her face. He trailed his fingertips across her cheek and down her jaw. Tingles. She sighed and closed her eyes.

  “Look at me, Sweet Jane.” She obeyed and found him staring at her. “You need to go to your family. Go to David.” She shook her head, but he gripped her tighter, raising his voice when he spoke again. “Yes, Jane... Stop this. You are stronger than this.”

  “I’m not.”

  His fierce look vanished, and he cupped her cheek. She could barely hear the screams from the demons around her as he lowered his face within an inch of hers.

  All she saw was his beautiful face, and he smiled that smile that had always remained out of reach in her dreams. “You are.” He brushed his nose against hers, and she shivered from the sparks that spread from the small contact. “Do you feel it—me?” She whimpered and nodded. “Remember how much I love you, Sweet Jane.” He kissed her cheek. She gasped at the electric shocks left by his lips. “Remember how much David loves you. Remember Nathan and Natalie.” He pulled back slightly to smile at her. “Come back, baby girl. I am with you. I will always come back for you.”

  Giving her no time to respond, he covered her mouth with his.

  The eruption of sparks overwhelmed her. All thoughts of fear and sadness were smothered. The glass wall splintered before finally shattering into a million pieces. All his strength and love called to her in the dark room she’d hidden herself in and demanded she come out.

  His lips moved with hers, so loving and delicate. Memories of him holding her and the loving way he always cared for her came forward. She wanted to cry as much as she wanted to kiss him harder.

  Death didn’t let her cry. He licked her lip and then pushed her mouth open. His soft kiss turned to a more powerful, hungry one as he explored her mouth with his tongue. She felt he was showing that he would protect her—always be strong for her. That he’d always come when she needed him.

  Her heart filled up. The emptiness was replaced with his unique warmth as electricity sizzled throughout her body. His muscles flexed around her until he slowed down his kiss, ending it completely when he pulled back.

  She slowly opened her eyes and found him smiling as he returned her gaze. He pressed his lips to hers and whispered, “There you are, Sweet Jane.”

  She smiled but cried. “I’m sorry, Death.”

  His head shook. “It’s okay. But I need you to go now. Your hold won’t last on them much longer.” He glanced around at the waiting enemy with a frightening glare. She looked around. He had distracted her so much that she had completely forgotten about them.

  His words registered, and she realized the demons appeared to be immobilized. A few dozen closest to them looked almost dead as flesh and bone withered away.

  “I’m doing that?”

  Death chuckled and delightful shocks danced across her skin as he caressed her cheek. “No. You’re holding them. I’m doing that.” He motioned with his eyes to the writhing demons. “I told you that you were strong.” He wore a proud smile. “You won’t last much longer, though. Go to David. Why the fuck you’re not with him, I don’t know, but go—tell them you must prepare your family to leave. Go with the knights, Jane. None of you are safe anymore. They’re after you.”


  “I don’t know everything yet, but I’ll explain when I can. For now, you must leave. I will deal with this.”

  Jane shook her head, gripping his jacket. “I’m not leaving you!”

  He smiled and kissed her again. “You have to, angel. I’ll catch up, but you must do as I say. Go to David. Tell him what’s happened and that you want your family. He won’t refuse you.” She melted as he kissed her once more. “I will be there before you know it.”

  She whimpered at the thought of leaving him here. There were still hundreds of them, and they looked ready to rip him apart even with the terror in their dark eyes. They were ready to go down fighting. She already knew he could be hurt after watching him spar with David. His blood was as red as hers.

  “Sorrow,” Death said, staring over her shoulder.

  The magnificent horse emerged from his emerald flames in the ground and stepped close. Jane looked between the horse and Death. He pulled her in for another quick kiss and pressed his forehead to hers. “Sorrow will take you to David. Do not come back for me, and do not go anywhere else.”

  “Death,” she said, still not wanting to leave him.

  “Do as I say, Jane.” He kissed her again and lifted her on the horse’s back. “Take her to David.”

  The horse nodded with a snort. Death smiled at Jane’s sad face. “I love you,” she told him in a pathetic whimper. And she did. She loved him so very much, and she felt every bit of their love passing between them.

  He smiled wider. “And I love you, Sweet Jane. Drop your hold now.”

  Sorrow started to walk away, but she turned to face Death. She feared he would get hurt.

  He nodded to her, and she watched his scythe appear in his hands again while he gave her a playful grin.

  She shook her head as Sorrow picked up pace. “No! I can’t leave you.”

  He laughed, a dark, terrorizing laugh. “Drop your hold, Jane.”

  She yelled back, feeling blood drip from her nose. “No!”

  His smile dropped. “Do it now!” His thunderous roar shook the ground, and she nodded quickly, letting go. The hisses and snarls increased while her hair blew around her face wildly, but she watched Death smile again.

  Never taking his eyes from hers, his scythe lit up and split into two smaller, fiery versions of his deadly weapon. Their wicked blades burned blue from the hellish fire he had called forward.

  Her eyes widened as she watched his jeans and jacket darken. Now, the blackest of fabrics hugged his muscular body, and a hood covered his head. She still saw his glowing emerald eyes through the darkness his hood cast over his face.

  “You forget, babe.” He turned to face the swarm but looked over his shoulder one last time. “I’m Death.”

  FURY AND DREAD CONSUMED David’s heart as Jane’s home came into view. His panic reached new heights when he saw Dagonet and Lucan arguing outside. She was already gone.

  David came to a stop in front of them, yelling, unable to contain his rage. “Where is she?”

  Dagonet sighed. “David, I’m sorry. I checked on her often, spoke with her even, but she slipped out the window sometime after I returned to my watch.”

  All rational thoughts left David’s mind, and he grabbed Dagonet by the throat, lifting him off the ground. “Where is she?”

  Gawain and Hades finally arrived. They pulled at his hands, but he shook them off. He glared at the old vampire but dropped him to the ground.

  Dagonet rubbed his throat and coughed. “I do not know. She left false trails, but I didn’t want to leave my post. Lucan searched, but he has been unsuccessful in finding the right path.”

  David snarled at the useless answer. It took all his restraint not to kill his old friend.

  “David, calm down,” Arthur said, walking up to put himself between them.

  It only pissed David off to hear Arthur’s authoritative tone mix with his words. He would kill anyone who hurt her.

  Arthur gave him a stern look. “We’ll find
her. You need to think clearly. Your anger will not help you find her any faster.”

  David could barely keep from baring his fangs as he gave out orders. “Gawain, Hades, come with me now.” He began making his way around the house to locate her trail when a soft cry made him stop. They all looked around in the direction of the sound.

  Hades pointed down the street. “There!”

  David’s rage vanished, and he immediately ran toward the enormous horse barreling down the street. Sorrow reared back, neighing loudly as he stomped at David’s quick approach but allowed him to come near. David didn’t care about the horse. He would have punched him if he tried to keep him away.

  Jane’s bloody face and tangled hair finally came into view, and his eyes widened as she sobbed, spotting him, too.

  David quickly pulled her from the horse and hugged her trembling body. “Oh, thank God.”

  “Oh, David. I’m so sorry.” She tried hugging him, but her hands fell to her sides, and she simply cried.

  He squeezed her, softly kissing her head. “Shh, baby. It’s all right.”

  He was so relieved when she melted into his embrace. She was acting like his Jane again.

  She cried harder. “I’m sorry.”

  He hugged her but quickly pulled back to inspect her bloody face. “What happened to you? Where are you hurt?” He turned her head from side to side and looked her over carefully but found no open wounds.

  “I’m fine. This came from my nose and ears.” She pointed to her bloody nose. Her energy seemed to suddenly fade. So much so that he had to support her weight.

  He lifted her into his arms and began carrying her to the house. “I’ve got you. Tell me what happened, Jane.” He smoothed her tangled hair out of her face and tried wiping the blood from her face while her eyes started shutting.

  “Death saved me,” she said, bobbing her head as she fought to keep her eyes open.

  Arthur held the door for him, and they entered the living room. David quickly sat down with her in his arms as Gawain handed him a wet cloth.

  David wiped the drying blood from her face. He was overwhelmed that she was finally showing emotion, but he was worried about her physical state. She was pale and weak. “Baby, look at me. I need to know what happened.”

  Jane held his pleading gaze. “I couldn’t hold them back anymore. He saved me—told Sorrow to bring me back to you... He said I need to stay with you and get my family.” Her eyes fluttered shut, but David gently shook her to wake her up. “Not safe,” she whispered. “They’re coming for me. I couldn’t hold them—they want me... Inside my head. It hurt.” Her eyes shut and her breathing slowed.

  “David, feed her,” Hades said, panic visible in his eyes from where he hovered nearby. “She’s completely drained of energy. Whatever she did, she’s used up almost all of it.”

  David nodded and grabbed hold of her face. “Jane, wake up. You need to feed again.”

  She barely opened her eyes but nodded and took David’s wrist. She bit down, drinking slowly at first. His panic was still too present to enjoy her touch, but apparently, not enough for Jane.

  Though her eyes stayed closed, she moaned loudly and tugged him close to her.

  David look around with a slightly embarrassed look, getting a grin from Gawain and Arthur. Hades had a teasing glint in his eyes, but he kept his face neutral for their moment.

  Finally, after lots of moaning from Jane, she slowed her pace and opened her eyes. David smiled as she let go and felt so relieved when that beautiful blush spread over her cheeks, and her hazel eyes shimmered with all the colors he loved so much.

  She leaned against him as Hades knelt in front of them and addressed her. “Jane, are you feeling better now?”

  “Yes.” She glanced up at David. “Thank you, David.” Her smile made him forget everyone else.

  Hades interrupted their staring contest with a small cough and an amused grin before turning more serious. “Jane, you need to tell us what happened. Where is Death?”

  She froze and pulled away from David completely before she suddenly jumped up.

  David stood up. “Jane, calm down. Just tell us what happened.”

  Her eyes moved around. Panic and sadness flooded her gaze as she met every pair of concerned eyes and when her gaze settled on Dagonet, her lips quivered.

  “Baby,” David said, trying to get her away from whatever saddened her over Dagonet. “Don’t be afraid. We need to know what happened.”

  She held his gaze and nodded. “I was going to meet Lucifer.”

  Well, he wasn’t expecting that.

  A slew of curses in languages that even David couldn’t understand spilled out of Hades’ mouth but all David could focus on was her eyes. So colorful once more but what shocked him was the amount of fear she looked at him with.

  David had never been more pissed off in his entire life than he was at this moment. His muscles felt ready to explode. “Jane,” he said, barely holding his temper in check. “I need you to tell us everything.” He stared at her frightened eyes. “I’m not mad at you. I will not be angry with you over whatever you tell me—but I will be furious if you keep things from me now. No more hiding what’s hurting you or what you’re afraid of. Do you understand?” Some of his anger slipped away as he watched her flinch. He didn’t want to be harsh with her. Ever.

  “I’ll tell you everything.” Her voice shook, but she held his fierce stare.

  He knew he looked threatening, but she did not break eye contact even though her lips trembled and her eyes reddened more. She looked at him as though she were seeing him for the last time, just like she had done before she told him about her past. He knew she was preparing herself to lose him from whatever she was about to say.

  David exhaled and held out his hand. “Come here.” To his relief, she ran right into his arms, shaking as she tried to hold her cries in. He wrapped his arms around her, breathing her in as he hugged her.

  “I’ll tell you,” she whispered.

  “I know.” He kissed the top of her head. “And I will still be here when you finish.” Small fingers dug into his sides as she pulled him to her more. He smiled—it was like she was trying to hold on to him. “Go on, Jane. Every detail you can recall.”

  And she did. She told them everything.

  He had hugged her, rocked her—placed kisses even when he wanted to yell at her for thinking some of the things she had been. But he didn’t.

  When tears slid down her cheeks, he wiped them away. When she seemed too ashamed and tried to pull away, he hugged her tighter. When her body shook, and she spoke of the fallen angels and demons along with their mental attack, he kissed her forehead and promised her those things they made her see would never happen… And when she recounted the use of her power, he smiled down at her in awe.

  His amazement faded when she explained her powers had not been enough and annoyance along with relief rose up in him as she talked about Death arriving. He watched her eyes light up as she spoke of her angel and how he pulled her from her own personal hell. Death had saved her again, and David already knew how Death would bring her back: a kiss.

  It hurt. It felt like a fatal wound to the chest, but he kissed her forehead when watery, hazel eyes stared at him. She had not wanted to tell him this, but she did.

  “David,” she said, pulling his attention away from thinking about her and Death kissing, and onto her alone. “I want my family to come with us. We need to listen to Death—it’s not safe. I won’t leave them.”

  He searched her face and knew there was no way he could get her to leave. She’d do whatever it took to get them away from danger. Honestly, he was happy she was so protective of them again.

  “Arthur.” David looked away from her. “We must bring them with us.”

  Arthur exhaled but nodded. “There will be strict rules, but we will talk to Jason.”

  “Really?” Excitement lit up her face.

  “Really,” David said. “I will have to be with
you because it is still too dangerous for you. We will all have to watch you carefully around all mortals. You understand, don’t you?”

  Jane nodded eagerly with that beautiful smile that he loved to see on her lips. “Yes, I understand. Thank you, David.” She hugged him back, hearing the others laugh. She pulled back to look at Arthur. “Thank you.”

  “You are welcome, Jane,” said Arthur.

  Her eyes drifted to Hades, and she asked him, “Will he be all right? He made me drop the hold I had on those things and forced me to leave.”

  Hades laughed off her fear. “Of course he’ll be fine, Jane. He’s Death.”

  Jane frowned and looked to David for reassurance. He thought it was cute that she would ask him if the Angel of Death would be safe. “I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

  “Okay,” she whispered before looking around. “What happened with you?”

  Arthur answered her. “Tristan was injured, but he will recover. David can tell you later.”

  “Oh. Well, when can we go?”

  Arthur sighed but answered her. “I will call for our crew to head in. It will take a day for them to get here. Why don’t you shower as we all get cleaned up to meet your family?”

  “That sounds great,” she said, almost tugging David’s hand to run out, but Arthur stopped them.

  Arthur lowered his face to look her directly in the eye. “Whatever reservations you have about your contact with David needs to be set aside from here on out.” She looked to him and bit her lip as Arthur added, “You two are not a mistake. You are not a mistake.”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  Arthur shook his head and smiled. “No, my dear. You are only trying to do what you think is best by everyone else. For now, though, you need to do what’s right for you.”

  Jane looked around and when her gaze landed on Dagonet, she lowered her head. “Dagonet, I’m so sorry.”

  His old friend walked up to them and lifted her head with his finger. “Apology accepted, Jane…if you promise to remember our chat.”

  Jane suddenly hugged Dagonet. “I will remember. Thank you for telling me. I wish you could have them back.”


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